"Don't worry."

"Before fulfilling the agreement with you, there is one more thing that must be done..."

While talking.

The purple-black body of the "Sprite" began to gradually shrink, from its original huge posture of tens of meters tall, like a tailed beast, to a human form of two or three meters tall.

However, it is only a rough "humanoid" outline.

There are still countless thick and long tentacles lingering around it, and the purple-black body inside and outside exudes an extremely violent and ferocious aura, as if it wants to destroy everything it sees. This kind of aura, combined with the scenes of mountains of corpses and seas of blood around, makes people feel cold all over after just one glance.

"...The witch from the Kingdom of Ghosts has the power to seal me. Only by killing and devouring her can I get rid of my worries and exist in the world for a long time. At that time, whether it is conquering the world or killing someone, , I can help you achieve it.”

Perhaps it was because it had been sealed for too long.

Or maybe it's because Ben is not human.

The demon's voice sounded hoarse and awkward, like a savage who had just started to learn to speak. Hearing it, there was an indescribable discomfort in his ears.

Obito, who was wearing a black red cloud robe with his face covered by a mask, frowned and spoke slowly in a low tone: "What do you want to do?"

"If you want to sneak into the palace to complete the assassination, I can provide you with some conveniences."

For Obito, who possesses the Kamui Eye Technique, it is easy to sneak into the palace quietly or control others with Sharingan Genjutsu.


The demon’s plan was not like this——


"I don't want you to do this kind of thing for me."

"Before I was sealed last time, I had anticipated today's situation and prepared some backup plans... Now, it's time to wake them up."

While talking.

Purple-black runes separated from the demon's body like small snakes, and then fell on the corpses of the surrounding cavalry whose lungs had been ripped out.

All the corpses that had been penetrated by the "colloidal snake" began to turn black and harden, and rock-like cuticles appeared on the body surface. Gradually, auras similar to those of the sprites began to emerge from their bodies, and within a very short period of time, their auras gradually increased.

Crunch, crunch——

In a heart-wrenching sound.

Corpses climbed up from the ground.

At this time, they no longer looked like they were before they were born, but instead turned into humanoid mercenaries wearing armor. Where the head and heart should have been, there was no face or chest to be seen, only clusters of black and purple flames beating faintly there, like ghosts in the story.

"This is……"

"Ghost Corps!"

The leader of the Underworld Sect recognized him.

——This is not the first time that the monster has been sealed, nor is it the first time that it has been released.

Compared with its own powerful strength comparable to that of tailed beasts, these "ghost troops" are even more terrifying.

They appear to be just lifeless puppets, but each one has the power to crack monuments and rocks, and will resolutely carry out all the instructions given by the monsters. More importantly... no matter how many times they are broken, their bodies will repair and regenerate, and continue to fight until everything in front of them is completely destroyed.

It is said that it dates back to the Warring States Period hundreds of years ago.

The Demon once led the "Ghost Corps" to destroy the Kingdom of Ghosts once, and also caused considerable damage to several surrounding countries.


This nightmare recorded in the classics has reappeared again.

"You guys."

The demon looked at the people from the Underworld Cult: "As a reward for your efforts to find my whereabouts and release me from the Demon Sealing Mountain so many years ago, I will give you a little bit of power."

The words have not yet fallen.

Several more purple-black snakes "separated" from the demons and penetrated into the bodies of the Huangquan believers.


Several believers felt that their bodies began to heat up, as if there was an inexhaustible power that was continuously emerging from their bodies. One of the ninjas tentatively clenched his fist and smashed it against the wall next to him. He saw the solid wall shattered, and his fist had a layer of rock similar to that of the "Ghost Corps".

"Is this what it feels like to have power? It's awesome!"

"My body feels so light..."

"Master Sprite, thank you very much for your gift. The Underworld Sect will pursue your footsteps to the death and kill the witch who poses a threat to you!"

