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Chapter 173 Moonlight Liwu and Crescent Moon Sky Chong!

Chapter 173 Moonlight Liwu and...Crescent Moon Sky Chong!

After scolding, the two men saw Shang Pu nailed to the ground by the long knife.

This guy was now burnt all over, as if he had just crawled out of a furnace, and even his vocal cords were damaged. At this time, he was desperately stretching out his hands, enduring the severe pain of his flesh and blood being torn by the blade, and calling for help in a hoarse voice.

"Tsk tsk... It's really shameful to be beaten like this by such a weak young man, Shang Pu!"

They seemed to think that it was Lan who did it.

After all, Lan was grabbing Shang Pu's collar now, looking like he was going to ask for an explanation.

But Shang Pu struggled to raise a finger and pointed at Uchiha Guang behind him: "No... It's her... She is a revolutionary army... a killer..."

"Revolutionary Army?!"

At this moment.

The expressions of the two men changed at the same time.

They didn't care about Shang Pu's life. After all, they were all bad guys wandering around the world. They were recruited by Xila to get together. There was no friendship between them. But...

If the person who hit Shangpu hard was a killer from the Revolutionary Army, the nature of the matter would be completely different.

This is a good opportunity for them to prove their loyalty to Xila!

"Heh, the killer sent by the Revolutionary Army is so young? They really don't take us seriously."

"It's a girl, and she looks good...Try to capture her alive and present her to Lord Xila. Lord Xila should like her."


While the two men were whispering to each other.

Uchiha Hikaru stood quietly on the other side of the courtyard, watching their performance.

She had recognized the two people at this moment-

Xila's men, Izo and Yanxin.

The former is not an imperial weapon user, but his strength is the best among the "Wild Hounds". He has the demon sword "Jiang Xue" that can suck blood. He once killed Labok who escaped from prison with one sword.

The latter is the imperial weapon user of "Moonlight Dance·Wind Blade Sword" - that thing is a scimitar-type imperial weapon that can emit a vacuum blade. Its characteristic is that its performance will change according to the age of the moon, and it can be at its strongest state when the moon is full - and like Sheila, he has the habit of raping and killing women.

At this moment.

Yan Xin raised his chin to both sides, signaling the soldiers to come forward to round up.

And he himself drew a scimitar from his waist and raised it slightly.

With this action, the blade of the scimitar lit up with a cold light, and this cold light seemed to echo the moonlight in the night sky, gradually becoming as bright and dazzling as the bright moon. There was a faint sound of whistling wind, gathering on both sides of the scimitar, exuding a murderous aura that seemed to be substantial.

"... Vacuum Blade!"

The scimitar swung continuously!

In the blink of an eye, several nearly two-meter-high air blades burst out from the "Moonlight Dance", tearing the air on both sides in an instant, whistling with a swift wind, and attacked Uchiha Guang!

Facing the amazing air blades.

Uchiha Guang held the knife in his backhand and swung a few horizontal slashes!

Dang--! ! !

Fire splashed!

At the moment of the collision in mid-air, the dragon bone knife did not move, and several vacuum blades turned into invisible wind blades, bursting around, leaving sharp chisel marks on the surrounding air and the ground, and then disappeared into thin air.


"This guy is also an imperial weapon user, a sword-shaped imperial weapon that is more defensive?!"

Yan Xin was shocked.

On the other side.

Uchiha Hikaru carefully felt the force of the attack just now, and nodded slightly: "It's a little stronger than 'Quick Throw Ranma', and it looks okay... It should be barely usable as a toy."

"... Toy?"

Yan Xin was stunned for a moment, and then laughed angrily: "Little ghost, you don't think that blocking a few of my 'Vacuum Blades' can prove anything? Since you dare to come here, you are destined to die here..."


"I have seen your 'Vacuum Blade', now... it's my turn."

While speaking.

An amazing momentum burst out from Uchiha Hikaru, and the dragon bone knife held in her right hand began to revive and beat, from the original four-foot-long blade to a terrifying extension of more than three meters!

The demonic power is surging!

The dragon bone knife after strengthening is no longer the same as the blank state at the beginning. And the spiritual power in Uchiha Hikaru's body has been greatly enhanced during this period of training. She didn't even raise her knife, and there was a whistling sound of wind, and an indescribable sense of oppression burst out from the dragon bone knife, sweeping the entire courtyard!


The surrounding ground began to peel off and shatter, turning into countless tiny pieces of stone flying into the air!

"What...what's going on?!"

"Is it the effect of that imperial tool? Its effect is related to gravity?!"

"...let's work together and kill her!"

Izo seemed to sense that something was wrong, and immediately drew out "Jiang Xue" in a flash, took a step forward, and attacked Uchiha Guang like lightning! Before he arrived, the surging blood energy turned into a condensed murderous intent, covering Uchiha Guang's entire body!

Uchiha Guang raised his head.

Calmly raised the knife, swung the knife, and opened his cherry lips:


"Tian Chong!!!"

At this moment!

A huge milky white arc of light broke away from the blade, expanding and expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye... From the initial three meters, it became a terrifying degree of nearly thirty meters in a blink of an eye, like a crescent moon picked from the night sky, lying between heaven and earth, flying forward!


The Tibetan was still on the way to attack, his eyes were filled with moonlight, and then the knife and the person were swallowed by the crescent moon! The whole body was crushed into powder in just a few breaths, and together with the "Jiang Xue", it turned into dust and iron filings and scattered!

Not only that...

This crescent moon sky rush, with a devastating momentum, plowed through the guards, houses, rockery, rocks, walls in front... and even the hundreds of meters of woods outside the prefectural mansion!

Under this mighty knife, everyone was so horrified that they lost the ability to speak, staring at the crescent moon, as if it was the only existence between heaven and earth. When everything calmed down, a huge vacuum area had been cut out within hundreds of meters, and everything in the area was annihilated!

For several minutes, the sound of buildings collapsing was endless.

"Fake, fake..."

"Is this girl... really a human?!"

Clang --

The sound of a blade falling to the ground rang out.

In front of Uchiha Hikaru, Yanxin, who was swept by Yueya Tianchong and only had half of his body left, opened his mouth, then fell on his back, and his body splattered like broken ice.


No one dared to speak again.

In a dead silence.

Uchiha Hikaru tilted his head and looked at another imperial tool user not far away: "Do you want to dance too?"

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