I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 200 Treatment of hemophobia

Tsunade had obviously been in this town for a while.

Without any effort, he led Hikari Uchiha and the other three into an inconspicuous tavern, and then skillfully ordered two bottles of sake, a few side dishes, and a bottle of juice.

The juice is for Uchiha Hikari.

"Although Miss Guang, you are already over a hundred years old, your body is still underage. Starting to drink alcohol so early will affect your physical development... It is better to drink this first."

Tsunade explained it this way.

Uchiha Hikaru had no objection to this. She didn't like drinking very much anyway.

As for the other two...

At this moment, they all sat silently, looking at Tsunade with a scrutinizing gaze.

Esdeath was naturally assessing Tsunade's strength.

Although she has the debuff of bloodphobia, Tsunade is after all the three ninjas who were once famous in the ninja world, and she is also the best at taijutsu among the three. This can be seen from her muscle density. Therefore, Esdeath was a little bit ready to make a move.

Eriyi, on the other hand, stared at the thrilling and majestic arcs on Tsunade's chest, then lowered her head and glanced at her own chest. She didn't know what she thought of, and her face became a little discouraged.


Eriki is actually considered to be relatively well-developed among young girls, but compared to Tsunade's level of big breasts, she is indeed far behind.

And even Tsunade can't compare to a certain Oni Princess in the pirate world. After all, she's almost twice as tall...


"This special sake from the Land of Ghosts really has a unique flavor."

After a few glasses of wine, Tsunade's face became more relaxed: "You still don't know the names of these two friends, Miss Guang?"

"Eri Uesugi and Esdeath are all people I met after leaving Konoha."

Uchiha Hikari responded casually.


As a descendant of the Senju clan, Tsunade did not identify Eri as a Uzumaki clan member because of her red hair, like the Kusanagi did.

But as a shadow-level expert, her intuition still made her keenly aware of the unusualness of the two of them.

To this.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't mean to explain, he just told anecdotes about the interesting things he saw on the road, while raising a glass of juice to toast Tsunade.

Tsunade at this period was originally a drunkard, and she was in a good mood after just making two million. After a while, she became drunk and her speech became a little garbled.

"...So, the purpose of you coming to the Kingdom of Ghosts is to explore the legend of the 'Monster'?"


"But after meeting you two, I suddenly remembered something else."

Uchiha Hikaru gestured to Eri next to him: "This friend of mine has a special blood disease. Due to the erosion of some alien forces inside the body, the health condition is unstable... I wonder if Miss Tsunade is willing to help. Will she treat you?"

"...My consultation fees are very high."

Tsunade burped.

"Ten million taels, this is my bid."

Uchiha Hikari held out a finger.


Tsunade's eyelids twitched, and even her drunkenness faded a little: "Are you...seriously?"


Uchiha Hikaru casually untied a seal scroll and placed a box full of banknotes on the dining table.

When she came back from this trip, she had already used Fugaku and others to estimate the price of the treasures she got from Zhanchi World.

Although the prices of goods in the two worlds are different, and some items such as jewelry cannot be accurately priced, if she sells all the dozens of boxes of treasures, it is estimated that she will get at least five to one billion taels, which will not make any difference. questionable. It is equivalent to twenty or thirty Asma heads.

Take 10 million out of it and use it as Eri Yi's medical expenses, which is just a sprinkling of water.


If he wanted to let Tsunade do the work for him, he still had to deal with her hemophobia first.

Regarding this, Uchiha Hikaru is already 80% or 90% sure.

"Inside this document bag are the research results of Konoha Hospital and two other doctors, as well as the 'bloodline inhibitor' they trial-produced. You only need to further research and develop on this basis. If you need to collect blood samples, I I will ask Eriyi to cooperate with you..."

Saying that, Uchiha Hikari placed another stack of folders next to him. Several packs of dark red blood bags were clearly visible on the document.

As expected.

