I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 192 Do you want to learn? I will teach you.

In the bathroom.

Uchiha Hikaru took off the clothes covered with blood and sweat, threw them aside, and then stood under the shower to wash them carefully.

To be honest...

This was the first time she felt so tired.

Donghai Yunlong's strength was actually above her and Esdeath. Under normal circumstances, it would take three or four Esdeaths to defeat him successfully. And now, although she relied on the endurance of Senzu beans to force this, the mental fatigue caused by long-term overload fighting could not be eliminated even by Senzu beans.


As her mentality relaxed.

Uchiha Hikaru felt waves of sleepiness coming up.

After finally insisting on washing her body, she wiped it casually, pulled a bath towel to wrap herself, came out barefoot, said hello to Esdeath, and then lay directly on the bed and fell into a baby-like sleep.

On the other side.

Esdeath also went into the bathroom to take a shower. About twenty minutes later, she came out in a moon-white nightgown, wiping her wet hair.


Seemed to have sensed something.

Esdeath suddenly turned her head and looked towards the side of the room.

On the bed.

Uchiha Hikaru was lying quietly on her side, her body slightly curled up, her hands hugging her shoulders, sleeping soundly.

She went to bed directly after taking a bath, wrapped in only a bath towel, nothing else.

At this moment.

Because she was already asleep, the quilt on Uchiha Hikaru was unconsciously kicked away, and the bath towel became loose, revealing most of her body.

From Esdeath's perspective, she could clearly see the outlines of two slightly raised little white rabbits, emerging from above the bath towel - compared to last year when she just broke out of the coffin, Uchiha Hikaru's body had developed a little bit.

Below is a white and smooth flat belly, well-proportioned legs, and pink toes with water droplets hanging on them. The snow-white and delicate skin, under the sunlight coming through the gap in the curtains, presents an ivory-like luster.

Just looking at this scene, she is almost no different from an ordinary little girl.

It is hard to imagine from her appearance that she is the current strongest person in this empire, and she has just subdued a super dangerous species that is like a natural disaster.


Esdeath was silent for a moment, then put down the towel and slowly walked to the bed.

During this process, a sharp ice blade condensed in the air, which she casually held and gently pressed against Uchiha Hikaru's throat.

"...Are you not going to wake up like this?"

"You dare to sleep so soundly in such a strange place? Are you really too tired, or are you sure that I won't take this opportunity to kill you?"

The ice blade has already touched the throat.

Just push forward gently to end the life of the girl in front of you and end the "subordinate" contract.

But Esdeath stopped moving, and her expression became a little complicated.

To be honest, before she met the girl in front of her, she never thought that she would lose, and she never lost.

For more than 20 years, she has always maintained the strongest posture. Except for a girl named Mera who once tied with her in a martial arts competition, any other opponents were almost either killed by her or fled in panic - by the way, this Mera once pushed her down on the bed and tried to do something naughty, which brought great spiritual shock to the young girl.

In recent years, after obtaining the "Essence of the Devil", Esdeath's strength, which was already the best in the world, has been further improved, and there are not many people who can fight with her.

In order to enjoy the fun of fighting, she often deliberately let her opponent go, and then come to revenge after the opponent becomes stronger.

Unfortunately, even so, there are very few battles that can make her enjoy it.

And this time...

She was let go.

At first, Esdeath thought that Uchiha Hikaru was just like her, and spared her life in order to find an opponent who could fight her.

But the contact during this period made her realize that it seemed to be different.

This girl...

didn't seem to be keen on fighting, but only regarded it as a means to achieve a goal, not the goal itself.

This made Esdeath confused:

"If you don't have a desire for fighting, why do you have such a strong power?"


What about those eyes that can release black flames, the ability to pull others into their spiritual world, and the magical Senzu beans? These elusive things and abilities... can they really be produced in this world?

"...What a mysterious guy."

Esdeath looked down at the girl's petite and tender body, her eyes stayed on the peaceful sleeping face for a moment, and suddenly sighed with a little regret: "What a pity, it would be better if it was a boy..."

-Strong, has the courage to hunt super dangerous species with bare hands, did not grow up in a big city like the imperial capital, is younger than herself, and has a pure smile...

It can be said that except for gender, almost every feature of Uchiha Hikaru is tailored according to Esdeath's mate selection criteria.

She originally planned to ask the little emperor to help her hold a martial arts competition after returning from the Northern Expedition and select a suitable love partner from among the winners. Unfortunately... due to the fall of the empire, her defeat was a bit... A little woman's wish can only be buried deep in her heart forever.


Esdeath shook her head and decisively put an end to this slightly ridiculous idea.

Then he melted the ice blade away, then turned around and walked to a table not far away to sit down, folding his arms and closing his eyes to rest.

This battle with Donghai Yunlong made her see the limitations of her own strength, and she also had some new ideas and insights about the development of "Devil's Essence".

After digesting all these things, you can almost try and challenge Uchiha Hikari for the first time...

Time passes unconsciously.

The sun sets and twilight falls.

As the night got darker, there was a sudden knock on the door outside this room.


Esdeath recovered from her meditation and frowned a little displeasedly: "It's so late, who else will come over?"

When the knock on the door rang for the second time, she impatiently stood up from the desk and walked a few steps towards the door. After thinking about it, she went back to help Uchiha Hikari cover the quilt to cover her naked body, and then again Open the door and look outside coldly:

"What's up?"

"Hello, young lady."

Standing outside the door were several men wearing Imperial Navy uniforms.