The expressions of the Huangquan believers became even more fanatical than before. They were all confident and wanted to confront the shadows of the five major countries immediately.

the other side.

Obito narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the believers very carefully.

Although the Sharingan's insight was not as good as the Byakugan, he could roughly feel that the total amount of chakra in these believers' bodies had more than tripled in just a short moment. From having only the strength of an ordinary jounin or even a chuunin, he suddenly became one of the elite jounin. The leader of the Underworld Sect, Mingtu, who was already close to the shadow level, has been promoted to the strong shadow level.

This level of improvement is astonishing.

But the side effects are also obvious.

——With their qualifications and physiques, they are actually not enough to bear such a huge amount of chakra. It may be fine for a short period of time, but as long as it lasts longer, physical collapse is almost a foregone conclusion.


It doesn't matter.

Anyway, all the Akatsuki organization wants is the power of the demon.

"It's time to go."

"Before meeting this generation of miko, let's eat some appetizers and regain a little strength..."

Accompanied by the sprite's command.

The soldiers and mercenaries formed a dense formation, marching forward with heavy footsteps, like thousands of troops.

Early in the morning.

Uchiha Hikaru woke up from his sleep, went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash up as usual, then woke up Eri who was sleeping in the same room, and went downstairs to have breakfast together.

As for Esdeath...

Of course she lives in this room too.

But she had developed the habit of getting up early every day when she was serving in the imperial army. When Hikaru Uchiha brought Eri downstairs, she had already finished her meal and was wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

"How's it going, Xiao Ai, are you still used to eating?"

Uchiha Hikari sat down next to him with a dinner plate and asked with a smile.

Speaking of which, the world view of Zhanchi World is a bit like a combination of East and West, but the eating habits are more Western-style.

The recipes in Naruto World are generally Japanese-style, especially in the Kingdom of Demons. Breakfast is all miso soup, grilled fish, vegetable porridge... which is actually quite different from the eating habits in Esdeath. .


Esdeath responded calmly.

After a pause, she looked at Uchiha Hikari again and said coldly: "Where is the monster you mentioned before, and why haven't you seen it for so long?"

"...I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet."

Uchiha Hikaru put a piece of grilled fish into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, and then said vaguely: "That thing should come out soon...or maybe it has been released by someone now, but it is still nesting somewhere. Yes, it just didn't appear in front of us.

Tsunade has almost recovered, and today we will set off together to visit the capital of this country. That should also be the destination of the ‘monster’.

Well, if the 'monster' never appears, then I will fight you personally. That's okay, right? "

"...It's best that way."

Esdeath was noncommittal.


Uchiha Hikaru opened the chat group while eating.

[Unnamed@Platycodon: Ms. Platycodon, are you ready over there? 】

[Jikyo: ...Well, I have told Zi Zhi and Xiao Lan about the precautions. As long as it is convenient for you, Miss Guang, I can leave at any time. 】

——Xiaolan is the name of the half-demon on Penglai Island.

During this time, Kikyo has temporarily suspended the work of collecting the Shikon Jade, and is staying on Penglai Island with peace of mind, studying the "Sounding Cauldron" in the volcano, and working on repairing the barrier on the island.

Half of this was done out of a promise to the senior miko Tsuna, and the other half was because Kikyo liked children very much and was a hidden child slave. This is true for both human children and half-demon children.

Due to the ups and downs they have experienced, Zi Zhi and others are already quite obedient and sensible despite their young age, and get along very happily with Kikyo.

This side of the ninja world.

Uchiha Hikaru finished his meal slowly, asked Kikyo to greet Ziori for him, then returned to the room where he lived, and clicked on the application sent by Kikyo.

[Platycodon applies to enter the nameless world]

[Anonymous has agreed to apply]

Accompanied by a flash of white light.

Kikyo, wearing a red and white miko costume with an elegant temperament, appeared in this hotel in the land of ghosts.

"...Is this Miss Guang's world? It looks a little similar to mine."

