Central part of the empire.

In an inconspicuous rural school, an ugly scene is taking place.

"...Who are you, who are you? You treat those children in such a way. Aren't you afraid of retribution?!"

Speak as a woman.

He is in his twenties, has a good-looking face, and has a bookish air unique to teachers.

But at this moment, she was lying on the ground with her clothes disheveled, and her naked body was covered with scars. The fishy smell of the sea that filled the air around her told her what she had just experienced.


The man opposite seemed to have heard a big joke.

"Hahahaha... Who do you think this empire exists for? I am the son of Minister Ernest, and the empire relies on us to survive today! Lowly civilians like you are lucky to be alive. , You actually dare to punish this uncle?"

Facing the man's wild smile.

The woman's expression became even more angry, and she stared at him with a pair of bloodshot eyes: "Allowing your subordinates to commit massacre and rape, and raping young girls... This is a heinous and capital crime! Even if you are the son of a minister, the prefect... the prefect will definitely I won’t forgive you!”


"She is such an innocent woman... Let me show my kindness and let you see the reality clearly."

The smile on the man's face became more wanton, and he suddenly grabbed the woman's neck, lifted her up, and walked out step by step.


There were pieces of broken limbs and thick blood.

The man dressed as a swordsman held a sword and put the demon sword named "Jiang Xue" into its sheath.

"Lord Sheila."

"...Izo, how do you feel?"

The guest named Yizang bowed slightly: "Thanks to your blessing, 'Jiang Xue' has been filled with the blood of those who hate it, and I can feel that its power has increased a lot."

"Hmph, when you return to the Imperial Capital, there will be more blood for you to drink..."

Silla looked around: “Where is Shang Pu?”

"over there."

Following the direction of Yi Zang's finger, he saw a fat man wearing a clown mask walking out of another building, holding several bloody heads in his arms, and wearing a look of crying and laughing on his face. His expression: "They are really cute children, just like angels... I can't bear to see them turn into dirty adults. It's better to stay as they are now..."


He was clearly doing something that outraged both humans and gods.

But the tone of Silla's group was always understated when they spoke, as if they were not talking about murder and arson, but what to eat tonight.

The woman who was lifted up in the air by Xiela watched and listened to all this with dizzy eyes, almost crying tears of blood in her eyes, but because her neck was tightly pinched, she could not make any sound.

At this moment.

A rush of footsteps came from outside.

As the door was knocked open, a pair of heavily armed guards appeared in the school, led by the local female prefect.

"Who is causing trouble here..."

The words stopped abruptly.

When she saw Sheila's face clearly, the expression on the female eunuch's face instantly became panicked: "伱...are you Lord Sheela?"

After a brief hesitation, the female governor suddenly knelt down on one knee, and then called for the soldiers behind her to kneel down too, burying her head very low: "Local governor Fular, I want to pay my respects to Lord Sheela... I didn't know you were here in advance. Please forgive me if there is any offense in what I just said!”

"...Is this the jealous prefect you mentioned?"

Silla turned to look at the woman next to her, and then, with the latter's desperate expression, she broke her neck.

Then throw the body aside.

After that, he turned his attention to the female eunuch and licked his lips: "Come here."


The female eunuch's heart trembled, and there was a trace of fear on her face, but she still said in a trembling voice: "Master Sheila, the blood here is too heavy, and it will stain your noble body. Please go into the city with me and hold a banquet for you to wash away the dust. …As for here, I will dispose of the bodies of these untouchables and never let anyone discover their relationship with you.”

"Would you like to go to the city... That's fine."

"Then give you untouchables a chance to serve me."

Silla nodded in agreement.

At that moment, the minister's son left the school arrogantly, followed by Yi Zang, Shang Pu and others.

The female eunuch turned around and hurriedly told her subordinates: "Send someone to set fire to this school, and then block the news... If Lan asks when she comes back, just say yes Bandits attack."


The figures of Silla and his party gradually left.

Inside the school, a raging fire began.

All the incriminating evidence was burned away with the fire, leaving only a pile of blackened and broken ruins standing silently on the plain.

After a long time.

A handsome-looking blond young man staggered back to the school gate, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar ruins of the school in front of him, his expression trembling: "What on earth... happened here?"

It only took Uchiha Hikari most of the day to reach the location marked on the map.

But it took a lot of effort to find Sheila.

After all, the location given by the Divination Teigu is a plain area of ​​tens of square kilometers, and within this area, there are several villages and towns, with a total population of tens of thousands. When Sheila and others did not take the initiative to show up, Uchiha Hikari could only use a carpet-like search method, separated out a dozen shadow clones, used the dance sky technique to fly around in the high air, and observed with the vision of Sharingan The crowd around.


She saw the slightly familiar figure of the blond young man.

"Hey, what's your name?"

Uchiha light fell from the sky and landed in front of the blond young man.

The latter looked lost at this time, as if he had not heard her question at all, and did not calm down until he was thrown over by Uchiha Hikaru Tsukiyomi.


Uchiha Hikaru thought for a while before recalling who this person was——

A member of the "Hunter" organization founded by Esdeath, and the holder of the Teigu "Ten Thousand Miles of Flight Mostima".

In the original plot, he was once a rural teacher, deeply loved by his students, and fell in love with the local female prefect. But after returning from an outing, he found that his students were massacred by evil thieves, and the news was concealed by the local people. Therefore, he was dissatisfied and abandoned his writing to join the army. He joined the "Hunter" organization with the idea of ​​changing the status quo of the empire and avenging the students.

In fact...

The so-called "evil thieves" are actually Sheila and his party, also known as the "Wild Hounds".

Lan in the original timeline died together with Shang Pu in "Wild Hound", and his body was turned into a puppet by his companion Kurohito using the Teigu Hachifou to keep him by his side.

"...Did the murder of those students just happen in the past few days?"

When he learned this from Ran, Uchiha Hikari probably knew what was going on.

"Lan, do you want to know where the murderer of your students is now?"


Lan raised his head in astonishment and looked at Uchiha Hikaru blankly: "You... do you know?"


Uchiha Hikari nodded: "Before answering your doubts, please answer me a question... Where does the governor in charge of this city live?"

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