I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 170: Xila's Information


Uchiha Hikaru took some time to ask everyone in the night attack one by one.

Among them, Lubbock and Hill revealed some information to her, while Chitong, Mayne, and Leonai did not explore the origin of the Teigu they held, but simply used it as a weapon - or maybe I've explored it, but I'm not familiar with her so I don't want to go into details.

Ask around.

Uchiha rubbed his chin and looked at Lubbock again: "I'm a little curious... Miss Hill's 'Two Cuts of All Things' claims to be able to cut anything in the world, but Mr. Lubbock's 'Boundary Break' 'It is said that it is so strong that it cannot even be broken through space, so...

What will happen if we use the 'divided line of all things' to cut the 'boundary line'? "

Lubbock, Hill: "?"

Of course, it was impossible for the two of them in Lubbock to do this experiment that might destroy the Teigu just to satisfy Hikaru Uchiha's curiosity.

Uchiha Hikari could only change the method and use his +3 dragon bone knife to test the hardness of "boundary breaking line" and "all things breaking" respectively.

The conclusion reached is...

Both can cut through keel knives.

However, because the keel knife has its own continuous recovery capability, there is no need to worry about damage to the knife.

"According to Miss Hill, the main material of 'All Things Are Divided' is a rare metal called Oriha Gang. It is also the main material used to forge Murasame and Pumpkin Turret, but the synthesis process of Ou Halli Gang is different in several countries. It was lost a hundred years ago..."

"I wonder if the nobles in the imperial capital have any inventory..."

Theoretically, Teigu cannot be copied.

Because in addition to a large number of super dangerous materials and rare metals, these weapons also use many lost craft secrets. In the past thousand years, there were emperors who tried to create new imperial equipment, but only got a batch of inferior products with poor performance, so they mocked themselves as "official equipment".


The world of Zhanchi cannot be copied, and the same cannot be said for other worlds.

Perhaps Totosai, Bulma, the Immortals of the Three Holy Lands, and Norton, the Fire King of the Dragon World who is proficient in alchemy, have ways to deal with these materials.

the following few days.

Uchiha Hikaru stayed at the night attack base and competed several times with Brand and Chitong.

To be fair, Brand and Chi Tong's sword skills are quite good.

Especially Chi Tong, whose assassination swordsmanship is very tricky. In a situation where she only competes with her skills, she needs to stay focused to avoid being stabbed.


That's just the beginning.

As Hikari Uchiha gradually used the Sharingan to copy Chi Hitomi's swordsmanship, he became able to deal with it with ease.

In return for "learning" swordsmanship, Uchiha Hikaru also showed Chitong the "breathing method". The latter actually mastered the "breathing of fire" in just a few days and used it very skillfully.

Brand is more compatible with "Breath of the Rock", but his learning speed is much slower than Chitong.

Speaking of which...

Demon Slayer's "breathing technique" is actually a very common technique that can be learned and used by anyone from Naruto, Dragon Ball, or Akira World. And because the physiques of Brand and others are far superior to Tanjiro and others of Demon Slayer, the improvement effect is even more amazing at the same improvement rate.

For this, Brand and Chitong were very grateful to Uchiha Hikari.

"It's okay, I'm just doing it."

Uchiha Hikaru paused and glanced at Brand again: "Your 'haunted' piece contains the remnant soul of the super dangerous Tyrande. You'd better be careful when using it... You can be in the group Ask Kikyo to see if she can help you solve it."

"...I will pay attention."

Brand nodded.

In fact, getting rid of Tyrande's remnant soul is not difficult.

Even Uchiha Hikaru has a way to do it.

However, the special properties of the evil ghost, such as invisibility and strong environmental adaptability, are most likely due to the remnant soul of Tyrande. If you want to maintain performance while also getting rid of the disadvantages of "changing into a dragon", it may be more difficult.

these days.

Uchiha Hikaru also tried to invite a few other people from the "Night Raid" to fight.

Among them, Lubbock's physical skills are remarkable. Coupled with his skillful use of "Cross Tail", his overall combat ability should be ranked third in "Night Raid".

——Of course, with the visual ability of the Sharingan, there is basically no room for "Cross Tail" to be used.

On the contrary, there is the tall Leonai, whose physical skills are basically the wild way of Xia Ji's eight fights. There is no structure, but he is better in resisting blows.

By the way...

Among the Teigu of the "Night Raid" members, what Hikari Uchiha is most interested in is actually not the "Cross Tail", but another piece——

Ma Yin's "Pumpkin Fort".

The function of this Imperial Equipment is to convert spiritual energy into shock waves and emit them. In the original work, Ma Yin even killed the powerful Bude with one shot at the cost of overdrafting her spiritual power and damaging the Imperial Equipment in an extremely critical situation. General.

Uchiha Hikaru thought that his mental power was not weak either.

If she were to use this imperial weapon and fire a cannon...

Can you kill the "Guardian God of Machinery" directly?

At the end of the week.

Najexitan is finally back. With a batch of supplies, and the map Uchiha Hikaru asked for.

There are two copies of the map.

"This is a map of the imperial capital. According to your request, some nobles' mansions are marked on it. These people have committed unforgivable crimes: murder, arson, corruption, framing loyal people, raping young girls... The people want to get rid of them as soon as possible. However, because they act cautiously and the mansions are always heavily guarded, the "night raid" has never found an opportunity to attack..."

"In addition, this is a map of the empire. According to the divination results, the location of Sheila and his party is in this area."

As she said, Najeshitan made a circle with her finger on the second map: "But this location is more than a thousand kilometers away from here. If you rush there now, it will take at least several days to get there. By then, Sheila may not be here."

- This is the case under normal circumstances.


"Thank you very much for the information you provided, but you don't have to worry about the action."

After getting the two maps.

Uchiha Guang considered it for a while and chose Sheila as the first hunting target.

At the moment.

She used the Air Dance Technique to soar into the sky, and then flew in the direction indicated on the map, while Najeshitan and the others were stunned.

In the valley.

Leone opened his mouth: "See, I told you she was a super dangerous species in human form..."

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