I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 195 Changes in the Uchiha Clan

After a few months.

The sound ninja village has not changed much.

Compared to the last time Uchiha Hikaru left, there was only half an extra street, two rows of houses, and a dozen new faces... presumably all of them were talents "introduced" by Orochimaru from elsewhere. Among them, a few figures look familiar——

Kidomaru, Jirobo, Tayuya...

That's right, they will all be the "Four Sound Ninjas" in the future.

However, at this time, they were still a group of teenagers, who had not yet been planted with curse seals. Their strength could barely be considered "elite genin", and there was nothing worth paying attention to.

Uchiha Hikaru took a quick glance and found the cave behind the village.

This is another world.

Various advanced experimental equipment, blood analyzers, and centrifuges are neatly placed, and there are rows of old-fashioned wooden bookshelves filled to the brim with various classics. If you ignore the rough rocks around it and the stalactites hanging from the ceiling, the appearance is not much different from the advanced laboratories in Dragon Ball and Dragon World.

Orochimaru himself was not here.

But there was a blond woman wearing a white coat and black-rimmed glasses, sorting books here.

"...Yakushi Nonou?"


The blonde woman followed the sound and looked over, revealing a gentle, gentle face with a somewhat bookish air.

Just looking at her appearance, it is hard to imagine that her true identity is actually a senior spy who travels around the world.

"Who are you?"

Yakushi Nonou also noticed Uchiha Hikaru, pushed up his glasses, and showed a puzzled expression on his face: "Is he a child from the village? Why did he come here? This is Lord Orochimaru's laboratory, not for you to hide and seek. Place, get out quickly..."

"Hey, Sister Guang? You're back!"

Before Nonoyu could finish speaking.

A surprised voice came from the side.

Uchiha Hikaru turned around and saw a red-haired little girl rushing over quickly and hugging her waist. Kimimaro and Jugo followed behind.

Kimimaro seemed to want to imitate Kosovo and come over for a hug, but due to his personality and gender, he couldn't do it, and a blush appeared on his fair face.

"It's Xiaoxiang Phosphorus."

Uchiha Hikari rubbed the little girl's head, then glanced at Nonou, and asked knowingly: "Who is this?"

"Oh, she is the pharmacist aunt who recently escaped from the country of Yu. She was kept by Mr. Orochimaru... The pharmacist aunt used to be a doctor. She is very knowledgeable in medical skills and pharmacy, so she was adopted by Mr. Orochimaru. Allowed to stay in the lab and help.”

Xiang Phosphorus responded with a crisp voice, and then began to wink, pulling Uchiha Hikari towards the laboratory.

After the two of them came to another room.

The little girl took out a stack of envelopes from her arms and handed them over. The expression on her face became solemn: "Sister Guang, this is what Orochimaru-sensei asked me to give to you."

"Let me see……"

Uchiha Hikari opened the top envelope and took a quick look at it.

The content of the letter is not complicated.

Mainly Orochimaru's brief report on his recent work.

There are three points worth noting.

First, Orochimaru has studied Nezuko's blood, Tamayo's research materials, and the bodies of the Fallen Princess brothers and sisters, and developed a device that can suppress the cannibalism of ghosts and overcome the killing effect of sunlight to a certain extent without losing the " A special medicine for "vampire magic". It has been successfully tested on Fallen Princess and Prostitute Taro.

Well...that's good news for Tanjiro and the Demon Slayer Squad.

It seems that I can take the time to go to Demon Slayer World and transform Nezuko back.

By the way, after the successful trial of the drug, the two siblings were released from the restraints of Orochimaru. They were transferred from experimental subjects to experimental assistants to assist him in researching ghost cells. This result was a little beyond Uchiha Hikari's expectations, but as long as she didn't cause any trouble, she didn't mind.

Second, Orochimaru has improved the "inhibitor" against dragon blood erosion, but due to the lack of experimental subjects, the real effect on the human body is not yet certain.

"...Leave it to Yuan Zhisheng. Let's try it on those fierce ghosts first."


It’s about Yakushi Nonou’s mother and son.

