I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 181 The arrival of


Inside the Ernest mansion.

Cosmia, who changed into a soldier's uniform and pretended to be dead among the corpses, swallowed hard and felt panic.

She was also a person who had seen the world.

Before she met Sheila, she was already a notorious "witch" in the Western Kingdom, known for her flamboyant behavior. After joining Sheila's team, she followed the latter to make trouble everywhere. Although her main hobby was to play with men and she didn't kill many people with her own hands, she still did a lot of deviant things.

But now...

She felt that the girl named Uchiha Guang was the real "witch".

Killing Sheila and his party in the central part of the empire was fine. After all, it was a remote place. Even if Ernest got the news, it would be difficult for him to intervene...

But this is the imperial capital!

No matter how powerful she is, attacking the mansion of Minister Ernest alone... This kind of thing is too outrageous! Even if it succeeds, aren't you afraid that the Empire will send a large number of people to encircle and suppress them?

Of course...

Cosmia is not worried about the safety of Uchiha Hikaru.

After all, the latter has that magical flying ability, and the "Shangri-La" teleportation imperial tool seized from Sheila. Even if he really encounters a powerful enemy that he cannot defeat, no one can stop him if he wants to run.

She is worried about herself--

When Uchiha Hikaru just entered the depths of the mansion, Cosmia was still in a state of exhaustion after being suppressed by the gravity field of the "Judgment Spear". She was unable to move freely, and she was interested in observing the result of the battle between Uchiha Hikaru and Onest, so she did not choose to escape at the first time.


When she realized that the situation was not right and wanted to escape, she found that Onest's mansion had been surrounded by a large number of imperial soldiers.

Even General Bud, who was as famous as Esdeath, was in the team.

Now, even if Cosmia wanted to run, she had no chance. She could only quietly change into the clothes of a palace soldier, smear some blood on her face and body, and lie down among a pile of corpses pretending to be dead, trying to get away with it in this way.

It was going very smoothly.

Because it was dark at night and there were many casualties, Bud did not find her.

The soldiers who counted the scene simply sniffed and lifted her and several other corpses onto the cart, preparing to send them to the crematorium for cremation after the matter was over.


Just when Cosmia quietly opened her eyes, intending to observe the situation and find a gap to slip away.

She heard a soldier next to her exclaimed briefly:

"Who is it?!"


Cosmia's heart skipped a beat, thinking that her act of pretending to be dead had been discovered.

But the next moment, she heard the voices of several other soldiers, and someone pointed to the night sky: "Up there!"

"Be careful...it may be an enemy attack!!"

As they spoke,

A huge flying dragon, with a whistling sound, flew all the way from the sky outside the imperial capital, aiming directly at the direction of Minister Ernest's residence.

There were several people in different clothes sitting on the flying dragon, led by a white-haired woman wearing an eye mask.

—— "Night Raid" boss, Najeshitan.

The headquarters of "Night Raid" was not too far from the imperial capital, just in a deep mountain dozens of miles away. After receiving Hill's message, Najeshitan made a prompt decision and summoned Akame, Mayin, Leone and others present to rush over quickly, wanting to confirm the situation with their own eyes.

Najeshitan probably had some judgment on Uchiha Hikaru's strength.

Just like she had seriously underestimated Esdeath's strength, in her opinion, Uchiha Hikaru was only slightly stronger than Brand and Akame. With the ability to fly in the air, it was not surprising that he could kill Sheila and his party, but choosing to assassinate Ernest in the imperial capital was undoubtedly a very risky decision.

Not to mention that Sheila's death has been known to Ernest, which has made him more vigilant.

Even if the assassination can be successfully completed, it is very likely that the imperial army will chase and intercept him afterwards, resulting in injuries or even capture.


The purpose of Najeshitan bringing people here this time is also partly to support Uchiha Guang.

——It would be a pity if such a powerful force that can provide considerable help to the revolutionary army died here.


"Huh? Where is Miss Guang?

"Is the battle over so soon?"

In the sky.

