I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 182: Bud's fall and the reaction of the revolutionary army (two in one)

It was already early morning.

The bright full moon hung high in the night sky.

Uchiha Hikaru landed on the top of a tall tower, threw Dotya aside, and then watched the battle between "Night Raid" and Bud from a distance.

It was obvious...

"Night Raid" was at a disadvantage.

Bud's strength was still very strong. Like Brand and Akame, he was one of the few people closest to Esdeath, and to some extent, he was stronger than the latter two. Because his imperial weapon "Thunder God's Wrath" could not only fly in the air, but also release lightning shocks and paralyze enemies remotely, which had a very obvious restraining effect on melee imperial weapon users.

Akame's "Murasame" could theoretically kill with one strike, but it couldn't get close.

The same was true for Hill and Leone.

Only Maine could hit him with the "Pumpkin Turret", but it only caused a distraction.

——In the original plot, Main defeated Budd at the cost of the complete destruction of the pumpkin turret with the belief that she would die, and she also fell into a vegetative state afterwards. At this time, she had no strength and determination to defeat Budd, and could only use ordinary shells to consume him.

In a short moment.

The "night attack" had been in danger several times, and even the flying dragon dangerous species was struck by lightning from the sky several times and was almost shot down directly.

Faced with this situation, Najeshitan decided to retreat.

But Budd pursued them all the way, as if he was going to kill them all here.


Both sides were approaching the tower where Uchiha Guang was.

Seeing this scene.

Uchiha Guang sighed faintly, and then formed a seal with one hand: "Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique!"

Chakra surged.

As Uchiha Guang opened her mouth and spit out, a thin line of fire shot out from her mouth, drawing a straight line in the sky, and in an instant it had already attacked Budd. The latter subconsciously dodged sideways, then turned his head and looked over with a little surprise.

Najeshitan and others also rode on the flying dragon and looked at the top of the tower.

"...Miss Guang?"

"...Black hair and red eyes, it turns out that you are the murderer who killed the minister?"

Under the gaze of several eyes.

Uchiha Guang was wearing a black windbreaker, his eyes were like fire, and his long black hair was blown high by the night wind, reflecting a faint crimson under the firelight. Although he was petite, he had a kind of majesty and momentum unique to the strong, which made people unconsciously shudder.

"Fire escape·Dragon Flame Song Technique!!"

Uchiha Guang released the fire escape again.

This time, four fire dragons were spit out by her one after another, flying from the top, bottom, left and right to the direction where Bud was!

After Bud found that he could not dodge, he immediately touched his fists, encouraged the thunder power around him, and built a shield-shaped barrier made of thunder and lightning!

With a loud bang.

The flames and lightning collided head-on in the sky.

The four fire dragons turned into flames and splashed, and Bud's lightning barrier also shrank greatly, leaving only a thin layer covering his body.

"... With such power, it's no wonder that he can kill Ernest, but it's still not good enough in front of me."

Bud seemed to feel it and said coldly: "Little boy, if you are willing to work for the empire, I can consider letting you go."


Uchiha Guang pursed his lips and smiled softly: "Old man, considering that you are still a decent person, I also advise you... If you go back now, I can also consider letting you go."

She was not joking when she said this.

Among the high-level officials of the empire, this General Bud is considered a good person, but his character is too stubborn and pedantic. If he can see the current situation clearly, he doesn't have to be killed.


This kindness was obviously mistaken for ridicule.


"I only spoke to you because I value your talent. Since you don't appreciate it... then prepare to die here!"

Facing the glaring Budd.

Uchiha Hikaru sighed again, then his eyes condensed, and the dark magatama appeared again.

"Since you are unwilling to retreat, then think about the last words you want to say... The third power, Susanoo!"

While urging the pupil power.

The dark red flame emerged in the air, from nothing to something, outlining a dense skeleton shape, and then a large amount of flesh and armor filled in... In just a few breaths, a huge figure of 40 meters high appeared above the tower, like a second tower standing tall.

Susanoo, the fourth form! !

