Uchiha Hikaru nodded and confessed: "I happened to pass by Kusagakure Village some time ago and saw some scum who were not worthy of being human, so I took advantage of it and killed them...

What, is there a problem?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitated for a moment, and a wry smile appeared on his old face: "It's not a big problem, but the 'scum' you mentioned may include several nobles from the Grass Country... The Daimyo of the Grass Country has sent several letters to Konoha recently, urging Konoha to investigate the matter and give an explanation..."


Uchiha Hikaru was slightly startled.

The matter of Kusagakure Village was done when she rescued Karin and her daughter, and it has been a while since now. On that day, she used the power of Susanoo to kill hundreds of people with one sword, and she really didn't care what the Kusagakure ninjas looked like, whether there were any non-ninjas... But it didn't matter.

The nobles who could associate with the scum of Kusagakure ninjas were naturally not good people, and it would not be a pity to kill them.

Uchiha Hikaru has already turned the empire of the Zang Aka world upside down, and he doesn't mind doing it again in the Naruto world and uprooting the ruling class of the Grass Country.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen...

Uchiha Hikaru turned his head and showed a playful expression: "So, the third generation came to me to talk about this matter. Is there any special instruction? Do you want to tie me up and hand me over to the Grass Country to calm their anger? Just like what you did to Hyuga Hizashi back then?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyelids jumped, and he almost broke out in a cold sweat on the spot: "I dare not... Miss Hikaru misunderstood, I just saw you come back and simply wanted to confirm the situation. I also know a little about the despicable habits of the Grass Ninja. There is nothing wrong with what you did. Konoha will definitely deal with it properly."

"That's good."

Uchiha Hikaru snorted coldly, and then changed the subject: "By the way, Sarutobi brat, I have a question for you."

"...You say."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, whose address changed from "sir" to "brother", took a deep breath and said respectfully.

Uchiha Hikaru had no intention of keeping the secret, and said softly: "Do you know where the Land of Demons is?"


A few minutes later.

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked away with his hands behind his back.

Naruto and other new students also began to be divided into classes, led by their teachers, and walked towards the classroom.

As expected, Naruto and Sasuke, as well as Inuzuka Kiba and others were assigned to the same class, and the homeroom teacher was Umino Iruka.

Uchiha Hikaru rubbed the little yellow-haired boy's head, waved goodbye to him, and turned around to look at the Fugaku couple who had just finished instructing Sasuke and came over from the side.

"Grandmother, the third generation..."

"Oh, we just talked about some trivial matters, don't worry about it." Uchiha Hikaru said casually, but his eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at an Anbu who had just jumped out of his hiding place not far away and hurriedly chased in the direction where Sarutobi Hiruzen left.

"By the way, when the Demon Country was mentioned just now, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression seemed a little subtle..."

"Could it be that the thing called '魉鉉' has already shown signs of appearing?"

Uchiha Hikaru's question about the Demon Country was not a whim.

As early as last night, after learning this information from Danzo, she went over this plot in her mind--

In the original plot, "魉鉉" had appeared twice.

The first time was a few years before the start of the main story of Naruto. It woke up from its slumber because of the actions of the "Yellow Springs Cult" and tried to devour the Demon Country's priestess Miroku, but was sealed by the latter at the cost of her life.

The second time, it was awakened from its seal again during the Shippuden period, trying to devour Miroku's daughter Shion, and almost killed Naruto who was sent to the Demon Country to perform a mission, but was eventually defeated by Naruto's protagonist aura and the super-large jade Rasengan that fused the power of the priestess.

Calculate the time.

Even if there was no interference from the Akatsuki organization, its first awakening should have been within this year and a half.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't take "魉鉉" too seriously at first, thinking it was just an ordinary monster.

But think about it carefully...

Its existence seems unusual.

There are indeed some strange monsters in the Naruto world, but there are not many that are powerful enough to compete with the tailed beasts. "魉鉉" is one of them.

Moreover, as far as Uchiha Hikaru feels, the power it possesses seems to be incompatible with the mainstream chakra system.

Also incompatible is the power possessed by the witches of the Demon Country - it is said that the witches of the Demon Country have the ability to "predict life and death" and can accurately tell a person's life and death with a success rate of nearly 100% - the only failure was because of Naruto.

To be honest, such an ability is no longer in the category of ninjutsu, and no blood limit or blood elimination can do it. Only in one power system, there is such an ability...


That's right. The "prophecy" of the witches of the Demon Country is very similar to the magic of the three holy places, especially the "prophecy" ability of the Great Toad Sage of Myoboku Mountain.

And the ability of the Great Toad Sage is precisely the local power of this planet, independent of ninjutsu!

This is a bit interesting.

If the power of the witches of the Demon Country is also a special magic.


Can we peek into the mystery of natural energy by communicating and discussing with them?

The answer is unknown.

But it is worth a try.

"The location of the Demon Country has been found out. Let's call Esdeath and go over there together... Well, let's talk to Kikyo about it."

As both priestesses, Kikyo may have some common language with Miroku, and then see the essence of that "prophecy" ability...

Uchiha Hikari thought secretly.



Uchiha Hikari first went to the Konoha Ninja Tool Shop according to her original plan and made a lot of purchases to replenish the seal scrolls that had been consumed recently, and then returned to the Akagi World and met Esdeath again.

A few days ago, she did not take Esdeath away from the Akagi World directly, mainly to give the military princess some time to explain the "aftermath".


Esdeath is also a general of the empire, and she is quite popular among the army and the people of the imperial capital.

With Ernest and Bud dead one after another and the little emperor in prison, she is almost the highest-level commander in the empire. If she suddenly disappeared from the Zanaka world, her old subordinates might have some ideas, which could lead to unpredictable consequences such as mutiny.


After a brief discussion with Esdeath, Uchiha Hikaru decided to let her finish what she needed to do in a few days.

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