I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 185: Battle of Ice and Fire! (Two in One)

"……It's you?"

Eyes facing each other.

Esdeath raised her eyebrows and looked at Uchiha Hikaru with some curiosity.

Her expression seemed a little surprised.

after all……

Uchiha Hikari's age is too young no matter how you look at it. Not to mention Brand and the others, even compared to Chitomi and Tazmi, he still looks too petite, and his appearance is closer to that ignorant little emperor. In the first meeting, it was hard to imagine that she could kill General Bude and turn the imperial capital upside down in just a few days.

And this side.

Uchiha Hikari was also looking at Esdeath.

This Jun Ji's figure is taller and more fierce than what she saw in the animation.

He is obviously very tall, but his long, waterfall-like blue hair almost falls to his calves. His fair and cold face, his cold and indifferent eyes, coupled with his aura that looked down on the world... Even standing among thousands of troops, he still stood out from the crowd.

Of course, what is more eye-catching is the dark red mark on her chest.

That is a sign of drinking the "Appearance of the Demon God and the Essence of Demons".

"It seems like it's going to be a tough battle..."

As early as when he first came to Zhanchi World, Uchiha Hikari had already expected to face off against this Junji.

But when the battle actually came, she still felt a little nervous.

as well as……

More excitement!

After all, there are not many opportunities to fight against an opponent of this level. As an Uchiha with the Mangekyou Sharingan, she still wanted to see the most powerful force in the empire.


Uchiha Hikaru took a deep breath, and his aura began to rise rapidly. Her long black hair was lifted high by the invisible wind, and there seemed to be a cyclone surrounding her, sweeping aside all the sand, stones and broken leaves——

The third gate of Dunjia of Eight Gates, open!

this moment.

She also exudes a powerful majesty like a king, facing Esdeath opposite her from a distance, like a pair of twin mirror images.


"The momentum is good."

Esdeath's eyes changed slightly, and she nodded slightly.

"Want to fight here?"

Uchiha Hikaru said softly: "Would you rather find a quieter place?"

"Just here."

Esdeath said, turned over and dismounted, handed the reins to the adjutant next to him, and then stretched his arms: "You go and deal with the others. Just leave this place to me and her...the opponents we encountered before. They are too weak to fully satisfy me. I hope you can hold on a little longer."

"That's what I'm going to say too."

The air became quiet.

Neither of them spoke anymore, and they could only hear the sound of the cavalry's hooves moving away to both sides.

——As an imperial general, Esdeath is relatively patient with her subordinates. Judging from her appearance, it is obvious that she does not want to put the soldiers who follow her into danger because of her battle.

Uchiha Hikaru reached behind his back and pulled out the dragon bone sword.

Esdeath, on the other hand, drew out the sword from his waist at a slightly slow speed, and then raised his arm slightly.

With this movement, a huge amount of ice burst out around her, and then spread and expanded rapidly... In just a short moment, a thirty or forty meter high, circular ice wall was formed, covering several square meters. Everything within a kilometer is isolated, leaving only Uchiha Hikaru on the opposite side!

Most of the cavalry brought by Esdeath moved far away from the site because of their fast movement. However, some Revolutionary Army soldiers were unable to avoid it in time and were directly swallowed by the ice wall, turning into groups of human-shaped ice sculptures.

"……bring it on!"

The words have not yet fallen.

Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath disappeared at the same time.


To be precise, the two figures turned into two at this moment. One remained on the spot and gradually disappeared, while the other flew across a distance of nearly a hundred meters in an instant and split the sword blade in his hand. !

when--! ! ! !

Amidst the harsh explosions, wisps of milky white air waves burst out to the surroundings, pushing away the air on both sides!


Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath raised their eyebrows in unison, with a look of surprise in their eyes: "So strong!"


"not enough!"

The next moment, the two figures turned into a whirlwind, and they continuously slashed at a speed far exceeding the eighth level. The dragon bone knife and Esdeath's long sword collided thousands of times in just tens of seconds, and every time They all burst into a series of fire! The intertwined sword energy continued to dig into the surrounding ground, leaving thin and deep ravines, and drawing vacuum areas in the air!

