I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 169 Come, cut me with a knife

Esdeath is not in the imperial capital.

At this time, she had just led her army away to the north of the empire to conquer foreign races.

Upon hearing this news, Uchiha Hikaru was a little disappointed: "Then, what about Sheila?"

"Sheila, are you talking about the son of Minister Ernest?"

Najesitan seemed a little puzzled as to why she knew this name, but still responded: "According to our intelligence, he is now traveling around the empire..."

"Can you find him?"

Uchiha Hikaru tilted his head: "I remember, there seems to be an imperial tool used for divination?"


Najesitan's expression became uncertain.

As a person from a "different world", Uchiha Hikaru seems to know too much about the empire. Moreover, the information that "the divination-type imperial tool is in the hands of the Revolutionary Army" was known by only a few people in the entire Revolutionary Army, let alone the "night attack", and there was no possibility of Brand leaking the information.


How did she know?

"Well, don't make a fuss."

Uchiha Guang's lips curled slightly, revealing a faint smile: "My source of information is not anyone in your world, but that magical creation called chat group. As the 'group leader', I still have some privileges...

Please find Xila's location as soon as possible and tell me. In addition, prepare a panoramic map of the imperial capital for me, mark the mansions of the nobles you want to kill, and their main crimes. I will talk to these people on your behalf."

Uchiha Guang's main goal this time is the imperial equipment.

Among them, Xila's "Shangri-La" is what she must get.

-This thing is the only one of the forty-eight imperial equipments that involves space transmission. The transmission distance may be farther than Flying Thunder God, and the destination can even be designated as a place you have never been to. It is a must-have for home travel.

At the same time.

Uchiha Guang doesn't mind taking this opportunity to earn some pocket money for himself to supplement the family expenses.

As for where to earn...

Of course, whoever has money will earn it.

The Revolutionary Army has limited money, and it is all in the hands of those senior personnel. She had said before that "only the spoils of war" was not easy to go back on her word.

But the Empire was different.

The aristocratic class that holds great power in the imperial capital is probably passed down from thousands of years ago. The amount of wealth accumulated by dozens of generations can be imagined. It is legitimate to rob them of their money.

On the other side.

After thinking for a moment, Najeshitan finally nodded: "Okay, if Miss Guang insists on doing so, I will cooperate... But the divination-type imperial tool is not with me. I need to go back to the headquarters to borrow it, which may take a few days."


Uchiha Guang nodded and agreed: "During this period, I will get along well with your subordinates."


After dinner that day, Najeshitan told Akahime a few words and left the "Night Raid" base.

She did not doubt the possibility that Uchiha Guang was an imperial spy.


With the strength comparable to that of Brand in the "Devil Haunted" state, being able to teleport directly to the "Night Raid" headquarters, and knowing some unknown high-level secrets of the Revolutionary Army, it seems unnecessary to play this spy trick.

And even if it is really an imperial spy, Najeshitan is very confident in her subordinates. After all, there is an ace killer stronger than Brand in the "Night Raid"...

At this moment.

Uchiha Hikaru is observing the knife of the "ace killer".

"By the way... is the poison of this Murasame really so strong that it will kill you if you scratch it?"

"Come on, cut me with a knife."


Looking at Uchiha Hikaru's arm that he stretched out, Akahime slowly showed a question mark on his face.

"Are you... serious?"

"Of course."

At Uchiha Hikaru's repeated requests, Akahime hesitated and pulled out the Murasame a little.

Then, Uchiha Hikaru took the initiative to extend his fingers and gently rubbed the blade. He immediately felt a strong sense of numbness spreading from his fingertips. In the blink of an eye, his entire palm and wrist lost consciousness.

But it was also at this time.

Another kind of power emerged from her body, began to alleviate the effect of the poison, and prevented the poison from spreading further up the arm.

"It seems that Murasame's 'curse poison' is also a kind of damage, which can be repaired by restoring the body..."

"It's just that the repair speed is a bit slow. The part that was cut can't move freely for a while, and it has little application value in battle. And if it hits the heart and brain, it may not be able to be repaired..."

After confirming the situation, Uchiha Hikaru cut off his left hand with a knife.

Akahime: "???"

Next, Uchiha Hikaru turned his head and looked at Leona.

The blonde with big breasts was also looking at her—to be precise, she was looking at her severed hand that was bleeding but healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. She opened her eyes wide and showed an expression of disbelief on her face:


“Does Miss Guang have a gadget similar to the Lion King that can even grow a severed hand?”

—Leone’s Lion King Teigu can theoretically regenerate severed limbs, but that is a secret that can only be used when the degree of half-beast transformation is extremely deep, and there is a risk of not being able to recover to human form.

To be able to do this in a human form is beyond Leone's cognition.

"Miss Guang, could it be a super dangerous species that can transform into a human form?"

"Humanoid dangerous species... If you want to understand it that way."

Uchiha Guang did not comment: "Miss Leone, I want to ask you a question. Do you know what magical beast the material of the 'Lion King' comes from?"

"...I don't know."

Leone shook her head decisively: "I bought this thing on the black market. I felt good and wore it on my body. Later I found out that it was an imperial tool."

"Then, Mr. Lubbock, do you know where the habitat of the magical beast that made the 'Cross Tail' is?"


Faced with the question from the beautiful girl Uchiha Guang, Lubbock, an old pervert, scratched his head and chose to tell the whole story: "I once saw it in a book..."

Like "Shangri-La", "Cross Tail" is also one of the imperial tools that Uchiha Guang cares about the most.

But what she cares about is not the "Cross Tail" itself, but the East China Sea Cloud Dragon that provided the raw materials.

——The material used to make the "Cross Tail" is just a few hairs of that super dangerous species, and the latter is a giant monster that is over a kilometer long and may be stronger than Esdeath.

If we can catch this thing and use it as a mount or a summoned beast...

the trip will be worthwhile.

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