I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 165: The Unusual Movements in Demon World

When I heard Bulma say "abandoned warship".

What Uchiha Hikaru subconsciously imagined was a modern aircraft carrier.

Well, it's the kind equipped with an organic fighter group, an accompanying fleet, and a missile launch system.

If such a thing were brought to the pirate world...

That's really interesting.


"We have too few manpower. How can we have a pirate group with only three or two people... Besides, the ocean currents and weather changes in the pirate world are very different from other worlds. None of us understands navigation technology. , You can’t just push the boat away with your hands.”

"But Bulma, you can prepare first and wait until I go explore the road later."

Uchiha Hikaru himself didn't care.

As long as Brand and others agree, she can visit the world of a few newcomers at any time. Among them, only Yamato's world is relatively dangerous, because you may bump into Kaido as soon as you pass by. The other two worlds are fine.

But Bulma and others are different.

Don't talk about Kaido.

Even the "Three Disasters" or any of the Beasts Pirates' masters who are proficient in Haki may pose a real threat to them. Before figuring out the road on the other side, Uchiha Hikaru did not suggest that Bulma and others rush across.

"By the way..."

Uchiha Hikaru suddenly had an idea——

Are there any people in the hands of the Red Silk Army who know how to navigate?

In my impression, the Red Silk Army has many senior cadres with special skills, as well as a large number of weapons and equipment such as aircraft, submarines, and even operable robots. Although these equipment are not comparable to those of later generations of Androids 17 and 18, if you spend some time, you should be able to get a large warship.

As it happens, Uchiha Hikari also has a plan to conquer Dr. Gero.

When we start to implement this plan, we can do some research to see if we can make the best use of the wealth of the Red Silk Army...

Later in the day.

Kikyo returned from the volcano with several half-demon children.

Compared to when she left in the morning, her breath seemed to have changed.

"...I have already met that senior Zuo Ji."

Kikyo explained calmly: "Her soul was on the verge of dissipating. Before she left, she gave her remaining spiritual power to me and asked me to help find a place for these half-demon children to settle down... Their parents were buried. On this island, I plan to reorganize the island’s boundaries and settle them down.”


Uchiha Hikaru was startled for a moment, and then expressed his idea of ​​"creating a paradise on Penglai Island".

"Half-demon paradise..."

Kikyo thought for a while: "Okay. There are still many half-demon children like Lan, Ziori, and Inuyasha in this era. It would not be a bad thing if we can gather the good people among them and place them here."


The Penglai Island plan has been finalized for the time being.

Next, Uchiha Hikaru said hello to Kikyo and Bulma, then left the island and went to find Totosai.

By the way, he used his shadow clone to take Somersault Cloud to Maple Village, intending to bring Zi Zhi and his daughter to the island.

The shadow clone had nothing to say. Zi Zhi and her daughter obeyed Uchiha Hikari's words and agreed almost without thinking. Granny Maple didn't interfere, but asked Uchiha Hikari about Kikyo's current situation with a slightly complicated expression.

——Grandma Feng's feelings for her sister, who was already dead but reappeared due to an accident, are quite complicated.

the other side.

Totosai looked thoughtfully at the pile of things placed by Uchiha Hikaru.

"These things... I seem to have seen them somewhere."

"um, yes."

Speaking of which, the shrine maiden Zuo Ji on Penglai Island knew the Inu Admiral.

And when the "Four Fighters" attacked, she even sent a message to General Inu asking for help. General Dog was already dead at the time, so his two subordinates, Red Evil Ghost and Qitian, chose to go together, and both died. The weapons "Red Evil Ghost Fan" and "Qitian Cannon" were also captured by the Four Fighters.

Uchiha Hikaru has no interest in these two relics. There are two main things she wants to incorporate into the Dragon Bone Sword -

"These two wind and thunder blade fangs are the weapons of the leader of the four fighting gods. They can control the power of wind and thunder."

"And this shield is made of dragon scales. It can absorb the enemy's attacks... Do you think you can integrate them into the dragon bone knife?"

"As for the relics of Red Evil Ghost and Qitian, please give them to General Inu's son Sesshomaru."

Facing Uchiha Hikaru's request.

Totosai thought for a moment: "I'll give it a try, but it will take some time..."

"no problem."

While waiting for the Dragon Bone Sword, Uchiha Hikari went to the Demon Slayer World.

She had promised before that she would take Tanjiro to meet the Neko Sennin, but due to various delays, she had not been able to make the trip. Now that I have a few days to spare, I simply fulfilled this promise.


After all, Tanjiro is a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, and he still has the task of killing demons.

Therefore, Uchiha Hikaru took him to see Uyashiki Yoshiya and briefly discussed the matter of "asking for leave".

"It's Miss Guang, long time no see."

Compared to the last time they met, Ubuyashiki Yoya's health condition has obviously declined a lot, and his eyesight has become blurred - this is obviously the curse of the Ubuyashiki family. However, when he saw Uchiha Hikaru, the lord was still very excited:

"If you ask for leave... no problem, Miss Hikaru, are you going to bring Tanjiro to you for special training?"

"I guess so."

Uchiha Hikaru still remembered that when she and Bulma left the Demon Slayer World, they were mistaken by Rengoku Kyojuro and others as returning to heaven as "Amaterasu" and "Tsukuyomi".

Although Ubuyashiki Yoya didn't say it clearly, it seems that he has some thoughts in this regard.

In a sense...

With the power she has now, in the Demon Slayer World, she is indeed no different from a god.

"By the way, how are Aoi Kamado and the others now?"

"Pretty well, except for a slightly abnormal appearance, their mental and behavioral abilities are no different from those of ordinary people. These are all the effects of your magical spell, Miss Guang."


It seems that the effect of the Impure World Reincarnation is still quite powerful.

"Then, is there any new action from Muzan Kibutsuji?"

Uchiha Guang asked another question.

"Not yet."

Ubuyashiki Kakuya hesitated: "But according to the intelligence recently received by the Demon Slayer Corps, the number and frequency of demons have increased slightly recently. It may be that Muzan is plotting something."

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