I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 205 Obito's plan

Along the way.

Kakashi and others looked quite nervous.

Konoha had received a request for help from the Demon Country a few days ago. After some discussion and reviewing relevant information, they finally decided to classify this mission as "Super S-level".

This means that there are likely to be multiple enemies above the level of Kage in the mission.

One is Wuliang.

From the scattered records in the scroll, it is speculated that the strength of this monster is no less than that of the tailed beast. If Miroku had not guaranteed in the letter that he had the ability to seal Wuliang and only needed the assistance of the ninja village, Konoha might have considered whether to accept this mission.

The other is the leader of the Huangquan Sect.

According to the information, the strength of this ninja is quite strong. If the information that "Wangliang can share power with others" is true, then his strength may be close to the five Kage.

The possibility of other enemies appearing in the mission cannot be ruled out.

Therefore, for Kakashi and others, this mission is life-threatening.

But Uchiha Hikaru and Eri's expressions were very relaxed, as if they were here for a spring outing. From time to time, they would run over to take pictures of beautiful scenery.

——It was taken with Eri's mobile phone.

This girl is no longer as ignorant as she was at the beginning, but is becoming more and more like an ordinary girl. In addition to the various common sense that is lacking in life, she has also gradually begun to use various electronic products skillfully.

As for Kikyo, she has begun to communicate with Miroku at this time.

Although they are in different worlds, the two are considered to be in the same industry, and the ghost and Naraku have some similar characteristics. Kikyo seems to be very curious about the formation process of this thing.

When it was noon, when the group stopped for a short rest, Uchiha Hikaru looked up and looked far to the west.

"Calculate the time..."

"Xiao Ai should have seen the ghost by now, right?"


The other side.

Uchiha Hikaru's shadow clone stood on the suspended ice surface with Esdeath, flying low towards the west of the Ghost Country, followed by a huge group of ice knights, like a large army going to war.

Along the way.

They saw several scattered "ghost corps" wreaking havoc in the villages and fields. Some soldiers in light armor, together with villagers holding steel forks, were struggling to fight with them, covering the retreat of their companions behind them.

"That guy..."

Did he deliberately disperse these mercenaries and create chaos everywhere?

Uchiha Hikaru frowned slightly, and was about to turn around and say something to Esdeath, when he saw the latter raise his hand and wave, and immediately several ice knights separated from the team and charged at the mercenaries in the village. Looking down from mid-air, it was like a white arrow inserted into a black quagmire, instantly rushing the mercenaries to pieces.


Aware of Uchiha Hikaru's gaze, Esdeath raised her eyebrows: "Is there a problem?"

"No, I just thought you wouldn't care about the lives of those weaklings."

"...They are just civilians."

Esdeath's expression remained unchanged: "Although they are all weaklings, they deserve to die. It's too sad to be killed by these puppets who don't even have their own will."


Uchiha Hikaru didn't comment.

That's it.

The two of them split up and continued to move forward.

In terms of the number of rounds, Esdeath's ice knights are far less than the "ghost corps". After all, the former are created by her with the power of "devil's essence", while the latter are created by the ghosts using the corpses of the people they killed, which are almost endless.

However, because the single combat power of the Ice Knight is slightly higher than that of the Soldier Mercenary, and he can fight three at once, and both sides have the characteristics of immortality, even if they are hammered into pieces, they can still get up and continue to hurt each other, so it is still possible to block the progress of the Ghost Corps and allow the civilians of the Ghost Country to escape calmly.

A few hours after leaving the capital.

Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath finally arrived at the place predicted by Maitreya.

Inashiki Castle.

According to the map, this was once a city with nearly 10,000 people living here, but now it has become a dead city.

A large number of buildings were shattered, and the road surface was stained dark red by dried blood. Soldiers walked among the broken walls, and flames like ghost fire were jumping in their heads. With the arrival of Uchiha Hikaru and the others, they gathered from all directions like sharks that smelled blood.

