I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 162 Are you interested in hearing the story of Yong Daimei?

[Ironhead has downloaded the "One Piece" single volume]

[Yotani Miko has downloaded...]

[Onihime has downloaded...]

As several group members began to bury their heads in reading comics, the chat group temporarily quieted down.

Uchiha Hikaru, the only one who had nothing to do, yawned and moved his gaze to Amber, who was cleaning the table on the other side of the table: "Amber, did Miss Kikyo say where she was going when she went out just now?"

"...It seems that she took Lan and the others to the volcano, saying that she was going to say goodbye to someone."

Amber responded honestly.


Uchiha Hikaru was thoughtful.

Speaking of which, there are actually some indigenous people on Penglai Island.

——This was once an island where humans and monsters lived together peacefully, guarded by the powerful shrine maiden Souji. In order to isolate the maliciousness of the outside world, the latter used the artifact "Sounding Cauldron" buried in the island volcano to create a huge barrier to hide and protect Penglai Island, but in the end, it was taken advantage of by the "Four Fighting Gods". The shrine maiden herself only had a little soul left in the volcano.

In the past few decades, the "Four Fighting Gods" almost ate all the humans and monsters on the island, and only a few half-demons survived.

The half-demons named Lan was one of them.

So, Kikyo should have gone to say goodbye to the soul of the shrine maiden "Souji".

Uchiha Hikaru didn't understand the things between these shrine maidens, and didn't intend to interfere.


She did have some ideas about this Penglai Island -

"Maybe, I can discuss with Kikyo to re-establish the barrier on this island and turn it into a safe house in the world of Inuyasha..."

After the efforts of Uchiha Hikaru and his party during this period of time, the progress of collecting the Four Souls Jade has advanced a lot, and it is expected that all the fragments will be collected in a short time.

By then, Kikyo, as a dead person, will most likely not be able to return to Maple Village. In order to avoid having nowhere to go in the future, it is still necessary to set up a base in advance as a foothold.

It just so happens that the mother and daughter of Shiori who were rescued last time can also be brought here. In the original story, Shiori had built a half-demon paradise after growing up, so it's not wrong to do it a little earlier now.

In addition...

When she killed the "Four Fighting Gods" before, Uchiha Hikari also got some spoils. She planned to go back to find Totosai to see if she could upgrade the Dragon Bone Sword.

When Uchiha Hikari began to list the action plan for the next stage.

In the chat group, a few new messages finally appeared.

[Eri: Um, what happened in the group? I just woke up and it seems like there are a lot of people all of a sudden...]

[Eri @Wuming: Guang? ]

[Wuming: Well, there are a few new people. In fact, one of them is from the world of "One Piece". You should have read this comic. But she herself has not appeared in the current serialized plot. You should only see her father Kaido. ]

[Eri: Kaido? I seem to have heard of this name...]

[Eri: Flipping through the book]

Compared to Eri, who had already read One Piece once but didn't remember it clearly, Bulma, Tanjiro and others had just started to get in touch with this work. After flipping through the comics for a few hours, they gradually came back to their senses and began to communicate and discuss in the group.

[Bulma: Pirates, navy, Grand Line... It sounds like a very interesting world. I really want to go and see it! ]

[Devil's Haunting: Can the thing called devil fruit really gain all kinds of magical powers after eating it? It feels a bit like an imperial weapon, but it is more powerful than an imperial weapon...]

[West Central Tiger: Imperial weapon? What is that? ]

[Devil's Haunting: A weapon made of dangerous and super dangerous species' body materials. There are a total of 48 pieces. Each piece has incredible performance and can give the wearer powerful power, but it will also cause a great physical burden... My "Devil's Haunting" is one of them. ]

[Bulma: Eh? ]

Although Bulma became curious about Brand's world.

But because the current focus is mainly on the world of pirates, she did not ask too much for the time being.

After discussing the issues of "devil fruit" and "pirates" for a while, everyone finally retracted their attention and put it on Yamato.

[Bulma: By the way, what is the matter between Kaido and Kozuki Oden? Why does Onihime, who is obviously a girl, claim to be Kaido's son? ]

[Unknown: That's another story...]

As the only insider in the group.

Uchiha Hikari took a while to roughly tell the story of Wano Country.

During her narration, Yamato finally couldn't help it.

[Onihime: Why do you know so much about Lord Oden? ]

[Onihime:... I didn't expect that my father actually did so many despicable things back then, causing a great hero like Lord Oden to end up like that. ]

[Bulma: Uh... Although it's a bit presumptuous to say this, if what Xiaoguang said is true, your father, Mr. Kaido, is indeed a bit mean. But I think that person named Kozuki Oden is a little... too naive? 】

【Ghost Princess:? 】

[Brand: Indeed. As the leader of a country, he still has such a powerful force. Instead of striving for peace through his own efforts, he puts his hopes on the illusory promises given by the enemy. This behavior is so childish that it makes people laugh! I am afraid that only those good-for-nothings in the empire would be so stupid. ]

[Ghost Princess: What did you say? ! Lord Oden is not stupid. He was threatened to protect his people...]

[Brand: To protect his people, does that mean to compromise with the enemy? To overthrow a powerful enemy, bloodshed and sacrifice are inevitable. Only in this way can we achieve true peace. The false peace obtained by begging for mercy from the enemy is meaningless. ]


It seems that Brand saw his own situation from the events of Wano Country.

The empire in the world of Akagi Slash is actually a little similar to Wano Country.

Both are ruled by treacherous people, seeking power and usurping the country.

Therefore, Brand joined the revolutionary army and was ready to die early.

That is why he was angry at Kozuki Oden, who had a powerful force that could rival Kaido but danced naked for five years.

Seeing that the group was about to start arguing.

As the "elder", Namikaze Minato hurriedly came out to persuade.

[Eternal Sister: Since everyone has joined this chat group, they are all friends. It is better to be calm... Mr. Brand should not be too excited. Miss Onihime is a girl after all, and she has such a bad father and childhood. If she can choose, I don’t think she would want to be born in such an environment. ]

[Eternal Sister @Nameless: Miss Guang, please come out and persuade her. ]


Uchiha Guang recovered from the mentality of watching the fun and rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

[Nameless: I have no intention of commenting on Mr. Oden's actions, but... @Miss Onihime Oden, are you interested in listening to the story of Eternal Sister? That is also a story of fighting against powerful foreign enemies as the leader of a "country". ]

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