I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 180 Are you teaching me how to do things? (Two in one)

Uchiha Hikaru had long known that the "jewel headdress" in Onestor's hand could destroy other imperial tools.

Although she was not sure about the upper limit of this thing's destruction - for example, whether it could destroy the "Supreme Throne" and "Devil's Essence", and whether it could only destroy one imperial tool or all imperial tools within the range, she still packed up the spoils such as "Shangri-La" and uploaded them to the chat group in advance to avoid any irreparable losses.

And now.

She even showed several abilities including Susanoo in one breath.

A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength.

For this villain boss in the world of Akagi, we still have to give some respect.


Onestor is a little unworthy of her respect.

After the sneak attack failed and one of his arms was directly disabled, he was struggling to stand up now. Uchiha Hikaru slapped him with Susanoo and stuck him to the wall on the other side. His body weighing hundreds of pounds was directly embedded in the wall, and it was unknown how many ribs were broken.

"...Didn't you say you practiced in the Imperial Fist Temple?"

"That's it?"

Uchiha Hikaru clicked his tongue a few times, first cast a golden binding illusion on Dotya next to him, imprisoning the latter, and then maintained the existence of the blood jade barrier, released the moon reading on Onest, and began to watch this guy's memory.


For a long time.

Uchiha Hikaru blinked again, his throat churned a few times, and he felt like vomiting.

How to say it...

Watching Onest's memory is a must.

After all, this guy is the head of the empire's civil officials, and he has a lot of intelligence secrets in his hands, whether it is about the empire itself or about those imperial tools. Apart from him, it is probably not easy to find a second person who knows so much information in the entire world of Zan Aka.


After really reading Onest's memory, Uchiha Hikaru realized how disgusting this guy was. Some of the scenes that emerged from her memory even made her feel physically uncomfortable.

Danzo and Naraku are already rare bad guys, but compared with Ernest, they can be described as "soft-hearted".

——This is normal.

After all, whether it is Konoha Village or Inuyasha World, the population and scale are very limited, while the empire of the Akagi World has tens of millions of people and a huge territory. As the existence of this empire, the number of people Ernest has killed directly and indirectly is almost equal to the total population of Konoha Village, which is naturally difficult for Danzo and others to reach.


Uchiha Hikaru exhaled lightly and looked down at her feet.

From just now, she vaguely smelled a vague smell of blood, emanating from the bottom of the cave a hundred meters deep, and now, because of the information in Ernest's mind, this bloody smell has become more obvious in her heart: "This cave... has killed many people?"

"When you made it, did you ever think that it would be used on you one day?"


Uchiha Hikaru's mind moved, and he controlled Susanoo to stretch out his arm, grabbing Ernest in the corner of the wall tightly, and then dragging him back to the top of the cave.


Ernest seemed to realize something at this time, and he woke up temporarily under the strong desire to survive, showing an inexplicable expression of fear, and began to twist his body and struggle frantically.



Uchiha Hikaru didn't even bother to listen to Ernest's last words, and directly pulled off the gem imperial tool on his head, and then let go.

Ernest's body fell down.

It took several seconds before a "bang" sound was heard, as if it had reached the bottom.

Then, something hissed and pounced, and began to bite hard, accompanied by a tooth-aching chewing sound, and the blood in the air suddenly became much thicker.

"A dangerous snake species that is raised and specially used to deal with corpses?"

Uchiha Hikaru lit a match and threw it down, and took a look from above the cave entrance.

The fire flickered.

You can see the broken body of Ernest lying at the bottom of the deep pit, being bitten by a black snake with three heads, and there is a pile of white bones next to it. As if it had sensed the sight from above, the black snake looked up, and looked into the eyes of Uchiha Hikaru for a few seconds before continuing to eat.


Uchiha Hikaru covered his mouth and nose, moved away from the hole, and then turned to look at Dotya.


At this moment.

Dotya suddenly opened his eyes wide and shouted incoherently: "Please, don't kill me! I was coerced by Minister Ernest... Even if you want to kill me, don't throw me in there! I don't want to die there!!"

Obviously, Dotya knew a little about what was under the hole.

A death like Ernest's was unacceptable even for these "wild hounds" who had killed countless people.


Uchiha Hikaru sneered and released the second Tsukuyomi.

After a moment.

"... Ugh."

As Cosmia said before, this Dotya is an alchemist. In order to satisfy her desire for immortality, she has done a lot of human transformation experiments and also transformed herself. So although she looks like a young girl of sixteen or seventeen, her actual age is over sixty.

In addition...

She also used the tooth-shaped imperial tool "blood absorption" to suck hundreds of people into mummies, and the purpose was also to maintain her youth and life.

These scenes seen from Dotya's memory are also disgusting.

It's just that with the heavyweight memory of Ernest as a comparison, it seems a little less unforgivable.

"Want to live, right? Give me a reason not to kill you."

Under the calm gaze of Uchiha Guang.

Dotya shouted quickly: "I know where Ernest's secret room is. He has a..."

"Change one."


"This reason is not enough."

Uchiha Guang said coldly.

Dotaya was stunned for a moment, and then racked his brains to think: "I know alchemy, I can help you deal with the enemies you don't want to see, and transform them into dangerous species, or even super dangerous species..."

"...You are very knowledgeable about dangerous species?"

"Yes, I know a lot about this!"


For Uchiha Hikaru, killing Dotaya is just a thought.

However, there are not many people in the world of Killing Aka who can make achievements in scientific research and help her study the materials of those dangerous species. This Dotaya is one of them, and the other is Dr. Fashion from the "Hunter" organization. The latter is also keen on body transformation experiments, and dreams of developing equipment like the imperial equipment, which is a high-end version of Dotaya.