Unlike the small fights we saw along the way, the number of soldiers and mercenaries here was surprisingly large. Looking at it, it was a huge crowd that made people secretly frightened.

"... Water Style: Water Rush Wave!!"

Uchiha Hikaru formed seals with both hands and spit out.

In an instant, chakra turned into a surging stream, rising from the gate of Inashiki Castle, and then poured back violently, raising a wave several meters high, hitting the soldiers and mercenaries. Although these things are fearless, their actions still have to follow the laws of physics, and they were washed all over by the water.


Esdeath flashed, jumped out from the ice in the air, and landed on the water surface of the water wave.

Almost at the same time as she fell, the water surface under her feet condensed into ice.

Then, Esdeath was seen kneeling down and pressing down with both hands.

"...Ice Purgatory!!"

At this moment, the "Devil's Essence" symbol on Esdeath's chest flashed. Then, boundless cold air rushed up to the sky!

The temperature dropped sharply!

One second ago, there was still a huge wave of water at the city gate, just like the scene in Zeguo.

The next second, the white frost swept out into a huge fan-shaped area in front of Esdeath! Wherever it passed, the flowing water was quickly frozen, and the mercenaries who fell into the water were also frozen in the ice cave!

Ice cubes of all sizes are growing like mushrooms after a rain.

From ice edges, to icicles, to icebergs nearly 100 meters high... In just a blink of an eye, a silver-white world of ice and snow spread out in Inashiki Castle! It covers several blocks around the city gate, and is still expanding further!


Esdeath suddenly raised his head and glanced in a certain direction in the city: "There are still people."


"There are still living people in this town. They may be the owners of these ghost corps."


Uchiha Hikaru, who was in mid-air, raised his eyebrows.

Are the sprites there?

"In that direction... I can indeed feel a breath of chakra, go and have a look!"

The words fell.

Just heard...

Bang! ! !

A few miles away from the city gate, above another block, a red fire suddenly appeared, and then there was a loud bang!

Uchiha Hikari and Esdeath exchanged glances, and quickly approached the direction of the sound. During this process, a very powerful chakra aura and an extremely strong bloody aura were colliding head-on with them.

Are you really here?

Just as Esdeath expanded through the ice, he became aware of the remaining living people in the city.

The people over there also discovered their existence.

When Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath rushed over, they heard a few whistling sounds, but several ninja-looking people appeared on the roof not far away, shouting: "Stop! You are who?"

"Master Sprite is eating. Anyone who dares to disturb you will be shot to death!"

"...Master Sprite?"

Uchiha stopped in mid-air, narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at the people on the opposite side, especially looking at their foreheads without forehead protectors.

"A person from the Underworld Cult?"

"So you are a ninja who came to conquer? Although I don't know which ninja village you are from, but since you are here, please stay here!"

While talking.

One of the Huangquan Cult ninjas rushed over in large strides. While traveling at high speed, a thick layer of rock-like armor began to appear on his body. This layer of armor seemed to be quite heavy, causing him to leave huge footprints on the roof of the house with every step he took. Finally, he jumped up from the roof and waved his fist at Uchiha Hikaru in mid-air!

"The momentum is good."

Uchiha Hikari slowly drew the knife from behind: "But... it's too weak."

With these words, the dragon bone knife, which had expanded to more than four meters long, was swung out with force!

"Crescent Moon Celestial!!!"

At this moment, a sword energy nearly forty meters high appeared in the sky under the sky and slashed towards the ninja from the Huangquan Sect. The latter's eyes widened in horror, and he temporarily blocked his arms in front of his body. Then his body was swallowed up by the sharp sword energy, and he was smashed straight back!

boom--! !

Milky white air waves exploded accompanied by sonic booms.

In just a few seconds, the Huang Quan Cult ninja was pushed by the sword energy and flew hundreds of meters backwards. His figure disappeared halfway, and the sword energy continued to pass through dozens of houses along the way. The roof of the house finally crashed into a tower like a meteor. As large rocks fell, all the buildings along the way were turned into ruins!

