I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 183 Undercurrent (two in one)

"World Complete Book·Rongolongo".

This is one of the few book-shaped imperial artifacts among the forty-eight imperial artifacts. It records the maps of various countries in the Zangaka world. The part about the empire is extremely detailed, with almost everything from the topography and climate of each map to the landscape and products. It is said that there is a prophecy of super-large-scale natural disasters that may occur in the future on the last page of the book.

Although it is not clear how this thing works.

But if you want to explore the mystery of dangerous species in the Zangaka world, this imperial artifact is indispensable.


If you can master its principle, maybe you can continue to use it in other worlds.

——It doesn't matter in worlds with few countries like Naruto and Dragon Ball, but in places like the Pirate World, the "Book of the World" can play a huge role.

Originally, Uchiha Hikaru thought that Ernest or the Imperial Family knew the whereabouts of the "Book of the World".

As a result, he went to Ernest's mansion and the palace but couldn't find it.

There is no way, so I can only hope for the Revolutionary Army.

After all, in the original plot, this imperial weapon was given to Akame by Najeshitan after the decisive battle.

"In addition, I want a piece of land..."

"It doesn't have to be too big, nor too close to the imperial capital, just a seaside town near the East China Sea. I am very curious about the super dangerous species in this world, and I want to build a small research institute to study their materials. Don't worry, it won't cause trouble to the people around."

Wait for Uchiha Hikaru to finish.

Najeshitan thought about it and nodded: "Okay. The 'Book of the World' is not in the hands of the Revolutionary Army yet, but we are also trying to find it. Once we find it, we will hand it over to you as soon as possible.

As for the fiefdom, I can't give you a definite promise for the time being, because we are not the actual rulers of this empire, but I will try my best to make it happen, even in my personal name..."

With the current strength of the Revolutionary Army, it is not too difficult to take advantage of the empty defense of the imperial capital to attack Huanglong.


Taking the imperial capital does not mean the victory of the revolution.

Not to mention the military leaders, tyrants, and bandit gangs with different intentions in various places, it will take several to ten years to slowly clean them up.

The imperial general in the north alone is enough to make people feel daunted.


This is a person who can turn the tide with her own strength. If she cannot be solved, then even if the attack on Luoyang is successful, it may face a fragmented empire.

Originally, the Revolutionary Army planned to use the human sea tactics, investing all the imperial tools and millions of troops to pile up Esdeath.

However, the appearance of Uchiha Hikari made Najeshitan see another possibility of breaking the situation-

If it is this girl...

Can Esdeath be defeated with the cooperation of a small number of imperial tools?

Najeshitan was thinking in her mind how to ask Uchiha Hikari for help.

After a little thought, Uchiha Hikari took out a scroll from his body and put out several large boxes.

"There is one more thing."

"These boxes contain correspondence between Ernest and officials and subordinates from all over the empire. I found them in his mansion. There are some letters in them that seem to be sent by cadres of the revolutionary army... These things are useless to me, so you can take them and deal with them as you see fit."


Najesita's expression froze slightly.

She was a general of the empire after all, so she was not surprised by this situation-

No matter what era, no matter what reason a war is launched, there are always fence-sitters.

In fact, even the generals at the top of the revolutionary army are not pure. Some people really want to save the people and build a new empire that is fair and clear; some people just want to pursue fame and fortune, and take advantage of the opportunity of the chaos to become emerging dignitaries; and some people just want to satisfy their desire for war and killing-they don't have the strength of Esdeath, but they suffer from Esdeath's disease.

In order to increase the chips of the revolution as much as possible, many senior officials, including Najeshitan, deliberately ignored these differences.


If we consider it from a long-term perspective, these differences must be resolved, and even iron-blooded means must be used to cleanse them. Otherwise, those with impure motives may plunge the new empire into darkness again.

In theory, these problems can actually be left to the next generation, looking forward to the "wisdom of future generations".


"I know."

