I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 174 You are here, who are you saying goodbye to?


Under the gaze of Uchiha Hikari.

Cosmia, dressed as a bunny-eared singer, clutched the microphone tightly, swallowed hard, and cold sweat began to fall from her temples.

——Cosmia, another member of "Wild Hound", a witch singer from Western countries, who likes to play with men.

As one of Sheila's carefully selected subordinates, she also possesses a Teigu, which is the microphone-shaped thing in her hand——

"The earth rumbles and the pressure is heavy."

The function of this Teigu is to convert all the sounds emitted through it into extremely high-frequency ultrasonic waves, thereby crushing enemies within range to pieces. Theoretically, as long as she uses "earth sound", she can crush the Uchiha light in front of her into powder, just like Izo who was crushed by "Crescent Sky Chong" just now.


At this moment.

But Kosmia didn't dare to use it at all, and she didn't even dare to make even the smallest sound, for fear of being misunderstood as her intention to attack.


When Uchiha Hikaru turned to face her.

Kosmia suddenly made a "plop", knelt down on her knees, and then raised the microphone high above her head: "Surrender...I surrender! I was coerced by Lord Sheela...by that person, so I followed him to this empire. Yes, I haven’t killed anyone in the revolutionary army yet! I can hand over the Teigu to you, but please don’t kill me!”


Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows, and then said coldly: "Raise your head and look directly at me."


Kosmia was stunned for a moment, then Yiyan raised her head and met a pair of eyes that looked like big hexagonal windmills.

Engraved Tsukuyomi!

Just a second of reality.

From the perspective of others, they could only see Uchiha Hikaru closing and opening his eyes, and Kosmia's body trembling, and she fell down as if she was exhausted. Uchiha Hikaru, on the other hand, simply said "kneel there and don't move", then raised his feet and continued to walk through the courtyard.

The guards on both sides had been frightened out of their courage by the "Getsuga Sky Chong" move just now. Being able to stay in this courtyard without running out was their greatest courage. At this moment, as Uchiha Hikari advanced, the guard team was like They parted to both sides like a tide, making a way for her.

Silla was already standing at the door of the hall.

"Crescent Sky Chong" made such a big noise, it was hard for him not to know.

But Uchiha Hikaru was a little surprised that this guy dared to come out to see her——

If Sheila was cautious and alert enough and chose to use "Shangri-La" to teleport away immediately, she might not be able to find this guy again.

"……who are you?"

The expression on Silla's face was slightly solemn: "No matter who sent you here, I can pay double... no, ten times the price! As long as you are willing to follow me and become my subordinate, I guarantee that you can pay the price." I’ll do my best to fulfill any wish you have!”


Uchiha Hikaru laughed dumbly.

Was he actually recruited?

But from Silla’s perspective, it’s normal——

After all, he had used similar methods to recruit Yizang, Kosmia and others to his command.

If Uchiha Hikari was really just an indigenous master from the Red Killing World, this condition might be quite attractive. After all, although Sheila has done many evil deeds, he is the only son of Minister Ernest. With the imperial power declining, his status is almost the same as that of the prince. Even if the empire is overthrown, as long as he does not die, you can have it by his side. Enjoy endless glory and wealth.


"I do have a wish."

Uchiha Hikaru said.

"What is it?"

Silla asked nervously.

"It's just... I have never seen what it is like to die in Ling Chi. Can you perform it in front of me?"

Uchiha Hikari raised his little face slightly, revealing a bright and harmless smile, and his tone even contained a bit of the charming and naive flavor unique to a little girl.

"……court death!"

Almost at the same time as he spoke, Silla suddenly raised his hand and threw out two flying knives. At the same time, he quickly raised his right hand, revealing the imperial weapon on his wrist.

——Dimensional Phalanx·Shangri-La, a rare space-moving Teigu that can move the target to a designated location instantly, but it consumes huge amounts of energy and cannot be activated continuously. Its performance is also one of the few among all Teigu.

The existence of this imperial weapon was the reason why Sheila still dared to come out and talk to Uchiha Hikaru after seeing the "Crescent Moon Celestial Chong".

It would be best if the recruitment can be successful.

Even if the negotiation fails, as long as he has one second, he can leave directly from here and move thousands of miles away.

As "Shangri-La" was activated and the light of the teleportation array emerged, Sheila even had the intention to show a sinister smile to Uchiha Hikaru, and began to imagine the scene where she was tied up in a prison and her body was broken into thousands of pieces: " Goodbye, kid, I look forward to seeing you next time...huh?"

There was a slight sound of breathing in Silla's ears.

Then there was a whisper that exhaled like orchid——

"Who are you...seeing again?"

What appeared at the same time as this voice was a bright sword light!


Before Silla could understand what happened, his entire left hand, together with the "Shangri-La" that was shaped like a large watch, fell silently.

The light of the teleportation array that just appeared dimmed immediately.

Then, the light of the sword followed the momentum of its fall and passed above Silla's left knee, cutting off half of his left leg. Because the blade passed by too fast, it was not until a second or two that Silla staggered and fell to the ground, and bright red blood spurted out from the broken leg!

"What...what's going on?!"

Sheila also traveled to various countries to hone her martial arts skills. Even when she was caught off guard, she still adopted a strategy to stop bleeding almost instinctively.

the other side.

The Uchiha Hikari standing in the middle of the courtyard also raised his hand and used "Word Spirit: Dustless Land" to stop the oncoming flying knife in mid-air, then suddenly exploded, lasing back from the original path, piercing it. Entered into Silla’s chest.


Silla roared in pain, and then opened her eyes in disbelief. She first stared at Uchiha Hikaru standing next to her, and then glanced at the light in the courtyard, with a look of horror on her face:

"伱...What kind of monster are you?! This is simply not something a Teigu can do!!"

"you guess."

Uchiha Hikari didn't pay any attention to Sheila's words. He just lowered his head to check the severed hand he had just cut off and received, unhooked the "watch" from his wrist, and then threw the remaining palm away as if it were trash. Throw it away.

"Is this 'Shangri-La'... the shape is a little better than expected."

"It's just a little dirty."

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