I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 179 Is it possible that it is not an imperial weapon? (Two in one)

This evening.

Many people living in the western suburbs of the imperial capital saw this strange scene——

The girl with black hair and red eyes flew across the gray night sky in a posture of wielding a sword, followed by swords all over the sky, like stars holding the moon. Although the legend of "Sword Immortal" is not popular in the empire, everyone who sees this scene with their own eyes cannot help but be deeply shocked.


It was the bunny-eared diva who was being carried by the black-haired girl, who looked a little out of place.

"……What it is?"

"Did someone fly from the sky just now?"

Several passers-by stopped to watch.

And in front of a bookstore in the imperial capital.

Lubbock, who was disguised as a bookstore owner, opened his mouth and looked into the sky in the distance with a bit of surprise: "That person... is Miss Guang?"

Hill, the purple-haired girl with glasses next to her, nodded: "It seems so."

"I heard from the boss that the person who executed Sheila in the middle of the empire a few days ago might be Miss Guang. If that is the case, Sheila's imperial weapon 'Shangri-La' should have been obtained by her, so it is not surprising to appear here... But this I don’t know what’s going on with this ability to control swords, Mr. Brand didn’t mention it.”

"...Miss Guang's methods are really inexplicably powerful."

Lubbock sighed with emotion, and then his face became serious: "Is the direction of her flight going to find Minister Ernest?"

Ernest is the ultimate assassination target of the "Night Raid".

Although "Night Raid" has never been able to find an opportunity to kill him because of the difficulty of assassinating the latter, Lubbock and others still know his residence very well.


The minister's residence is heavily guarded, and not far from it is the Imperial Palace. If it attracts the attention of the palace guards, I'm afraid things won't end so easily...

"Hill, I'll follow you and take a look. You should quickly find a way to contact the boss and Brand!"

Lubbock looked at the bespectacled girl next to him and said quickly: "There may be something big going on in the Imperial Capital tonight!"



Lubbock closed the bookstore and then split with Hill.

Similar scenes occurred simultaneously in several other places in the imperial capital.

——The spy agents installed by the revolutionary army in the imperial capital are not limited to "night raids". It's not even just the Revolutionary Army.

The Imperial Guard, the Royal Fist Temple, the soldiers at the minister's residence... and even the sentries patrolling above the palace walls all noticed the figure passing high in the sky one after another.

Of course, Uchiha Hikaru also saw the various figures at his feet.

But she didn't care.

Just following the directions on the map, and with Cosmia's help in identification, I found the one belonging to Ernest among a group of mansions of dignitaries.

At this moment, a large number of soldiers had appeared in the courtyard.

"...Who dares to wreak havoc in the sky above the imperial capital?!"

"Come down quickly, or we will kill you without mercy!"

"Fire the arrow and shoot her down!!"

The equipment of these soldiers was obviously much better than that of the guards, and they were well-trained. Soon, a large number of arrows were fired from the yard.

Boo hoo hoo—!

Densely packed arrows pierced the air, striking in the direction of Uchiha Hikaru with a sharp sound of breaking wind!

It was like a downpour!

Faced with this overwhelming murderous intention.

Uchiha Hikaru just raised her hand, and a blood jade barrier formed in the air, blocking all arrows thirty or forty meters away from her. When these arrows made a ping-pong-pong sound and fell towards the ground, another realm of speech spirits spread out in time, like a layer of gauze covering a hundred meters in radius.

——Yan Ling·Heaven and earth are the furnace!

As the spirit of speech was released, those metal arrows made of fine steel quickly fused in mid-air, re-condensed and took shape in mid-air in the form of metal shards, turning into swords, guns, swords and halberds, and then merged with each other. Under the influence of "Sword Control", they quickly gathered around Uchiha Hikari, forming a layered sword formation behind and on both sides of her.

It seemed like a throne made of steel, slowly unfolding behind her.

"Your arrows are pretty good."


"Give it back to you."

As Uchiha Hikaru spoke in a cold voice, the huge magnetic field began to operate, and all the swords shot out at this moment, forming a violent storm that was even more violent than before! !

Just after a round of sword rain.