Orochimaru didn't know that Danzo had been controlled by the "Eight Thousand Spears", so in the letter, he explained in detail the process of Nonou's arrival, and named him as someone who wanted to use her to reversely find out about Danzo and "Akatsuki". Organization's secret plan.

"Oh? Has Danzo successfully joined the Akatsuki organization?"

"It seems this old thing is still of some use..."

Uchiha Hikaru also read several other letters.

There is nothing much to say about these. They are all budget lists for subsequent experimental projects, as well as topics that Orochimaru wants to ask her to bring to Dr. Briev for academic exchange.

Uchiha Hikaru put these things away, then took out several boxes filled with gold and silver treasures from the seal scroll and stacked them inside the laboratory.

"I got these things from other places. When Orochimaru comes back, you can ask him to deal with them and use them as funds for the next stage of research."


With a tight little face, Xiang Ling looked at the mountain-like pile of belongings for a long time before he asked cautiously:

"Sister Guang, you...couldn't you have killed all the famous names of the five major countries? Otherwise, how could you have so much money..."


Uchiha Hikaru laughed dumbly: "Little kid, don't shout and kill all day long. How could I do such a cruel thing... Anyway, remember to pass the message to Orochimaru. I will be back in a few days."


Karin nodded, indicating that she remembered.

Uchiha Hikaru then left the laboratory, and then took out the watch-like "Shangri-La" from her arms, buckled it on her wrist, and tried to activate it.

As the huge teleportation array emerged.

Uchiha Hikaru's figure disappeared from the original place, and when he appeared again, he was already in Konoha Village thousands of miles away, near the Minamiga River, which belonged to the Uchiha clan's residence.

"Sure enough..."

"The imperial weapon can also be used normally in other worlds."

After verifying this, Uchiha Hikaru breathed a sigh of relief.

She originally wanted to see if the "Book of the World" could be used, but considering that the capacity of this thing might be limited, it would be a bit of a waste to use it in the relatively familiar and smaller Naruto world, so she decided not to use it for now, and wait until she returned to the Pirate World.

"Let's go see Fugaku and the others first, then look at Naruto, take a few photos and report to Minato..."


That evening.

Uchiha Hikaru met a group of clan leaders including the clan members at Fugaku's house.

"Outstanding representatives of the younger generation" such as Shisui, Itachi, and Izumi were also there.

After Fugaku told about the recent situation of the clan, Shisui came forward and piled a large stack of bound and densely written papers on the coffee table in front of Uchiha Hikaru.


Uchiha Hikaru was slightly startled: "What is this?"

"Grandma, have you forgotten? This is the homework you left for us last time."

"During this period, Itachi, Izumi and others have finished reading the books you left for us last time. These are our reading notes. Each book is no less than 20,000 words, of which Itachi wrote 40,000 words...

In addition, this stack is the 'Uchiha Clan's Future Five-Year Development Plan' we made. The projects in it are all discussed repeatedly by us... Please take a look."


Uchiha Hikaru remembered.

Last time she came back from the Dragon Clan World, she did bring a batch of books to Shisui and others, and also awarded Shisui the title of "Librarian". The original intention was to supplement the cultural literacy of the Uchiha Clan and let them learn to think about problems with their brains. At least don't use that not-so-smart head to think about it, and come up with clever ideas such as "killing all the clan members to avoid extermination."

Now it seems...

The temperament of Shisui and others is indeed a little different.

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that "a person with a wealth of knowledge and knowledge will be elegant", but compared with those foolish young men with clear eyes a few months ago, they are indeed two different people.

The only problem is...

(Do I have to correct their homework?)

Uchiha Hikaru scratched his head and looked at Fugaku: "Fu..."

Before she finished speaking.

Uchiha Fugaku said with a guilty look on his face: "Grandmother, I have roughly read through what Shisui and others wrote... It's a bit abstruse and I don't understand it very well. However, there are several items related to the economy in the 'Development Plan', which are currently being tried and implemented, but due to the short time, no clear results have been seen yet."


Uchiha Hikaru opened the "Planning Book" and read a few pages at Shisui's suggestion.

"Flower exhibition, food festival?"

