I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 187 Mokopatmo and Fire Thunder God!

Chapter 187 Mokobota and... Fire Thunder God!

Their eyes met.

Esdeath's expression was dazed for a moment.

The next second.

The world was spinning!

In just a moment, the surrounding scenery changed from a battlefield full of ice and snow to a vast desert. The ground was covered with gravel and sand that was reddened by the sun. Whether it was visual or olfactory, it was as real as it was.

"... Space teleportation in 'Shangri-La'?"

"No, it seems different..."

Esdeath glanced around silently, as if she had sensed something.

But before she could make further judgments.

On the other side, Uchiha Hikaru, whose feet were suspended in the air, raised his right hand and made a "grabbing" gesture.

Under the urging of his pupil power.

Invisible threads emerged in the surrounding air, intertwined and intertwined, forming a murderous net.


It tightened instantly!

Esdeath, who was in the center of the desert, was immediately bound by these silk threads, from her neck to her arms and legs, and finally she couldn't even move a finger. A huge cross appeared behind her, nailing her body firmly to it.

During this process, Esdeath's beautiful figure was outlined by the silk threads, and red lines appeared on the surface of her skin. But because her body was strong enough, her skin was not directly cut.


Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand again, and a sharp long sword formed in the air. After a short period of accumulation, it pierced Esdeath like a thousand arrows piercing the heart.

Swish, swish, swish——

The sound of breaking wind rose.

Dozens of swords pierced Esdeath's body at the same time, turning her into a hedgehog, and then retracted them, and stabbed again after a few seconds!

Blood splattered!

The people in the Tsukuyomi space are essentially a group of spiritual bodies.

Although there will be pain and stimulation, and wounds and bleeding will occur when being traumatized, the degree of damage and healing speed of these wounds are completely different from those in reality, but depend on the mental strength of the person being cast.

People with weak willpower will keep these wounds forever, and may even become a vegetable or die due to the physical and mental torture in the illusion world.

On the contrary, if the willpower is strong enough, these wounds can be ignored to a certain extent, or even disappear quickly when they just appear.

Uchiha Hikaru has only met one of the latter type of people so far.

Xia Mi, or Jörmungandr.

——Perhaps the existence of the White Snake Immortal and the Cat Immortal can also work, but Uchiha Hikaru has not tried it.

And Esdeath...

is the second one.

This sadistic general is very good at torture. Although she is now the one being tortured, she still looks nonchalant. She even looks at Uchiha Guang with a wanton smile:

"You are much stronger than those guys before. No wonder even General Bud was defeated by you... But is this the only torture you know?"

"Too mild."

"Sword piercing is just the simplest torture method. Only the weak will succumb to it. If you want me to feel something, you should use a more cruel method!"


Uchiha Guang did not answer, but continued to wave his hand and release the sword.

She had expected this situation.

After all, Esdeath's mental strength is not ordinary. The imperial weapon called "Demon God Appearance·Essence of Demon" itself has the effect of corroding other people's minds. As long as ordinary people drink a small sip, they will quickly go crazy and even lose their minds. But Esdeath drank a whole can, and in just a short moment, she suppressed and merged the imperial weapon.

Such a strong self-will and mental strength are definitely not comparable to the garbage like Ernest or Sheila.

Even Brand and Akame are probably not as good as them.


From the beginning, Uchiha Hikaru never thought that she could end the battle with just one "Mokudomi".

Her plan was to use this trick to consume Esdeath's fighting spirit, and it would be best to force her to release "Mokobotamo" once, so that she could see the effect of this trick with her own eyes.


Imagination is one thing.

Reality is another.

Because she has experienced the baptism of "Devil's Essence", Esdeath's resistance to "Mokudomi" is quite high. At the beginning, the wounds on her body would stay for a while and then slowly scab and heal like real sword wounds.

But as time went on, their existence time began to shorten rapidly, and even to the point where they began to disappear as soon as they appeared.

