I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 155 That’s the art of controlling the sword!

"Blood sample?"

Xia Mi frowned slightly and said in a slightly uncertain tone: "Does it mean ordinary blood?"

"……if not?"

Uchiha Hikaru thought for a while and vaguely guessed the reason why Xia Mi asked——

The blood in different parts of the dragon's body seems to have different properties.

Ordinary Dragon King's blood can only be seen to deduce and destroy the "alchemy matrix".

But the "hard work" of the Dragon King can be used to stabilize the bloodline - of course, it is just "stabilization", not a higher-level "change" - and even store one's own soul in it to prepare for future cocooning.

In the original work, Xia Mi once used this method against Chu Zihang.

From this point of view, Xia Mi's "hard work" should be of great research value.

But considering that the two sides had just lifted their hostility and were not even considered friends, Uchiha Hikari did not say such heart-wrenching words.

Xia Mi thought for a moment: "If it's just ordinary blood... fine. But your bloodline should be better than our first-generation species, right? Why do you need to collect our blood samples?"

"...Due to some reasons, I am not resurrected as a complete Dragon King now. Only my spirit is White King, but my body is human, so I am looking for a way to complete my bloodline."

Uchiha Hikaru continued to talk nonsense without changing his expression.


Xia Mi was dubious, but he didn't dig into the details: "Where do you mean changing places? The outskirts of BJ? Going west from here is a mountainous area, which should be more suitable for a battlefield."

This Uchiha Hikari does know.

Judging from the map, to the west of the apple orchard is the Jingxi mountainous area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers. If you dig into the mountainside anywhere, as long as the mountain is not collapsed, satellites may not be able to detect their location.


"Go to my Nibelungen, it's safer there."

Uchiha Hikari raised his eyes, met Xia Mi's eyes, and activated his pupils: "Relax a little, you'll be fine soon..."

Eye Technique·Tsukuyomi!

To be honest, Uchiha Hikaru was actually a little nervous.

Although so far, she has not encountered a situation where "Tsukuyomi" is ineffective in other worlds, but in theory, this trick can be cracked.

For example, some special kaleidoscopes can decipher Tsukuyomi.

in addition……

If the mental power of the person being cast is strong enough, the effect of Tsukuyomi may be ignored, or even cause backlash.

As a single dragon king who has not been awake for long, Xia Mi may be limited in strength, but she is essentially a dragon that has lived for thousands of years, and she also has multiple personalities - in theory, she will form a similar one every time she is reincarnated. On the personality of "Xia Mi". The mental strength accumulated over a long period of time is unmatched by any short-lived species.

Uchiha Hikaru did not use "Tsukuyomi" on Xia Ya during the previous battle because he was worried that it would cause some unpredictable consequences.


Nothing unexpected happened.

A moment.

The world is spinning.

Xia Mi opened his eyes wide in shock and looked around: "This is..."

"The Death Forest of Konoha Village. By the way, 'Konoha Village' is the name I gave to this 'Nibelungen'."

Uchiha Hikaru moved his neck and made a breath-taking movement: "Let's get started."

"Don't worry about getting hurt, because you followed me here in the form of a spiritual body. No matter how long it takes here, the outside world is only a moment... Come, take a look at your speech spirit."

What follows is a reenactment of the previous battle.

After "knowing" each other's identities, Uchiha Hikaru and Xia Ya had reservations and continued fighting for a while in a sparring manner.

Uchiha Hikaru copied Xia Mi's "Eye of the Wind King" as he wished.

There’s also “The Weasel” and “The Dustless Land.”

Kamaitachi, No. 59 Wind Spell Spirit, is used to eavesdrop on all the subtle sounds in the field. When the blood is exploded, it can be upgraded to an offensive "vampire scythe".

In the Dustless Land, No. 66 Wind Spirit, its function is to construct a huge repulsive force field centered on itself, isolating everything around it, somewhat similar to Payne's "Shinra Celestial Conquest".

"By the way, do you know those speech spirits?"

Uchiha Hikaru thought for a while, then gestured and asked: "Ming Zhao? Mirror Pupil? Time Zero? Bronze Throne? Sword Royal?"

"...I can only imitate the words and spirits I have seen."

Xia Mi hesitated for a moment, then slowly responded: "Mingzhao and Time Zero are very rare word spirits, and even I have not seen them a few times; Jingtong is not a word spirit, but a blood source engraved, which is more rare than Time Zero." It is even rarer and can only be given to those recognized by that noble being... I have imitated the other two."


Although what Uchiha Hikaru wants most is Time Zero.


Jian Yu is also super handsome, isn’t he?

That is the legendary sword-controlling technique!

"Quickly, let me be healthy!"


At Uchiha Hikari's insistent request, Xia Mi showed off the "Sword Control" and "Bronze Throne" in sequence.

As Uchiha Hikaru guessed, the essence of "Sword Control" is to control the magnetic field, which is similar to the principle of the Sand Iron Boundary Method of the Third Kazekage, but has a wider coverage.

It is said that Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire in his heyday, could rely on this word spirit to create a giant magnetic field covering dozens of miles in radius, and then cooperated with "heaven and earth as a furnace" to achieve the effect of thousands of swords. He was an ancient Chinese swordsman. The prototype of the legend.

However, the sword control domain that Xia Mi imitated can only cover a radius of several hundred meters at most.

As for the "Bronze Throne", Xia Mi was very reluctant to show it.

The reason is...

"It's too ugly."

The effect of the "Bronze Throne" is similar to that of "Immortality". Both use the Word Spirit to strengthen their own physique, so as to approach the body strength of dragons in a short period of time. But compared with "Immortality", the appearance characteristics of the "Bronze Throne" are more obvious. When used, the bones and muscles of the whole body will bulge, showing a metallic luster, just like King Kong Barbie.

Therefore, Xia Mi's evaluation of this Word Spirit is very low.

"... Indeed."

Uchiha Guang made the same evaluation after trying it once.

Although her body is smaller than Xia Mi, she looks like a muscle loli after using the Word Spirit, but the style is still a bit weird.


"What if we combine the 'Bronze Throne' and 'Immortality' and use the Eight Gates of the Ninjutsu?"

"There is also the breathing method, which is also linked to physical fitness. Perhaps we can use the power of these two words to achieve the 'Ten Days Calling Method'..."

Uchiha Guang plans to take time to study this topic.

In the process of "discussing" the words.

Uchiha Guang also carefully used the "Eight Thousand Spears" to try to peek into Xia Mi's memory.

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