These soldiers suffered huge casualties.

However, there are actually many strong guys among them, holding swords and spears, smashing the rain of swords falling from the sky, and then commanding others to pull out a bed crossbow, as well as guns and other things from the warehouse , filling the ballista with huge arrows and shells several meters long, and twisting the wheel with force.

The lethality of these things is much stronger than ordinary bows and arrows.

But the result is the same.

The blood jade barrier within a 20-meter range has a stronger defense than the Four Purple Flame Formation. Even the Tailed Beast Jade can block it, let alone these conventional guns.

Instead, the metal parts of those crossbows and cannonballs were quickly smelted by "the heaven and earth are the furnace", turning into more swords that formed in mid-air, and then hit the mansion below again and again, crushing the defense of these soldiers.

in the crowd.

A tall man stood out in particular. He held a light silver spear and used his superb spear skills to smash all the nearby swords into pieces. Then he raised the spear high and struck the ground!


Uchiha Hikari narrowed his eyes slightly as this thought came to his mind.

It seemed to confirm her guess.

The next moment, I saw a blazing silver-white light bursting out from the barrel of the spear, and the floor under the handle of the gun suddenly cracked!

"The Spear of Judgment, Corona, explodes!"

With the man's low drink, an invisible realm unfolded, turning into dozens of times the gravity, spreading like a tide, covering the surrounding area within a hundred meters.

First, the soldiers in the minister's residence couldn't bear it anymore and dropped their weapons and knelt down.

Then, Uchiha Hikaru, who was in mid-air, also felt the strong sense of oppression coming down from the sky. After supporting it for a few seconds, the broad-bladed sword under his feet collapsed under the load and turned into fragments splattering everywhere.

In this level of gravity field, although Uchiha Hikari can still float in the air using the dance technique, it will greatly increase the burden on the body.

So when the broad sword shattered, she fell to the ground. When her feet stepped on the ground, she released part of the pressure to the ground. At the same time, she mobilized the chakra and energy in her body to resist the slightly heavy pressure on her shoulders.

As for Kosmia…

The witch singer was already lying on the ground, unable to even get up.

"A Teigu that can control gravity..."


want to!

the other side.

The man smiled.

"Hmph, the power of the Spear of Judgment is not something that young people like you can withstand."

While saying this, the man took a breath, maintained a standing posture with a gun, and then used his other free hand to take out a short gun from his arms: "Since you want to attack Mr. Ernest, If it’s not good, then you should be prepared to bear the consequences, and that’s the end of it…”

Before this guy could finish his words.

Uchiha Hikari raised his head lightly and looked at him.


Just one glance made this guy fall into a sluggish state. Although he still maintained his original posture, the ubiquitous oppression around him had quietly disappeared.



As Uchiha Hikari glanced over for the second time, the man's body immediately burst into black flames, and he fell down in a horrified posture, turning into a charred corpse in a moment.

Dang clang——

The Teigu named "Spear of Judgment" fell to the ground, and Uchiha Hikari walked over and picked it up.

The Tsukuyomi just now had allowed her to read the memory of the man named Vitra.

"Using a gun-shaped Teigu made from the super dangerous giant rock snake..."

As Hikaru Uchiha just saw, the function of this "Gun of Judgment" is to control gravity. In theory, it can increase gravity to hundreds of times at most. But the cost is a lot of physical strength, and she can't move freely while maintaining the gravity field. That's why the man just wanted to kill her by throwing another short gun.

"It's okay. Much better than 'Moonlight Dance'."

Uchiha Hikari commented.

after all……

Of the forty-eight pieces of imperial equipment, probably no more than one-third can have a real effect on her. The performance of this "Gun of Judgment" should be considered to be relatively high among the imperial tools, not inferior to those in the hands of "Night Raid".


Uchiha Hikari put the "Spear of Judgment" into the seal scroll. After thinking about it, he took off the "Shangri-La" and "Moonlight Reimai" from his wrists and put them in, and hung them in the group store of the chat group. Then he raised his feet again and walked towards the depths of the mansion.

The man named "Vitra" is Ernest's confidant.