Najshitan looked at the bloody mess in the courtyard below, and roughly guessed what happened before-

"Sure enough, even with Miss Guang's strength, it was too difficult to assassinate Minister Ernest. The battle scene was so tragic, I'm afraid she is now..."

"Wait, who is that? "

Under Najeshitan's gaze, a blazing lightning bolt burst out from the courtyard, like a javelin, piercing straight into the sky with unparalleled swiftness!

At the critical moment, the flying dragon carrying the "Night Raid" group suddenly flapped its wings and narrowly avoided the attack.

As the lightning javelin exploded in mid-air, illuminating the surrounding night sky, the group saw a tall figure in armor walking out of the house and looking up.

"General Bud? !"

Najiexi's heart sank: "I didn't expect that even this person would appear here. It seems that Miss Guang's assassination operation has indeed failed..."

In the courtyard of the mansion.

Bude also snorted coldly, and a murderous intent flashed between his brows: "It is indeed you, 'Night Raid'! Najiexitan, you were once an imperial general who was deeply favored by the country. Defection is already a capital crime for treason. Is this how you repay Your Majesty?"

"...I'm sorry, we don't agree with each other. The empire is now in decay and has reached the point where it must be changed. Why do you need to go against the general trend?"


Bude moved his eyes away disdainfully and glanced at the red pupil next to Najiexitan: "The girl with black hair and red eyes... the murderer who killed Minister Ernest, is it you? You have such a powerful power. , but instead of serving the Empire, he went astray, which is really a pity.”

Najiexitan and Chitong: "Huh?"

At this moment.

Both sides have some questions in their minds.

For example, Najexitan was surprised by the news that "Ernest is dead" revealed in Bude's words.

But Bude was wondering when and where Yu Chitong, the "real murderer" who completed the assassination, slipped out of the mansion and was picked up by the "night attack" Feilong.

But at this time, there is obviously no time to discuss these issues.

As Bude's momentum exploded, the thunderclouds in the sky quickly condensed, and the general's body also floated into the air surrounded by thunder and lightning, with blue-purple arcs of light lingering around him.

——Wrath of Thor Admelech.

The Imperial Equipment on Bude is an armor-type Imperial Equipment that can control thunder clouds. It has outstanding performance among many Imperial Equipment and is close to Esdeath's "Devil's Essence". Now, with Bude's full firepower, his aura has been rising steadily in a very short period of time. He is like a god in charge of thunder and lightning, standing high in the sky, making everyone in the "Night Raid" look stern.

Chitong pulled out Murasame.

Leonai and Ma Yin also entered a state of combat readiness.


On the verge of breaking out!

the other side.

Uchiha Hikari is following the little emperor to the underground of the palace.

Compared with Ernest and Dotya, the memory of this little emperor can be said to be quite simple, just like a college student in the 21st century, with a clear sense of stupidity.

He didn't even know about the "Supreme Imperial Instrument".

Well...that's right.

Because the previous emperor and empress were poisoned to death by Ernest, they did not have time to explain their funeral arrangements and tell the young emperor all the secrets about the royal family. So now the little emperor is basically a puppet with a blank mind, knowing only what Ernest wants him to know.

There was no choice but to play the role of Ernest in person, Uchiha Hikaru, and told him about the "Kingshin Protector". Then, under the leadership of the little emperor, he came to the place where the Imperial Equipment was stored. .

"...Is it actually so big?"

Standing on a stone platform protected by railings.

Uchiha Hikari looked down at the abyss at his feet with surprise on his face.

Many of the Imperial Equipment in the Zhanchi World are capable of changing shapes.

For example, "The Haunted Demon" is a sword under normal conditions, but when used in sync with the Teigu user, it will transform into armor covering the whole body.

There are also Seryu's Hundred-Handed Giant and Najehitan's Susano'o. These biological imperial equipment also have transformed forms.


This "Guardian Machine God" is really as huge as the one seen after the revolutionary army broke through the imperial capital in the original plot. Visually, the huge body is two to three hundred meters high and weighs nearly 10,000 tons. It is like a mountain in the shape of armor, standing under the hollowed-out palace, connected by suspended stone steps.

