I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 191 It’s too big, it will break, right?

For people living in Donghae County, today is destined to be an unforgettable day.

Since early morning, the sea has become cloudy.

It was as if someone had torn a big hole in the sky. Bitter winds blew in waves from high in the sky, and there were countless hailstones, each one as big as a human head. They were splashed down from the clouds along with lightning and thunder. , dyeing the whole world into gray.

It's like the end is coming.

When the commotion was at its loudest, residents within a radius of hundreds of kilometers saw a wide dark cyan light pillar appear on the horizon. Like a divine artifact that created the world, it penetrated the sky and the earth, cutting the vast sea of ​​clouds and the sea below into two. Half, the momentum is extremely huge.

Several mountains were leveled to the ground in this beam of light.

Afterwards, huge waves hundreds of meters high were set off on the sea, and the coastal dams were once washed away.

These once-in-a-century wonders lasted for a whole day.

Until the next morning...

Then it gradually stopped.

But there are still sparse lightnings that pierce the sky from time to time, and heavy rain is still falling. The raindrops show a faint red color, as if mixed with blood, which makes people feel a little panicked.

Some brave people began to open their windows and peer into the sky.

"I heard from the old people that there is an ancient dragon god living on the clouds in the East China Sea..."

"Today's heavy rain, could it be that the Dragon God is angry?"

Above the clouds.

Uchiha Hikaru stood on the top of the mountain holding the dragon bone sword, breathing lightly. Not far away was Esdeath standing with her hands down, also looking out of breath.

Opposite them.

The scarred Donghai Yunlong lay on the mountain peak. The thousands of feet long body that was dragged out was already covered with dense wounds, as well as a large number of traces of being burned and frozen by flames, frost, thunder and lightning... The thick blood dyed half of the mountain red, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"...Is this guy's strength so terrifying?"

Even Uchiha Hikaru didn't expect that this battle could last all day.

She is now on the third tube of strength after taking fairy beans, and Esdeath is on the second tube.

If the "Amaterasu" hadn't been burning for a whole day, and finally turned into a monstrous black flame that spread thousands of meters, burning half of Donghai Yunlong's body so badly that it was difficult to recover, this battle might have lasted for a long time.


Uchiha Hikari's fairy beans are definitely enough.

She had a whole jar of fairy beans given to her by the Cat Immortal, at least a few hundred beans in stock, which she could afford even if it took ten days and ten nights. It's just... if you really use this method of grinding the health bar to defeat Donghai Yunlong, it would be a bit embarrassing.

"...Although the victory was a bit weak, the result was that I won."

Uchiha Hikari slowly took a few steps forward, came to Donghai Yunlong's head, and squatted down: "Do you surrender?"

"Or do you want to wait until the injury is healed before fighting again?"

As a super-dangerous species that has survived for thousands of years, the East China Sea Cloud Dragon is intelligent, but not too tall—about the equivalent of a teenage human child. It is a bit difficult to make it think about profound philosophical issues, but it is enough to understand what Uchiha Hikaru means.

for a while.

In the eyes of this giant dragon, there are several complex human colors: doubts, anger, surprise, fear...

It's like going through a fierce psychological struggle.

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to surrender, I will heal your injuries immediately. If you are not willing... I will do the same, and then continue to beat you until you surrender. You can choose your own way."

While talking.

Uchiha Hikaru sat down cross-legged in front of Tokai Yunryu.

Without Susanoo activated, her size is insignificant in front of Donghai Yunlong. She is not even as big as the gap between this guy's teeth. It is worthy of the name "the gap between teeth is not enough". The latter only needs to open his mouth to directly Eat her.

But because of the pain caused by "Fire God" and "Amaterasu", Donghai Yunlong didn't dare to act at will.

for a long time.

Esdeath seemed to be impatient with waiting. He stepped forward with his sword in hand and pointed the tip of the sword into Donghai Yunlong's eyes. There was a cold killing intent in his eyes: "It's just a monster. Tell it this way." What more? Obey or die."