Although these two people are also bad people, they are at least of some use value.

After doing so many evil things, dying directly is a relief for them. It is more suitable for them to control and squeeze out the last bit of value.

At present.

Uchiha Hikaru said casually: "Take me to the secret room."

Dotya was stunned for a moment, then understood, with ecstasy in her eyes: "Yes, Master!"

At that moment.

The two returned to the corridor outside, walked along the aisle to the innermost side of the small building, then pushed open a secret door, and climbed down the stairs from the hole that appeared.

In the process, Uchiha Hikaru thought of Cosmia who was still outside.

But it was just a thought.

For her now, Cosmia is no longer useful.

Without the imperial weapon, she is just a singer with a little strength, and it doesn't matter if she escapes on her own. And with the imprint of "Eight Thousand Spears", it is easy to find Cosmia even if she runs to the ends of the earth.

The more important thing now is to search for Ernest's treasures first, otherwise, some annoying people may come to make trouble in a while...


The pedestrians near Ernest's mansion have been cleared.

A large number of soldiers blocked the streets and gathered towards the mansion, counting the mess left at the battle scene.

Among them was General Bud.

As the head of the military generals, Bud's relationship with Ernest was not very good, but as an imperial general, he was responsible for protecting the safety of the palace and the imperial capital. It was a serious matter to be invaded by thieves so close to the palace, and it could even be considered as his dereliction of duty.

So when he rushed over, Bud was already ready to fight.

"...General, I have asked the surviving palace soldiers. According to them, the assassin is a girl with black hair and red eyes. She has the same characteristics as the wanted person of the guards some time ago. She has the ability to fly in the air and control weapons. She is likely to be the user of some powerful imperial tools..."

"In addition, the collective attack on the guards on the west side of the imperial capital this evening may also be related to her..."


Bud listened to the report of his subordinates and frowned hard: "He openly attacked the imperial capital agencies and imperial officials. It seems that he is a daring guy. Could it be related to the killer organization "Night Raid" that was circulated in the streets some time ago?"

Without waiting for the adjutant to respond, Bud asked again: "Where is Ernest now? Haven't you found him yet?"


While speaking,

A soldier ran out from the mansion quickly, and said in shock: "Lord Bud, we found a mechanism in the small building over there. There seems to be a dangerous species underneath, gnawing at Lord Ernest's body..."


Bud and the adjutant looked at each other, raised their chins, and strode forward: "Go and have a look!"


At this moment.

Uchiha Guang was walking in a secret passage.

Just now, she searched Ernest's secret room and found several boxes of good quality treasures and two things that looked like imperial tools -

One of them was a set of mechanical torture tools that could imprison people and conduct a variety of bloody tortures. It also had a function of identifying lies. It was used by Ernest for private executions and torture of intelligence.

However, this thing was useless to Uchiha Guang. After all, her "Eight Thousand Spears" was much more useful than this.

There is also a thin mask, whose basic function is to conceal the breath, but even Ernest, who got it, did not investigate its specific function clearly.

As for the secret passage that Uchiha Hikaru is taking now...

It leads to the palace.

According to Ernest's memory, he secretly ordered someone to open this secret passage in case of emergency - that is, when the mansion was breached, he would go to the palace through here, and then trick the little emperor into using the "Supreme Imperial Tool" to eliminate the rebels, so that he could survive.

Unfortunately, he did not have time to use this secret passage until his death in this timeline.

And that "Supreme Tool" may not have a chance to appear again.

Uchiha Hikaru was planning to take a look at this thing.

"That... Master, are you really going to sneak into the palace from here?"

Dotya was a little nervous: "Sneaking into the palace is a capital crime. Even Ernest... That guy doesn't dare to use this secret passage at will. If it is discovered by people in the palace, I'm afraid..."

"Shut up."

Uchiha Hikaru said coldly: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"


Dotya was silent.

The rustling footsteps moved forward along the secret passage.

When the two had walked for a while, suddenly, they heard a low hissing sound from behind, and then there was a huge vibration along the rock layer, as if something was fighting with people, even if they were far away, they could feel it.

"... In that direction, is the dangerous species raised by Ernest released?"

Uchiha Guang raised his eyebrows, but didn't care much.

Instead, he walked straight forward for a while, turned a few corners in the middle, went up and down the stairs several times, pushed open the baffle, and came to a huge palace.

To be precise, this is a bedroom.

When Uchiha Guang arrived at the minister's house, it was already evening.

And at this moment, it was already late at night with the moon rising.

The bedroom was quiet, and a figure could be vaguely seen passing by the outside of the screen window. It was estimated that it was the imperial guards patrolling in the palace.

Dotya was already shrinking in the secret passage at this time, and didn't dare to come out.

As a native of the world of Killing Red, she was still quite in awe of the imperial power of the Millennium Empire.

But Uchiha Guang didn't worry so much. He went straight through the bedroom and found the little emperor's residence with the memory of Ernest.

The latter was of course accompanied by a personal maid. When Uchiha Guang came over, someone noticed her figure. Two of them immediately stood up and scolded, making a vigilant gesture:

"Who are you? How dare you trespass into His Majesty's bedroom? Someone come..."

"Be quiet and have a good sleep."

Uchiha Guang moved, and appeared beside the maids like a ghost. With a few hand knives, they fell into a baby-like sleep.


She came to the bed of the little emperor who had already gone to bed and patted his face.

The little emperor, who woke up from his sleep, met a pair of eyes flashing black and red light: "Tsukuyomi!"

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