I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 207 The power of the complete Susanoo!

Beiliuhu responded quickly.

The first time he was caught by Uchiha Hikari, he opened the corpse veins.

Amidst the clusters of sounds, a large number of forest white bone spurs appeared again, wrapping his body into a ball of hedgehogs. These bone spurs were like the sharpest swords, piercing Uchiha Hikaru's palms and body.

Facing the sudden murderous intention, Uchiha Hikari took a step back, then gently moved his hands to separate the bone spurs that hit him with the smallest amplitude, and his movements were gentle as if there was no trace of fireworks.


Bei Liuhu's eyelids twitched.

His corpse bone veins were obtained from the leader of the Kaguya clan.

Originally, Obito planned to give him the "secret weapon" of the Kaguya clan, Kimimaro, as experimental material. However, Kimimaro was kidnapped in advance, so he had to settle for the next best thing and choose The most powerful leader of the Kaguya clan.

After the fusion of "Kiyaro's Technique", the ability of the corpse bone veins was perfectly absorbed by Bei Liuhu, and then superimposed with the "Steel Release" Blood Succession Limit, the bone spurs created by him were both harder and more lethal than before he was alive. The Kaguya clan leader is several times more powerful. When using "Karamatsu's Dance", his whole body is covered with weapons, and a physical master like Tsunade can only passively defend.


What's going on with the girl in front of me? !

Even if he is the ancestor of the Uchiha clan...

But how could that seemingly weak body of flesh and blood be able to push away bone spurs like hundreds of refined steel with bare hands? ! Even a Jinchuuriki wouldn't be able to do this, right? !

Bei Liuhu didn't believe Xie and slashed continuously, launching an offensive like a violent storm.

"Corpse Bone Pulse·Dance of the Eight Layers!"

At this time, it was no longer just bone spurs.

Countless bone knives, bone spears, and bone whips protruded from Beiliuhu's arms, shoulders, and back, covering his entire body in layers. In this state, Beilihu is like a pocket version of the "Thousand-Armed Buddha". He seems to have dozens of arms at the same time, attacking Uchiha Hikaru with various killing moves.

The sharp sound of breaking wind is endless.

Because of the effect of "Speed ​​Release", Beiruhu's speed is as fast as lightning. Only the Sharingan can barely see his trajectory. In the eyes of ordinary people, they can only see groups of afterimages. Places appear and disappear at the same time.

"Kikyou, take Eri, Miroku, and Shizune to retreat!"

Uchiha Hikari said quickly - Kikyo's barrier technique is quite superb, and she also has the blood jade coral she just gave her in her hand, which is protected by the barrier. Even if Obito or Pain Liudao come in person, it will be very difficult. It is difficult to threaten Maitreya in a short time.

As for herself, with a playful attitude, she moved around in a small area, staring at Bei Liuhu's movements with a pair of scarlet eyes, trying to detect every move.

During this process.

Bei Liuhu gradually discovered the key to the problem: "... gloves?"

That's right.

Uchiha Hikari's white palms were not empty, but were wearing a layer of gloves as thin as silk.

Only when the palm of her hand touched the bone spurs could she see a faint silvery gray light, which lit up slightly between her fingers and then quickly disappeared.

——East China Sea Yunlong Silk.

After obtaining the hair of Donghai Yunlong from Zhanchi World, Uchiha Hikaru found the Revolutionary Army and asked the latter to help him process these materials.

Although it is no longer possible to reproduce Lubbock's "cross tail" because the craftsmanship has been lost, it is not difficult to simply polish, tan, and weave it into a pair of gloves and a vest. Just now, when he decided to fight Beilihu, Uchiha Hikari put these gloves on his hands.


Only with her bare hands can she be unafraid of Bei Liuhu's physical skills.

"...I've almost seen your physical skills clearly."


"It's my turn."

The words just fell.

The speed of Uchiha Light suddenly increased: "Ten Heavenly Calling Technique, open!"

As a huge amount of oxygen was poured into his lungs, Uchiha Hikaru knelt down and rushed out at a high speed several times the speed of sound. He got close to Beilihu, punched and raised his leg. It was just the simplest physical movement, but an indescribable force flowed through the bone spurs, making Bei Liuhu's expression tremble.


The first sound of bone cracking sounded.

