I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 190 East Sea Cloud Dragon

The "World Book" looks like a boxy animal skin book.

It feels smooth to the touch, and you can clearly feel the dense pore patterns on it. In the middle of the cover, there is a huge animal pupil embedded in it. The pupil inside rotates slightly from time to time, just like a living creature.

In fact...

The "Book of the World" does have a certain activity, just like "The Haunting".

According to Najiexitan, its production material comes from an extinct deer-shaped monster. The latter has unparalleled perception and memory capabilities. It can use its own eyes to spatially scan a large area around it, and Information such as landform features, species distribution, river directions, and even underground mineral deposits are all collected and memorized. After being made into a Teigu, this characteristic was retained and further strengthened.

Under normal conditions, the pages of the "World Book" are blank.

Only when the user injects mental power will it respond to the user's wishes and display the content the other person wants to read on the page.

Moreover, you can also update manually——

As long as more mental energy is invested, the beast pupil on the cover can be "resurrected", scan the surrounding terrain of a hundred miles in real time, and make corrections and additions based on its original database.


The last page of the "Book of the World" also has several pages of special materials, which are used to "predict" disasters. However, only focusing on natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions cannot predict military disasters and man-made disasters.

All in all.

This is a map navigation system with its own encyclopedia and early warning functions.

"...The super dangerous species in Zhanchi World is really amazing."

Uchiha Hikari sighed softly in his heart.

Theoretically, the "Book of the World" should also be usable in other worlds.

I just don't know what the upper limit of its capacity is, and whether there is a saying that "the memory is full"...

"According to the book, it should be over here."

Uchiha Hikaru raised his head and looked up at the sky.

The clouds above this sea area seem to be thicker and denser than other places, like a white ocean, far away from the sea below. When looking closely, one can vaguely catch the outline of a huge shadow, looming between the clouds. There seemed to be rolling muffled thunder coming to the ground from time to time.

"Well... let's go there and have a look."

The Uchiha light pointed at a mountain with an altitude of several thousand meters, with its peak partially submerged in the sky. He said to Esdeath next to him, "That's the commanding height nearby. You should be able to see it more clearly."


Esdeath nodded casually.

She didn't have much motivation for this trip, mainly to fulfill the agreement with Uchiha Hikari, so she had an indifferent attitude at the moment.


The Uchiha light opened Shangri-La again and teleported the two of them to the upper part of the mountain several kilometers away. After walking a little further, they gradually came into the sea of ​​clouds.

Above the sea of ​​clouds...

It is denser and thicker clouds.

Nearly a thousand meters above the top of the mountain, there is a particularly huge cloud, like a huge bed, spread out between the sky and the earth. And on the "bed", there was an incredibly huge figure lying on it.

"This is……"

Uchiha Hikari opened his mouth slightly, with a look of shock on his face.

Esdeath next to him also had a serious look on his face.

As far as the eye can see.

Amidst the mist-shrouded mountains, there is a majestic body like a mountain... no, to be precise, it is a "mountain range".

——The East China Sea Cloud Dragon named "Tail of the Cross".

The size of this super dangerous species is larger than what Uchiha Hikaru had previously imagined. Even a thousand meters is not enough to describe it, and it can even be described as continuous. Such a huge body was perched in the dense clouds above the peak. The huge thunder just now was the sound of its breathing.

"...Is this guy the target of your trip?"

Esdeath turned her head, cast her gaze on Uchiha Hikari, and narrowed her eyes slightly: "You are indeed the same as me, you like to challenge the strong... Do you want to kill it, or capture it alive?"

"Just take a breath."

Uchiha Hikari spoke softly: "It is the material source of Teigu's 'Cross Tail'. Every hair on its body is as sharp as a knife, and there is even an existence called 'Boundary Break Line', which is the hair on its back." , it is said that it is so strong that it cannot even tear apart space... With your strength, we may not even be its opponent, so there is no need to think about showing mercy."

