I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 199: Encounter in the Land of Ghosts

Might Guy is probably one of the few people among Konoha's many jonin who "doesn't know" Uchiha Hikaru.

It's not that he hasn't seen him before.

It's because... this guy is face-blind and can't remember people's names at all.

At this moment, Guy seemed to feel the gaze of Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath. He looked over here with one hand in a handstand, then raised a thumb and showed two rows of glittering teeth: "Yo~ Thank you for your support! Do you two want to shed the sweat of youth with me?"

"No, you should shed it alone..."

Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand a little awkwardly.

Esdeath was a little tempted.

Of course...

I didn't want to run handstand around Konoha with Guy, but to invite him to a fight.

"Next time, Xiao Ai. It's almost time for dinner."

Uchiha Hikaru grabbed Esdeath from the side.

According to her estimation, Might Guy is indeed capable of fighting Esdeath, but the premise is that he has to open six or even seven gates of the Eight Gates. In that case, the fight will probably be quite noisy, and it is entirely possible that several forests will be destroyed.

As for Gai with all eight gates open, in theory, he can kick Esdeath to death with one kick... The only suspense is whether "Mokobotamo", who can freeze space, can freeze "Night Guy", who can even distort space.

——However, "Night Guy" is the ultimate move to burn life. Once used, the best result is one for one, so unless Esdeath also wants Konoha to feel pain, there is no reason for Gai to reveal this trump card.

"By the way..."

"Can Senzu beans cure the sequelae of the Eight Gates?"

Uchiha Hikaru suddenly had this thought.

If it can...

Then theoretically, can't "Night Guy" be used as a flat attack?

This conjecture cannot be verified for the time being.

After all, she couldn't let Kai open the eight gates on the spot to open her eyes...

At the moment.

Uchiha Hikaru watched Might Guy run away, then dragged the two women all the way back home, changed his clothes into home clothes, and started washing his hands and cooking.

Eri ran over excitedly to help.

How to say it...

As a gangster princess raised by the Snake Eight Clan since childhood, Eri is quite talented in "cutting people with a knife", but she knows nothing about "cutting vegetables". Although she tried hard to help, she looked clumsy and soon cut her finger.

Uchiha Hikaru saw this and hurriedly asked Esdeath to help get iodine and disinfectant paper towels.

After all...

If it's a little later, the wound will heal.

After helping Eri rinse the wound on her finger with a speechless face, Esdeath picked up the kitchen knife and skillfully cut the remaining half of the potato.


Uchiha Guang glanced at her with a little surprise: "Does Xiao Ai usually cook?"

"I guess so."

Esdeath continued to work with her hands, but her face was expressionless: "Because I have always lived alone, I have practiced these housework skills to some extent. I am not proficient, but it is enough."


Uchiha Guang pondered for a while: "I remember that you seem to have the habit of growing flowers? Do you want to go to the flower shop tomorrow?"

If I remember correctly, the Yamanaka family runs a flower shop, and they just participated in the "Flower Exhibition" led by Shisui and others some time ago. It just so happens that her room is a bit empty, and it is a good idea to bring some flowers and plants back to decorate it.

It's just that she often goes out for several months at a time. If she really grows flowers at home, I'm afraid she will have to find someone to water them regularly...

On the other side.

Esdeath's expression became a little strange.

It's true that she has a hobby of growing flowers.

But the purpose is not for viewing, but to create pain when interrogating prisoners...

For a moment, the image of tying up Uchiha Hikaru and interrogating him with "flower torture" flashed in Esdeath's mind. After a wave of emotion, she exhaled slightly and lowered her eyebrows: "No need, it's just a boring way to kill time anyway."


Uchiha Hikaru did not comment.

After dinner that day.

Uchiha Hikaru placed Esdeath and Eri in the bedroom next to her.

There are quite a lot of empty rooms in her mansion, so there is no need to worry about not being able to accommodate them.

Wait until the next morning.

Uchiha Hikaru simply packed up and prepared to take the two to the Land of Demons.

