I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 198 It might be a little painful the first time

Uchiha Hikaru himself did not think this decision was inappropriate.

Esdeath's values ​​were a little distorted, but her character was still trustworthy. Since he had agreed to be her subordinate, he would not break his promise before he turned the tables and defeated her.


The Revolutionary Army was worried for a while.

They did not have the strength of Uchiha Hikaru to suppress Esdeath alone.

If Esdeath took advantage of the opportunity to move freely in the past few days and suddenly launched a decapitation and seizure of power, it might be a disaster for the Revolutionary Army that had just conquered the Imperial Capital.

In order to avoid that situation.

The Revolutionary Army not only secretly moved the place where the little emperor was imprisoned, but also placed a large number of secret sentries and troops near the palace, closely watching Esdeath's every move so that they could respond as soon as possible... Fortunately, all this did not happen.

When Najeshitan, who came to greet her, saw Uchiha Hikaru appear in the Imperial Capital again, she was obviously relieved.

"Miss Guang, you're back."

"Hmm... Why are there so many people here? Aren't they here to welcome me?"

Uchiha Guang looked around.

It was expected that Bulma, Brand and others were present.

But all the members of "Night Raid" were there, and they were all wearing imperial tools, ready for battle.

In response, Najeshitan explained a few words quickly, saying that this lineup was prepared for Esdeath - Uchiha Guang was not here, and facing this former powerful enemy, "Night Raid" still had to show some respect.

On the other side.

Esdeath seemed to glance at Najeshitan and others with disdain, then stood up, ignored everyone around, and came to Uchiha Guang.

"You've been away for so long, have you found an opponent for me?"

"...I guess so."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded: "There is a powerful monster. You can think of it as a super dangerous species from another world. It should be able to satisfy your desire for battle."


Esdeath did not ask who the opponent was, and simply put down his hands: "Then let's start... Do you need me to do anything for the 'sealing technique' you mentioned?"

"No, just stand still."

Uchiha Hikaru paused, and then reminded: "It may be a little painful for the first time... But just bear with it for a while."

Esdeath: "?"

This is actually an experiment.

Previously, Uchiha Hikaru only tried to travel between different worlds with the demons of the Demon Slayer World.

Judging from the situation of the Dakimaki brothers and sisters, this way of traveling is generally safe, but there will be some side effects such as muscle tearing afterwards-similar to the "Heavenly Sending Technique" in the Hidden Cloud Village in the Naruto world.

For ghosts with superb self-healing abilities, this kind of injury is insignificant and can be healed in minutes; but for living people, it may feel uncomfortable.

Of course...

As the strongest person in the world of Akagi, Esdeath's physique is not worse than that of the fourth generation Raikage Ai, and muscle tearing is not a big problem.

After taking a deep breath.

Uchiha Hikaru made seals with both hands and gently pressed the white palms on Esdeath's chest:

"Sealing technique... Four Symbols Seal!"

With the surge of chakra, black runes and gray bandages spread out from her palms and cuffs, climbing up along Esdeath's body, and in an instant, she was wrapped up like a human mummy.

Then, Uchiha Hikaru put Esdeath into the prepared coffin, and then put in the scroll, and it was done.

Witnessing all this, Najeshitan narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking.

"Miss Guang, can the secret technique you use... work on other people?"


Uchiha Guang raised his eyebrows: "Theoretically, yes. What, Boss, do you want to go to another world with me?"

"...I have some ideas, but forget it."

Najesita smiled: "The cause of the revolutionary army has not yet succeeded. There are still many things that need to be dealt with and built in the new regime. Although I am average in ability, I can't get away for the time being. If everything can be put on track in the future, I might consider taking a long vacation for myself..."

Speaking of this, Najeesita changed the subject and seemed to intentionally or unintentionally glance at Akahime and others not far away: "But Akahime and others may soon be free. At that time, if Miss Guang needs help, you can consider hiring them.

As their current boss, I can still guarantee their business capabilities."

Although these words were said in a joking tone

But Uchiha Guang could tell that Najeshitan was serious——

"Night Raid" was a killer organization established to do dirty work for the Revolutionary Army and eliminate the old nobles.

Theoretically, they had lost their role after the fall of the old empire.

In the short term, there are still some bandits and stubborn forces in various parts of the empire that need to be cleared out, so Akahime and others can make use of their remaining energy.


Before long, maybe two or three months, or maybe half a year, "Night Raid" will be split up, disbanded, and gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

By then, former imperial military personnel and local noble descendants like Brand and Lubbock can still become generals and governors; while people like Akahime and Myne, who have no other special skills and identities, will be unemployed from then on, and even be dug up by people with ulterior motives to settle old scores because of the dirty work they did before.

Although Najeshitan wanted to keep her old subordinates, she also knew that there was a limit to what she could do alone. Not to mention that her identity was just an ordinary senior member of the Revolutionary Army, even if she was the supreme leader, she might not be able to prevent the open and secret attacks of some despicable people.


It might be a good choice to let Akahime and others follow Uchiha Hikaru to another world and complete the second job.

"...I will seriously consider the matter of hiring."

Uchiha Hikaru thought about it and gave a reply.

On the other side

Bulma interrupted quietly: "Well, actually, if you want to change jobs, you can also consider coming to my side... There are still many empty seats on my 'Blue Planet', even if a hundred people come, it can be put!"

"... Blue Planet?"

"Yes, this is the name that I, Mr. Minato, and Yamato discussed together. It is the name given to our pirate ship. Although the ship is only on the drawing now."


Uchiha really didn't pay much attention to the chat messages in the group these days.

But the name "Blue Planet" is a bit unexpectedly concise. She thought that according to Minato Namikaze's naming habits, he would think of a middle school name like "Blue Cyclone Thunderbolt Flash Zero One"...

