I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 163 Yamato: Mr. Minato, please be my father!

The story of Namikaze Minato has long been no secret in the group.

Not to mention Uchiha Hikaru and Bulma who were the initial group members.

Even Kikyo and Yotsuya Miko, who joined the group later, have learned all this in their daily chats and know that he has a son named Naruto. Among them, Bulma and Eri personally went to Konoha to meet Naruto several times.

So, Uchiha Hikaru just started it, and Bulma and others talked about the "Nine-tail Rebellion" in full.

[Wumi: ... That's basically the situation. ]

[Wumi: What do you think? ]

A short silence.

[Brand: Although I don't quite understand what kind of monster the Nine-tail is, it should be roughly understood as a super dangerous species, right? Mr. Yongdaimei was able to think and judge calmly in such an emergency situation and did so many things. It is really admirable. ]

【Nishinaka no Tora: Yes, I thought the "soul" behind Mr. Nagadaime's name had some special meaning. It turns out that you are dead... Sorry, sorry!

The 'people who died surrounded by people' that my grandfather mentioned before his death probably refers to people like you! 】

【Nagadaime: ... Actually, I just did what I should do. There is nothing to praise. I believe that any Hokage in Konoha Village before and after would make the same choice in that crisis, because this is our duty as Hokage. 】

It can be seen that Namikaze Minato is a little embarrassed about his "glorious deeds" being publicly praised in the chat group.

【Nagadaime: And to be honest, I am not a qualified father. Because of my personal decision, Naruto has been carrying the heavy identity of Jinchūriki since he was a child and living alone. If it weren't for Miss Guang's help, I am afraid that Naruto would still be alone until now...】

This time, it was Yamato who reacted the most violently.

【Ghost Princess: Wuwuwu... Please don't say that about yourself! ]

[Ghost Princess: Please forgive my rude words and actions just now. I didn't expect that there are such great people like you in the world, just like Lord Oden... Woohoo, if I were your son, that would be great! ]

[Ghost Princess: Can I borrow your name to call myself? ]

[Eternal Sister:? ]

[Bulma: Huh? ]

[Nameless: 6]

On Penglai Island.

Uchiha Hikaru subconsciously imagined that Yamato stretched out his hand in front of Minato Namikaze with tears in his eyes and said "Be my father", which made him laugh.

But it's normal.

Compared with those weirdos in Wano Country, Minato Namikaze's personality charm is indeed much higher. Even if he didn't take many substantive actions in the identity of "father", he was not comparable to Kaido and Oden.

If Minato Namikaze's rating as a father is 3 or 40, then these two are 0 or even negative...

Since Yamato was moved by Kozuki Oden's story, then hearing Minato's all-round enhanced story will naturally make her feel even more deeply.


The fact that she can say that Minato is "as great as Oden" shows that she has not really realized how stupid Kozuki Oden's behavior is.

And this is a question of knowledge.

Being imprisoned by her biological father since she was 8 years old and trapped on an island for more than ten years, the difference in worldview brought about cannot be completely reversed by relying on a story. Only by letting her know more about the outside world, seeing her own limitations, and then thinking slowly.

[Eitai: That, I don't mind lending my own name, but... Miss Onihime should also have her own name, right? ]

[Onihime: My name is Yamato, if you don't mind, you can also call me Kozuki... Namikaze Yamato! ]


Uchiha Hikaru didn't know what to say.

Bulma couldn't help but interrupt at this moment.

[Bulma: Actually, it's not just Mr. Minato, Miss Kikyo's story is also very touching. And Xiaoguang, who suffered from being sealed underground for more than a hundred years, is still so positive and optimistic to help others...]

[Wumi: Huh? ]

And my story?


Bulma began to tell Kikyo's story.

In the past one or two months, she has almost been staying in the world of Inuyasha, and she lives with Kikyo every day. She knows more about the latter than Uchiha Hikaru, who has read the original work of "Inuyasha".

And Eri, who is in the world of the dragon clan, also timely intercepted the clip of Kikyo being alienated by Naraku 50 years ago and disappearing with the Four Souls Jewel incinerated, and sent it to the group.

This time, Yamato cried even louder.

I don't know if she is already planning to borrow Kikyo's name...

As for Uchiha Hikaru...

Compared with Minato and Kikyo, her experience is not that complicated, and because she is not seen in the 2009 "Naruto", even Bulma and Eri, who are closest to her, can only say a few general things.


There is a lot to say about Uchiha Hikaru's strength.

In particular, the two battles she and Kikyo fought to defeat Naraku and Longgujing were conducted with the group live broadcast turned on, and the video recordings of the time can still be found in the chat group.

So, several newcomers were shocked.

[Brand: Ninjutsu, Susanoo, barrier jutsu... So there are so many magical abilities in the world where Miss Guang lives? And Miss Guang looks less than fifteen years old, right? Younger than Akahime...]

[West Central Tiger: So strong, just like Gojo Satoru! ]

[Ghost Princess: So amazing, but Mr. Namikaze Minato should also have such strength, right? ]

[Eidaime:... Although we have never fought, I am probably not Miss Guang's opponent. At most, I can only rely on the Flying Thunder God ability to remain undefeated. Miss Guang's strength is already among the top in our world. ]

In a fast-moving conversation.

Uchiha Hikari caught the name mentioned by Brand.


In the original work of Killing Akahime, it is not clearly mentioned how long it took Brand to join the Revolutionary Army after defecting from the Imperial Army, and what he did in the Revolutionary Army... But since he knew Akahime, it is likely that he has already joined the "Night Raid".

Uchiha Hikaru pondered for a moment and asked in the group:

[Unnamed @Brand: Mr. Brand, can I ask you a question? ]

[Brand: Hmm? ]

[Unnamed: Excuse me, do you know someone named Tatsumi? ]


[Unnamed @Nishinaka no Tora: Mr. Yuji, I have a question for you too. How many fingers have you...eaten now? ]

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