When she saw the box of money, Tsunade's eyes lit up slightly, as if she was already imagining herself taking the money to go to the casino and kill everyone.

But as soon as her eyes touched the bags of blood, she subconsciously looked away, and the hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly.

This detail just passes by in a blink of an eye to ordinary people.

But Uchiha Hikari had been paying attention to Tsunade's micro-expressions and small movements, and caught them immediately. Esdeath also narrowed her eyes and spoke softly with some uncertainty:



Uchiha Hikaru pretended not to know and looked at Esdeath.

"...I have seen this symptom in the military. Some recruits will develop a fear of blood due to excessive stimulation when they witness their relatives and friends dying in front of them."

Esdeath tilted her head: "Did this Miss Tsunade also have such an experience?"

——After judging this, Esdeath's interest in Tsunade suddenly dropped a lot. After all, in her opinion, people who can be tortured by psychological diseases such as "hemaphobia" can only be classified as "weak" and do not deserve to be given a second look.

the other side.

Tsunade pursed her lips and poured half a bottle of wine into her mouth.

Shizune next to her showed a nervous expression.

Until now, Tsunade's "hyperphobia" remains a secret. Only a few people including Sarutobi Hiruzen and Jiraiya knew it. Most of the ninjas in Konoha thought that the Senju Princess was just tired of the war and wanted to go out and relax.

If this secret is known to Konoha's enemies, I'm afraid...

"I see."

Uchiha Hikari nodded slightly, then raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a playful smile: "After all, Miss Tsunade has experienced several ninja wars personally, it is normal to have this kind of mental illness... I happen to have some means that can treat it. Are you two interested in trying this disease?”



Tsunade's first reaction was to refuse.

Shizune asked subconsciously.

——She is probably the person who most hopes that Tsunade can get rid of the "hemaphobia" problem.

"Of course, in fact, it is not difficult to treat psychological diseases like this. The so-called best way to eliminate fear is to face it, so... it would be better to see more blood."

Accompanied by Uchiha Hikaru's gradually blurred voice.

The surrounding scenery has begun to change quietly.

The tavern is still this tavern.

However, the customers next to them quietly had dark green Konoha vests and forehead protectors engraved with swirling patterns. The topics of discussion have also changed from things related to the Kingdom of Ghosts to the "demigods" of Amegakure Village, the conflict on the border between Wind and Fire, and the Jonin Conference that just ended not long ago...

This scene should have alerted Tsunade.

But she had drunk too much wine at this time, and her brain became quite dull. When he was about to think, he heard a familiar male voice coming from the side.

"...Tsunade, so you are here!"

Kato Dan, wearing a Konoha Jounin vest, appeared at the door of the tavern and walked quickly towards this side: "About the medical ninja training mechanism mentioned at the meeting, I want to discuss it with you again... Who is this?"

Kato Dan paused in front of the dining table.

"Oh, she is..."

Tsunade was about to introduce Uchiha Hikaru, but her words suddenly stalled, with a confused expression on her face: "Who is here?"


"I am Madara Uchiha."

Before he finished speaking, a flash of knife light flashed.

Kato Dan reacted almost immediately and jumped to the side, but one of his arms was cut off, and bright red blood arrows gushed out like a fountain!

Under the watchful eyes of him and Tsunade.

Uchiha Hikari, who called himself "Madara", slowly stood up, with dark blue flames rising around him, outlining the appearance of a giant skeleton.

"This chakra...is the Susanoo of the Uchiha clan?!"


In Susanoo's mind, Uchiha Hikaru opened a pair of scarlet eyes: "Ready, have you seen blood?"


in reality.

From the perspective of Shizune and others, Tsunade's eyes were suddenly in a trance, and then her whole body trembled like chaff, as if she had seen something extremely terrifying.

In this inexplicable state of panic, Tsunade even activated the Hyakuha no Jutsu unconsciously. The black curse mark started from her forehead and then spread to her whole body.

