I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 153 The third power, Susanoo!

After determining the "identity" of Uchiha Hikaru.

Xia Mi's doubts became even more serious-

As a noble first-generation species, the king of the earth and the mountains, she was not unfamiliar with the other three kings. After all, they were "brothers and sisters" in a sense.

Although they had not seen each other for a long time since the end of the dragon era, the dragon breath buried deep in the blood could not be changed.

Before awakening, when they existed as humans, they could hide it.

Once they regained power and strength, they would become as obvious as fireflies in the dark night.


She couldn't see or feel which of the other three pairs of twins the girl in front of her was!

What made Xia Mi even more concerned was that when the battle was so intense, the opponent showed no signs of dragonization at all, and still used the fragile human body to fight her, even the color of the skin surface did not change at all!

What does this mean? !

Could it be that as a dignified dragon king, he didn't even have the qualifications to make the other party reveal his dragon body?

Relying on being a combined dragon king, he could look down on others like this?

For a moment, Xia Mi even felt a little wronged.


Uchiha Guang seized this fleeting gap and swung a knife in front of him!

Swish——! ! !

The eighth-level instant burst, forming a knife several times the speed of sound, tore through the air in an instant, carrying a hazy fire-colored light, and swung it towards Xia Mi. The latter was distracted and reacted slowly for a moment, and then swung the Death Scythe to block in front of him.

Accompanied by a deafening explosion, the two weapons shattered at the same time, exploding into metal fragments all over the sky and shooting everywhere! !

Amid the flying iron filings, blood appeared!

Uchiha Guang swung a punch hard and hit Xia Mi's chest!

Bang! ! ! !

At this moment, the tremendous force that erupted from the slender arms knocked the Dragon King straight down from the sky, like a falling meteor!

In mid-air, Xia Mi stretched out her arms with all her strength, opened the pair of eerie bone wings behind her, and chanted the dragon script loudly. The domain called death expanded again, forming an endless air vortex around Uchiha Hikaru, pulling her body down to the platform below!

Word Spirit·Wind King's Eyes!

Accompanied by two bangs, the two figures fell on the platform one after the other.

As soon as Xia Mi stabilized her body, she bent her knees and squatted, punching the ground heavily!


Amid the harsh explosion, the ground of the platform exploded, and the ground turned over like a snake bone, and in the blink of an eye, a bottomless crack extended!

——This is the innate ability of the king of the earth and mountains. Find the "eye" of everything, then strike hard from the weakest point, infuse power, and then destroy it instantly. Theoretically, even a mountain can be blown up with one punch!

As Uchiha Guang's feet swayed slightly and fell into the crack.

Xia Mi slammed the ground again!

Strong stress erupted from one point and spread to every corner of the crack in an instant. Countless rock cones and steel bars protruded from the rolled ground and bent into a huge spiral structure, like a sharp birdcage, wrapping Uchiha Guang in it!

Trapped in a place where he must be killed.

Uchiha Guang exhaled lightly: "It seems that it is too difficult to fight a dragon king only by relying on the word spirit..."

Although he was nicknamed "the strongest second-generation species", Xia Mi was a dragon king after all, and he was weak only compared to the other dragon kings who held power and strength.

Moreover, the love-brain factor must be considered...

After all, even in the battle with Chu Zihang, Xia Mi had always had the upper hand, and her final death was no different from offering her head...

The thought lasted only a moment.

The next moment.

Uchiha Hikari closed her eyes and opened them.

Her beautiful pupils had been lost in the fierce battle just now, and in her eyes, which were now open, a gorgeous and fiery red color was beating.

"...The third power, Susanoo!!!"

The pupil power surged.

The dark red aura appeared around her, and in the blink of an eye, a dark red giant was formed, wrapping her whole body inside. The "bird cage" formed by reinforced steel and rocks was like thousands of hands reaching out from all directions, firmly holding the Susanoo constructed by chakra. Even with the third form of Susanoo power, it was a bit difficult to break free for a while.

But, that was all.

Uchiha Hikaru stood at the head of Susanoo, raised his head slightly, and looked at Xia Mi above the crack through the layers of steel jungle: "Do you want to fight again, Jörmungandr?"


Xia Mi's pupils shrank, and the expression on her face became subtle again.

What is this...

What kind of words? !

Or is it the alchemical product of the King of Bronze and Fire? !

What's the matter with the magatama in those eyes?

This unknown brother or sister... or maybe a younger brother or sister, why does he always come up with some new things that he has never seen...

The arrogance began to dissipate.

Uchiha Hikaru jumped out of Susanoo and stood again on the platform where it had not been smashed open.

"The power and strength I just showed should make you sit down and talk to me properly, right?"

"Of course, if you still want to continue, I can accompany you, but it will be a fight to the death."

After the battle just now, Uchiha Hikaru has already had a good idea of ​​Xia Mi's strength.

Very strong.

Much stronger than Uesugi Yue and the Genji brothers.

In terms of physical skills alone, Might Guy in the Naruto world is probably not her opponent before opening the seven gates. And that kind of "blasting acupuncture point" ability is stronger than Tsunade's strange power, and theoretically can kill any Kage-level strongman in seconds. Once given the opportunity, perhaps even Susanoo can be broken.

If the fight continues, Uchiha Hikaru is sure to win, but the movement may be quite large.

What if Xia Mi pulls Fenrir to dance the "Shiva Karma Dance" together, then things will be serious...

"Temporary truce? Yes. But I want to know your true identity."

Xia Mi did not remove the dragon state, and still looked at Uchiha Hikaru with a vigilant expression, but there was already a strong fear in his eyes, and even a little fear.

——She still couldn't understand why Uchiha Guang hadn't shown the dragon transformation phenomenon until now, which made her suspect that he had been playing tricks on her from the beginning to the end and had not yet shown his true ability.

Uchiha Guang smiled slightly: "If I say I am a human, do you believe it?"

"Do you think I am as stupid as Fenrir?"

"...No, is it really okay for you to say this in front of your brother..."

"It doesn't matter."

Xia Mi responded naturally: "He doesn't understand."


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