The super dangerous species in the world of Zhanchi actually have varying levels of strength.

Weak ones such as Desta Guru can be killed independently by Black Eyes and made into puppets, and then killed again as puppets by the biological Teigu Susano'o.

Powerful ones such as Tyrande, the dangerous dragon-shaped creature, who can create a "haunted ghost" with just the skin of a cub, and its soul will last for thousands of years; and the dangerous ice creature who created the "Essence of Demons" , a pot of refined living blood can give Esdeath invincible strength.

And the East China Sea Yunlong...

Possibly the strongest super-dangerous species besides the material of the "Supreme Throne".

If Esdeath is not conquered, Uchiha Hikaru may consider bringing Xia Mi over and asking her to help him catch this thing.

——A dignified dragon king, fighting an oriental dragon, should be regarded as a professional counterpart, right?

But now...

"Let's say hello first."

Uchiha Hikaru drew out the dragon bone knife from his back, gathered his strength, and swung out a flash of knife light: "Crescent Moon Sky Strike!"


The huge knife light burst out from the top of the mountain, passed through the clouds, hit the dragon's back, and then turned into countless fragments of light and splashed.


The dragon seemed to hesitate for a moment before waking up from its deep sleep. Its body of thousands of feet just turned over in the sky, and the wind and clouds within hundreds of miles around changed color. The head that was as majestic as a mountain also appeared in the sight of the two people, and when it opened its mouth and exhaled, it exuded a suffocating pressure.

It was only a dozen seconds.

The dragon's dim eyes locked the positions of Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath from a mountain range with heavy rocks, and then roared again.

This time, rolling thunder exploded in the clouds, and a faint dark purple lightning appeared.

"... The momentum is good."

At this moment.

Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath narrowed their eyes slightly, and their robes and hair were blown up in the wind.

"It's time to go."

After exchanging glances, Uchiha Hikaru opened the Mangekyo and started to use it!

"... Susanoo!"

A dark red aura appeared.

In a few breaths, Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath were carried by Susanoo and rose to a height of hundreds of meters, surrounded by thick chakra. The Fang Tian Huaji transformed from the "Fire Thunder God" also appeared again in the hands of this dark red giant, and a gun flower was casually drawn.

—— Complete Susanoo!

Because of the shadow clone, Uchiha Hikaru only has half of the chakra now, but because it is the original body, there is no problem using these advanced eye techniques and Mangekyō spirit tools.

Even the complete Susanoo, which is about 200 meters tall and as tall as a towering mountain, is not very impressive in front of the East Sea Cloud Dragon, and is not even as big as its head.

But at least the size difference is not so exaggerated...

At this time.

Esdeath still has the leisure to say half-jokingly: "Hehe, you dare to put me in this red giant, aren't you afraid that I will kill you with "Mokobotamo"? "

"Will you?"

Uchiha Hikaru smiled indifferently.

She dared to try to subdue Esdeath because she knew this woman's character.

With Esdeath's temperament, after losing to her, he would only think about how to train himself to be stronger and defeat her head-on, and would not consider using sneak attacks and other despicable means to deal with her. If she died here, Esdeath would probably be sad for a while, after all, she lost an excellent opponent...


Esdeath curled her lips.

While speaking.

Uchiha Hikaru controlled Susanoo to soar into the air, flying from the top of the mountain into the sky thousands of meters high, while Donghai Yunlong flapped his claws unhappily, as if he wanted to slap her away.

"Hundred Eight Sections·Star Spear Slash!"


Uchiha Hikaru first slashed with his halberd, blocking Yunlong's claws, and then in the process of being carried backwards by the strong recoil, the magatama in his right eye swung, and the black flames immediately burned on Yunlong's body. Even if the latter inserted his claws into the wet cumulonimbus clouds, he could not put out the flames!


Esdeath's expression was stern.

This was an ability she had never seen before——

"Did she still hold back in the battle that day?"