The smile on Esdeath's lips gradually became more obvious--

"Is that so..."

"This is not a place in reality, but a cage you built with your spiritual power? It's a very good trick, but it's a pity that the use is too rough... Do you need me to teach you how to ravage the enemy's body and mind?"

Accompanying this sentence.

Esdeath's body suddenly exerted force.

For a moment, the silk threads that bound her were all tightened, and the cross standing in the desert began to shake.

Moreover, as she exerted her whole body, a scarlet phantom like a sea of ​​blood and corpses appeared behind her, spreading around with a stern murderous intent and coldness!

-The devil appeared!

At this moment.

Esdeath is no longer just a simple human, but more like a dangerous humanoid. With the combined power of the Devil's Essence, it bursts out with an indescribable force!

Whoosh! !

The sharp wind exploded, carrying snowflakes all over the sky!

"Is this the posture after merging with the imperial weapon..."

"It's a bit like being haunted by an evil spirit, but the momentum is far stronger than Tyrande..."

Uchiha Hikaru narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at the blood-stained phantom behind Esdeath.

Based on this phantom alone, she could roughly imagine what kind of terrifying existence the super dangerous species that created the "Devil's Essence" was.


"Word Spirit·Black Sun!"

After taking a deep breath, Uchiha Hikaru suddenly put his hands together. His long hair was lifted high, and a dark sun disk burst out from behind him. This time, the "black sun" was no longer a few meters in diameter, but a huge sun disk that covered the sky, with golden clouds and flames flowing around it. Against the backdrop of these clouds and flames, Uchiha Hikaru exuded a godly majesty!

——This is a confrontation between gods and demons!

"I admit that you are strong, but this... is my territory!!"

The storm sounded!

At this moment, an endless hurricane of fire formed around Uchiha Hikaru and swept towards Esdeath!

There is no skill in such a confrontation.

And it is a pure struggle and crushing on the spiritual level.

Although Esdeath's will is as solid as a rock, it is not easy to even cut a gap to see the past, let alone change and reverse it with the "Eight Thousand Spears".


In this space of Tsukuyomi, Uchiha Hikari is invincible!

A howling wind swept by.

As Uchiha Hikari fully exerted his spiritual power, he turned into an endless storm and attacked Esdeath.

Even this military girl felt the strain and was pinned to the cross. The phantom of the sea of ​​blood and corpses around her was also infinitely compressed and could only be maintained in a very limited range with difficulty. It was like a lone boat floating in the turbulent sea, as if it would be submerged at any time.

The raging storm spread in the space, turning this place into chaos!


A second before Esdeath and the phantom of the sea of ​​blood were about to sink completely, Uchiha Hikari exhaled lightly, the magatama in his eyes turned, and the Tsukuyomi was lifted.


Outside world.

Uchiha Hikaru opened his eyes again and immediately formed the hand seal of the shadow clone. At the same time, he saw Esdeath on the opposite side come back to his senses from the momentary trance, as if he subconsciously raised his hands and made a pyramid-shaped gesture.

"...Are you going to use that trick?"

As if to confirm her thoughts.

Indistinctly, Esdeath's voice sounded faintly: "...Freeze everything in front of me. Mo... Ke..."

-Mo, Ke, Bo, Te, Mo! !

A touch of deep blue frost burst out from Esdeath standing on the ice, like a circular light curtain, expanding in all directions at an indescribable speed!

Everywhere the light curtain passed.

Everything was covered with a layer of frost, as if wearing a thin gauze dress.


Everything froze.

Uchiha Hikaru, who was in Susanoo, hovered in place.

The ice meteorite, which was pierced into countless pieces and was falling to the ground, also quietly hovered in the air.

Blood, smoke, sand, iron filings...

Even the sound disappeared at this moment, and the whole space fell into a dead silence.



Plop! ! !

