I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 156 Xia Mi's invitation

"Xia Mi"'s memory is not complicated.

After all, she is essentially a fabricated personality, with only a dozen years of life experience, most of which are no different from ordinary humans. Only two passages are worth noting -

First, Xia Mi went to Shilan Middle School in the small town of Fuzhou to try to make contact with "Odin".

The second is about Cassel.

——Similar to what Uchiha Hikaru had guessed before, Xia Mi is still a sophomore at the High School Affiliated to Peking University, but has already passed the "independent enrollment" of Kassel College. He only needs to wait for the end of this semester to become an "A-level hybrid" "As a student, he transferred to the preparatory class, then trained for one year and was promoted to Cassel College's headquarters in Chicago.


Jormungandr is different.

As far as Uchiha Hikari is concerned, the memory of this Dragon King is like a huge iceberg. What floats on the water is only the tip of the iceberg, and the more parts are bound, sealed and buried by invisible chains. Under the extremely cold ice sea.

If she dives deep, she may be able to see more, earlier, and even dragon secrets from ancient times, but her consciousness may also be frozen by ice, causing irreparable damage.

Just to be on the safe side.

Uchiha Hikaru just stood on the "sea surface" and peeked at some of the memories on the surface of the "iceberg".

Hmm... I guess it's what Xia Mi and Fenrir experienced when they woke up last time.

The time was probably the late Ming Dynasty.

The location is in a dark underground palace.

"Xia Mi", who was wearing luxurious ancient clothes and had a cold expression, stood on a stone platform with his back to a burly general, looking like he was at the end of his fight. The surroundings were filled with white mist of mercury vapor, and an underground river of mercury dyed red, with hundreds of corpses floating on the river.

——The general's appearance is a bit unfamiliar, but judging from his silly look, he is probably Fenrir in his human form.

At this time, there were still a large number of figures rushing towards the underground palace.

"...The governor has an order, no one shall be left alive!"


"This should have happened during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, right? Next, it might be the big explosion of Wang Gong Factory in 1626?"

Uchiha Hikaru vaguely guessed the time when this scene took place.

Suddenly, the screen shook.

Uchiha Hikaru immediately withdrew his thoughts, opened his eyes slightly, and saw Xia Mi, who was sitting opposite, getting up and looking around with a vigilant face.

"What's wrong?"


Xia Mi frowned and supported the ground with both hands. Like a big alert cat, he looked around carefully before sitting back down: "It's nothing, it's just that someone suddenly peeked at us from somewhere... You Are there any other visitors here?"


Did you notice it so quickly?

These Dragon King-level beings...are indeed very sensitive.

But that's okay.

Anyway, the imprint has been laid, and it is not too late to try to pry into the remaining memories after my eye power improves to a higher level.

Uchiha Hikaru's thoughts moved slightly, but there was a calm expression on his face: "Maybe the previous visitors left some residual memories here when they left. Don't worry about it."

As he spoke, Uchiha Hikari raised his hand to reveal a tea set in front of him, rolled up his sleeves slightly, poured two cups of tea with bare hands, and handed one of them to the other side: "Are you interested in telling the story of you two brothers and sisters? ?”

After a moment of silence.

Xia Mi spoke slowly and began to tell.

She was talking about "Xia Mi"'s experience.

Uchiha Hikaru had already browsed through "Eight Thousand Spears" just now, so he was no stranger to it.

Finally, Xia Mi looked over again with glaring eyes: "Then, can I ask, Your Majesty the White King, when did you wake up?"

"Well... I woke up at about the same time as you. It was also the same as the last ten years or so."

"For the past ten thousand years, I have been in the form of a spiritual body, sleeping in the depths of the ice sea, until I was awakened by a sunken ship, which seemed to be called the 'Lenin'... Well, you can see for yourself."

Uchiha Hikari waved his hand again and started playing "Black Swan Port.avi" in mid-air.

She has read this memory from Tachibana Masamune countless times and knows every detail by heart.

At this moment, a little editing and piecing together formed the script of "Herzog tried to steal the power of the White King, accidentally sank the Lenin into the Divine Burial Hall, and sacrificed dragon embryos to revive her, the White King."

This script is almost entirely true, except that the thing that awakened from the Divine Burial Hall, the White King's "holy remains", was replaced by her.

And this is the only fictitious point, but it is the most difficult to falsify.

If I really want to talk about it...

Uchiha Hikari's experience during the Warring States Period was actually a bit similar to Hakuo's, except that it was not as miserable as hers, and he didn't sleep as long as she did...

After watching this cg.

The doubts in Xia Mi's eyes faded a bit again, and there was already a hint of sympathy in his eyes when he looked at Uchiha Hikari.

"...It turns out that a noble being like you has also had such an unbearable experience."

"Sure enough, this is the fate of those who abandon their clan."

Xia Mi took a deep breath and his eyes became solemn: "Excuse me, how should I call you, Your Majesty the White King?"

"up to you."

Uchiha Guang stretched his body: "Anyway, the era of dragons is a thing of the past. We old guys don't need to talk about things back then every day. You can think of me as a pure-blooded human now. I actually like the name Uchiha Guang more than the White King."


Xia Mi nodded: "I understand."

After exchanging their "tragic experiences", the atmosphere between the two became more harmonious, but it was not enough to say "friends". After all, pure-blooded dragons don't believe in friendship.

However, Xia Mi may be an exception. After all, this "strongest second-generation" is famous for being honest but not saying the right thing...


Xia Mi slowly finished a cup of tea, seemed to ponder for a moment, and asked in a low voice: "Light... Sister, after you woke up this time, did you feel some unusual breath?"


"After waking up this time, I had a hunch that something seemed to be secretly planning all this. First, it was me and Fenrir, and then it was 'Odin'... You may not know him, he is the King of Sky and Wind, one of Fenrir and me's brothers. In addition, you, the White King...

There has never been a precedent in history where so many Dragon Kings have awakened and become active at the same time. Maybe, He is coming back."

"You mean... the Black King?"


Xia Mi made a gesture to silence, and looked around cautiously: "Don't call His name directly, it might be noticed..."

"...It doesn't matter, I'm the White King, I'm not afraid."

Uchiha Guang said in a relaxed tone, but there was a bit of weirdness in his eyes.

She was actually a little curious about one thing -

Xia Mi had been in Shilan Middle School for so long, but she really didn't see anything strange about Lu Mingfei?

Maybe she did, but Lu Mingze erased the relevant memories...

On the other side.

Xia Mi tentatively asked: "In order to meet the brewing storm, do you want to sign a covenant, Sister Guang? The kind that uses blood as a witness and fights side by side until death?"

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