Kikyo looked around with a bit of curiosity, and then set his sights on Eriki.

The latter raised the small notebook at the right time: "Hello, sister Platycodon!"

"Is it Ms. Eri?"

Platycodon recognized her, then pursed her lips and smiled: "Just call me Platycodon. This is the first time we meet. Please give me some advice."

It was indeed the first time for Kikyo and Eri to meet.

After all, Kikyo has a quiet personality and doesn't like adventure very much. Apart from her own world, she has only been to Miko's side; and Eriko has only been to Uchiha Hikaru and Brand's side, and they have no relationship with each other. What kind of intersection... But there is still some online communication, so they are not strangers to each other.

After a few simple greetings.

Uchiha Hikari introduced Kikyo and Esdeath to each other again.

"...Friends from a foreign country?"

Esdeath frowned, a little surprised by Kikyo's appearance, but didn't think too much about it.

Esdeath didn't know about the chat group.

Until now, she had thought that Uchiha Hikaru, Eriko, Bulma, and now Kikyo, all came from the same world, and that their sudden appearance at this moment was just because Uchiha Hikaru used "Shangri-La" to pick her up from elsewhere... …

Compared to the origins of Kikyo and others, Esdeath is more concerned about their strength——

"Bikyo? It's a bit of a difficult name to pronounce, just like Chitong... But you have the aura of a strong person. Do you want to fight with me?"


Facing Esdeath's inquiry, Kikyo showed a gentle smile: "I probably heard Miss Guang say something about your matter... If fighting can make you feel happy, I am willing to accompany you. But the time may take a little longer. Delay, because the disaster in this country has not yet been solved. Also, please show mercy to General Esdeath, because I may not be your opponent."

As the strongest miko in the world of Inuyasha, Kikyo's strength is not weak. With superb archery and barrier techniques, plus the top human spiritual power, she can deal with big monsters.

But Esdeath's strength is not inferior to the big monsters in the world of Inuyasha, and even better.

Seeing Kikyo accept the challenge so straightforwardly, Esdeath nodded with an approving look.

Time went to the afternoon in a blink of an eye.

Just when Uchiha Hikaru was in Tsunade's room, watching the latter help Eri check her body.

A hurried sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the end of the long street and stopped at the door of this hotel in this town.

Several cavalrymen wearing armor turned over and dismounted, hurried to the counter, and began to ask the hotel waiter.

Then they went all the way upstairs, went straight to Tsunade's room, and knocked on the door.

"…Nice to meet you. Are you Tsunade-sama from Konoha?"

"It's me…who are you?"

"I'm Endo Sakumo from the Land of Demons. I saw Tsunade-sama's name on the entry register and learned that the legendary Konoha Sannin has come to the Land of Demons. We are really honored…our honorable shrine maiden wants to invite Tsunade-sama to meet and chat."


Tsunade was confused when she heard the news.

She didn't know about the revival of "Wangling". She came to the Land of Demons purely by coincidence. She didn't know the shrine maiden before, so she could only think and ask tentatively: "That...is it that a certain prince in the palace is sick and wants me to help with the treatment?"

"Not really..."

Endo Sakumo looked at Uchiha Hikaru and Eri, as well as Shizune beside him, a little hesitantly, as if he was hesitating whether to tell the truth here.

After Tsunade said that Uchiha Hikaru and Shizune were "not outsiders" and did not need to avoid suspicion, the minister of the Kingdom of Demons slowly spoke: "In fact, this matter is related to a monster named "Wangliang" that was sealed in the Swamp Country by the previous miko... The Kingdom of Demons has already sent out requests for help to several major ninja villages including Konoha. It turns out that Lady Tsunade didn't know about it?"


Tsunade coughed and did not say that she was in a semi-disconnected state with Konoha, but then frowned: "You are talking about...'Wangliang?'"

"I seem to have seen this name in Konoha's ancient documents."

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