Uchiha Hikari meant "teaching" seriously.

It was true that she wanted to overshadow Esdeath, but she did not intend to do so by blocking information. That is undoubtedly a lack of confidence in oneself.

——If Esdeath learns ninjutsu and "ki", it can make her helpless, it only means that her height only goes so far. It's better to let Esdeath go free as soon as possible.

"Okay, the fight is over, it's time to go help with the disaster relief."

Uchiha Hikaru stretched and said casually.

Later in the day.

Uchiha Hikari took Esdeath to the seaside. One used earth flow walls to re-strengthen the dike that had been washed away, and the other used "Devil's Essence" to create an ice wall tens of meters high and wrapped it around the dike. In most of the night, more than a hundred miles of fortifications along the coast were redone. During this period, two villages that were submerged by floods were also rescued.

After a lot of work, Esdeath became quite curious about the escape technique.

"It turns out that not only the flames, but also the underground rock formations can be controlled..."

"Ninjutsu, it's amazing, isn't it?"

Uchiha Hikaru pursed his lips and smiled.


The commotion caused by the two people naturally attracted the attention of the navy.

However, when Uchiha Hikaru presented the letters of appointment from both the little emperor and the revolutionary army, these navy looked at each other and did not dare to say anything more. Uchiha Hikaru then left two boxes of gold and silver, and told Will to find someone to find a suitable place for him to build a "dangerous species research institute".

"One of the money in these two boxes is construction funds. In a few days, a subordinate of mine named Dr. Fashion will come over and tell you exactly what to do. You can just listen to his instructions... The other box is in Let’s divide the money among the people below.”

"To whom?"

"Let the money be distributed to whoever is poor."

Anyway, they were just snatched from the powerful hands of Donghai County a few days ago... and borrowed. They were then handed back to the people below, so there was nothing distressing about them.


Compared with the property obtained from Ernest and the families of those dignitaries in the imperial capital, which can almost equal the empire's century-old tax revenue, these two boxes are just a drop in the bucket.

After doing all this.

Uchiha Hikaru activated Shangri-La and took Esdeath back to the Imperial Capital.

Here in the imperial capital.

Bulma, led by the shadow clone, together with Dt. Fashion and Dotya, visited the "Supreme Throne" underground in the palace.

Bulma is still quite interested in this big mecha. In the past two days, he has asked Fashion and Dotya about a lot of alchemy knowledge.

in addition……

Bulma also asked Brand to find some privately kept O'Hari Gang from the homes of nobles in the imperial capital, and planned to bring it back to the Dragon Ball World to test the ingredients and see if its forging process could be restored - to create " Needless to say, the quality of the steel materials of "All Things Are Divided" and "Supreme Throne". If it could be restored, it would be a perfect material for spaceships and warships.

That's right.

Bulma was still thinking about her dream of being a pirate, and even started to drag Yamato and Eriki to discuss the name of the pirate group that would be established in the future.

"I think we can call them the 'Namikaze Orange Pirates'."

This is Yamato's opinion.

This daughter of Kaido is obviously very interested in forming a pirate group. After all, she had considered going to sea with Ace a few years ago, but she was unable to do so because of the bomb bracelet. Now that the problem with the bracelet has been solved, Yamato's mind begins to become more active.

"...It's called 'Light \u0026 Everyone's Pirates'."

Eriki held up the small notebook.

Finally, it was Uchiha Hikaru: "I suggest you collect ideas from everyone in the group. Mr. Minato should have some unique insights in this regard."


Bulma's eyes lit up: "That's right. I think Mr. Minato's names for his ninjutsu are very cool."



Uchiha Hikaru thought about the "Spiral Flash Chaos Roar Pirates", and he didn't know how to evaluate it.

At this moment.

Bulma also noticed Esdeath, who had followed Hikaru Uchiha back and was standing not far away with his hands on his chest and his eyes closed to rest.

"By the way..."