If it were the former Uchiha Hikaru, he would probably summon the somersault cloud at this time and take Eri and Esdeath all the way there.

But now...

"Let me see, the Demon Country is in the northeast of Konoha, about 900 kilometers away in a straight line..."

After roughly comparing it on the map.

Uchiha Guang turned the "Shangri-La" on her wrist. As a ray of spiritual power was injected into the imperial tool, a series of blurred pictures emerged in her mind and continued to extend to the northeast. At the same time, the fluorescent teleportation array also appeared in this room.

A flash of light.

The figures of the three disappeared from the original place and appeared in a group of mountains with humid air.

"This should be the territory of the Demon Country. Let's find a nearby town and confirm the situation first."

Uchiha Guang said, raising his footsteps.


As one of the oldest countries in the Naruto world.

The political system of the Demon Country is very special.

Unlike most countries in the ninja world, which are ruled by "daimyo", the supreme ruler of the Demon Country is the "shrine maiden" of each generation, which has a flavor of "unity of politics and religion".

Therefore, the towns here are also very different from the five major countries. Various shops with witchcraft style and ghost colors can be seen everywhere.

Uchiha Hikaru bought two Hannya masks and handed one to Eri, who wore it on her face happily.

Then he bought a bunch of cornflowers and handed it to Esdeath.

"What is this?"

"Well, it's a gift for guests who have come from afar."

Uchiha Hikaru said with a smile: "And the color of this bunch of cornflowers is blue, which matches your hair color very well. It should be quite beautiful in your hand."


Esdeath's eyelids twitched, and she was silent for a moment before hesitantly taking the bouquet from Uchiha Hikaru.

Eri, who was standing next to her, made a photo-taking gesture with her hands, and then raised her notebook: "It's really beautiful, Sister Esdeath."

"...Thank you."

After that, Esdeath stopped talking and just followed behind half a step behind.

Uchiha Hikaru stopped in front of the small stall from time to time, bought some snacks and turned around to share with the two. Eri picked a few strings of wind chimes and hung them on her fair wrists, which made a clear and pleasant sound as she walked.

"By the way...are there any special festivals recently? It seems like it's very lively here?"

In front of a stall that sells goldfish, Uchiha Hikaru started a conversation with the owner.


The stall owner was stunned for a moment: "You...shouldn't be the people of the Land of Demons?"

"Oh, we are tourists from the Land of Fire."

"No wonder..."

The boss talked freely: "During this period, it is the annual 'God Tasting Festival' of the Land of Demons. All towns are holding celebrations to express gratitude to the gods who have given us our current lives and pray for good weather and good harvests in the coming year... By the way, you don't know who the 'God' is yet, right?

She is the first generation of the shrine maiden of the Land of Demons. Legend has it that thousands of years ago, a ferocious monster once lived on this land. It killed and devoured humans wantonly. It was the first generation of the shrine maiden who stood up and killed it with powerful spiritual power, and protected the remaining people to establish the current Land of Demons. If you go to the capital in the near future, you may be able to see the current shrine maiden at the festival."

"Oh? There is such a thing?"

Uchiha Guang looked curious.

While listening to her boss's story, she had already posted this story to the chat group and asked casually.

[Eternal Sister: The Land of Demons? ]

[Eternal Sister: I have heard some rumors about that country. It seems to have existed since the Six Paths Sage era. Its history is even longer than that of the Five Great Kingdoms... And the rulers of each generation are all shrine maidens with spiritual power, which may be a bit like Miss Kikyo. ]

[Yotani Miko: Hmm... Listening to Miss Guang's description, it feels a bit like the "Yamatai Kingdom" mentioned in history books. ]

[West Central Tiger: Yamatai? Is it the one of Queen Beiruhu? I think I have heard of it too. ]

[Iron Head Baby: Um, can I ask what you are talking about? I can't understand a word...]

In a discussion message that quickly passed by.

Uchiha Guang locked onto Kikyo who had just popped up.