Then comes the second and third paths...

The "Corpse Bone Vein" blessed by "Steel Escape" is indeed extremely hard, but it is still inferior to the East China Sea Cloud Dragon Silk. Coupled with the huge increase brought by the "Ten Heavenly Calling Technique", the one used by Uchiha Hikaru at this moment can be regarded as the real "Weird Power Fist". In just a few strokes, the bone spurs on Beilihu's body began to break and shatter. crack.

There are also three magatama sharingan eyes in his eyes, but now it is actually difficult to catch Uchiha Hikari.

On the other hand, Uchiha Hikari was like a vigorous young tiger. From his hands, to his elbows, knees, legs, and even feet, every inch was filled with ferocious weapons, beating Beilihu back steadily.

"The five blood inheritance limits are integrated, is it only to this extent?"

"I thought you could reach a height close to Penn. It seems that my expectations were too high..."

at last.

Uchiha Hikaru jumped up, and his petite figure flipped 360 degrees in mid-air. He performed a sharp and crisp downward chop followed by a roundhouse kick, kicking Beiruhu far away, and then formed a seal with one hand: " Fire Escape·Hao Huo is destroyed!”

call--! !

A fireball like a meteorite fell down and engulfed Beiliuhu whole. It took several seconds before he was seen jumping out of the sea of ​​fire, with tiny flames lingering all over his body, and the bone spurs all over his body were burned to a point of weakness.

the other side.

Uchiha Hikari held his chest with both hands and stood in mid-air. His black hair, which was about to reach his calf, was flying in the wind: "Use any other tricks you can. If you can please me, I will let you see and write." The true power of the chakra."


Bei Liuhu glanced at Uchiha Hikaru fiercely, bit his finger violently, and slapped it on the ground: "Psychic technique!"


With a burst of smoke, a huge dog-shaped monster appeared, roaring and pounced on Uchiha Hikari.

Take advantage of the opportunities created by the former.

——To be precise, it was a chance given intentionally by Uchiha Hikari. After all, this kind of psychic beast could be defeated in a few seconds in front of her.

"Lan Dun..."

Beilihu mobilized all the remaining chakra in his body and formed seals with his hands.

boom--! !

A wisp of chakra-transformed arrogance soared into the sky and penetrated into the clouds a thousand meters high.

At this moment, Beilihu's chakra seemed to form a certain echo with the clouds high in the sky. Large cumulonimbus clouds gathered from the surroundings, surging and growing rapidly, as if forming a vortex of thunderclouds. The dazzling lightnings collided, blended, and merged among the clouds, gradually emitting an astonishing pressure.

"...Is it similar to Lei Dun Qilin, a trick that relies on the power of nature?"

"I don't know how it compares to General Bude's 'Recruitment of the Thunder Emperor'..."

Uchiha Hikaru looked up at the sky.

Under her gaze, Bei Liuhu completed the final accumulation of momentum, shouted suddenly, controlled lightning and thunder, and crashed down from high in the sky!

"Lan Dun·Lan Guilong!!!"

A lightning pillar more than ten meters wide fell from the sky carrying the might of heaven!

In just an instant, it penetrated the entire world, covering the Uchiha light and the surrounding areas within nearly a hundred meters!

"Get out of the way!"

The two Yuki people opened their tailed beast coats, and while running away from Uchiha Hikari, they also grabbed a Kumogakure ninja by the collar and dragged him out together.

Kakashi, Moonlight Hayate and others were also running away with their heads in their hands.

Only Tsunade was worried about Shizune's safety, and drove the "Creation Regeneration: Hyakuho no Jutsu" towards the direction where the lightning struck. But before she could get closer, the area was engulfed by a huge lightning pillar.

At this moment, neither Uchiha Hikari nor Platycodon, Maitreya and others in the blood jade barrier were seen.

Countless boulders could be seen shattering and rising in the pillars of light, and then being torn apart by thunder and lightning, turning into powder and scattering in all directions.

Spider web-like ravines spread out in all directions from where the light beam landed.

"Huh, huh..."

Bei Liuhu gasped for air.

Arashi Ghost Dragon is the highest secret of Arashi Dun and the most powerful move, far more powerful than the Thunder Release Kirin created by Sasuke using the power of nature. There was no way to avoid the giant lightning that struck down at the speed of light. The only flaw is that he consumes too much chakra. Even if he doesn't have a poor blue constitution like Kakashi, he can't help but gasp at this moment.


