Esdeath seemed to have expected that the battle would not end so easily.

But she obviously didn't expect that Uchiha Hikaru would use such violent means to break open the ice meteorite.

At this moment.

Facing the dark red Susanoo rising into the air, she first raised her hands, and a layer of ice suddenly appeared under her feet to lift her up. Then she leaned down and pressed her hands on the ice.


A huge amount of cold air gathered instantly.

Then, there were huge ice spikes that condensed under the ice surface, pouring down from hundreds of meters in the sky like raindrops all over the sky! Each ice thorn has an astonishing length of no less than ten meters. When it falls, it brings out waves of hunting sounds, attacking Uchiha Hikari from all directions!

Swish, swish, swish! ! !

Under such a dense ice spike offensive.

Uchiha Hikari's speed as he held his sword soaring into the sky did not slow down at all.

In the process, she opened the blood jade barrier and enveloped Susanoo's whole body. As the barrier collided with the ice spikes again and again, a dark red light film appeared in the air, and tiny white marks appeared on the surface of the light film, and then large tracts of ice crystals splashed everywhere.

——The power of these ice spikes may be impressive, but it is obviously not easy to break the barrier that is several times stronger than the Four Purple Flame Formation.

Even if the blood jade barrier is broken, Susana's own strength cannot be underestimated.

Just for a second.

The figures of Uchiha Hikari and Susanoo appeared hundreds of meters in the air, facing Esdeath across a layer of ice, and struck the ice at her feet with a sword!

Wow——! ! !

Even the ice surface, which was several meters thick, only slightly hindered the momentum of the blade, and was directly chopped into pieces by this slash.

But before that, Esdeath bent her knees and exerted her strength, jumped up, and jumped several times on the ice that appeared in the air with her feet in military boots, lifting her body to a thousand meters in the air!

After doing all this, Esdeath turned around, clasped his hands together, and the "Devil's Essence" mark on his chest lit up slightly.

Another ice meteorite broke through the clouds in the sky and crashed with an astonishing momentum!

"...Is the CD so short?"

Unlike the "Tianzhi Zhenxing" of the Samsara Eye, Esdeath's ice meteorite was made entirely by her own power, so the size is not as exaggerated as the "Tianzhi Zhenxing".

But even so...

The first ice meteorite just now was also over fifty meters in diameter.

And now the second one is about four times larger than the former, measuring nearly a hundred meters, like a real meteorite, roaring from the sky with a cold wind!

It's like a harbinger of the end!

Facing the overwhelming sense of oppression.

Uchiha Hikari exhaled, and hovered in mid-air for a moment, mobilizing all the chakra and energy in his body. Then he once again burst out with the Dance of the Sky technique, and stabbed straight into the air!

Swish——! !

Although the thrust distance was shorter this time, her speed was even faster than before!

The dark red giant raised his big sword high and pushed away all the air on both sides. With layers of milky white sound barriers that spread out like waves, he rushed towards the dim sky like a meteor flying backwards!

In the process of rising into the sky.

A cone-shaped flame curtain appeared at the tip of the dark red sword, and then expanded to the entire sword body! Black-red flames ignited the blade of the sword, and soon turned into a blazing fire. Susanoo, on the other hand, was wrapped in blazing fire, like a young swimming dragon, stabbing the ice meteorite falling from mid-air!

A moment.

It was as if a beam of light burst out from the tip of the sword in Susanoo's hand, penetrated from one point of the ice meteorite, and then passed through the huge sphere and emerged from the other side of it!


The light shines brightly!

"Ten days of calling..."


Uchiha Hikari took a deep breath.

This was the first time so far that she tried to use the ten "breathing techniques" learned by Demon Slayer in a battle at the same time, absorbing a huge amount of oxygen into her body. Flame, thunder and lightning, water flow, rays of light... all these elements appeared in turn from the blade of the black and red sword in less than a second, bursting out into colorful flames! !

Indescribable heat, accompanied by a sword light as dazzling as the sun, penetrated from the point just now and penetrated the ice meteorite nearly a hundred meters thick in one breath!

This move...

It is the opposite of "Liuguang Xingyun"——

"Reverse·Liu Guang Xing Yuan!"

next moment.

The light beam expanded from the thickness of a wrist at the beginning to a scale of nearly ten meters wide, making it clear and eye-catching even among meteorites a hundred meters in diameter. Then, through the clouds thousands of meters high in the sky, it penetrated the sky and the earth in one breath!


Countless cracks appeared on the surface of the ice meteorite, which then reflected countless bright rays of light. Then in this dazzling light, it turned into countless fragments and scattered in all directions! The moment the meteorite shattered, a frantic sword wind mixed with biting coldness swept around!

call--! !

The current time in this world is the end of summer.

But in this second, it seemed as if we had entered the coldest winter!

In the eyes of Najeshitan and others who were watching this battle, they only saw a huge circle of rings, which burst out in the air, and then a raging storm appeared out of thin air, like countless wild dragons flying wildly, spreading in all directions around!

The cold wind was raging!

The ice dust was dancing wildly!

This scene was like a blizzard of rare scale.

In such a chaotic environment, the figures of the two people in the sky had become blurred, and only the blurred Susanoo could be seen, still holding a sword under the night sky.

On this side of the battlefield.

Uchiha Guang had already released the "Ten Days Calling Method".

This level of breathing was still too heavy for the body. Even if it only took a few seconds, it made her chest and lungs overwhelmed, and she could only immediately return to the original state for a little adjustment.

And the ice meteorite with a diameter of 100 meters, although not as good as "Mokopotmo", was obviously not something that Esdeath could release several at a time.

As the second ice meteorite broke in the middle, the dark red Susanoo passed through the cracks, bringing up ice and snow debris flying all over the sky - although they were called debris, they were all more than half a meter in diameter, and when they fell to the ground, it was like a meteorite rain - in such an environment, Uchiha Hikari and Esdeath's eyes met.

Separated by a large amount of ice and snow and the flames of fire, their eyes met.


Uchiha Hikari urged her pupil power.

In her eyes, the black windmill spun gently:


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