I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 167: First entry into the world of Zan Chi

Cut the world red.

An empty conference room.

Several people in different costumes sat down on both sides of the long table. One of them, a girl with purple hair and glasses, spread out a pen and paper, preparing to take minutes of the meeting.

"Everyone is already here."

The white-haired blindfolded woman sitting at the front coughed and looked at the burly man looking down: "Brand, please tell me about Miss Light, especially her battle with the dangerous dragon-shaped species from another world. , describe it again, let Chi Tong and others listen. "

There are only six or seven people sitting in this room at the moment.

Except for the white-haired and blindfolded woman, the "boss" Najehitan, the remaining ones are all Teigu users without exception——

The holder of Murasame is Aka Hitomi, the holder of Pumpkin Turret is Mayne, the holder of Lion King is Leonai, the holder of Cross Tail is Lubbock, and the holder of All Creation is Ciel.

Together with Brand, they are all the current members of "Night Raid".

A few days ago.

When Najexitan heard Brand talk about the "chat group" for the first time, she thought that he was under too much mental stress due to long-term assassination missions, so she thought about giving him some time off. Go see a doctor.

Even when Brand repeatedly reiterated that he was serious and vouched for his personal credibility, Najexitan was still doubtful.

Until the information about "Aliya" was confirmed.

The boss just started to take it seriously and called all the "Night Raid" members here to hold a group meeting.

"Really or not, another world?"

"I believe Brand will not lie to us, but... this is incredible. According to Brand, that 'Miss Light' is only thirteen years old? Even Chitong is very strong at this age. It’s limited, right? He’s just a young man with good qualifications, how much can he help us?”

"That's hard to say. Some geniuses cannot be inferred using common sense. For example, General Esdeath of the Empire..."


Leonai and others started a heated discussion.

When they had almost finished talking, Najiexitan tapped her fingers on the table and slowly said: "I have considered everything you said, but... now is a critical moment for the revolutionary army to fight the empire. In order to achieve the final victory, all possible forces must be striven for.

Regardless of whether Miss Light is really as powerful as Esdeath, or she is just a young girl with good strength, her conditions are acceptable to us.

According to Brand, she can come to us from her own world through that thing called the 'chat group', and if we take some time to meet each other, there is nothing to lose. "


After Najiexitan spoke, Leonai and others looked at each other and said no more.


Najiexitan looked at Brand: "What did Miss Guang say?"

"...She said it's no problem. She can come over after a little preparation in the next few days."

At this moment.

In the chat group, the situation of Zhanchi World is being exchanged.

[Bulma: Thousand-year Empire? It’s incredible that a country can actually exist for such a long time! 】

[Anonymous: Indeed. 】

[Yoko Mitani: There are quite a few countries in the history books that can last for thousands of years, but it is amazing that they can never change their regime. 】

[Yong Daimei: It’s the first time I’ve heard that there is such a political system... But according to Mr. Brand, that empire is now at the end of its rope and is about to be destroyed? 】

[Brand: Yes, the upper echelons of this country have become corrupt, and they are oppressing the people from the central to the local levels. My former boss, General Liwa, was imprisoned because he refused to bribe important officials in the imperial capital. I I tried to avenge him, but met the same fate, so I defected...]

[Brand: Apart from me, other members of "Night Raid" have also had similar experiences. 】

[Brand: If the existing regime cannot be overthrown and a new order established, this country will become as dark as hell on earth. 】

[Onihime: It sounds a bit like Wano Country...]

In the past few days, Brand has roughly stated the situation on his side in the group.

Mainly about the dark side of the Empire.

Brand did not reveal too many details about the Revolutionary Army, presumably because he was afraid of leaking confidential information.

Uchiha Hikaru has known these things for a long time.

But Bulma and others knew nothing about it, so they were quite surprised when they heard it.

When he first joined the group, Yamato had a dispute with Brand, but now his attitude has changed slightly as the contact deepened.

[Gui Ji: Although you have a bad temper, I didn’t expect that your bones are quite strong... If you need help with anything, you can call me! 】

[Brand: Huh, I'm not as great as your Kozuki Oden-sama. I'm just a nobody who can't stand the current situation... And what the revolutionary army wants to do is quite dangerous. If I don't have enough strength, I will only come here. Die. 】

[Gui Ji:? Do you look down upon my strength? I have a domineering and domineering look. Although I am not as good as my father... Kaido, I am still very powerful! 】

[Brand: Domineering? What is that? Are Miss Ariguang and Mr. Minato great? 】

[Onihime:...How do I deserve to be compared with Mr. Minato? 】

in reality.

Inside the castle on Penglai Island.

Uchiha Hikaru carried the weak Kikyo to the bed and laid her down, then stretched and looked at the mirror.

Just now.

She completed another cycle of "absorbing evil spirits", "purifying evil spirits", and "strengthening pupil power".

Now, the newly formed black magatama in her eyes are almost formed. When closing her eyes, Uchiha Hikaru can even feel that something is about to emerge from the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness, but it is covered by a layer of invisible window paper, so it is like looking at flowers in the fog and not seeing clearly.

"This feeling..."

Is it a new pupil technique?

Or is it a Susanoo spiritual weapon like "Indra's Arrow" or "Ten Fist Sword"?

Uchiha Hikaru is a little looking forward to it.

"By the way, Hikaru, are you really not going to wait for us?"

Bulma stood by with her arms folded over her chest: "On the Four Souls Jade radar, there are only a few fragments left, so it shouldn't be too urgent... I also want to go to the newcomer's world to have a look."

"...This time we are not going on a trip, it will be very dangerous. You should stay with Miss Kikyo for now. If it is confirmed to be safe, I will tell you."

After telling Bulma a few words.

Uchiha Hikaru took a deep breath and tagged Brand in the group.

[Wuming applies to enter Brand's world]

[Brand has approved the application]

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