Not counting the time when he killed Ernest, this was the first time that Uchiha Hikaru used Susanoo in front of the people of the Akagi World.

At this moment.

Budd and the "Night Raid" all opened their eyes wide, and they were all stunned.

"What is that...?!"

"Is it a mecha-type imperial weapon?"

Under the gaze of a horrified crowd, Uchiha Hikaru held the three-meter-long dragon bone sword, which was taller than himself, in one hand, and Susanoo also raised the dark red sword at the same time. Two figures, one big and one small, stood under the night sky. After a moment of gathering strength, they suddenly took a step and rose up!


On the top of the tower, several tiles were gently crushed by the tiles, turning into gravel and rolling to the ground.

And Uchiha Hikaru had already come out with a sword!

"One hundred and eight sections... Red Flame Slash!!"

The dragon bone sword and the dark red sword were swung at the same time.

In a breath, the red sword energy tore through the night, sweeping forward like a wave, leaving behind a long fire trail hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide. Because of the high temperature, a twisted ripple was evaporated in the surrounding air, and for a moment, it seemed that even the space was trembling!

Facing this amazing knife.

Bud's pupils suddenly contracted, and he shook his arms again, opening the lightning barrier to the maximum.

The next second.

The red sword energy hit the barrier directly, engulfing Bud's body in an instant. The blazing flames spread in all directions, and then fell towards the long street below, like a meteor shower! Even places several kilometers away can see it clearly!

After dozens of seconds.

The flames gradually dissipated.

Budd's figure appeared in the air again, and he was much more embarrassed than before. He looked out of breath, and his clothes and his towering hair showed obvious signs of being burned.

"Oh? You can actually block this knife?"

Uchiha Guang raised his eyebrows and showed a little approval: "But... how many more times can you block it?"

As he spoke, the dragon bone knife and the dark red sword fell together!

"Hundred and Eight Sections·Heavy Cannon Slash!!"

This time, Budd didn't dare to take it head-on, and suddenly controlled the electromagnetic force to soar into the sky and fly far away.

Uchiha Guang also pulled out the "Moonlight Dance" behind him with his backhand, holding a sword in each hand, and slashed at the full moon in the night sky!

"Two Heavens One Flow... Full Moon Slash!"

Accompanied by Uchiha Guang's relaxed movements, sword energy burst out from the two long swords, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into more than a dozen large and small crescent moons that soared into the sky, interweaving a huge and dense sword net under the night sky. It may even look a bit gorgeous on the outside, but it is filled with murderous intent.

Bud barely dodged a few times, and was gradually surrounded by the sword energy. The lightning barrier was shattered and recast several times, and later it became powerless.


Bud stopped in mid-air, crossed his arms, and raised them high: "Stubborn little devil, let me show you the power of the 'Thunder God's Wrath' trick... Secret Technique: Thunder Emperor Summoning!"

Lightning surged!

At this moment, a powerful momentum burst out from Bud, turning into a deep purple lightning column that penetrated the sky and the earth. For a moment, the clouds were stirred up, and the surrounding sword energy was also separated. Countless purple-blue arcs roamed like snakes, gradually converging on a huge ball of light.

"... It's over!!"

Bud blasted the ball of light down!

Uchiha Hikaru took a deep breath, and the dragon bone knife and the dark red sword overlapped together, swinging the strongest sword of the night!

"Hundred and eight sections...Crescent Moon Sky Rush!"

The 100-meter-high crescent moon reappeared, with endless light and heat! Almost at the same time as it left the blade, it had already swept dozens of meters away, and collided with Bud's "Thunder Emperor Summon"!

Boom--! ! ! !

In an instant, a beam of light as dazzling as the sun burst out, and even the full moon in the night sky seemed eclipsed!

Smoke filled the sky! !

Ten thousand cannons roared! !

The huge shock wave, with milky white air waves, spread out in all directions, crushing everything in its path! The terrifying light and heat turned into a twelve-level gale that swept the surrounding area, sweeping up the houses and streets within hundreds of meters with a devastating force, and then spreading to all directions within a radius of more than ten kilometers!

