I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 168 Just tell me who you want to kill

White light flashed.

Uchiha Hikari's figure disappeared from Penglai Island and appeared in Zanchi World.

The first thing you see is a large room.

All the "Night Raid" members, including Brand, were standing around, looking towards her with expressions of disbelief on their faces.


"Can you really travel from another world?"

"Is this the 'Miss Light' that Mr. Brand mentioned? She looks so small, just like a child..."

"so cute……"

There was a burst of discussion.

Brand coughed and spoke solemnly: "First time meeting, Miss Guang, I am Brand. These are my bosses and partners... This is the boss Najiexitan, this is Chitong, this It’s Lubbock…”

After a brief introduction.

As the leader, Na Jieshitan nodded in greeting and said in a deep voice: "It's an honor to meet you, Miss Guang. As a strong person from another world, it is really our honor that you are willing to cooperate with us. But I’m not sure how much you know about our world. You must know that there are so many strong men in the empire’s army, and even the members of the ‘Night Raid’ risk losing their lives at any time to fight against them…”

"Just tell me who you want to kill."


Najiexi was stunned.

Uchiha Hikaru moved his neck and glanced at the people around him without revealing anything: "Maybe we can have a fight first."

"Just as you have doubts about my strength and identity, my understanding of you is also superficial. Let's compare and see our respective levels. Only the strong are qualified to bargain, right?"


This rhetoric of "power and power" was inherited from Xia Mi.


Uchiha Hikaru is indeed interested in seeing the strength of Brand and others in order to judge his own position in this world. Especially when trying to estimate Esdeath's strength.

If nothing else, this person may be the only one who can pose a real threat to her.

"...Then just follow what Miss Guang said."

Najesitan nodded.

Then, she made an invitation gesture and led Uchiha Hikaru and his party outside.

Judging from the surrounding environment, this is a remote mountain col, densely covered with jungle and sparsely populated.

However, the land in front of the house was very smooth. It was probably a training place specially built by "Night Raid".

Uchiha Hikaru took a few steps forward and stood dozens of meters away, crossing his hands and moving his joints a few times.

Opposite him, Brand stood empty-handed.

"By the way...don't Mr. Brand plan to use the Teigu?"

"If we're just sparring, there's no need to use that, right?"

"……what ever."

In fact, Uchiha Hikari wanted to fight Brand who was in the "haunted" state, but Brand was unwilling and she couldn't force him.


"let's start."

The words fell.

Uchiha Hikari's figure flashed across a distance of tens of meters in an instant, appearing in front of Brand like a ghost!

"So fast?!"

Brand raised his arms to block, only to feel a huge force coming towards him, causing him to fly backwards involuntarily!

The next moment, Uchiha Hikari caught up with him like a shadow, and delivered another powerful and heavy side kick.


This time, Brand's reaction was obviously faster. While pressing his heels on the ground to stabilize his body, he raised his elbow to block the side kick, and then punched the opponent. Uchiha Hikaru blocked it with his palm, and landed on the ground with a crisp backflip.

"It's interesting... come again!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Guang!"

After the first round of testing.

Brand's expression also became serious, and he began to show his true level.

According to the setting of the original "Zhanchi", Brand and Chitong are among the Teigu users closest to Esdeath in strength.


Even if it is "closest", it is actually far away.

In the final battle of the original work, Esdeath single-handedly fought against more than a dozen Teigu users, including Red Eyes, plus hundreds of thousands of troops, and the fight was evenly matched. If Murasame's curse hadn't been too overbearing, he might not even be able to defeat her with this configuration.

And now.

After several rounds of fighting, Uchiha Hikari has roughly gained an idea of ​​Brand's strength——

Very strong.

But not as good as Xia Mi.

To be precise, it is not as good as Xia Mi in dragon form.

(Brand, who uses "Evil Haunted", should be much stronger than he is now, and may be close to Shami in dragon form. Then Esdeath's strength...)

(Maybe close to the combined dragon king?)

(Those super dangerous species used to make Teigu are probably at the level of the first generation species, right?)

Thoughts are floating around.

Uchiha Hikaru said in a calm tone: "Mr. Brand, are you still not going to use the Teigu? If it's just a battle of this level, it would be a bit boring."

"...Okay, that's as you wish."

"Haunted by evil spirits!"

As Brand opened his arms, a ball of red flames burst out from his side, turning into a piece of silver-white armor, covering his whole body.


Uchiha Hikaru saw a huge dragon-shaped shadow quietly appearing behind him, and then quickly disappeared into the armor.

"Super dangerous Tyrande?"

In the face of the oppressive feeling, Uchiha Hikaru raised his hand, and the +3 dragon bone knife appeared in his palm. At the same time, he took a deep breath: "Eight Gates of Ninjutsu·The third gate of life, open!"

"Thunder Breath...Thunderbolt Flash·256 times the speed of slashing!!"

At this moment, Uchiha Hikaru's speed suddenly increased several times, tearing through the air with a series of phantoms, and swept towards Brand on the opposite side.


It was almost the same as Uchiha Hikaru expected.

Brand, who activated "Evil Ghost Haunting", was roughly the same as Xia Mi, who had transformed into a dragon. If Xia Mi's "Eye of All Things" authority belonging to the Dragon King was not counted, Brand might be slightly stronger.

Unfortunately, his endurance was insufficient.

After the battle lasted for about ten minutes in a white-hot manner, Brand took the initiative to remove "Evil Ghost Haunting" because of excessive physical exhaustion, and then surrendered.

It was not until this time.

Uchiha Hikaru casually put away the dragon bone knife and cast his eyes on Najeshitan who was watching not far away: "How does this physical ability compare to the imperial general you have seen?"

"Are you talking about Esdeath?"

Najshitan was still immersed in the surprise brought by the previous battle. She pondered for a moment and slowly said: "If compared with Esdeath when she took my eye and left arm, it should not be much different, but if compared with her after taking the 'Essence of the Devil', it is hard to say."


Uchiha Hikaru did not comment, after all, she did not use Susanoo and Mangekyō Eye Technique just now: "Is she in the imperial capital now?"

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