In this silent silence, only one heartbeat became clearer and clearer, and in the end, it was like the sound of a drum beating in the chest!

At this moment.

The "Devil's Essence" logo on Esdeath's chest lit up as never before.

With the flow of deep red blood-colored luster, the blue-haired military girl flashed and came to Susanoo, raising her leg high and slashing down!

Bang--! !

The dark red barrier emerged in the air several meters away from Susanoo, and then smashed into the ground like a cannonball together with Susanoo! During the fall, a huge amount of ice spread from the place where Esdeath had just hit, gradually freezing the entire blood jade barrier inside, forming a giant ice ball with a diameter of fifty or sixty meters.

"... What is this again?"

Esdeath frowned, but without thinking too much, stretched out his hands again: "Ice Purgatory!!"

Before the voice fell, countless ice pillars emerged in the void.

Then they all stabbed at the ice ball on the ground!


The ice ball cracked!

A huge amount of frost debris splashed around, like bullets!

At the same time, the surrounding rock formations also cracked!

The land on this battlefield had long been burdened by the battle between Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath. At this moment, under the impact of these ice pillars, the loose soil layer exploded and sank deeper into the ground! The figure of Susanoo also sank into the ground, hit, surrounded, and covered by countless javelin-like ice pillars!

When looking down from the sky, it was like seeing a deadly jungle made of ice!

After doing all this.

Esdeath let out a long sigh: "...The consumption of this move is greater than expected. It seems that it can only be used once a day at most."

"You can force me to this extent, I admit that you are a good opponent, but unfortunately..."

The "gauze" formed by the frost dissipated.

The frozen time and space also resumed flowing.

Until this time.

Najesita and others who were several kilometers away discovered something strange: "...What happened? Where is Miss Guang?"

"Why is Esdeath the only one left in the sky..."

"...Boss, I'm afraid Esdeath has used the ability to freeze time and space that Miss Guang mentioned. We have to go there as soon as possible."

Brand was the first to react. He immediately jumped onto the body of a dangerous flying dragon and scolded the latter to flap its wings and take off.

Akagi and Myne also jumped onto another flying dragon.

There was also Najshita herself and her newly acquired biological imperial weapon Susanoo.

Esdeath caught a glimpse of a figure flying in the distance, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "So it's those little rats from the 'Night Raid'? Although they are not in their prime now, it should be no problem to deal with you. Since you dare to come, be prepared to die... huh?"


Esdeath seemed to feel something, turned around, and looked at the ground with a surprised expression.

In the bottomless pit.

Suddenly a beam of light lit up.


I saw a deep purple lightning burst out from the deep pit, rising into the sky like a blazing flame!

It turned out to be a lightning column with a diameter of tens of meters, which broke through the clouds above a thousand meters at this moment, piercing through the sky and the earth!


"That is..."

Brand and others who were flying towards this battlefield also subconsciously paused for a moment, and saw a petite figure rising slowly in the lightning column.

It was Uchiha Hikaru!

At this moment

Her body was already wrapped in lightning, and her entire outline became somewhat blurred.

But her aura became stronger than ever before.

In silence.

Uchiha Hikaru slowly opened his eyes.

Purple lightning lingered around her, reflecting her fair cheeks and exposed hands as if transparent. And her long black hair was also wrapped in dark purple lightning, and each strand of hair was flying like a snake.

There were also countless light purple, spider-web-like filaments flickering around, like static electricity piercing the air.

Of course...

More eye-catching than all these was the hexagonal windmill in her eyes.

At this time, the color of the six magatama seemed to have turned purple-black, and the luster of lightning was slightly jumping.

"The feeling of being about to burst out before, it turned out to come from it..."

Under the gaze of Esdeath, Brand and others.

Uchiha Hikaru raised his head slightly and raised his right hand.

A blue-purple spear made of pure lightning appeared in her palm and she held it tightly.

Spirit weapon: Fire Thunder God!

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