"You figured all this out?"

"Not only me, but also Izumi and the others."

Shisui talked freely: "After several heated discussions, Izumi and the others agreed that the current conflict between the Uchiha clan and Konoha Village is caused by both historical and realistic factors. One of the important reasons is that the two sides have little communication and have stereotypes about each other.

In order to resolve this conflict, we must find a way to break down the barriers between the clans and create a platform for everyone to communicate and discuss together... So we found the Yamanaka clan and held a flower exhibition with them. ; and jointly organized a food festival with the bosses of Ichiraku Ramen and Yakiniku Q. Recently, we are also preparing to hold a "Ninja Beast Intelligence Competition" with the Inuzuka clan, aiming to let everyone see a real Uchiha..."

After a pause, Shisui explained a few more sentences: "This is also to allow the Uchiha clan to establish a good mass base. Only when most of the villagers in Konoha Village recognize the existence of Uchiha, we can have a brighter future, rather than being limited to the narrow-mindedness of a clan and eventually destroying ourselves."


Uchiha Hikaru listened to it, and a look of surprise gradually appeared on his face.

To be honest...

Shisui's performance was a bit beyond her expectations.

It can also be said that the original Uchiha clan's thinking was too rigid.

People like Fugaku's generation have always focused on the security forces and the Anbu, and they are trying their best to take the high-level route, but they don't understand that this road has been blocked since the Senju Tobirama period.

——To be precise, Senju Tobirama actually left a way for Uchiha, and accepting Uchiha Kagami as a disciple is a clear proof.

If things went on normally, Uchiha Kagami could at least become an elder like Mitomon En and Utatane Koharu, so that the Uchiha clan could have a say in the upper echelons. Unfortunately, due to a series of coincidences, Danzo, who hated Uchiha, came to power, and the Nine-Tails incident caused by Obito caused the relationship between the two sides to become increasingly tense.

And now...

However, Zhisui saw another way, which was to take the mass line——

As long as you can establish good relationships with the various ninja clans in Konoha and the civilians below, even if you don't become Hokage, you can still win a place in Konoha Village.

At the very least, it can avoid the bad luck of genocide to the greatest extent.

It seems...

There are benefits to reading more books.

"Well said."

Uchiha Hikaru picked up Shisui's "planning book", flipped through a few pages, then put it down and smiled lightly.

"I don't have any objections. Just do what you want."

"I am already a remnant of the old era. The future of the Uchiha clan will ultimately be in your hands. Just try whatever you want to do. It doesn't matter even if you fail. After all, young people just want to make a breakthrough. There is always a first time for everything.”


Although Uchiha Hikaru's status as "grandmother" is already unshakable.

But seeing her say the words "remnants of the old era" with the childish face of a teenage girl, Shisui, Fugaku and others still looked at each other, which felt a bit strange.

"Um, grandma, you are serious, you are actually still very young..."


Uchiha Hikaru was noncommittal.

Hmm... She said she wanted Shisui to do it, but the main reason was that she didn't want to mark their homework...

After all, "20,000 words" was just something she said casually, and she never even thought that Shisui and others could really write that much. If she really read these thoughts page by page, it would probably take a day and a night...

"By the way, I have a few sets of physical skills secrets here that I got from other places... I've probably read them once, and they feel pretty good. You can use them to practice."

Uchiha Hikaru said, placing several boxing books on the coffee table.

These things were given to her by Najiexitan after she conquered the Imperial Capital, and they came from the Imperial Fist Temple in Zhanchi World.

——Although in the original plot of Zhan Chi, the Imperial Fist Temple only exists as a background, but as an ancient temple that has been passed down for thousands of years, they have made some achievements in physical training. The strongest "Four Rakshasa Demons" of each generation can almost compete with their physical skills and Teigu users.

For Uchiha Hikaru himself, these punches were of limited use.

But for Fugaku and others, it is very useful.

"Grandma, it turns out that you are traveling this time to help us collect these secret techniques..."


Facing Fugaku and others who looked moved.

Uchiha Hikaru sighed and gave up the intention of explaining: "Just say it is."

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