Najesita's face changed several times, and she took a deep breath: "Thank you Miss Guang for your reminder. I will find a way to properly deal with them."

At the moment.

Najesita took Brand and Lubbock to move these boxes of letters out and find another place to store them.

And Akahime stayed with a curious look on her face, and asked Uchiha Guang to "see the sword".

"Hmm? Miss Akahime wants to see my dragon bone knife?"

Uchiha Guang scratched his head: "Yes, I can..."

After a slight hesitation.

Uchiha Guang took out the dragon bone knife behind him and placed it on the table.

Akahime came closer with a pious look and looked at it carefully.

"Is Miss Guang's sword also made of the body materials of a demon beast?"

"...You can understand it that way."

The big monsters in Inuyasha's world and the dangerous species in Zang Aka's world are actually not fundamentally different. Maybe there is no reproductive isolation...

Under the gaze of Uchiha Hikari.

Chi Tong gently placed her palm on the slightly rough blade of the Dragon Bone Sword, and felt it carefully for a while: "Although it's not very clear, I can definitely feel a very powerful force... No wonder Miss Guang can wield so much power. Amazing slash..."


Uchiha Hikari smiled: "I think that some of the super dangerous species in this world should be able to forge magic weapons that are not inferior to it. If you are interested in this knife, we can go hunting a few together later. Try it.”

When the revolutionary army establishes a new political power, the "Night Raid" will probably be disbanded. By then, Mayin, Hill and others may choose to return to their hometowns to get married, and Brand and Lubbock may continue to follow Najexitan. Building the country, and Chitong will most likely have nothing to do... Well, he may have to find his sister Heitong.

But it doesn't matter.

Her "Murasame" is still very useful when hunting dangerous species. It should be no problem if she occasionally swings it over to help with hunting.

"...Hunting? Yes."

Chitong nodded.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember another thing and spoke again: "By the way, Miss Guang, I almost forgot to tell you...'Night Raid' has recently recruited several new people. Brother Brand said you might know them." They, so let me tell you."


When he followed Chitong outside, Uchiha Hikari realized why she said that.

Uchiha Hikari indeed knew these three "Night Raid" newcomers.

The male protagonist of "Zhan Chi", Tazmi.

There are also two childhood sweethearts from the same village.

If I remember correctly, their names are Iyeas and Sayu.

In the original plot line, Tazmi and the other three left their homes and went to the imperial capital in order to solve the plight of the village. The arrival of Uchiha Hikaru changed a lot of the plot, but it did not affect Tazmi's village, so they still chose to set off at about the same time.

However, because Arya was eradicated in advance by the "Night Raid", they did not suffer the tragic fate of being tricked into their home and tortured to death by the latter.

Instead, they successfully reunited near the Imperial Capital and were brought back by Brand and Leonai who happened to be passing by.

This is quite...

It was unintentional.

"How come they are willing to join the 'Night Raid'?"

Uchiha Hikaru asked smoothly.

In the original work, Tazmi witnessed the death of two companions and recognized the true face of the nobles, and then decided to join the revolution.

But now...

"Leone lied to them and said that we were an elite combat team specially prepared by the empire, and the salary was very high, so they were willing to follow..."


But this is true.

According to the general development, the revolutionary army will inevitably replace the empire. At that time, "Night Raid" will be one of the founding fathers of the new empire. As long as he does not burn bridges, his treatment will definitely not be too bad. On the contrary, it would be really unthinkable to defect to the empire at this time.

the other side.

Hill and Ma Yin are providing "pre-job training" to Tazmi and the others with evidence of the empire's corruption and darkness.

Uchiha Hikaru had no intention of intervening. He just nodded a few times and turned back.

the following few days.

Uchiha Hikaru began to study "Thunder God's Wrath" and "Spear of Judgment".

Probably because her lightning escape level is pretty good, so "Thunder God's Wrath" has a good compatibility with her, so it's pretty easy to use.