"...You are too extreme, Xiao Ai."

Uchiha Hikaru raised his finger and gently pushed the tip of Esdeath's sword away.

If possible, she actually hopes to convince Donghai Yunlong with her strength.

But if this road doesn’t work…

That's not to say that we can't consider some tricks, such as Sharingan.

——Donghai Yunlong in its heyday is even more powerful than the Kyuubi in the Naruto world, so it may not be that easy to control. But now, it has been reduced to an extremely weak and residual health state by the mixed doubles fight between the two. In this case, it is much easier to take advantage of the situation.

It just so happened that Uchiha Hikaru also wanted to try another eye technique that he had never used before...

the other side.

Donghai Yunlong seemed to be startled by Esdeath's actions. He thought his eyes were going to be blinded. He quickly closed his eyes and opened them again after a moment. A stern dragon face covered with bony protrusions was struggling. After a few times, he finally slowly lowered his head.


Looks like this... maybe he's giving in?

Uchiha Hikari tentatively stretched out his hand and touched the tip of Donghai Yunlong's nose. The latter's body trembled slightly, but he did not resist.

——Of course, with its size, even a "slight" tremor caused the mountain top to shake a few times, like an earthquake.


Uchiha Hikari's kaleidoscope in his right eye retracted the remaining Amaterasu black flames from Tokai Unryu's eye socket, and then took out a fairy bean from his arms and threw it into its mouth.

For Donghai Yunlong's body, eating fairy beans is no different from eating a grain of sand.


In just a moment, the injuries on its body began to heal quickly, the broken bones were reconnected, fresh flesh and blood sprouted, even the burns and wounds caused by "Amaterasu" and Esdeath's ice. Frostbite also recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Esdeath was really surprised this time.

"Were the fairy beans you gave it just now? Can even the wounds on a super dangerous species of this size be healed quickly?"

"um, yes."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded.

To be honest…

She actually felt it was outrageous.

The healing and restorative effect of fairy beans is somewhat similar to a concept. From a Super Saiyan who can destroy the solar system to a baby who can't even hold his feet, just one fairy bean can restore everything. Strength and injuries. Therefore, no matter how big the East China Sea Cloud Dragon is, it is no different from an injured hare. It is just a matter of feeding a fairy bean.

But in the eyes of people who don't know the world of Dragon Ball, this scene seems very unscientific.

After a while.

Most of the injuries on Donghai Yunlong's body had recovered, and he shouted back in surprise, flying back into the vast sea of ​​clouds with a confident attitude.

Uchiha Hikaru covered his ears to prevent his hearing from being damaged by the deafening roar of the dragon, and at the same time looked up at the sky.

She is not afraid that Donghai Yunlong will regret it temporarily after recovering from his injuries. In that case, he will just fight again. Anyway, the fairy beans are enough... It is just a little troublesome. He may have to go back and rest for a while. After all, it is such a long battle. It’s still very laborious.

Good thing.

This guy doesn't seem to have any scheming intentions.

After swimming in the sky for a while, it returned to the mountain peak again. A pair of huge dragon eyes stared at Uchiha Hikari for a while before lowering its head again.

"Good boy."

Uchiha Hikaru patted the tip of Tokai Unryu's nose, then used the Maiku jutsu to rise up, flew to its forehead and sat down - looking towards the top of the mountain from here is the same as standing on Susanoo's head and looking towards the bottom. The feeling is almost the same, and when looking at the surrounding mountains, it feels like being on top.

"From today on, you will be my mount. Give you a name, just call it..."

"How about 'Raquaza'?"


Donghai Yunlong didn't say a word. He didn't know whether he felt good or didn't understand.

But it doesn’t matter.

Uchiha Hikaru took out a pair of cameras from the universal capsule, then waved to Esdeath, told her how to use this thing, and then made a "V" gesture with a smile, indicating to the latter Take some photos for yourself and Donghai Yunlong.


Esdeath frowned slightly, as if he didn't quite understand what it was, but he still followed the instructions and stepped onto the ice floe, flying into the surrounding mid-air to find a suitable photo location.