"By the way, Bulma, what are your plans next?"

Uchiha Hikaru asked.

Bulma scratched her head: "As for me, I might stay here for a while to study alchemy and imperial tools, as well as Olihagang, to see if they can be used on the pirate ship... In addition, I will also find a way to make the '1,000-fold Mimi Bracelet' that Xiaoguang asked for."

"Thank you very much... Where is Eri?"

As Uchiha Guang's eyes swept over, Eri next to her raised her small notebook: "I want to go with Guang to play with Naruto and Karin."


The current situation in the Naruto world is generally stable, so it doesn't matter if I take Eri to play for a few days.

As for Yamato...

"Leone and I have an appointment to go to the slums of the imperial capital and stay for a few more days... If I go back to Onigashima now, I'm afraid I will be punished by my father again."

Even with Yamato's carefree personality, she trembled a little when she mentioned her father Kaido.

After all...

Kaido was really cruel when he beat her.

It belongs to "if you can't kill her, beat her to death."

If Yamato's physique was not much stronger and more durable than that of an average person, and if he had not eaten the devil fruit and gained an extra "health bar", he might have collapsed long ago...

Uchiha Hikaru didn't know how to comment on this, so he could only pat Yamato on the shoulder to comfort him: "It's okay, the worlds of our group members are open to each other, you can stay as long as you want, and if you need help in the pirate world, you can also tell me."

-If Uchiha Hikaru was alone, it might take some effort to defeat Kaido. The latter is the "strongest creature" who can't be killed even if he falls from a height of 10,000 meters to the ground, and the thickness of his health bar is really a bit excessive.

But if Esdeath and Yamato, even Kikyo, Brand, and even all the members of "Night Raid" are added...

The result will be another matter.

"In addition, Bulma's safety is up to you. If there is anything, you can call me in the group."

The world of Kill Aka is still a bit dangerous for non-combatants like Bulma.

Brand and Night Raid can provide protection, but they can't stay with her 24 hours a day. With Yamato, who knows her well, there shouldn't be any major problems.


Yamato patted the G cup on his chest and swore: "Don't worry, Miss Guang, this is a man's promise!"


Uchiha Guang pulled the corner of his mouth speechlessly, then took out a microphone from his body and handed it to Bulma:

"Bulma, this is for you."

"This thing is also one of the imperial tools, called 'Earth Sound', which can emit strong ultrasonic waves through singing... I think it should be a good match with you, keep it for self-defense."

After exhorting each other for a few words.

Uchiha Guang withdrew from the world of Akagi Slash.

Accompanied by a white light, he returned to the Konoha Village in the world of Naruto.

Then it was Eri.

In the mansion in the Uchiha clan's residence, Uchiha Guang took out the coffin and released Esdeath.

"How do you feel?"

"... Not bad."

Under the gaze of Uchiha Hikaru and Eri, Esdeath slowly stood up from the coffin and moved her shoulders and neck a few times: "I feel a little muscle tearing, but it's nothing serious... Is this the other world you mentioned? It doesn't look much different from the Empire."

It can be heard that Esdeath still has some doubts about the "other world".


"Do you want to go out and take a look, Xiao Ai?"


Considering that it was Esdeath's first day here, Uchiha Hikaru took her around Konoha Village and familiarized herself with the "other world".

Eri also followed beside her, writing a few sentences in her little notebook from time to time and showing it to Esdeath.

She has been to Konoha once, so she can barely be considered a "senior".

"Konoha Village, Ninja World, Five Great Nations..."

"They are indeed places I have never heard of, very different from the Empire."

Esdeath stood at the corner of the street, her eyes swept over Uchiha Izumi who just passed by, wearing the uniform of the security forces, and then turned to look at Uchiha Guang: "I have wanted to ask since just now... why are those people calling you 'Grandma'?"


Uchiha Guang opened his mouth: "If I say that I am actually over a hundred years old, do you believe it?"


Esdeath did not say anything, but her eyes clearly said "Are you kidding me?"

"It's true."

Uchiha Guang sighed: "For some reasons that are not easy to explain, I was once sealed by someone with a sealing technique... Yes, just like I did to you before, I slept in the dark underground for a hundred years and did not wake up until this era. So the people living in this village now are all my juniors who are at least four or five generations apart from me."

This matter is not a secret to Eri and others.

After all, they have been in the same group for so long, and they basically know each other's situation.

But Esdeath is not a member of the chat group. When she heard Uchiha Guang's "life" for the first time, her eyes changed slightly.

"Being sealed for a hundred years...it turns out that you were once a weak person."

"Everyone has been a weak person, this is the law of nature. If a world does not allow the weak to survive, then the fault should not be the weak, but the world."

Uchiha Guang said casually.


Esdeath curled her lips.

As an imperial general, the concept of "survival of the strong" in her mind is deeply rooted, and it is impossible to be shaken by just a few words.

And Uchiha Guang just made a slight attempt to see if he could change Esdeath's values ​​a little bit. After all, the two may be together for a long time. If the latter keeps that distorted concept, it may be a bit tiring to communicate.


Uchiha Guang took Esdeath and Eri to the shopping street to buy some ingredients and prepare to go back to make dinner.

In the process,

Esdeath kept scanning the pedestrians on the street, as if she was judging the strength of these people by visual observation. Most of the villagers of Konoha, including the ninjas, were swept by her, but there was only one guy who made her look at him several times.

"That man... looks very strong."


Uchiha Hikaru followed Esdeath's line of sight and saw a strange creature wearing a green tights, "running" from not far away in an upside-down posture, still shouting "youth".

"... Indeed."

This man, even she could beat him to death...

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