I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 188 Surrender, or die?

Early before entering the world of Akagi.

With the help of Miko and Kikyo, Uchiha Hikari had already tempered her pupil power to a level close to that of the Eternal Mangekyo. She could even catch the feeling in her eyes that something was about to come out, but she just lacked an opportunity, so she couldn't break through the last layer of window paper.

And now.

Under the pressure from "Makapotamo", this layer of window paper was successfully broken through-

The last gap of the six-sided magatama windmill was completely filled by the operation of the extreme pupil power.

From this moment on, she is the real Eternal Mangekyo.

Just like Itachi's Mangekyo gave birth to the Ten-fisted Sword and the Eight-foot Mirror, Uchiha Hikari's Mangekyo also gave birth to a spiritual weapon.

——This spear named "Fire Thunder God"!

If the characteristic of the Ten-fisted Sword is to seal the soul and the Eight-foot Mirror is absolute defense, then the "Fire Thunder God" is the ultimate burning and violence.

It is a creation made of pure thunder and fire. The lightning column that penetrated the sky and earth just now was the external manifestation of the energy overflowing from it when it was summoned by Uchiha Guang from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness!

At the same time...

Because the spear itself is a spiritual weapon made of thunder and lightning, its form can be changed at will.

At this moment.

As Uchiha Guang gently shook his wrist.

Then he heard——


The appearance of this spear gradually stretched and expanded in her hand, with a sharp spear tip and a crescent-shaped blade extending from the spear head, and it unexpectedly turned into a nearly ten-meter-long Fang Tian Huaji, which was firmly held in her palm, surrounded by purple-blue lightning that burned like a flame!

The same lightning also lingered on Uchiha Guang himself.

At this moment.

She was like a thunder god from the nine heavens, exuding a terrifying sense of oppression.

"The game will restart."

Uchiha Hikaru took a step forward, swinging her halberd.

Almost at the same time as she made this move, her figure crossed a distance of 100 meters and appeared in front of Esdeath!


A huge layer of ice appeared in an instant, and then shattered and melted in an instant.

As Uchiha Hikaru swung the halberd, bright light burst out from the tip of the spear, melting Esdeath's ice layer with unparalleled momentum, and then shot Esdeath in the chest.


The surging force burst out, directly knocking Esdeath's body down from the sky, hitting the ground like a cannonball!

Uchiha Hikaru followed like a shadow, and before Esdeath landed, her figure flashed and appeared at her landing point, sweeping across with the spear.

Another muffled sound.

Esdeath's body cut through the air, flying to the ice wall on the other side with a milky white sound barrier.

Then there was a third and fourth flash.

From the time Uchiha Hikaru said "restart the game" to now, less than ten seconds have passed.

Wrapped in the deep purple lightning, her body seemed to merge with the "Fire Thunder God". Every time she moved, she reached her destination instantly. Almost everyone, including Esdeath, could only see a series of outlines emerging in the air and reflected in the retina after she made a move, and there was no time to dodge or block.

When she was knocked out for the second time, Esdeath had already controlled the ice and condensed a huge shield around her to try to resist the impact.

But Uchiha Hikaru, holding the "Fire Thunder God" and transformed into the "Thunder God Form", not only had incredible speed, but also had unparalleled explosive power. He punched and halberd again and again, smashing the surrounding ice surface into pieces.

It only took a moment.

Esdeath's uniform had been torn in dozens of places, and blood holes pierced by the gun tip appeared on her body, but no blood flowed out - the high temperature of thousands of degrees would instantly evaporate the blood, leaving only burnt wounds.

At this time.

Esdeath also realized that it was almost impossible to capture Uchiha Guang's movements with vision.

So she burst out the power of the "Essence of the Devil" in her body, forming a huge mass of ice rock, wrapping herself in it.

To be precise...

It was a towering iceberg!