Click, click——

Take a photo one by one.

Uchiha Hikari stood up and stepped on Donghai Yunlong's head and changed several positions and movements. Esdeath also roughly figured out how to use the camera, with a subtle expression on his face.

"...Is it okay?"

"Hold on."

Uchiha Hikaru flew to Esdeath, took the camera from her hand, looked at it again, and nodded slightly: "It's okay, he's quite handsome... Do you want to take some pictures too?"

Esdeath snorted coldly: "Huh, boring."


Although Uchiha Hikari personally felt that being a dragon knight was a very handsome thing, since Esdeath was not interested, she said nothing more. I plan to go back and find some time to develop these photos and show them off to Bulma, Eriki and others.

Hmm... maybe we can let them experience the feeling of flying on the back of a dragon.


Uchiha Hikaru spent some time and roughly collected the hair and scales of the East China Sea Cloud Dragon scattered around.

These things are all precious materials, and Lubbock's Teigu "Cross Tail" was made from them. Although it may not be possible to reproduce a "Cross Tail" due to the lost craftsmanship, it should still be possible to use these materials to make something else.

for example……

Knit a sweater?

A sweater knitted with "Cross Tail" should have better performance than armor made from dragon bone essence scales, right? It is also very light and soft, so it should feel very comfortable when worn on the body.

In addition, Uchiha Hikari did not waste those dragon blood and scales, and packed them in bottles and cans prepared in advance. He planned to go back to the Revolutionary Army and the Totosai in Inuyasha's world to see if it was not possible, at least he could get them. Go out and exchange for some resources.

Do it all.

Uchiha Hikaru suddenly realized a problem:

"By the way..."

"How should we take Rayquaza away?"

Uchiha Hikaru spent so much effort to subdue Donghai Yunlong, of course, not just to ride around in the world of Zan Aka.

She also wanted to take this thing to another world.


Although the shuttle function of the chat group allows a certain amount of personal items to be carried, the capacity is limited.

For small items like the Somersault Cloud, there is no problem.

But for larger items, you have to seal them first and then carry them to avoid the shuttle restriction.

The problem is...

Neither the sealing scroll nor the universal capsule has enough space to accommodate Donghai Yunlong's nearly 10,000-meter body. This is equivalent to stuffing a dozen mountains into a scroll, which is simply an impossible task.

"How about..."

"Ask Mr. Minato about the sealing technique of the Jinchūriki, seal this guy into the body, and become a 'Yunlong Jinchūriki'?"

When this idea came up,

Uchiha Hikaru looked up at the endless body of Donghai Yunlong, then swallowed hard and shook his head to reject it: "No, it's too big, it will be broken..."

The huge size is secondary.

The main thing is that Donghai Yunlong's body is a real flesh and blood body, which is completely different from the tailed beasts in the Naruto world that are condensed by chakra. So even though it is of the same size as the Ten Tails, it may not be able to be sealed by Jinchuriki.

If she forces it, she might really be blown up by this guy...

"I can only ask Dorabulma."

"I don't know what the maximum capacity of the universal capsule can do...Also, can you make a mini bracelet that can also work on Rayquaza, so that you can carry it around as a pet..."

-The original mini bracelet is worn on human wrists, but for a behemoth like Donghai Yunlong, it can't even fit on its fingernails.

At the moment.

Uchiha Hikaru decided to let Donghai Yunlong go here first and go back to think of a solution.

"Let's go, Xiao Ai, find a place to rest first."

"... Don't call me that."

Esdeath pursed her lips and said a little unhappy.

"Hmm? Don't you like it?"

Uchiha Hikaru stretched and raised his eyebrows a little unexpectedly: "I thought it would be more friendly... Well, don't worry about these things for now, find a place to rest quickly, I'm exhausted."

Under the eyes of Donghai Yunlong.

Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath flew down from the mountain and landed in a nearby city. They found a hotel and stayed there.

The first thing Uchiha Hikaru did was to take a shower.

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