——Uchiha Hikaru did hold back. "Amaterasu" is actually the same first sight kill as "Murasame". If you are prepared, you can use ice, armor and other things to block it, but once it burns the body, there is no way to survive except to amputate yourself on the spot. If the goal is to defeat Esdeath, rather than to ensure the death, there is no need to use this trick.

But Yunlong...

With its terrifying body that is nearly 10,000 meters long, it is estimated that Amaterasu will not be burned in a day. Of course, it is better to apply this debuff as soon as possible.

"...Ice Purgatory!"

Esdeath also took a deep breath and used all her strength.

As the "Essence of the Devil" logo on her chest flashed.

The temperature around her suddenly dropped.

In the dense clouds, countless ice cones, ice spikes, and ice spikes quickly condensed into shape. The small ones were only a few meters long, and the large ones were dozens of meters to hundreds of meters. Like fine raindrops, they smashed towards Donghai Yunlong!

Most of the ice cones shattered as soon as they hit Donghai Yunlong.

A few left white marks on its scales, but they were unable to break the defense.

Donghai Yunlong was enraged.

As its dragon neck contracted and its bloody mouth opened, a huge roar accompanied by chaotic storm turbulence swept in all directions, and in the blink of an eye, it washed away the world within a radius of dozens of miles! Susanoo was swept away by a large amount of storm, and a nearby peak was crushed and exploded in a short moment, turning into countless rubbles and splashing around!


Such power is no worse than the eight-nine tails of the tailed beast ball.

And Donghai Yunlong's strength is obviously more than that.

As this guy stretched his body further, the surrounding clouds rioted wildly, and during the collision, a large amount of lightning was formed, which seemed to be crazy and fell down like crazy.

And its own body also began to rush over.

In a rain of thunder.

Uchiha Hikaru controlled Susanoo to fly and spin, swinging the "Fire Thunder God" and the Dragon Bone Knife again and again.

To be honest, the strength of Donghai Yunlong is indeed extraordinary.

Its body looks as big as a mountain, but its movements are not slow at all. In the process of accumulating momentum and rushing, there is a faint milky white air wave that spreads to both sides, which is a sign of approaching the speed of sound. With its weight of at least millions of tons, it can almost smash everything in front of it at the speed of sound.

Uchiha Hikaru did not dare to directly resist Susanoo, and could only dodge.

As for its physical strength...

The "Crescent Sky Strike" that can kill a strong man like General Bud with one sword cannot even break the dark scales of Donghai Yunlong with a metallic texture, as if it was made of steel.

The "Hundred-eight-segment Star Hammer Slash" that can smash ice meteorites can only leave some wounds of varying depths on it, and the blood that flows out can just dye the surrounding hair red.

In terms of defense alone, I'm afraid that even the Dragon Bone Spirit in its prime is not good enough in front of it.

——The founding emperor of the empire a thousand years ago probably returned in defeat in front of it because of this, and could only pick up some hair to make imperial equipment materials.

Only the "Fire Thunder God"...

Every time it swings, it will leave a thick wound on the East Sea Cloud Dragon, and then instantly burn the rolled flesh.

On the other side.

After several confrontations, Esdeath also entered a serious fighting state and began to use all her strength, creating huge ice like a mountain again and again to freeze the body and claws of the East Sea Cloud Dragon.

Although the thing was so big that it would shatter the ice layer with just a few random rolls, as time went on, the ice layer in the surrounding air became thicker and thicker, even to the point of stretching for thousands of meters, with no end in sight.

Even the East Sea Cloud Dragon began to struggle to break free from the freeze, and as a large amount of frost covered its entire body, especially the wounds caused by "Amaterasu" and "Fire Thunder God", its originally agile figure became increasingly sluggish.


Uchiha Hikaru estimated the remaining chakra in his body, stuffed a Senzu bean into his mouth, then controlled Susanoo and attacked East Sea Cloud Dragon again, swinging his painted halberd.

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