Even after destroying the tower.

The momentum of "Crescent Sky Climb" did not stop, and it flew hundreds of meters in one breath before gradually disappearing in the air.


Several other Huang Quan Cult ninjas froze on the spot, all dumbfounded.

Is this...swordsmanship or ninjutsu? How could it be so powerful? !

"Sorry, it seems like it was a bit overkill."

"For you, you should use the normal dragon bone knife."

Uchiha Hikari withdrew his spiritual power, returned the Dragon Bone Sword to its original shape, and then raised his chin towards Esdeath below: "I'll leave the rest to you, Xiao Ai. The monsters should be in front, clean them out. Just go and have a look.”


Uchiha Hikaru mobilized his dancing skills and flew higher, squinting his eyes to look at the mountains in the distance. Because of the heavy trees, the scene on the mountain is a bit unclear.

"I always feel like... someone is watching here. Who could it be?"

"How... could it be her?!"

Outside Inashiki Castle.

On a hillside several kilometers apart.

Obito, who was wearing a black red cloud robe, opened his eyes wide and looked at the tiny figure at the end of his sight, with a look of astonishment on his face covered by the mask.


Next to him, another man in black and red cloud robe held up a telescope, followed Obito's gaze and looked into the town: "Hey, why is there a girl flying in the air over there... Is the light and heavy rock jutsu of Iwagakure Village? It's the third generation. Tsuchikage’s disciple? There’s another one who seems to be a ninja with the Ice Release Blood Succession Limit?”


Obito was silent for a moment before speaking in a deep voice: "She is the Uchiha I told you."

"...The grandma of the Uchiha clan?"

Another member of the Akatsuki organization, Hiruko who was pulled in by Obito not long ago, was slightly startled, and then his eyes flashed: "I remember that she has the same Mangekyō Sharingan as you, right? If I..."

"If you want to die, I won't stop you."

Obito snorted coldly: "Your 'Kimetsu no Jutsu' is indeed good, but it is too early to fight her with only the blood limit you absorbed before.

One of her Mangekyō abilities is 'Tsukuyomi', which is one of the most powerful eye-type illusions. It only takes a look at you to pull you into the illusion space. Even I am not sure that I can take that move, and you have only absorbed a pair of three magatama, which is even more impossible."


Hiruko did not comment, but his eyes showed a bit of eagerness to try.

As a former Konoha ninja and companion of the three ninjas, he is quite familiar with Uchiha, and his covetousness for the Sharingan is no less than that of Orochimaru. If he could get a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, his "Kiyara no Jutsu" would be considered complete.

On the other side.

Obito's mind was also in turmoil.

"Didn't Kuroko say that she had been active in the Land of Fields recently? Why did she appear here? When did she come? Why didn't she get any information in advance?"

"Who is the woman with her? Such a powerful ice ninjutsu, I'm afraid even the strongest of the Mizunotsuki clan before the extermination of the clan couldn't do it. Where did Uchiha Hikaru find it from? The Land of Snow?"

A lot of complicated thoughts lingered in Obito's mind.


He soon realized another thing -

Since Uchiha Hikaru appeared here, it would be difficult for Wuliang to get away, but with its strength, it should not be defeated quickly in a short time. As long as he took this opportunity to quickly rush to the capital area and kill Miroku, who was short of defense, then the situation would be reversed.

——Thinking that there are only some ninja teams from Konoha and Kumogakure around Miroku, taking this opportunity to kill them all can also weaken Konoha's strength and pave the way for his subsequent plans.

"Let's go, Obito. There is no point in staying here any longer, let's do what we should do."

Obito suddenly spoke.

"...What do you mean?"

"Of course, kill the Miroku priestess and bring her body here."

"According to the information provided by Zetsu, the power of the priestess and the ghost are of the same origin. Once Miroku is devoured, the ghost's strength will be more than doubled on the current basis. As long as this is done, no one can stop it."

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