As he spoke, Obito and Beiruhu disappeared from where they were.

After looking for a while and not finding the prying Uchiha Hikari, he calmly withdrew his gaze and cast his gaze into the distance.

There, the blood that soared to the sky almost condensed into substance.

A huge, purple-black body was rolling and squirming, drawing a large amount of flesh and blood into its belly. With this movement, its momentum was further enhanced on the basis of its already strong strength, and the aura on its body became more violent and suppressed. It could be clearly felt even from several miles away.

Esdeath also saw that scene.

"Finally met this guy..."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. You should die!"

Before he finished speaking, Esdeath's body flew out like a whirlwind. Within a few seconds, he rushed directly to the block where the monster was. A giant sword made of ice and snow was raised high and slashed forward!


Facing the oncoming huge force, the monster pulled out dozens of tentacles at once, forming a strong and dense shield in front of it. At the cost of dozens of tentacles breaking, it ate this first One knife, and then it rolled and fluttered, and countless tentacles swept in all directions with the sound of whistling wind!

Everywhere he passed, whether it was a house or a road, was directly smashed into pieces and turned into smoke-filled ruins!

There was a dull and harsh rumbling sound, and wild air currents flew everywhere.

Esdeath seemed to confirm the opponent's strength, and his eyes were filled with fierce fighting intent.

"You are worthy of being a super dangerous species from another world. With such strength... I recognize you. I hope you can let me fight to the fullest!"

At this moment.

Humanoid monsters that truly come from "another world".

and the exotic monsters that once brought destruction to the Demon Country and even half of the ninja world.

In this space, a high-intensity duel like Mars hitting the earth began!

at the same time.

Uchiha Hikaru's team finally encountered the enemy——

"...Those people should be the miko from the Kingdom of Ghosts and the people who accepted her commission, right?"

On the cliff.

Several followers of the Underworld Sect observed the team in the distance with binoculars, looking solemn.

"There are three people wearing witch costumes. Which one is the 'Maitreya' that Lord Demon calls him?"


There are indeed three miko in this team.

Kikyo is a traditional miko from the Warring States Period, and Eri is only a "Tsukiyomi no Mikoto" in name only, but she is also wearing a miko uniform that is white at the top and red at the bottom. Together with Maitreya from the Kingdom of Oni, the three of them stand together. , it is indeed easy to cause some misleading to people.

However, after a little careful analysis, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion——

"It should be the older one."

"Miroku succeeded to the throne more than ten years ago, and he married a daughter a few years ago. She should not be too young. And she has black hair. The red-haired miko looks a bit like someone from the Uzumaki clan... On the other hand, the girl next to her who looks only 12 or 13 years old is a bit unpredictable. "

The speaker was Mingtu, the leader of the Huangquan Sect.

Although he didn't know Uchiha Hikaru, his many years of traveling in the ninja world and various experiences made him wary of this girl whose painting style was inconsistent.


"Who is that blond woman wearing a dark green robe? How come this feature looks a bit like the legendary Sannin..."


Previously, Obito had provided the Underworld Sect with information on team members sent by Konoha and other Ninja Villages to support them in the name of cooperation.

Konoha Kakashi and Kumogakure Yukito have all been confirmed.

But the problem is...

Why are there so many more people?

Despite some doubts, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

Mingtu waved his hand: "They are coming soon... act!"

A few minutes later.

When Uchiha Hikaru and his party entered this mountain col, they suddenly felt their feet sink, and the originally flat ground quickly collapsed downwards. There were also a large number of kunai and shurikens hung with detonating talismans, which were thrown out from all around, causing a large number of fire explosions.

"Earth Escape·Yellow Spring Marsh!"

"Earth Escape, a great river of earth flow!"

Everyone from the Huangquan Sect, who had been lying in wait for a long time, jumped out of their hiding places.

Facing a sudden ambush.

Uchiha Hikaru lightly used Bukujutsu to stand in the air, and then pulled a handful of Eriyi and Kikyo. The remaining people, Kakashi and others, quickly entered the fighting state, forming a circle and protecting Maitreya in the middle.

"No, they are from the Huangquan Sect!"

"Form up a formation to defend against the enemy! Don't let them hurt the miko-sama!"

