I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 178 The sword comes!

[Brand@无名: Miss Guang, that...did you do what happened to Silla? 】

[Bulma: Sheila? Who is that? 】

[Nameless: A scumbag who has done all kinds of bad things, you can understand him as Naraku who has no bottom line. 】

[Anonymous: Yes, I did it. Has the Revolutionary Army received the news? @brand]

[Brand: Yes, not only us, but Minister Ernest may also have received the news. The Imperial City Security Forces have been taking great action in the past few days. They have not only stepped up patrols in the morning and evening, but are also looking for a person everywhere. People with similar appearance to you... Chitong has been interrogated by them two or three times, and was almost arrested.

Because of these circumstances, several assassination operations we originally planned have been temporarily cancelled. If you are coming to the Imperial Capital recently, be careful. 】

"...Red Eyes?"

Inside the bunker.

Uchiha Hikaru was startled for a moment, and then he reacted——

When she attacked Sheela and her party in the small town in the middle of the country, she showed her Mangekyō Sharingan.

There were many people who witnessed that scene. In addition to Dotya who escaped, other people present might also take the news out and send a message to Ernest.

Chitong's age and height are very close to hers, and they both have black hair and red eyes... Without seeing her in person, it is indeed possible to cause misunderstanding.


[Anonymous: Thank you for reminding me, and say sorry to Chitong for me. In addition, I am now in the imperial capital, so I will try to be careful. 】

While talking.

Uchiha Hikari's movements in his hands did not stop, and he continued to put boxes of jewelry into the sealing scroll.

Regardless of Sheila's personal character, this guy finally did a good deed before he died.

Before coming to this bunker, Uchiha Hikaru could not imagine that one day he would see gold and silver treasures piled up in front of him. Compared with Minister Ernest who seeks power and steals the country, the savings of those local gentry can only be regarded as a small amount.

Load it up.

The universal capsules and sealing scrolls in Uchiha Hikari's hands were a bit insufficient, and he began to think about whether to let Bulma go back to the Dragon Ball world temporarily and get himself a few boxes of capsules...

"...Lord Guang, someone seems to be coming outside!"

Accompanied by a burst of hurried footsteps.

Kosmia, who was watching at the entrance of the bunker, walked back along the steps and whispered a warning to Uchiha Hikari.


Uchiha Hikaru nodded, and slowly put the last two boxes of gold and silver jewelry into the sealing scroll, and then slowly walked out of the empty storage room: "Are you from the Imperial City Guard?"


Kosmia looked back at the passage she came in, with an obviously nervous expression on her face: "Lord Guang, I think we should leave here as soon as possible. Although you are very powerful, there are also many masters in the Imperial Guard. , and the Imperial Fist Temple is not far from here, in case they get entangled..."

"It doesn't matter, I will take action."

Uchiha Hikari smiled: "You don't think that I came to the imperial capital this time just for this treasure, do you?"

"……what do you mean?"

"We're here, of course we have to make some big moves."

Ernest must be killed.

After all, this guy is as disgusting as his son Sheila. He is one of the biggest dark sides of the empire. If he can get rid of it, he must do his best to eliminate evil.


Uchiha Hikaru has another consideration——

In the original plot, Esdeath's "Devil's Essence" was originally kept by Ernest, and the jeweled imperial weapon that destroyed Leonai's "Lion King" was also held by him. So, there is no guarantee that this guy doesn't have other hidden imperial weapons. If he can get it at once, he will save himself the trouble of searching for it.


Uchiha Hikari brought Kosmia to the ground.

As this witch diva said.

The surrounding dense forest has become shadowy.

It was visually estimated that nearly a hundred people were gathering here from all over the woods. Most of them were fully armed, holding spears in their hands, while a few held some strange-shaped weapons, and one of them was holding a puppy. young girl.

"...Lord Guang, those people may be Teigu users."

Kosmia carefully hid behind Uchiha Hikari and looked forward: "I heard Sheila say that the puppy-like thing is actually a biological imperial weapon called the 'Hundred-Handed Giant', which will change during battle. It’s so big that it can continue to regenerate as long as the core is not broken...it’s very dangerous.”


Uchiha Hikaru calmly pulled out the dragon bone sword from his back and injected spiritual power into it.


The three-meter-long blade appeared again.


"Everyone, listen. I'll count to three, and anyone who breaks in will die!"

Uchiha's light tongue burst into spring thunder, and the clear voice echoed in the woods.

"……What is she saying?"

"What counts to three... Do you think we are children and would be frightened by such words?"

"Se Liu, the evil thief this time may have a lot of background. He will let Xiao Ke enter the violent state immediately. Be sure to kill the evil thief here!"

"Okay, Master! Seryu will work hard!"


Because of the distance, Uchiha Hikari did not hear the exchanges between these security team members. But their attitude was clearly shown through their actions.

"Ah...it seems you don't understand the value of life yet."

Uchiha Guang sighed, raised the dragon bone knife to the right side of his chest, took a deep breath, and swung the knife across!

At this moment!

A semicircular slash burst out from the blade, and flew out to the front of the bunker with a tremendous momentum!

"Crescent Moon Sky Rush!!"

It was as if the scene in the governor's mansion was replayed.

The forest in front of him disappeared as the knife flashed.

To be precise, it was a white light that engulfed the trees and the guards. The captain named Ouka, Selyu with twisted justice, and other unknown guards disappeared at this moment. The sound of trees falling continued, and huge smoke and dust rose into the sky.

When all this calmed down, the forest covering a radius of several miles had become a mess.

Only a few people were still alive, but they were all pressed under the trees, looking at the bunker with a look of inexplicable fear.

At this time.

Uchiha Hikaru put the dragon bone knife back behind his back, raised his right hand, and opened his palm: "...Sword!"

Word Spirit·Sword Control!

At this moment.

Those scattered and broken spears and swords flew into the air and gathered in the air.

Uchiha Hikaru carried Cosmia and flew to the blade of one of the broadswords with the air dance technique, then stepped on it and flew into the air under the gaze of the guards, flying towards the inner side of the imperial capital, towards the house of Minister Ernest!

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