I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 201: Quick Learning of

This is not the first time that Uchiha Hikaru has asked to learn the "Yin Seal".

The last time was at the end of last year, when Tsunade returned to the village and beat up Danzo.

But at that time, Tsunade was still in a state of indifference to everything around her, and Uchiha Hikaru had just begun to explore the ability of "Eight Thousand Spears" to rewrite the will of others. Without confidence, it was not easy to use Tsunade as an experimental subject, so the plan was temporarily shelved.

Until now——

"...If you really want to learn the 'Yin Seal', I can teach you."

Tsunade was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath and whispered: "But I have a request, that is, no matter what happens, you must not use this ninjutsu to deal with Konoha's ninjas. Especially Shizune."

"No problem."

Uchiha Hikaru agreed.

"Yin Seal" is just the icing on the cake for her.

And this ninjutsu itself is not offensive, it is used to store chakra for emergency use.

If she were to fight the ninjas of Konoha...

She thought that no one could force her to use the extra blue bar stored in the "Yin Seal".

-If the opponent is Might Guy with all eight gates fully opened, it can indeed pose a fatal threat to her, but at that time, let alone the "Yin Seal", even the "Fire Thunder God" may be useless. It is safer to travel directly to other worlds and wait for the time of Gai's ultimate move to pass before coming back.

Tsunade actually knows this very well.

She made this request just to get some psychological comfort.


Uchiha Hikaru went further: "In addition to the 'Yin Seal', I am also very interested in several other ninjutsu...Do you consider selling the 'Super Strength'? There are also the 'Hundred Healings Technique' and the contract scroll of the Wet Bone Forest. It doesn't matter if the price is a little higher?"

Tsunade: "..."

After some bargaining.

Uchiha Hikaru finally used 18 million taels to buy the lifetime use rights of the "Yin Seal", "Super Strength" and "Hundred Healings Technique". Plus a month of personal instruction from Tsunade herself.

As for the contract scroll of the Wet Bone Forest...

Tsunade was determined not to sell it, so Uchiha Hikari had to give up.

In fact, even if Tsunade was willing, Uchiha Hikari might not be able to sign it.

Because she had already signed a summoning contract with Ryuchi Cave.

Theoretically, a ninja can contract with several summoning beasts at the same time, but the existence of the three holy places is unlikely to be willing to share a contractor with another. If one does not operate well, he may be rejected by both sides at the same time, or even unilaterally terminate the contract.


"What if Eri or Esdeath signs a contract with the Wet Bone Forest?"

If it is the most primitive fairy art that only calls on natural energy, even humans from another world should be able to learn and use it, right?

Uchiha Hikari buried this curiosity in his heart and planned to go to Ryuchi Cave to ask when he has time.

With her current strength, it should be enough to have an equal dialogue with the White Snake Immortal...


Tsunade rested in bed for a few days before she gradually recovered from the mental stimulation.

During this period, she explained the "Yin Seal" to Uchiha Guang in an oral form.

As the name suggests, the essence of the "Yin Seal" is a sealing technique, and it is an extremely rare medical sealing technique.

Its basic principle is to open up a "reservoir" in the body through subtle adjustments to the body's meridians, and pour the chakra extracted at ordinary times into it little by little for storage. When the critical moment comes, it will be released with a specific technique, and then a large amount of chakra can be released, and a powerful combat capability beyond the normal can be obtained.

Under Tsunade's development and improvement, the "Yin Seal" she mastered can construct a special technique circuit in the body by continuously outputting a small amount of chakra, so as to continuously repair and adjust the body's various functions and achieve the effect of eternal youth.

Of course...

As the price of the improved effect, the difficulty of practicing the improved version of the "Yin Seal" has also risen on the original basis.

In the original plot, even Shizune, who had followed Tsunade for many years, was unable to learn this move due to her aptitude. And as a mortal genius, Haruno Sakura also spent nearly three years to master it.

As for Uchiha Hikaru...

When she was listening to Tsunade's explanation, she already felt that this technique was very difficult.