This scene of the fight, even if it was filmed with the latest high-speed camera in Dragon Ball World, only tiny afterimages can be seen!

After the last sword exchange, both sides flew back at the same time.

Then, Esdeath raised his left arm and with one move, countless thick ice edges formed in mid-air, shooting towards him like a violent storm!

"Pale Mouth!"

Uchiha Hikari formed a seal with one hand, opened his mouth and spat out:

"Fire Escape·The Great Fire is extinguished!!"

The fireball fell like a meteorite and collided head-on with all the ice edges!

boom--! !

The moment the extremely cold ice met the extremely hot fire, a huge wave of fire mixed with hot water vapor swept around, turning hundreds of meters of space into a gray patch in the blink of an eye!

And in this chaos.

A sword energy nearly 100 meters high was slashed into the air!

"Crescent Moon Sky Strike!"

In contrast, a wall of ice several tens of meters high and nearly one meter thick rose from the ground, blocking the way of "Crescent Moon Sky Strike".

Under the impact of the sword energy, the ice wall was constantly broken, and then recast and thickened, eliminating the impact of the sword energy. Finally, the power of "Crescent Moon Sky Strike" was exhausted, and a chisel mark several meters deep appeared on the refrigerator. A large amount of ice chips splashed in the surrounding air, as if a heavy snow had fallen in this world! !


On a hill several kilometers away from the "Ice Ring Battlefield".

Several huge flying dangerous species were entrenched here.

At the feet of the dangerous species, there stood several high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army, including Najeshitan and Glenn, as well as a dozen imperial weapon users, including Akame, Brand and others. Everyone looked horrified, watching the fight between Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath from afar.

"So strong!"

"Although I have always heard that Esdeath is the most powerful general in the empire, I didn't expect her to be so strong. Ordinary imperial weapon users would probably be killed instantly. How could that girl named Uchiha Hikari fight her back and forth?"

"Heh, you didn't see the scene when General Bud fell. Miss Hikari is not at her full strength now."

Leone glanced at the imperial weapon users around him who were not "night raiders", and then looked at Najeshitan: "Boss, when can we go over to help?"

"... Wait a little longer."

Najshitan shook her head.

Earlier today.

Najshitan had already brought Uchiha Hikari to meet Glenn and briefly discussed how to deal with Esdeath.

According to the idea of ​​the Revolutionary Army, they planned to let more than ten imperial utilitarians fight against Esdeath together, consume her power as much as possible, and create a flaw for the opponent, and then Uchiha Hikari would kill at the critical moment and inflict heavy damage on Esdeath... However, this proposal was rejected by Uchiha Hikari.

She planned to fight Esdeath alone.

——This was inevitable.

In front of Esdeath, except for a few people such as Brand and Akame, other imperial utilitarians would just be sent to eat.

And Brand was someone Uchiha Hikari subjectively wanted to isolate from this battle. After all, the opponent was her "pass" to enter the world of Zanaka. If he died here, then all her exploration plans for the world of Zanaka would be ruined.

As for Akame, without opening the Murasame secret technique, she could only fight with Esdeath for a short time, which did not consume much power.


Uchiha Hikari also mentioned that Esdeath would use "Mokobotmo" to freeze time and space.

This was the only move of Esdeath that she was afraid of among all her moves. If necessary, someone may need to come forward to deal with Esdeath and buy her time.

If it is just dealing with her, it is not too difficult. Brand, Akame, and the biological imperial weapon Susanoo can all do it.

- Of course, the premise is that "Mokobotamo" will not freeze people a few kilometers away, and Uchiha Hikaru is not very sure about this.

"Don't worry."

Najesita clenched her fist slightly and said in a positive voice: "We will win."


On the other side.

In the battlefield where ice chips are flying.

Uchiha Hikaru holds a nearly four-meter-long dragon bone knife and stands face to face with Esdeath dozens of meters away.

The fight just now can only be regarded as a warm-up for both her and Esdeath. And this short warm-up allowed her to confirm several pieces of information-

Esdeath's physical skills are quite strong.