However, if you want to bring this imperial weapon to its peak level during General Bude's lifetime, it may take some time for exploration and proficiency.

in addition……

After repeated groping and attempts, Uchiha Hikari confirmed one thing——

The use of the Teigu is accompanied by the rapid consumption of physical and mental power.

Theoretically, no one can use two or two God tools at the same time because they cannot bear such a huge burden.

Of course, this iron rule was later broken by Will. The latter, as a user of the "Noble Chariot", inherited his "Most Horse" after the death of his companion Ran, thus becoming the first person to use two Teigu at the same time. However, the side effects of organ failure also occurred, resulting in a significant reduction in life span.

Uchiha Hikari's physique is far stronger than that of ordinary Teigu users.

Using two Teigu at the same time didn't put much pressure on her, just a slight fatigue.

But, if it increases to three pieces...

The feeling of fatigue is more obvious.

But it can still be maintained in a short period of time.

"For the time being, let's treat "Shangri-La" and "Thunder God's Wrath" as common imperial tools, and keep the "Spear of Judgment" as a backup..."

"The next two Teigu still need more practice to see if they can develop beyond the level of the original owner..."

Uchiha Hikaru thought so.

"Besides, I have to find some time as soon as possible to meet that 'Dr. Fashion'..."

Dr. Fashion is the "trophy" that Uchiha Hikaru had planned for a long time.

This guy's knowledge of alchemy is no less than that of Dotya, and more importantly, he is very knowledgeable about the Teigu. If he could find her earlier, it might be able to provide some inspiration for her training in developing the Teigu.

"...That's the general situation."

A base somewhere of the revolutionary army.

Najiexitan finished her speech and slowly sat down on the chair.

Both sides of the long table were already full at this time. There were more than a dozen faces of different ages, all of whom, like her, were high-level cadres from the revolutionary army.

"In other words, the strength of this girl named 'Uchiha Hikaru' may be close to Esdeath?"


Najexitan nodded: "I have dealt with Esdeath for many years, and this eye and this arm are all thanks to her. And I have also seen the strength of Uchiha Hikaru with my own eyes. Although there is no way to put them together directly. Comparison, but according to my estimation, their strength may be on the same level.

Such a power is what we must strive for, even if we pay some price. "


After a short silence.

Someone raised objections: "In the final analysis, you are the only one who has seen her strength. Who knows if there is any exaggeration in your words?"

The 'World Encyclopedia' is very important to us. It is related to the economic recovery after the war. You have already exceeded the rules by privately agreeing to give this Teigu to her. Now you actually want to give her a fief... Could it be that we started a revolution? The purpose is to help her break the earth and become a prince? "

"...General Barnard, how about you go fight Esdeath?"

Na Jiexitan snorted coldly: "The news of the death of General Bude and Minister Ernest has now spread throughout the imperial capital, and these two people were killed by Miss Uchiha Hikari, and you can only sit here and talk. Cannon, what else can you do?

Oh, by the way, you can also exchange letters with Ernest and use the revolutionary army's confidential information in exchange for the glory and wealth in his hands, right? "

"What did you say?!"

The man named Barnard was angry: "How can you denounce someone's innocence out of thin air?!"


before the argument escalates further.

The dignified man sitting at the head of the long table coughed and interrupted the dispute: "Okay, everyone, please calm down and don't hurt the harmony over these things...

Najexitan's judgment has always been accurate. Since the Uchiha lady can kill ministers and generals overnight and turn the entire imperial capital upside down, there must be something special about her. If she can help us overthrow the empire and establish a new regime, why not give her the entire Donghai County?

The most important thing now is to gather forces from all parties to attack the imperial capital and end the rule of the royal family. As for the rest, we can discuss it later. "


Najesitan and Barnard looked at each other, then both nodded in agreement.

That afternoon, the first group of revolutionary troops set out on their way to the imperial capital.

The same day.

Another urgent letter was rushed to the northern border of the empire.

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