If measured by numbers, if the difficulty of practicing ordinary sealing techniques is 1, then the "Four Symbols Seal" may be 3, and the "Yin Seal" must reach 5 or even 7.

For a moment, Uchiha Hikaru even felt like he was back in the university classroom in his previous life, listening to Tsunade's advanced mathematics class.

You can understand it, but you have to concentrate.


When Uchiha Hikaru tried to mobilize the chakra in his body according to Tsunade's instructions, the situation was different.


"Why does it feel... not difficult at all? Is it so much simpler than imagined?"

Just when Uchiha Hikaru suspected that he had made a mistake and wanted to ask again,

Tsunade opened her eyes wide in shock, looking at her with an expression as if she had seen a ghost, and couldn't speak for a long time: "You..."

"What's wrong?"

"...Go look in the mirror."


Uchiha Hikaru hesitated and came to the mirror, first admiring her fair and beautiful face, and then saw a light purple diamond mark quietly appearing in the middle of her forehead.

This is clearly a sign of successful cultivation of the "Yin Seal"!

"It's okay, it looks pretty good. It would be nice if I could customize the shape..."

This was Uchiha Hikaru's first thought.

The second thought is——

"Am I actually a genius in the art of sealing?"

But soon, Uchiha Hikaru understood.

The current result is probably related to her recovery.

The difficulty of practicing "Yin Seal" is mainly in the first step, which is to use chakra to regulate the body's meridians and construct the circuit of the technique.

This is a long-term project, and like developing blood inheritance limits, it requires a lot of time accumulation.

However, Uchiha Hikari's body had already been transformed when he made a wish to Shenlong. Her strong recovery power repaired and adjusted her body functions all the time during this year.

Although the principles are not the same.

But different paths lead to the same destination.

This saved her the most time-consuming work.

Of course, Tsunade didn't know this.

After tentatively checking and confirming that Hikari Uchiha had indeed activated the "yin seal", the nearly forty-year-old blond woman opened her mouth slightly, a little doubtful about life.

"Should I say that I am worthy of being the grandma of the Uchiha clan? This talent is simply..."


Too bad he was an Uchiha.

If such a genius appeared among the descendants of the Thousand Hands clan, it would probably be a rare blessing. Even if he appeared on Rope Tree, he might not die...

Tsunade shook her head, recovered from her subconscious thoughts, and coughed: "Your qualifications surprised me, but don't be too proud. Being able to construct a magic circuit means that you have successfully started. , but what ultimately determines the height of the 'yin seal' is the size of the 'reservoir'.

The width of the meridians in the human body has a limit, and the range that can be adjusted is very small. Once the upper limit is reached, it cannot continue to widen, otherwise it may cause meridian rupture. Unless I have a unique physique like my grandfather Senju Hashirama..."


Uchiha Hikari blinked.

Of course she knew that Senju Hashirama had a perverted physique. The "Hundred Masters' Technique" that Tsunade is proud of is actually just his passive ability.


Uchiha Hikaru also possesses this kind of passivity. Her physique is even stronger than Senju Hashirama's during his lifetime.

——Hashirama's recovery ability cannot be used to regenerate severed limbs. At most, it can only re-regenerate severed limbs.

If the recovery ability is positively correlated with the width of the meridians...

Then she might really be a "yin seal" genius.

Since what he bought was a one-month private lesson, Uchiha Hikari planned to take some time to understand and digest the "Yin Seal" before studying the "Hundred Heroes' Technique" and "Strange Power".

In this process, the situation in the Ghost Country has begun to change.

This evening.

The setting sun is like blood.

In the center of the capital of the Kingdom of Ghosts, there is a wide hall.

The miko, wearing a white robe and a golden crown, was sitting on a high platform, listening to the report of her subordinates in front of her.

"...has it been confirmed?"

"Yes, Lord Maitreya."

"According to the news from the cavalry, the seal of the 'Monster' has indeed been broken, and the person who did it is most likely the 'Yellow Spring Sect'. At present, the defenders in the Kotani City area have lost contact, and General Ashho is deploying them from other areas. Manpower has gone to support, but I'm afraid..."