One of them, a black-haired man in his twenties, bowed and said politely: "We are the navy of Donghai County. My name is Will... I have something to ask you. It won't waste too much time." of.

Just this morning, a natural disaster occurred on the eastern sea. Several mountain peaks were leveled to the ground. The subsequent tsunami even broke down the flood control dams... Some people said that you came from that direction. I want to ask you. Did you see or hear anything on the way? "

"...No comment."


Will hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to ask again.

But another sergeant next to him suddenly trembled in his eyes and recognized Esdeath: "Wait... are you General Esdeath?!"

"you know me?"

"Three years ago, I had the honor to meet you once at the military parade in the Imperial Capital!"

As the navy sergeant finished speaking, several soldiers next to him also looked shocked.

Even those in the distant Donghai County have heard of the title "The Strongest in the Empire".

Although there were rumors some time ago that this female general lost to another master of the revolutionary army on her way back to the court, this did not affect her legend. Some people even suspected that those rumors were just deliberately fabricated by the revolutionary army to shake the morale of the military.

"General Esdeath, are you here to lead us to counterattack the revolutionary army and rescue His Majesty?"


When asked by the navy sergeant, Esdeath's reaction was unusually dull: "I am no longer a general, and this empire has been destroyed, so there is no need to mention these old words. In addition, what happened over there in the East China Sea It is related to a super dangerous species, but the situation has calmed down now. If you need help to strengthen the dam, I can take action as appropriate. "

Repairing the dikes that were washed away is a huge project.

Other Teigu users might not be able to help much, but for Esdeath, who possesses the "Devil's Essence", it's just a matter of course. For example, using ice to temporarily build a protective wall dozens of kilometers long that can withstand waves can only take a while.

Although she loves war, she doesn't mind providing a little shelter to these weak ordinary people.

"Super dangerous species..."

The naval officer opened his eyes wide: "Is it the rumored dragon god who lives in the sky? Did you conquer it?"

"Oh, I don't have that ability."

Esdeath sneered and didn't want to say more on this topic: "I have told you everything I can say. If there is nothing else, please come back."

After a pause, Esdeath glanced at Will again and suddenly asked: "Are you also a Teigu user?"

"...Reporting to your lord, I am the user of the 'Noble Chariot'."

"Oh, got it."

Esdeath nodded and closed the door.

outside the door.

Several navy soldiers looked at each other and said, "Why do you feel that Lord Esdeath's tone just now was a bit weird..."

"I heard from the old man that there were two people coming back from the east, and there was one other person besides General Esdeath. Could it be that that person is now..."

"Hush, are you talking about your superiors here because you think you have lived too long? Let's go. Now that the matter has been clarified, let's think about how to provide disaster relief first. The survival of the empire is not something people like us can consider. let it go."

Several marines turned and left.

The visit of Will and his entourage was just a small episode.

Uchiha Hikari slept until the morning of the third day before he finally regained his energy, stretched out and woke up from his sleep, resurrected with full blood.

"you're awake?"

Esdeath's voice came from the side.

This woman has now changed into a military uniform, but the imperial military emblems on her shoulders and hat brim have been torn off.

With a "plop" sound, she threw another set of clothes on the bed and raised her chin.

"I bought this outfit last night, put it on."

"...Do you know my height?"

"I measured it with a ruler while you were asleep."

Esdeath lowered her lips with one hand, coughed, and skipped the topic: "Put on your clothes and fight with me...If you are free now. I have some new insights that I want to verify."

Uchiha Hikaru: "Ah?"


Uchiha Hikaru still fulfilled Esdeath's wish.

The result of this battle was no different from the last one-

Uchiha Hikaru still failed to overcome "Mokobotamo".

And Esdeath had no way to deal with her complete form Susanoo.


Compared with the last duel, Esdeath's offensive has obviously become much more fierce, and she has become more proficient in controlling ice and snow, and has also developed a "zero-degree ice blade" that can absorb heat.

According to Uchiha Hikaru's estimate, the surface temperature of this ice blade may be close to absolute zero.

With one slash, the flame of "Great Fire Extinguishing" will instantly wilted, and even Susanoo will become very fragile, making it easier to be broken by external forces. Only by using the fourth form or even the complete form of Susanoo can this situation be avoided.

"...Is this trick recently developed?"

After the battle, Uchiha Guang asked curiously.

"I guess so."

Esdeath responded casually: "But it seems that I still can't break your kind of "eye technique"... It's really an incredible ability."


Uchiha Guang thought to himself that you are incredible. You are already so strong, and you are still thinking about how to develop new abilities every day... If she hadn't opened the Eternal Mangekyo recently, obtained the complete form of Susanoo and "Fire Thunder God", and her strength had increased a lot compared to before, she might not be able to suppress this woman steadily.

(It seems that I have to go to Jianzi a few more times to further refine and purify my eye power... And it's about time to find a time to start with Dr. Gero.)

She doesn't have any obsession with "the strongest".

But it would be embarrassing if she was overtaken by the opponent soon after she had just subdued Esdeath.

So considering how hard the opponent was working, she had to give herself a little bit of a push.

While Uchiha Hikaru was thinking this.

Esdeath was also thinking secretly: "I've always wanted to ask... your ability to spit out flames as soon as you open your mouth, and your ability to fly in the air without any external objects, shouldn't it be from the imperial equipment?"

"Of course not."

Uchiha Hikaru raised his head and showed a clean and pure smile: "Do you want to learn? I'll teach you."


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