According to Ernest's memory, this thing is the origin and culmination of the Teigu, and only those with royal blood can open and use it.

In other words, only the little emperor can enter and operate, and it is useless for others to sit in the "cockpit".

Uchiha Hikaru didn't intend to let the little emperor go up and operate it.

after all……

The power of the "Protector Machine God" is no less than Esdeath.

And it also has a secret technique called "Purge Mode", which can use alchemy and the characteristics of the Teigu itself to change the appearance of the mecha into a dragon shape, thus obtaining greatly enhanced weapon destructive power and defensive capabilities... From the original work Judging from its performance in "Purge Mode", it may be more difficult to deal with than Esdeath, and the beam cannon is more lethal than the Tailed Beast Jade in the Naruto world.

If the little emperor was really allowed to sit in and start moving, Uchiha Hikaru was not sure he could stop him immediately.


Her purpose was to pack this thing away quietly and find a quiet place to study it slowly.


After flying around the "Protector Machine God" and observing it carefully for a while, Uchiha Hikari discovered a problem——

This thing seems to be integrated with the palace.

In other words, the founding emperor of the country may have placed it here first and then built the current palace on it, instead of building the palace first and then digging holes.

Therefore, whether it is opened or sealed and taken away, it will cause the collapse of the entire palace complex.

After confirming this situation, Uchiha Hikaru used the dancing sky technique to return to the stone platform again and fell into deep thought.

"It seems we have to find a safe way..."

But I'm not in a hurry.

After all, Uchiha Guang couldn't open the "National Guardian God". She wanted to get it just out of interest. If she had to choose one, she actually preferred the more practical imperial tools such as "Shangri-La" and "Judgment Spear".

Tonight's action was already fruitful. The seal scrolls and universal capsules carried by Uchiha Guang were almost full. She planned to go back to digest them and clear the inventory before studying the treasures in the palace.

At the moment.

Uchiha Guang gave the little emperor a hint of "don't use the supreme imperial tool", and then took him back to the palace.

During this process, several patrolling guards noticed her.

But before these guards opened their mouths to question, the little emperor scolded: "Go away, don't be rude to the ministers!"

Palace guards: "?"

The guards who didn't know about the existence of Tsukuyomi couldn't understand the little emperor's words, but they still chose not to ask because of the majesty of the imperial power. They just thought that his majesty was playing some special play with this girl... After all, the two looked about the same age.

Wait until we get back to the palace.

Uchiha Hikaru picked up Dotya and flew up with the Sky Dance Technique.

Speaking of which...

There are actually quite a few flying dangerous species in the sky above the palace, which are artificially raised by a kind of feed-type imperial tool.

When Uchiha Hikaru flew away from the sky, those things noticed her. Some of them came out of their nests, looking a bit like ancient pterosaurs or super-large bats, and there seemed to be quite a lot of them.

Even after Uchiha Hikaru released his murderous aura, they had no intention of retreating, but were a little eager to try.

Fortunately, the range of these things seemed to be limited.

When Uchiha Hikaru flew out of the palace, they stopped chasing and flapped their wings to retreat.

At this time.

Uchiha Hikaru saw the thunderclouds condensing in the sky in the distance, as well as the lightning flying all over the sky, and the red and white beam cannons bombarding each other.

"What's going on over there?"

"...It should be General Budd of the Empire fighting with others. His imperial weapon can control the thunderclouds in the sky, which is very powerful."

Dotya, who was lifted up in the air, whispered, wanting to prove her worth.

But even if she didn't say it.

Uchiha Hikaru probably recognized it.


In the original plot of Kill Aka, "Night Raid" once rushed to the imperial capital to fight General Budd in order to rescue Tatsumi who was about to be executed.

Now, because of the appearance of Uchiha Hikaru, the plot of this world has been completely changed. I didn't expect that this plot could be staged again at a different time...

It's probably a kind of destiny.

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