I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 166 The New Disciple of the Cat Immortal

Ubuyashiki Yōya briefly explained it again——

Ever since Uchiha Hikari appeared in Demon Slayer World as the "female version of Tsukuni Enichi", Muzan has adopted a tactical retreat strategy.

For several months.

The Demon Slayer Squad killed many ghosts one after another, but Twelve Demons Moon barely saw any of them, let alone Muzan himself.

But recently, maybe because "Uchiha Enichi" hasn't shown up again for a long time, Muzan finally couldn't hold it back anymore and wanted to test it out.

"……Do you need help?"

Uchiha Hikari raised an eyebrow.

"It should be nothing serious."

Ubuyashiki Yōya's tone was very calm: "My precognitive ability did not issue a warning, indicating that Muzan himself will not appear for the time being. If it is the Twelve Ghost Moon...with the lightsaber given by you and Miss Bulma, even if it is When encountering Shangxian, we should be able to fight.”


Uchiha Hikaru thought for a while, took out a small pack of fairy beans from the universal capsule, and placed it on the table: "This kind of thing is a panacea that can cure any injury. I don't usually use it much, so I will give you a few. As long as there is still breath left, even a fatal injury such as a puncture of the heart can be restored to its original state in a very short time.”

"Also, this is an inhibitor made for the recovery ability of ghosts. Although the suppression power is not as strong as the previous laser sword, it should be enough to deal with the ordinary Twelve Ghost Moons."

"The formula is here, you can give it to Butterfly Ninja to study..."

"If you can find Miss Zhushi, you can also invite her back and study it together."

These things are the results of Orochimaru's time.

To be more precise, a “by-product”.

After all, what Orochimaru really wants to do is to further improve the recovery ability of ghosts, eliminate the two shortcomings of "eating people" and "fear of sunlight", and create a perfect creature that can live forever. In his opinion, the ability to suppress recovery is putting the cart before the horse. If it wasn't for Uchiha Hikari's request, he would not study it at all.

in addition……

"The person that Kibutsuji Muzan fears the most is a man named Enichi Tsukuni. He is characterized by red hair and red pupils, and his hair is tied into a ponytail... I have taught Uku Tengen the transformation technique before. If he encounters ten As for Er Guiyue, you can change once in front of them, and Wuxian will see it."

Listen to Uchiha Hikari finish.

Ubuyashiki Yaoya had a look of shame on his face: "Miss Hikaru's gift is too generous, and we deserve it..."

"There are conditions."

Uchiha Hikari smiled slightly and stretched out a finger: "For some reasons, I need a batch of gold jewelry. The exchange conditions are the above things, plus a promise to help get rid of Muzan. I wonder what Mr. Uyashiki thinks? "

"Jewelry... ok."

Of course, these gold jewelry were obtained for Orochimaru.

After all, his scientific research projects were too expensive, and he had almost used up all the treasure Uchiha Hikari had obtained from the Bull Demon King...

Uchiha Hikari was even thinking about whether to build a mine in Demon Slayer World.

——There are still quite a lot of gold and silver deposits in Japan. If the map of Demon Slayer World is consistent with the real world, then the Hishikari Gold Mine in Kyushu, the gold mine with the highest reserves in Japan, should not have been officially mined yet.

There are 170 tons of gold buried in that mine. As long as it is occupied, there is no need to worry about the source of funds.

Uchiha Hikari briefly stayed at the Demon Slayer Headquarters for a few days and communicated with several Hashira who were coming back one after another.

Among them, Sound Pillar Uzuki Tengen has become very proficient in the Three Body Technique, and has basically reached the graduation level of Konoha Ninja School.

Purgatory Anjuro's progress is also obvious. It seems that he has incorporated some "Fire God Kagura" tricks into his original "Breath of Fire".

It is worth mentioning that the size of Mitsuri of the Koizhu Kanroji Temple seems to have grown a bit...

If Tsunade is not counted, Uchiha Hikaru is willing to call her the strongest girl he has ever seen.

"...Are you leaving, Miss Guang?"

"Well, there's still something to do in 'heaven'."

Uchiha Hikari responded half-jokingly.

Then, under the watch of all the pillars, he and Tanjiro both turned into white light and disappeared.

"so good."

Uzuki Tengen sighed: "Tanjiro is so happy to be taken by Miss Hikari to live in Takamagahara."


"Don't you know, Miss Guang and Miss Bulma are actually gods..."

From a certain perspective, the guesses of Yu Zhuan Tianyuan and others are not wrong.

Although Uchiha Hikari did not go to "Takamagahara", he brought Tanjiro to "Karin Tower".

It can be seen that the lonely old cat is quite happy about her arrival.

"It's Xiaoguang."

"I have read all the comics you published last time. They are quite interesting. But why is there only half of the "Hunter" book and the rest?"


Not to mention that the time of the Dragon World is 2009, even in 2029, Uchiha Hikaru estimates that he will not be able to get the completed version of "Hunter" unless he ties up Yoshihiro Togashi and draws it in front of Neko Sennin...

"There are no comic books this time, but I have brought you an apprentice." Uchiha Hikaru waved: "Come on, Tanjiro, call the master."


The Cat Sage was initially a little resistant to the fact that Uchiha Hikaru brought people over to be his disciple without permission.

But when he saw that Tanjiro could actually ride on the golden somersault cloud, his expression began to change.

"Demon hunters, Demon Slayer Corps... So there is such a world?"

"According to the rules, only those who climbed up the Karin Tower can get my guidance. But since you are brought by Xiaoguang, I will allow you to train on the tower first. If you can't climb up the tower after a week, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Tanjiro was still a little confused at this moment.

Coming from the Demon Slayer world, he couldn't imagine that there were talking cats in the world.

However, he still bowed to the Cat Immortal very respectfully: "Master Cat Immortal, I will work hard!"


Tanjiro started special training on the day he arrived.

After asking the Cat Immortal for a bag of Senzu beans, Uchiha Hikaru left the Karin Tower and returned to the Inuyasha world, where he got his "+3 Dragon Bone Knife".

[Brand @Unknown: Miss Guang, we have already found the Arya you mentioned. Her family has indeed committed evil acts of abusing civilians. We are ready to take action today and eliminate them.]

[Brand: In addition, the boss has agreed to the cooperation plan you mentioned before, "providing combat assistance in exchange for spoils of war.\

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