"Protect your lord!"

In the brief commotion, Kakashi opened the forehead protector covering his left eye, rushed out with a kunai, and faced the leader of the Underworld Sect, Hades.

The remaining Moonlight Hayate and others, as well as the ninjas from Hidden Cloud Village, also faced off against each other's opponents.

For a time, more than a dozen figures criss-crossed each other.

The fire of the collision between the kunai and the dagger, as well as the shock waves of various escape techniques, spread everywhere.

And in the middle of this battlefield.

Uchiha Hikari opened the blood jade barrier and controlled the size of the barrier to the extent that it could only enclose a few meters around him, so that he could watch the show undisturbed.

have to say……

Kakashi at this stage is really a bit young.

He is only in his early twenties now. Not to mention the Shippuden, he is not as good as when Team 7 was first established. He can only be regarded as a good jonin, but not an elite jonin. His special move, Raikiri, can only be used a few times a day. He dare not use it casually due to his meager chakra.

On the contrary, the original strength of the Hades is slightly stronger than him. After being blessed by the power of the monster, he is even closer to the Five Kage. He also has a perverted ability to resist attacks. Even if he is stabbed head-on by a kunai containing lightning chakra, it doesn't hurt. Coupled with his movement speed comparable to Might Guy, he quickly suppresses Kakashi.

Even if Gekkou Hayate and Shiranui Genma go to help, they can't turn the situation around.

On the contrary, the two Yubokuren seem to be much more relaxed.

——Although this two-tailed Jinchuriki has not grown to a complete form due to his age, he has the strength of an elite jonin. It is naturally more than enough to fight against those cultists who are one level weaker than Hades.

This scene made Tsunade feel a little embarrassed.

It was true that she didn't want to get involved in Konoha's affairs.

But seeing these juniors being defeated, especially in front of the Hidden Cloud Village, which she didn't deal with very well, she couldn't help it.

"Miss Guang, I'll trouble you and Shizune to take care of Lord Miroku."

"I'll go teach those juniors how to fight!"

Tsunade rolled up her sleeves and walked forward with big strides.

Although she was wearing high heels, her steps were getting faster and faster. Finally, she jumped out like an arrow from a string, jumped up a few meters away from Mingtu, twisted her waist and punched in the air, and smashed forward fiercely!


It was Tsunade's special force punch!

Mingtu was busy fighting with Kakashi and others. He raised his arms and crossed them in front of his chest in a hurry, blocked it, and then was knocked out by this punch!

Bang——! !

After a successful move, Tsunade immediately pursued the victory, and with a high leg, she directly cracked the ground under her feet, forming a gully more than ten meters long on the spot!

"Come again!"

Tsunade continued to attack.

Without considering a few exceptions, Tsunade's physical skills are considered the first echelon in the entire ninja world, and she is still one of the top ones. Although she has not trained for many years, with her courage and overcoming her fear of blood, she was able to beat Mingtu back by herself.

Every time the strange punch was swung, it would bring a sharp wind sound, making Mingtu unable to resist.

Taking this opportunity, Kakashi suddenly pressed his right hand, pressed his palm down, and purple lightning condensed in his hand.

"... Raikiri!"

After a short period of accumulation, Kakashi suddenly raised his foot and rushed out, taking advantage of the opportunity created by Tsunade's help, and killed Mingtu from the side, fiercely stabbing Raikiri, and instantly piercing Mingtu's right arm!


Although the power from the monster is strong, it also has its limits.

Whether it is Tsunade's continuous super-power punches or Kakashi's Raikiri, they are beyond the tolerance of Hades to a certain extent.

As the entire right arm was cut off from the shoulder, Hades' body gradually exceeded the load and began to show signs of collapse.

Just when Tsunade and Kakashi tacitly joined forces and planned to kill this guy directly.

A figure as fast as the wind suddenly jumped out from the side of the thorns, and with just one punch, Kakashi was knocked away.


Not only knocked away.

At the moment when the fists touched, countless white bone fragments burst out from the body of the visitor, directly penetrating Kakashi's palms and shoulders. It was Tsunade who pulled hard to prevent him from being pierced through the chest and abdomen.