[Unnamed @Kikyo: Miss Kikyo, are you interested in coming over to take a look? Although we are not in the same world, we are both shrine maidens. Maybe I have something in common with you. ]

[Kikyo: ...If it's not too much trouble, yes. ]

[Wuming: OK, I'll bring you over after I get to the capital. Now, I'm looking for someone to ask for directions. ]

Perhaps it's because travelers from outside aren't often seen in the Land of Demons.

The stall owner pulled Uchiha Hikaru and the other two and talked for a long time before showing them the way to the capital.

At the end, the owner also gave them a tank of goldfish.

Uchiha Hikaru originally wanted Eri to hold the fish tank, but the goldfish seemed to sense the dragon aura on the latter, and swam wildly, almost jumping out of the tank. And when the fish tank was handed over to Esdeath, they were silent again, as if they were frozen.

There was no other way.

Uchiha Hikaru could only split a shadow clone, holding the fish tank, and then wandered around the town leisurely for another day, planning to rest for a night before leaving for the capital.

While looking for a hotel.

An unexpected person suddenly appeared in her sight——

"... Thank you so much, if it weren't for you, Master Zhushan's illness might be..."

"This is the agreed reward of two million taels, please take a look!"

In front of a tall house.

A blonde woman in a dark green robe crossed her arms and looked lazy.

Although she was actually close to forty years old, she looked like she was in her early twenties, with a fair face and dazzling blonde hair. The ends of her hair were tied into braids on both sides and hung on her back, highlighting a huge "gamble" character. Even without the foul breasts, this outfit was enough to attract attention.

Next to her, the black-haired girl holding the pig bowed and politely took a black suitcase from the old housekeeper of the house, took a glance at it, and zipped it up.

"Tsunade-sama, I have checked it, and the amount is correct."

"Well, that's good."

The blonde woman nodded slightly and looked at the old housekeeper: "If you know any other wealthy businessmen, and someone in your family is sick, you can also come to me, as long as you can afford the consultation fee."

While speaking.

She turned around, and just after taking a few steps, the majestic expression on her face was swept away, and became unusually brisk: "Go, go, Jingyin! While the casino is still open... I lost so much there a few days ago, this time I must win back my principal and interest, and let those guys who like to cheat know how powerful I am!"


Jingyin opened her mouth, wanting to say something but stopping.

Having been with Tsunade for so long, she knows her master's gambling luck very well.

Win money?


From usual experience, if Tsunade can win three out of a hundred bets, it is considered good luck. "The big fat sheep of the ninja world" deserves the title.

She could even foresee that Tsunade would lose the two million within a few days, and then leave under the denunciation of the debt collectors, and continue to be a fat sheep in another place...

It was also at this time.

Tsunade, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and frowned in a certain direction.

"That is..."

At the same time.

On the other side of the long street more than a hundred meters away.

Uchiha Guang also stopped, narrowed his eyes slightly, and showed a surprised expression on his face.

"... What a coincidence."

After a brief eye contact.

Tsunade first looked at both sides, and then walked over hesitantly, with a subtle expression on her face: "Miss Guang... Long time no see."

In addressing Uchiha Guang, Tsunade obviously struggled for a while, and still couldn't shout out words like "adult" or "senior".

But Uchiha Guang didn't mind: "It's little Tsunade, what a coincidence, are you also traveling to the Land of Demons?"


Tsunade nodded.

Shizune next to her bowed slightly and added respectfully: "It's like this, Master Guang. Recently, the son of a wealthy businessman fell seriously ill and issued a high reward for medical treatment. Master Tsunade happened to pass by nearby and came to find him..."

"I see."

Uchiha Guang glanced at the suitcase under Shizune's hand and roughly understood what happened.


Under the slightly puzzled gaze of Tsunade and Shizune, she also smiled slightly and explained casually: "As you can see, I am traveling with these two friends... It is a kind of fate to meet in the Land of Demons. How about finding a place to have a drink?"


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