"It should work now."

"Even the Uchiha grandma will definitely be severely injured after this attack. If you are lucky, you might be able to kill her directly..."

If I kill Uchiha Hikari...

This shows that the "Kiyalo Technique" does have a high gold content. And I, who was once the tail end of the crane, can finally feel proud...

Just when Beiliuhu couldn't help but start thinking like this.

A figure vaguely emerging from the smoke caught his attention——

"What it is?!"


To be precise, it's dark red.

First, a chakra skeleton emerged vaguely from behind the smoke, and then rapidly multiplied and expanded... fine flesh, flesh, and solid armor appeared, just like high-rise buildings rising from the ground. As the surrounding white smoke gradually dissipated, the figure of Uchiha Hikari, who was carried by the chakra skeleton and rose into the sky dozens of meters high, was finally revealed.

The dark red chakra flames burned like fire.

Susanoo·Fourth form!

"So... so high!"

Eriki, who was also standing on Susanoo's head, lay next to Susanoo's "shell" and cautiously looked out with a surprised expression on her face.

At that moment, "Arashi Ghost Dragon" almost destroyed the high-density blood jade barrier with a radius of several meters. It was only thanks to the Uchiha light that activated Susanoo at the critical moment that she and Kikyo escaped - accurate He said that it was to let Maitreya and Shizune escape.

After all, if the blood jade barrier is really broken, Eriko and Kikyo can directly travel back to their own world, but Miroku and Shizune will probably suffer. The former may rely on the "spiritual power" in the body to withstand a wave of impact and survive, but the latter will most likely evaporate directly.

And at this moment.

But these two people, like Eriko and Kikyo, were standing in her Susanoo, looking around with horrified expressions.

Looking down from this height, everyone looks like the size of ants. You can only distinguish each other from the position where they stand, and you can't see their clothes or faces at all.

the other side.

The two Yukitos and others who escaped from the core area impacted by the lightning column also looked back at the dark red giant standing high in the sky, and lost the ability to speak for a while.


With the fourth form already activated.

Uchiha Hikaru's actions did not stop.

As more chakra was mobilized, the dark red flames continued to surge, and the figure with Susanoo continued to expand, piercing higher into the sky like a Dinghai magic needle! It was like a god living in the nine heavens, descending to the earth, showing a majestic and solemn figure.

——It was a complete Susanoo that was 200 meters tall and towering like a mountain!

At this time, even Eri and Kikyo were surprised.

The two of them had never seen Uchiha Hikari activate the perfect form of Susanoo in person. When she activated this form in the world of Slash Akagi that day, only Esdeath and the "Night Raid" were there to witness it, and Brand did not start the group live broadcast, but only talked about it in the group through verbal description afterwards.

As for Tsunade and Kakashi and others...

Not to mention.

The last person who could activate the perfect form of Susanoo was probably Uchiha Madara. Except for Tsunade who had seen him in her childhood, others had only read the name "Susanoo" in the classics at most, and it was not until this moment that they truly saw what "the power of Uchiha" was.


Uchiha Hikari exhaled lightly, controlled Susanoo, and raised the dark red two-handed sword.

——This time it was not "Fire Thunder God".

Because she was not sure whether Obito and Black Zetsu were hiding in a corner nearby, it was inconvenient to expose the ability of "Fire Thunder God" obtained in the world of Zan Akagi. She only used this weapon that had been with her since her Susanoo first existed.

Besides, there was no need to use it.

After all, she had even activated the complete Susanoo. In this case, it would be a bit too bullying to take out the spiritual weapon.

"Watch it."

"The real power of the Sharingan is used like this."

Uchiha Hikaru spoke in a deep voice.

As her voice fell, the dark red Susanoo raised the big sword with one hand and swung it hard!

A touch of sword energy was thrown out flatly.

Then it flew for several kilometers at an altitude of 200 meters, and finally crashed into a low mountain. After a short silence, the top of the mountain was relatively completely cut off, like a lid flying out.

"This is..."

The people of Biru were dumbfounded.

What the hell...

Cutting a mountain with one sword? Even if it was the eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan, this was too outrageous, right? !

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