Facing this iceberg with a height of hundreds of meters and a thickness of more than 100 meters, even the "Fire Thunder God" could not break it with one blow. And Esdeath finally got a moment of respite, and began to thicken and solidify the iceberg from the inside, brewing a counterattack.


"I'm almost familiar with this state."

"Next... I'll let you see the real power of God."

Uchiha Hikaru stopped in midair, and the hexagonal windmill in his eyes began to rotate at high speed.

Dark red flames floated.

Susanoo reappeared.

First, it was a skeleton form, then a flesh form, and then an armor form...

But this time, Susanoo did not stop at the fourth form of full-body armor, but on this basis, it further expanded and expanded, from the original height of about 40 meters to a terrifying degree of nearly 200 meters, showing a towering posture like a mountain, bathed in dazzling lightning!

Behind him, a pair of huge red wings grew out, slowly spreading like the wings of a bird.

——Complete Susanoo!

Uchiha Hikaru raised his hand.

The form of the "Fire Thunder God" also began to relax, and in just a few breaths, it turned into a red-tasseled halberd that was over 300 meters long, and was held in the hand of the perfect Susanoo!

"One hundred and eight paragraphs..."

"Star Halberd Slash!!"

The painted halberd fell.

Landslides and landslides!

With just one blow, the 100-meter-high iceberg exploded, and immeasurable energy extended along the ice surface to the ground, exploding a huge crack, and then the crack spread radially around, extending to several Kilometers away!

There was a loud noise like an earthquake, which lasted for several minutes.

When everything calmed down, there was an endless abyss on the ground. What was originally a slightly rugged plain area has since turned into a large rift valley like a natural landscape.


Uchiha Hikaru took a long breath, put away the Susanoo, and then stuffed half a fairy bean into his mouth. While swallowing, he used the "Thunder God Form" to land down, all the way to the deepest part of the rift. .

There is frost and cold everywhere here.

Esdeath's body was riddled with holes. She was lying on the rock peak like a doll that had been stepped on by an elephant. Her abdomen was penetrated by a thick rock thorn. At this time, there was a large amount of blood around her, and her physical strength He seemed to be on the verge of exhaustion, but he was still panting hard and trying to get up.

"How does defeat feel?"

Uchiha Hikaru stopped next to the rock peak and looked down at Jun Ji, who was only a few feet away.

"...I lost this time."

The expression on Esdeath's face changed several times, and she finally sighed: "Although I really want to fight you again, as a weakling, I am not qualified to make demands of you... Just kill me. , or you can choose to deal with me in other ways, this is the margin of the strong. "


Uchiha Hikaru paused and expressed his true intention: "Have you ever considered becoming my subordinate?"


"Well, it's an employment contract."

Uchiha Hikari spoke unhurriedly: "What you need to do is to follow me and serve as my subordinate, and the reward I pay you is a promise - I allow you to challenge me, but The time of the battle is determined by me. If you can defeat me one day in the future, then I will return your freedom.

It's just a change of boss. It's no different from being a general in the empire. It shouldn't be something unacceptable, right?

Or...are you actually more willing to choose death than surrender? "


Esdeath seemed a little moved, but then coughed a few times, and blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth: "It's a good suggestion, but now I am already a dying person..."

"Stop talking and open your mouth."

Uchiha Hikari squatted down, held another fairy bean between his fingers, brought it to Esdeath's mouth, and then handed it forward: "What now?"


As the fairy beans were eaten, Esdeath's physical strength began to recover quickly, recovering from the serious injury and dying state. Then he stretched out his arms and suddenly broke away from the rock thorn. The penetrating injury to his abdomen was also visible to the naked eye. Begins to heal, producing new granulation and bone stubble.

"...What did you give me to eat just now?"


Uchiha Hikaru stretched out a finger and raised it in front of his lips: "But it doesn't mean that I can't tell you at all. It depends on your choice and specific performance. Of course... if you want to fight with me now, I can also Stay with me."