From his memory, Uchiha Hikari could clearly see the conversation between him and the minister more than ten minutes ago, so she didn't even need to search for it, and easily came to the small building where Ernest lived. In front of the building, push the door open and enter.

The light in the room was very dim.

Uchiha Hikaru opened his Sharingan and went deeper along the corridor, passed through the living room, and came to the door of a room similar to an izakaya.

There was a coffee table in the room, and an oil lamp with a flickering candle on it illuminated two open bottles of red wine, and a glass filled with half a glass of wine, which seemed to have been left by the drinker.


Uchiha Hikari narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced around the area without revealing anything, and then stepped into the room.

Rustling footsteps move forward.

As she walked to the coffee table, a subtle breathing sound suddenly appeared.

The next moment, a short figure jumped out from the wine cabinet diagonally opposite and rushed towards Uchiha Hikaru with a swift movement. The wall on her right suddenly opened at this moment, and a figure as fat as a pig jumped out, but with the agility of an ape, and punched her in the face!

——The former is the alchemist Dotya who fled all the way back from the small town in the middle, and the latter is Ernest himself.

During this process.

There was also a subtle cracking sound.

"Bejeweled Tiara Ireston."

Then, the ceiling above Uchiha Guang's head and the floor under his feet also cracked at the same time, and a row of crossbows several meters long shot out from it, revealing a bottomless hole below. Through the top of the dark hole, you can see a cold light flashing at the bottom of the hundred-meter-deep hole, which seems to be a carefully crafted sharp blade mechanism, and there is also the rustling sound of poisonous snakes spitting out their tongues.

Five layers of insurance!

This is a carefully designed desperate situation.

Ernest himself is one of the most skilled boxers in the empire, almost comparable to Brand and Akame. Dotya is also an alchemist who has undergone body transformation. The two of them work together to attack, and they can almost instantly kill anyone in the "night raid".

And in the case of the destruction of the imperial equipment, even Brand and Akame, or General Bud, cannot take on this ambush unscathed.

If you are held back for a second, you will be pierced by the crossbow arrow above your head, and then fall into the cave under your feet, devoured by the mechanisms and poisonous snakes inside. The cave is nearly 100 meters deep, and the iron wall is polished smooth. Once you fall down, there is basically no possibility of climbing up.

It can be said that except for people like Esdeath who have integrated with the imperial weapon and are strong enough, there may be no second person in the entire empire who can escape from this ambush.


"Word Spirit·Dustless Land."

Uchiha Hikaru clasped his hands in front of his chest, standing in the air without any support, separating Onest and Dotya with a strong repulsive field, then raised his right hand like lightning, opened his five fingers slightly, and firmly grasped Onest's fist, and twisted it hard!


At this moment, Onest's entire wrist was twisted like a twist, and the bones and flesh inside were twisted and deformed in an instant, making him scream like a pig being slaughtered.


Before Ernest could react, Uchiha Hikaru kicked out again like lightning, directly breaking his left kneecap with his toes, and then followed up with a twisting waist kick, kicking him out, slamming heavily on the wall behind him, and directly smashing the wall!

After doing all this.

Uchiha Hikaru soared into the air, with dark red flames condensing around him, turning into the second form of Susanoo.

The blood jade barrier also opened at the same time.

There was also a black sun wheel emerging from behind, bringing some light and dispelling the surrounding darkness-Word Spirit·Black Sun!

Finally, the dragon bone knife appeared in the form of a three-meter giant sword.

After showing all these methods, Uchiha Hikaru tilted his head and looked at Ernest who was struggling to get up with a calm expression: "Very unexpected?"


Ernest was dumbfounded.

Whether it is Susanoo, Blood Jade Barrier, or Word Spirit Black Sun, none of them were mentioned in the information provided by Dotya. To be precise, there is also the Sky Dance Technique. These abilities, Uchiha Hikaru did not use any of them when dealing with Sheila!

As for the Dragon Bone Knife...

"... This is impossible, why hasn't your imperial tool been destroyed yet?!"


Uchiha Hikaru's lips curled slightly, and his eyes were as gorgeous as fire: "Is it possible that it is not an imperial tool at all?"

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