The sound of windows breaking continued, and large tracts of trees and land were uprooted!

For dozens of seconds.

The chaotic force field filled the space, constantly crushing, crushing, and shaking the stone slabs and trees... Just these bullet-like fragments caused a great impact on the imperial army on the ground!


The thick smoke and dust gradually dissipated.

A hemispherical depression has appeared on the ground, extending radially for several miles. Even the palace walls a few kilometers away were partially impacted, and some walls became fragmented.

From the perspective of the imperial soldiers on the ground, the figure of General Budd had disappeared.

Only a dark red Susanoo was left, still standing in the sky, scanning the surroundings with the majesty of a god.

"The general..."


"It's over."

Uchiha Hikaru stood on the head of Susanoo, looking down at her feet with cold eyes, her eyes swept over the faces of the imperial soldiers with complicated expressions one by one, then slowly closed her eyes and put away the layer of chakra covering her body.

Beside her, the slightly damaged "Thunder God's Wrath" was floating in the air under the control of Word Spirit·Sword Control. Perhaps because it consumed too much power in the previous battle, it now looked a little gray, as if it had turned into an ordinary armor.

To be honest...

The strongest opponent that Uchiha Hikaru has encountered so far may have to be replaced.

——It's no longer Xia Mi from the Dragon Clan World, but General Bud from the Akagi World.

But even if the latter's power is close to that of a god, in front of her pair of Sharingan that truly possesses the power of a god, he can only choose to end with regret.

"What, aren't you leaving yet?"

Until Uchiha Hikaru flew up to her and asked.

Najesitan and others who were sitting on the flying dragon woke up from their dream, and then looked at Uchiha Hikaru with the eyes of the first day of acquaintance, and called on Lubbock who was lurking nearby to retreat together.

In the process, Uchiha Hikaru also picked up Cosmia and Dotya and took them with him.

"...Who are these two?"

Najesitan looked at Cosmia and the others without showing any expression, and then asked in a low voice.

"The spoils of war."

Uchiha Hikaru was concise.

"...I understand."


That night, the head of the civil officials and the head of the military generals of the empire fell together.

From the next day, the entire court fell into chaos. The little emperor who lost his left and right arms, like an innocent child, sat on the throne blankly, at a loss when facing the memorials presented by the ministers.

For the people of the imperial capital, this was a disaster.

Well...it didn't make much difference.

After all, when Ernest was there, their lives were just like that, especially those who were related to the conscientious officials, who secretly breathed a sigh of relief and were glad that they had avoided the crisis of being assassinated.

And for the rebels in various places...

This is an opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to go to Luoyang.

Even if there are still a large number of imperial guards stationed around the imperial capital, it is only a matter of time before they are defeated without a leader.

As a former general of the empire, Najeshitan easily saw this situation, quickly sorted out the intelligence and sent it to the headquarters, and then brought Akame and Brand to Uchiha Guang, bowed to her in a slightly humble manner to thank her:

"Miss Guang, thank you so much for your help. If it weren't for you, we might need several months to conquer the imperial capital..."

After saying some polite words.

Najeshitan tried to ask carefully: "Well, Miss Guang, do you have anything else you want? If so, we will do our best to help you achieve it?"

Although Uchiha Guang had said before, "Just the spoils of war." And the Revolutionary Army also agrees with this.


That is based on the Revolutionary Army's assessment of Uchiha Hikari's strength, which is "about equal to Brand".

And when she showed a strength far beyond that of ordinary imperial tools, and even close to that of Esdeath, the Revolutionary Army could no longer neglect her.

Najesita has already written down the details of the battle of Brand in the intelligence she sent out.

Although she has not received a reply from the headquarters, as a senior member of the Revolutionary Army, she still has the power to make a promise to Uchiha Hikari.

And Uchiha Hikari...

does have a few requests.

"I want an imperial tool."

Uchiha Hikari stretched out a finger: "Nothing else, it's the 'World Encyclopedia'."

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