After eating the fairy beans, Esdeath can theoretically release "Mokobotemo" again.

Uchiha Hikaru had already experienced this move once before, and it was indeed very domineering. Even if she knew in advance that time and space were about to be frozen, she could only maintain a little consciousness and then watch her body being frozen.


If the "Thunder God Form" blessed by the "Fire God" is turned on, it is a different matter.

According to Uchiha Hikari's estimation, the "Thunder God Form" can at least exempt the effect of "Mokobotemo" to a certain extent. Perhaps after a few times, it can be fully adapted to the dragon transformation like Tazmi...

But Esdeath gave up after thinking about it.

"Another fight will be just a repeat of what happened just now... I will wait until I am sure before I challenge you again."

"That's fine."


Uchiha Hikaru grabbed Esdeath's shoulders and used the dance technique to bring her back to the ground.

"... Attendant?"

Above the abyss.

When they saw Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath again, and learned about the verbally agreed affiliation between the two, Najiesitan, Brand and others all showed expressions of uncertainty.

I even doubted whether the two of them had colluded to make some big news.

But think about it carefully...

With the strength of Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath, there is no need to play any conspiracy. After all, both of them have strength that is far superior to other Teigu users. Once they join forces, there is no way they can do anything. People can stop it.

So this concern is pointless.

the other side.

Now that Esdeath, the leader, had been defeated, the troops she brought back from the north also laid down their weapons and chose to surrender on the spot.

Najiexitan promised to deal with them lightly and give them a chance to make meritorious service.

——The battle to overthrow the empire has come to an end, but the Revolutionary Army still needs to eliminate the stubborn forces remaining in the country and launch expeditions against the foreign races in the south and the west... These all require time and manpower.

Uchiha Hikaru did not comment on this, but let the Revolutionary Army handle it on their own.

She brought Esdeath to the imperial capital, met with Dr. Fashion and others, and began to prepare for the trip to Donghai County.

According to the agreement with the leader of the Revolutionary Army, there are three coastal cities there, which are her fiefdoms.

The envisioned "Dangerous Species Material Research Base" can almost be built.


A few days later.

The Revolutionary Army initially completed the incorporation of the remnants of Esdeath and invaded the imperial capital.

In the evening of the same day, the little emperor was captured. Najeshitan and others found the "Supreme Throne" sealed in the basement of the palace.

Like Uchiha Hikaru, the Revolutionary Army did not know how to take the "Supreme Throne" out of the ground without causing the palace to collapse. They could only seal it up first and planned to spend some time studying and discussing it before making a decision.

Uchiha Hikaru chose to stand aside and watch.

She was chatting with Brand and others about post-war matters.

"By the way, Mr. Brand, and Akame, what are your plans for the future?"

Facing Uchiha Hikaru's question, Brand stroked his chin: "As for me, I will probably continue to follow the boss to build a new empire... Although I have no skills in internal affairs, if the task is to eliminate those bandits and tyrants who prey on the people, I should still be very good at it."

"Me too."

Leone and Lubbock seconded.

As for Akame, he naturally wanted to find Kurome. The latter is probably still in the Empire's assassination unit at this time, and may still have hatred for her sister in her heart. How to resolve it is a matter between the two sisters.

Well...if necessary, Uchiha Guang doesn't mind helping her use the "Eight Thousand Spears" to correct Hei Tong's rebellious psychology.

"By the way."

Brand thought for a while and mentioned another thing: "Ms. Bulma and the others have been talking about wanting to come here to play recently. Miss Guang, do you think it's okay to let them come over recently?"


Uchiha Guang shrugged: "It's up to you. After all, the decision on this matter is in your hands, and I have no right to interfere."


Brand scratched his head: "Then wait a few more days. When the situation in the imperial capital settles down a little, I will invite them to come and see the scenery here. Then Miss Guang, you can come too, after all, Miss Bulma and the others have never met before."


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