The general who spoke paused.

Although he didn't finish his words, the meaning of his words was already obvious.

"Is there any danger..."

The witch named Maitreya sighed: "This day is inevitable after all. The existence of 'monsters' will inevitably attract the attention of those ambitious people. What happened now is actually a good thing. At least I still have enough." Have the ability to suppress it... Ryunosuke, have you received any replies to the letters for help you sent to the five major countries? "


Ryunosuke nodded: "Both Konoha and Sunagakure have sent manpower. Iwagakure has clearly rejected our request for help. The other two have not responded yet."

Having said this, Ryuzosuke paused and seemed to suddenly think of something: "By the way, based on the inspection of entry and exit records, we discovered something..."

"Tsunade-sama, one of the legendary three ninjas of Konoha, the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama, and the unparalleled healer, may have come to the land of ghosts!"


Maitreya raised his eyebrows: "Where is she now?"

Later in the day.

The western part of the country of ghosts.

A group of well-equipped cavalry galloped along the ancient bluestone road and broke into Xiaogu City surrounded by mountains.


The leading cavalry leader turned over and dismounted, pressed one hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and said quickly: "Everyone, go search the surroundings first, and be careful. Something seems wrong..."

As a small country on the north side of the road, the Ghost Country is not as prosperous and wealthy as the five major countries, and Xiaogu City is not a big city. But usually there are still thousands of people living there.

But at this moment.

Not only the soldiers guarding the city, but not even a soul could be seen on the streets. The dilapidated houses stood silently on both sides of the road. Long shadows were cast by the afterglow of the evening, making them look like a deserted and dead city. Even these well-trained soldiers felt inexplicable pressure.


A cavalryman discovered a pool of blood from the corner of the street.

To be precise, it was a puddle of minced meat mixed with skeletal fragments. It didn't look like one person, but like the mud left by the flesh and blood of a dozen or even dozens of people crushed into a ball by strong pressure. Under the sunlight, it emits a strong rancid smell.

Another cavalryman listened attentively for a while, then raised his head and looked in a certain direction: "Hey, did you hear that?"


"that is……"

A rustling sound suddenly appeared.

At this moment, everyone present heard it. And I also felt a heart-stopping force approaching here at an extremely fast speed!

"Something is coming, be careful..."

The cavalry captain shouted a warning.

But before he could finish speaking, the stone pavement on the long street exploded, and a purple-black shadow emerged from the cracks in the ground, like a thick snake, flying high with the body of the cavalry captain! While still in the air, the latter had been penetrated through the chest and body, and his internal organs were bitten into pieces. The bright red blood accompanied by the flesh and blood fragments splashed around like raindrops, and in the blink of an eye, a strong wave of energy spread in the air. The smell of blood!

"What it is?!"


Bang bang——

The sound of exploding stone slabs continued.

Countless purple-black shadows poked out from the ground, clearly countless thick and huge tentacles! Wherever the tentacles passed, houses were smashed to pieces like paper. The cavalry present were also rolled up by the waist. The internal organs in the body were penetrated and devoured by shadows, and the parts under the body were thrown away at will. go out.

It only took a few minutes.

Nearly a hundred heavily armed cavalry were all killed.

After doing all this, those purple-black tentacles slowly retracted, pressing around the road one by one, holding up hundreds of square meters of streets, revealing a huge mountain-like figure. Its whole body was made of purple-black flames, with only two lantern-sized red dots exposed where its head was, which seemed to be its eyes.

"Lord Phantom!"

Accompanied by a few whooshing sounds.

Several ninjas came out of their hiding places and looked at the monster with fanatical expressions.

The monster looked to the other side.

There, two figures wearing black red cloud robes were clearly visible.

"Lord Phantom."

One of the men in the black red cloud robe bowed slightly: "According to the agreement, we have lifted the seal on you and assisted you in devouring the entire living people in Xiaogu City... Then, you should also fulfill the agreement and help us A few things?"

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