"Is that woman over there the Esdeath you mentioned, Xiaoguang? She looks very heroic."

"And the boobs are big too."

Eriki held up the small notebook.


It seems that Eri's habit of observing the size of other people's breasts cannot be corrected.

Uchiha Hikaru sighed, and then nodded: "Yes, that's her. Because of the agreement made when we were defeated, she is now my subordinate... let's talk about business first, Bulma, look at these photos."

While talking, Uchiha Hikari took out the memory card, and Bulma skillfully took it and inserted it into the computer.


"Wow, what a handsome dragon! No...is this a dragon? It doesn't look like it, right?"


Yamato, who was 2.63 meters tall and leaned over the heads of several people, swallowed, and the expression on his face suddenly became a little nervous: "I thought I saw my father..."


Faced with Bulma's puzzled expression, Uchiha Hikaru coughed and explained: "Yamato's father Kaido is the user of the Blue Dragon Fruit. When he activates the fruit's ability, he will transform into a huge blue dragon... But the focus is not on this dragon. Didn't you see the person in the photo?"


"Where are the people?"

Under Uchiha Hikaru's guidance, Bulma enlarged the photo more than ten times, and then searched for a long time before finally finding Uchiha Hikaru, who was only a small black dot, above the head of the East Sea Cloud Dragon.


"Isn't the size of this dragon a bit exaggerated? Is the height of this head several hundred meters?"

"Yeah, about three hundred meters."

"Then its body..."

"More than five thousand meters, I don't know the exact number, because there is no way to measure it."

Uchiha Hikaru gave an estimated number and got straight to the point: "Bulma, I would like to ask you to help make a mini bracelet, it would be best if it can reduce its size to within a hundred meters... Ten meters is even better."

"Reduce it to one thousandth... It's a bit difficult, but you can try."

Bulma is actually already conducting research in this area.

After all, the warship she wants to take to the pirate world is also large in scale, and it is not something that can be accommodated by ordinary universal capsules.


Bulma had another idea——

"Xiao Guang, what do you think about turning Miss Kikyo's 'Panglai Island' into a pirate ship? The 'Sounding Cauldron' on that island can actually be used as an engine, and it can also open a large-scale protective barrier. It feels more useful than a warship..."



Uchiha Guang did not interfere with Bulma's whimsical ideas.

After taking back her shadow clone, she focused her attention on Yamato.

"Miss Yamato, can you see your 'Haki'?"

"Of course!"

Although Yamato's status is not as high as Minato Namikaze's, Uchiha Guang is also one of the most respected people by the ghost princess. After hearing her request, Yamato agreed very straightforwardly, and then found a place to show his Haki on the spot.

According to the setting of "One Piece", Haki is an innate potential power, which is divided into three types: observation color, armed color, and domineering color.

Among them, observation color is the ability to predict the opponent's actions by sensing the surrounding atmosphere.

Armament Haki is to increase personal defense by covering the body with an invisible "armor". It can also be used to cover weapons to increase the killing effect.

——In Wano Country, this thing is also called "Ryu Sakura".

Because it is not easy for one person to show these abilities, Uchiha Hikari made a slight move and sparred with Yamato. In the process, he opened the Sharingan to observe carefully.

"... I almost understand a little bit."

After some observation and understanding.

Uchiha Hikari closed her eyes slightly and began to try to use Armament Haki: "Probably... this is it?"

As the voice fell, a thin layer of light gray appeared in the palm of Uchiha Hikari's hand, gradually covering her entire palm.


Yamato opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"How could it be... When I first learned 'Ryu-sakura', it took me several months, but Miss Guang learned it so quickly?!"

"It's because of these eyes."

"In my world, these eyes are called 'Sharingan', which has the ability to copy other people's abilities through sight."

Uchiha Guang pointed at his eye sockets and smiled slightly: "But my current 'Ryu-sakura' is a little different from the Haki in your world. It is more simulated with chakra and 'qi', and it is not pure enough... I will continue to practice and ask you for advice, so please don't hesitate to teach me."