After a brief hesitation, Shizune seemed to realize something, and suddenly raised her head to look at Uchiha Hikari: "Hikari-sama, Tsunade-sama, she..."

"Well, it's just a side effect of the treatment. Don't panic."

Hikaru Uchiha said lightly.

From the moment she took out Eriki's blood bag, she had already started using "Tsukuyomi" and "Eight Thousand Spears".

With the imprint left before, it was almost easy to pull Tsunade into the illusion space. And because Tsunade's obsession with Kato Dan and Nezuki is only slightly greater than Danzo's obsession with the position of Hokage, there is no decent obstacle to the use of the "Eight Thousand Spears".

After that, she basically used her power to recreate the Nine-Tails Rebellion, destroying half of the Leaf Village in one go, killing all the projections of Kato Dan and others, and finally killing Shizune in front of Tsunade. , only then forced the latter to overcome himself and launched his first counterattack while his whole body was trembling.

"Being able to muster the courage to fight back... should be considered a cure, right?"

After all, Tsunade in the original timeline had almost the same reaction when she was healed by Naruto.

Just a little bit of side effects...

Uchiha Hikari rubbed his chin, assessed the situation, and then looked at Shizune: "Please, Miss Shizune, please take her back to have a rest. If you have any questions, you can come to me again."

"……I see."

This "treatment" took a bit of mental toll on Tsunade.

After being brought back by Shizune, she lay there for almost two days before gradually waking up.

If you just look at her complexion, Tsunade at this time is even more depressed than before, as if her body has been emptied by gambling and alcohol. But if you look directly into her eyes, you can see that her gaze is much sharper than before, and she has regained the temperament of a Sannin.

When she saw Uchiha Hikaru again, Tsunade was silent for a long time, and finally expressed her thanks verbally with mixed feelings.

"It's okay, it's just a small favor."

Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand: "Although there are some twists and turns, my previous offer is still valid. As long as you can help cure Eri's illness, 10 million taels will be offered in full."

"...I have a question."

Tsunade was silent again for a moment, and slowly said: "I have roughly looked through the documents you gave to Shizune. There is nothing to say about the diagnosis certificate of Konoha Hospital, but...who is the person who developed that kind of 'inhibitor'?"


Uchiha Hikaru frowned slightly and did not respond immediately.

Tsunade seemed to have the answer to this question already, and just wanted to confirm with her: "Is it... Orochimaru?"

"In the five major countries, there are not many medical ninjas who can advance blood research to this level, and Orochimaru is one of them. And I have been with him for a long time, and I am very familiar with his word habits. Among those research materials, at least two can be seen as his handwriting."

"...You guessed right, it was Orochimaru."

At this point, Uchiha Hikaru no longer hid: "I met him by chance when I left Konoha to travel, and there was a little dispute...but it was resolved smoothly in the end. Now If he is still here, he and I can barely be considered as partners. With my financial support, he is studying a series of topics including Eri's blood sample. "

Speaking of this, Uchiha Hikaru paused: "By the way, I also sincerely invite you to join this scientific research team. If you agree, I can give you an annual salary of 30 million taels on top of the 10 million. In addition to completing the research project, the rest of your time is at your disposal, drinking, gambling... whatever you want, I will not interfere. "

"Of course, this is just an ordinary personal invitation. It's up to you whether to accept it or not."


Tsunade frowned and didn't speak.

After a while.

She took a deep breath and spoke again: "I can help you treat Eri, but the cooperation with Orochimaru is another matter."


Uchiha Hikaru really wanted to dig Tsunade over. After all, this person is the number one medical ninja in the ninja world, and should be able to help Orochimaru share several topics. However, if the other party is unwilling, then we can only give up first, because if we force it, the work efficiency will probably be very low.

"Then let's talk about another deal first."

"How much do you think it will cost to learn the 'Yin Seal' and the 'Zhanxianshu'?"

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