Uchiha Guang glanced at Fenrir in the corner.

The dragon was still confused, as if it had no idea what she and Xia Mi were doing just now. It was only concerned with protecting its pile of bottle caps, candy wrappers, potato chips and cars.

At this moment.

Uchiha Guang sighed with a bit of sympathy, and then looked at Xia Mi again: "Okay, I'll show my hand. You can treat me as the White King, that's what the mixed-bloods in Japan call me."


White, White King? !

Xia Mi suddenly opened her eyes wide, but her pupils almost shrank into a line.

Her first reaction was still impossible.

All dragons knew that the White King had been executed by the Black King in the ancient times. His body was tied to a copper pillar and thrown into the ice sea. After being frozen for six epochs, it was poured into the underwater volcano and burned. Even the ashes were swallowed up by the Black King, who took back the power and authority he had once divided... How could such an existence still be alive?


If it is the White King, then it is reasonable to have such a powerful power.


Xia Mi asked doubtfully, staring at Uchiha Guang's eyes carefully, as if trying to tell if she was lying.


Uchiha Guang nodded.

The chat group and the matter of traveling through the world cannot be revealed casually.

Then, "White King" is a good cover.

Anyway, the real White King has died long ago, and the new White King has not yet been born, and it is impossible for him to come out and expose her.


Xia Mi thought for a while, and seemed to accept this explanation, but was still a little wary: "Then you and Odin..."

"I don't know, I haven't seen it."

Uchiha Guang shook his head: "Besides, you don't think there is anything in this world that can command me as the White King?"


After all, the legendary White King is an existence that can stand on equal footing with the Black King, and only a great existence like the Black King can kill her... Considering that the White King once controlled the "spiritual" element during his lifetime, and was killed after six epochs of freezing, it is possible that he really left some tricks for resurrection.

After accepting this explanation, Xia Mi's hostility gradually receded, and suddenly a somewhat off-line idea came to her mind-

Unlike the "children" of the four great kings, the White King is both the creation of the Black King and the Black King's partner.

It is said that when the White King was executed, the Black King once roared in pain and flew to the highest point of the zenith, and then fell directly into the deepest part of the seabed, breaking through the ice of the severe winter, and went back and forth seven times.

If the girl in front of me is really the White Emperor...

Then what should I call her?


Or... Mom?

The other side.

Uchiha Guang didn't know that Xia Mi had already started to imagine some strange things. She was walking towards the crack, then stopped at the edge, squatted down and looked down: "By the way, will the commotion in this Nibelungen affect the outside world?"

If I remember correctly, Fenrir during Dragon 2 once created a 2.1-magnitude earthquake.

"... There will be some impact, but it shouldn't be serious."

While speaking, Xia Mi had already removed the dragon characteristics, and the bone spurs and scales on her body gradually faded and retracted into her body. The pair of majestic wings behind her also folded up, close to her back and hidden under the skin.

In just a dozen seconds, she had recovered from the state of a little dragon to a human body, and walked barefoot to Uchiha Guang's side. The new skin was as delicate as a baby, and every curve was youthful and beautiful, as if flowing with a faint glow.

Uchiha Guang only felt the whiteness of the corners of his eyes dazzling, turned his head to take a look, and immediately froze in place.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Mi tilted her head, her black hair falling down like water, covering the rise and fall of her chest.

"...Do you want to put on some clothes first?"

Uchiha Guang hesitated.

She suspected that these high-level dragons actually had the gene of astringency, otherwise why did they all like to be naked...

"The noble White King, do you still care about such a small matter?"

Xia Mi blinked: "And you are not much better, are you?"



Xia Mi tore off her hoodie with her little dragon body because she showed her dragon characteristics, so when she transformed into a human again, she became naked. And Uchiha Guang's clothes were also torn into pieces in the battle just now.

Through those large and small gaps, the outline of the upper body can be vaguely seen. Although the skin is not as delicate as Xia Mi's, it is also white and delicate, like the best milk.

Uchiha Guang looked down, then stood up and threw a universal capsule to the side.


The smoke dissipated, and a small house covering an area of ​​dozens of meters appeared in the original place.


Xia Mi opened her eyes wide in astonishment,

"The product of alchemy, how about it, it's amazing, right?"

Uchiha Guang showed a mysterious smile.

Xia Mi: "..."

"Okay, go in and take a shower and change clothes first, then talk about business. If you don't have a spare, you can wear mine first."

Uchiha Guang pushed the door and walked into the small house.


Ten minutes later.

Uchiha Guang walked out of the bathroom barefoot, slowly dried his hair, and then changed into a refreshing casual outfit.

Xia Mi came out a few minutes late, and after picking and choosing in the closet for a while, she finally chose a T-shirt and jeans to change into.

Although they were in a cave deep underground.

But when the two of them changed clothes, the room seemed to emit a ray of bright spring light.


Uchiha Guang glanced at Xia Mi a few times, swallowed his saliva unconsciously, then took a breath and said in a nonchalant tone: "How is it, is the size suitable?"

Compared to Eri, Xia Mi's figure is actually closer to hers, but she is a few centimeters taller, and the size of her chest is not as big as Eri.

So wearing her clothes does not look very out of place.

"The top is a little short... but it's okay."

Xia Mi pulled the hem of her T-shirt, but still revealed a section of her snow-white waist: "Those young human girls should like this style, after all, it can show off their body curves?"

Uchiha Guang glanced at the Dragon King, his eyes narrowed slightly: "It sounds like you understand humans very well?"

"Of course, I have been lurking in human society to study, and no dragon knows humans better than me..."

Xia Mi's tone was a little proud.

But soon, she realized a problem-

Among the four kings, she is the best imitator of the Dragon King, but the "White King" in front of her is probably better at imitating than her. Even the slightest dragon feature can't be seen, it looks completely like an ordinary human...

When she thought of this, Xia Mi couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

"Let's talk about business. I don't know what the honorable White King wants to do by coming all the way to me and Fenrir?"

Faced with Xia Mi's inquiry.

Uchiha Hikaru held up two fingers: "Two things."

"First, I want some of your blood and body tissue, hair, nails, anything."

"Second, let's fight somewhere else and let me see the words you imitated from other kings... I'll forget about the 'Shiva Karma Dance'."

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