As Kakashi left the stage, the scene became a one-on-one duel between Tsunade and the visitor. However, the super-power punch that was effective against Hades seemed to have little effect when it hit this uninvited guest. The latter's body seemed to have the ability to metalize the body in addition to the Corpse Vein. Its defense was stronger than Earth Style·Hardening Technique, and even the Super Strength Fist was helpless.

Not only that.

The speed of the person coming was also extremely fast, almost impossible to catch with the naked eye. He even formed seals with both hands during the battle, summoned a large number of cumulonimbus clouds in the sky, and dropped lightning like javelins to pierce and attack the people below!

Storm Style·Thunder Cloud Cavity Wave!

"You are..."

As the figures intertwined.

Tsunade narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the white-haired, thin man in front of her, and vaguely felt that he looked a little familiar.


The moment she thought of the other party's name, Tsunade's attack slowed down slightly, and then she was mercilessly beaten away!

The person coming was naturally Hiiroyuki.

At this moment, he had taken off his black-bottomed red cloud robe. This robe was the symbol of the Akatsuki organization. At this time, the Akatsuki organization was not suitable to be exposed to the sight of the five major countries, so before leaving, Hiruko left his coat in Obito's hand in advance.

——It was impossible not to leave it.

Because of the changes in the plot brought about by joining the Akatsuki organization, Hiruko now has the ability of the Corpse Vein of the Kaguya clan. Once this bloodline limit is used, the clothes on the body will be pierced instantly and become tattered, so it is better to take it off in advance.

In the battle just now, Hiruko has already connected the four bloodline limits of Corpse Vein, Steel Release, Speed ​​Release, and Storm Release, and each of them has a very good level.


As Hiruko raised his eyes, three black magatama appeared in his bright red pupils!

——The fifth blood inheritance limit, Sharingan!

"That's impossible...what's wrong with those eyes of yours?!"

Tsunade looked shocked.

After all, she and Beiruhu were both students at the ninja school at the same time. She couldn't say that she was deeply impressed by the latter, but they still had some interactions with each other in general. She also knew about Beiruhu's defection in pursuit of power.

But at this moment, Bei Liuhu appeared in front of her again, but she felt extremely strange.


Iruhu sneered: "Did Tsunade-sama also show such an expression? No matter you, Orochimaru, or even Jiraiya... everyone either has an excellent family background, or is an unparalleled genius. Why? You will understand the helplessness of us civilian-born ninjas. But... times have changed.

What appears before you now is the result of my painstaking research over the years. As an old friend from the past, as long as you are willing to surrender, I will give you a decent death. "

"What a joke!"

Tsunade's face turned cold.

Bei Liuhu was not surprised by her reaction: "Aren't you willing? It seems that I can only use practical actions to make you see the reality clearly."

next moment.

Beilihu's figure was split into two, with one afterimage remaining on the spot and slowly disappearing, while the other body instantly appeared beside Tsunade. He raised his hand and thrust the huge white bone spiral sword forward: "Shakebone Pulse·Dance of Karamatsu!"

"Steel Release·Steel Fist!"


Facing the sharp bone spurs, Tsunade did not dare to direct her strength and retreated hastily. However, Bei Liuhu's speed was a bit beyond her expectation. He followed up like a maggot attached to the bone and punched Tsunade. On the blocking arms. In one move, blood burst out!

In other words, Tsunade had just "cured" her hemophobia a few days ago, otherwise this move alone would have been enough to make her lose her ability to fight.

Even so, Tsunade was in danger under the fierce attack of Beiru Hu. She could only rely on her Kage-level physical fitness to resist the opponent's blows, but she was unable to make an effective resistance at all.


Shizune spoke anxiously.

Beiliu Huxunsheng looked over, his eyes flickered slightly, and he locked on Miroku who was standing between Uchiha Hikaru and the others.

"Is that you the miko that guy is talking about?"

"Your life...I'll take it!"

With these words, Bei Liuhu's figure split into two again, and at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, he approached Maitreya and reached out to grab him.

His speed is already very fast. With the blessing of quick escape, even ordinary shadow-level experts have difficulty reacting.


The second before he touched Maitreya, another small white hand gently reached out and clasped his wrist.

"You seem...confident in your speed?"

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