"Miss Guang is too polite. It's my honor to help you! I should be the one to say thank you!"

Yamato scratched his head and smiled innocently.

If you want to go to the pirate world for adventure, Haki must be learned.

After all, only this thing can touch the entity of the natural ability user.

——Of course, chakra and "qi" may not necessarily touch the natural system, but after all, they are not the power of the same world, so it's hard to say. When facing unknown things, it's better to be as safe as possible.

As for "Heroic Haki"...

This cannot be taught.

After all, this kind of Haki is obtained through awakening, and it is said that only one person in millions can possess it. Even Yamato himself activated this ability unconsciously, so naturally he didn't know how to teach others. However, at Uchiha Hikaru's request, Yamato still showed his Haki.

At this moment.

A strong pressure burst out from Yamato and spread in all directions around!

Not only Uchiha Hikaru, Bulma, and Eri.

Even Esdeath, who was standing not far away, felt this pressure, raised her eyebrows in surprise, and turned her head to look over.

"... This feeling doesn't seem to be a simple momentum, there is something else."

Uchiha Hikaru carefully comprehended it and made a judgment in his heart.

This is actually obvious.

If the Haki was just a kind of momentum, there would be no such usage as "Heroic Haki". Deterring the enemy is just its side effect.

Uchiha Hikaru is quite interested in "Ba Chan".

But because she didn't know how to activate the overlord color, she could only put aside the idea of ​​learning for the time being, and planned to go to the pirate world in the future to see the situation.


If you ask Teacher Kai to smash a stick, you can successfully understand it?

the other side.

Yamato turned his attention to Esdeath.

To be precise, she noticed Esdeath's gaze and then looked back. When their eyes met, there was a spark in their eyes.

"...Miss Guang, can I challenge that woman?"

Yamato lowered his head and asked Uchiha Hikari.

Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of Esdeath, and saw the undisguised fighting spirit in the eyes of the blue-haired military princess.

"Let me ask her for you."

Let's put it this way.

But there is no need to ask at all.

Soon, Esdeath left her original place and stood in front of Yamato.

She was taller than Uchiha Hikari, about 1.7 meters tall, but in front of Yamato, who was 2.6 meters tall, she was no different from a child. However, in terms of aura, she had the absolute advantage. The look in her eyes that looked up at Yamato showed a sense of arrogance.

"I only have one request, don't kill anyone."

Uchiha Hikaru asked.


After both nodded, Esdeath raised her hand and created a large number of ice swords surrounding her. Yamato on the opposite side covered his whole body with armed colors and raised his mace high.

There is naturally no suspense about the outcome of this battle.

Yamato is actually very strong.

Maybe even a group member in the chat group whose strength is second only to Uchiha Hikari.

By simply using Haki, she could beat Ace to a 50-50 draw. And once she uses the ability of the Devil Fruit and enters the "Okou True God" form, she can even compete with Kaido... Although there may be factors of Kaido's subjective letting go, it is enough to explain the problem.

If the opponent chosen by Yamato is Brand or Chitong, there is a high probability that he will not lose, and even has a high chance of winning - being hit by "Murasame" is another matter.


She chose Esdeath.

Moreover, Esdeath fought against Uchiha Hikaru and Dongkai Yunryu successively, and his strength improved further than before.

Therefore, although Yamato used three-color Haki and "Thunder Bagua" successively, and showed the excellent physical strength unique to people in the pirate world, and fought with Esdeath for a long time, he was finally defeated by the latter's full firepower. "Ice Purgatory".

"...So strong."

Yamato gritted his teeth: "Although I am very reluctant, I am indeed no match for you. Your ability to control ice is probably no less than that of the admiral named Aokiji."

"Qing Pheasant?"

Esdeath narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Uchiha Hikari immediately: "Who is that? Is it someone from your side?"

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