I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 194 Return to the Ninja World

"So be it."

Uchiha Hikaru was noncommittal.

Although it was not explicitly discussed, she also knew that Esdeath must have doubts about her identity.

——There is a "World Encyclopedia" in the world of Zhanchi. The empire cannot fully understand the situation of other countries and regions, at least it knows a little bit about it. But for more than a thousand years, abilities such as "Ninjutsu", "Haki", and "Dukongjutsu" have never appeared.

If only Uchiha Hikaru was a special case, that would be fine.

But now Yamato and others appear again...

No matter how you look at it, Yamato, who is 2.63 meters tall and has two horns rising from his head, does not look like a normal human race in this world.


Not a normal person, maybe a biological Teigu. After all, the "Susano'o" in Najehitan's hands also has the characteristic of having two horns. But... Admiral? Green pheasant?

"Is that man named Qing Pheasant a general from another country? His abilities are similar to mine?"

Esdeath said seemingly casually: "He must be a pretty capable guy. I really want to meet him."

"Don't worry, there will be a chance."

Uchiha Hikari smiled slightly.

Once the "pirate group" envisioned by Bulma is established in the world of pirates, she and Yamato will definitely be the first crew members, and Eri will most likely join, and among those other than the group members...

Esdeath is a good choice for the crew.

If you can meet Aokiji and fight against him, you can consider leaving him as Esdeath's opponent to see who is stronger and weaker between these two strong men with similar abilities.

The day after fighting Esdeath, Yamato had another fight with Brand.

Speaking of which...

She and Brand had been having trouble getting along with each other since they first joined the group. The reason was their different evaluations of Kozuki Oden.

During this time, Yamato heard and witnessed the stories of Namikaze Minato and others one after another, and his horizons broadened a lot, and he no longer regarded Kozuki Oden as his only belief in life. However, the concepts accumulated over more than 20 years cannot be completely rejected at once.

Therefore, whenever topics related to Oden were brought up, she and Brand would start arguing again.

Now this one has a somewhat "offline real" flavor.

"Huh, huh..."

"I didn't expect that you, a flying head, are quite strong, and you can actually resist my 'Thunder Bagua'."

"Hmph, I am someone who has defeated hundreds of people. I have seen many more powerful guys than you..."

Brand, who was called "Airplane Head", broke away from the "haunted by evil spirits" state, took a moment to breathe, and finally made a serious evaluation: "You are indeed very strong. If it were not for the 'haunted by evil spirits', I would I'm afraid you will be defeated soon...and you haven't used your full strength yet, right? If you use the power of the 'Devil Fruit'..."

"That ability is used against enemies."

Yamato put down his mace, stretched out his arm, and put his arm around Brand's shoulders: "I now admit that you are my partner. Let's go to a bar together... Miss Guang, are you going?"

"No, you go find Leonai..."

Not far away on the slope.

Uchiha Hikaru casually refused.

After Yamato and Brand walked away, she stretched, dispelled the three magatama in her eyes, and replayed the scene she just saw in her mind.

Yamato's level of domineering is not bad, and she is considered one of the more powerful ones in the entire pirate world, but her level is passively honed by being beaten by Kaido for a long time, and she is not very good at teaching others. . Therefore, if you want to learn domineering from her, you still have to watch a few more actual battles.

After a while.

Uchiha Hikaru recovered from the state of resting with his eyes closed, patted the dust on his clothes, and stood up:

"Let's go, Xiao Ai. It's time for us to have dinner."



Esdeath did not correct the issue of the title "Xiao Ai", but looked at Uchiha Hikari's back from behind, thoughtfully: "You...haven't you known Miss Yamato for a long time?"

"Why did you ask so?"

"Because you seem to have never learned 'Haki' before. You only started in the past few days. If you are really a partner from the same country, this situation should not happen... But her attitude towards you is extremely respectful. , very strange.”


I didn’t expect that Jun Ji’s observation skills were unexpectedly sharp?

Uchiha Hikaru was silent for a moment, and then spoke slowly and carefully, "Xiao Ai, do you know the concept of 'world'?"



Uchiha Hikaru paused, pointing to the sky and the ground: "The so-called world is the earth under our feet, the sky above our heads, and all things in the world, the sum of all these. But have you ever thought about it, except for the empire? Are there other worlds other than this one?"

"...So, is this your true origin? The admiral named Aokiji must be from another world, right?"

Esdeath narrowed her eyes with a playful expression on her face: "Sounds like it's very interesting."

"It's really fun."

"There are many masters like him and me in other worlds."


When hearing these words, Esdeath was obviously heartbroken.

Uchiha Hikaru pursed his lips and smiled: "How about it, are you interested in visiting other worlds with me?"

"...Can it be done?"

The corners of Esdeath's lips moved and she asked a little uncertainly.


"But you may have to wait a few days. And if you want to go, I have to seal you first and put you in a box. There may be some risks in the process... If you don't mind this, we can try ”


The matter of taking Esdeath to other worlds has been finalized for the time being.

In the next two days, Uchiha Hikaru went to see Dr. Fashion again, told him about Donghai County, and sent him, Dotya, and Kosmia there with "Shangri-La."

As for this guy's "fashionable army" composed of modified humans, as well as the experimental equipment, Uchiha Hikari also packed them up with sealing techniques, and then took a few more trips to send them to the East China Sea.

——In order to make room for these things, she took out dozens of boxes of gold and silver treasures and buried them in Donghai Yunlong's territory, letting the latter take care of them.


Uchiha Hikaru said hello to Brand, Bulma and the others, and left Zanchi World for the time being.

Returned to the world of Naruto after a long absence.

A little confused today

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