Her speed is not inferior to her, and her strength is even better than hers.

And that kind of ice control ability is far stronger than the conventional escape techniques in the Naruto world, and it has the characteristics of instant and instant connection. Creating a wall of ice tens of meters out of thin air seems easy for her, just a very ordinary flat attack.

"What's your name?"

Esdeath suddenly asked: "Is that sword your imperial weapon? The sword energy just now is very good. Do you have any other tricks?"

"Uchiha, Guang."

Uchiha Guang introduced himself.

"Guang... I will remember this name."

Esdeath's eyes were slightly bright at this time, looking at Uchiha Guang's eyes, as if looking at a delicious meal, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised: "The methods you just used are not bad, but these alone are not enough to kill General Bud. Let me see your true ability."

"Then... as you wish."

Uchiha Guang opened his eyes.

The three magatama in the pupil began to rotate, gradually turning into a windmill:


A dark red skeleton giant appeared out of thin air as the flames surged, and then the chakra condensed into a solid flesh and blood body and outer armor. The nearly 40-meter-tall body stood on the battlefield, almost higher than the ice wall surrounding Esdeath.


At this moment, even Esdeath couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, with a look of surprise on her face.

And Uchiha Hikaru had already raised the greatsword: "Hundred and eight sections... Cross Slash!"

One horizontal.

One vertical!

As Uchiha Hikaru swung the sword, "Red Flame Slash" and "Heavy Artillery Slash" merged into one, turning into a cross-shaped red sword energy that tore through the air and flew towards the military princess opposite!

The sword energy was followed by a series of fiery sound cones. Because of the speed, the piercing sonic boom was delayed for a beat before it reached the ears of the two people present!

The momentum of this cross slash was even more amazing than the sword that killed General Bud that day. If General Bud stood here, he would probably be killed on the spot again!

But Esdeath did not show any panic. She just put her hands together, and the power in her body surged wildly. In an instant, a giant ice pillar with a diameter of more than 20 meters and a height of more than 100 meters appeared under her feet, carrying her body up into the sky!

From the perspective of an observer, this ice pillar seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth!

Even the fourth form of Susanoo seemed a little small in front of it.


The cross slash fell on the ice pillar, and the huge power contained in it burst out, causing the pillar to shake a few times and become shaky.

Esdeath stood on top of the icicle, leaped high, and snapped her fingers in midair.

As the cold air blew, an ice meteorite larger than the icicle condensed in a short moment. Esdeath raised her hand and waved it, and it fell straight down from the sky, with a whistling sound, hitting the Susanoo on the ground: "Welcome to the death that suits you, Uchiha Hikaru!"

"...The 'Heavenly Shock Star' of the Akagi world?"

Uchiha Hikaru narrowed her eyes slightly and clenched the dragon bone knife with both hands.

The Susanoo under her feet also clenched the dark red sword at the same time, and the black flames on the sword were burning fiercely - Amaterasu!

After taking a deep breath and gathering strength, Uchiha Hikaru controlled Susanoo to step on it, and while taking advantage of the momentum to jump up, he drew a semicircular slash towards the sky above his head!

"Hundred and Eight Sections·Star Hammer Slash! And...Crescent Sky Strike!!!"

The dark red sword and dragon bone knife swung together.

The two sword energies merged into one at this moment, turning into a larger and more solid sword blade shadow than before, wrapping two equally huge swords, drawing a pure circular arc, and falling on the meteorite above the head!

At this moment, it was like a thousand cannons firing at the same time! !

Uchiha Hikaru, who was at the head of Susanoo, could clearly see countless ripples of vibrations in the air, and the ground within a kilometer under his feet was broken and shattered in circles in an instant, turning into countless stone chips flying into the sky!

The invisible force field enveloped the entire frozen battlefield, crushing everything! Crushing! Vibrating!

It was like spreading a dense net!

As if with the loud sound of a waterfall falling.

This knife directly split the giant meteorite in half from the middle!

As the meteorite cracked and black flames burned around the ice, Uchiha Hikaru controlled Susanoo and flew into the sky using the Flying Dance Technique, heading straight for Esdeath who was falling!

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