I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 208 Can you take my blow?

far away.

Obito, who was hiding in the dark, also saw this scene.

To be precise... Obito's location was actually right next to the chopped off mountain. If the sword energy moved a little further to the east, he might be forced to use his divine power to run away.

"Jue, the pupil technique she is using now, could it be..."

"That's right, it's Susanoo, and it's complete."


Black Zetsu, who looked like a pitcher plant, spoke slowly: "In the history of the Uchiha clan, only a handful of people who have trained their eye power to the extreme and possess a huge amount of chakra can open Susanoo to the highest level. To this extent. Madara-sama has done this before, and going forward..."

Further ahead, there are the Indras of all ages!

Although in theory, it is possible for every Uchiha to activate the complete Susana, in fact, this is almost Indra's exclusive ability.

Because only Indra has such potential and luck, and can replenish his eye power and train it to such an extent in his lifetime. It is extremely difficult for ordinary Uchiha people to open the kaleidoscope, let alone complete it and further develop it.

this moment.

Hei Jue suddenly felt a little regretful.

As an old Yinbi who has been hiding in the dark side of the ninja world for thousands of years, he has certainly known about the existence of Uchiha Hikaru for a long time, but he did not pay much attention to her.

after all……

In the history of the Uchiha clan, there have been too many such short-lived geniuses.

At first, Hei Jue also tried to seduce geniuses who were not the reincarnations of Indra, but in the end he gained very little, so he gave up his efforts in this area and instead focused all his attention on Indra and Asura. Generations of reincarnations on both sides have been bewitched and killed each other.

But think about it now...

If he had gone directly to Uchiha Hikaru, or even just a few years in advance, dug her out of the ground, and then used sweet words to seduce her...

Couldn't my mother have been rescued from the moon a long time ago?

The same Uchiha.

Some people have the appearance of five shadows at the age of 12, and they are still girls; some people are still Kenji's angry child at the age of twenty...

Black Zetsu sighed secretly in his heart, then calmed down his emotions and analyzed in a calm tone: "That girl is still young and has a limited amount of chakra. Even if she is lucky enough to open the full Susanoo body, she is destined to be unable to maintain it. Too long...

But if she is allowed to grow, it will be difficult to tell. Maybe it won't be long before she reaches the height that Madara-sama was during his lifetime. "


Black Zetsu looked at Obito: "Don't hesitate, Obito. You must get Kakashi's eye back as soon as possible. Only in this way can you have the strength to compete with Uchiha Hikaru. This is the realization of the 'Eye of the Moon Plan' 'A necessary prerequisite!"


Obito was silent.

Such conversations have been held countless times between him and Black Zetsu.

He also knew that in order to create a world with Lin, the power of Kamui was indispensable. With only one eye, he could only run away when faced with the power of the Complete Susana.


"talk later."

"Even if I get my eyes back, I can't do anything now..."

"But you are right. The threat of Uchiha Hikari is too great. In order for the plan to be implemented smoothly, we must find a way to get rid of her... Zetsu, record the video of this battle and show it to Nagato when you get back. If you want to kill Uchiha Hikari, you may have to borrow their power.”


Hei Jue nodded: "What about Beiliuhu?"

"... Let's take a look at the situation first."

Obito hesitated for a moment and said: "If Uchiha Hikaru cannot maintain the full Susanoo body for a long time, Beiruhu may still have a chance to survive."

For this downline whom he personally developed, Obito still had the mentality of trying to save him as much as possible. After all, he and Nagato only have a cooperative relationship and cannot directly give orders to the latter. It will be easier to do things if there are a few strong direct descendants.


Obito and Black Zetsu stood on the top of the mountain with complicated emotions, watching the fire from the other side.

the other side.

Beilihu raised his head, looking at the Uchiha light in front of him like a god descending to earth, feeling inexplicable fear.

He only knows that Kaleidoscope is very powerful...

But I didn't expect that it could be so strong.

What he saw in front of him was almost beyond his imagination. He had no idea how to win in the face of this power that was no longer in the same dimension.


Uchiha Hikari's chuckle came: "For the sake of your 'Oni Meiluo's Technique' being interesting, I'll give you a chance. I will only use one sword, and if you can take it, I will let you go." ,how?"

"...Are you kidding me?!"

Bi Liuhu was stunned for a moment, and then became extremely angry.

After witnessing the power of the complete Susana who could cut through mountains with one sword, even if he was confident in his "Oni Meira Jutsu", he still didn't think he could defeat an opponent of this size.


One knife?

Does this Uchiha grandma think that she can't even take one of her moves? !

"So, what I hate the most are you self-righteous geniuses!!"

"If you weren't born with that kind of blood and ability, how could you reach such a height that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve?!"

In a state of extreme anger.

On the contrary, Beiluhu calmed down, stuffed two Bingliang pills into his mouth, and then mobilized the chakra in his body with all his strength. Corpse bone vein, storm release, swift release, steel release, Sharingan... the characteristics of the five bloodline limits appeared one after another on his body, and his momentum began to rise steadily. An invisible storm formed around him, blowing away dust and gravel.

"Storm release·Thunder cloud activation!"

"Steel release·Steeling!"

"Corpse bone vein...Zaoque dance!"

The wind and thunder roared.

A huge amount of white bones protruded from Beiluhu's body, and in an almost crazy manner, they grew and expanded wantonly around. In just a moment, a white bone forest was formed in this world. Each "bone tree" is tens of meters high, covered with steel-like colors, and blue-purple lightning arcs quietly flowed between them.

"Zaoque dance" is the highest mystery of the corpse bone vein.

In the original work, only Kimimaro had used this move. He used it when he was buried underground by the "Sand Burial". He almost killed Gaara and Lee, but failed because of his exhaustion. Now, Hikari, who is not from the Kaguya clan, actually used this move with the "Kiyana no Jutsu".

(It seems that... "Kiyana no Jutsu" can further strengthen the bloodline limit absorbed?)

Well... it may also be that the person whose corpse was breathed in by Hikari can also "Zaoque Dance".

Uchiha Hikaru thought secretly in his heart, but his face was expressionless, quietly waiting for Hikari's preparation.

"Is it ready?"

Guessing that it was almost done, Uchiha Hikaru raised the sword and made a gesture of gathering strength.


"... Hundred and Eight Sections Cross Slash!!"

At this moment, Uchiha Hikaru controlled Susanoo and drew a horizontal and a vertical line in the air with the dark red sword.

In just a moment!

Two red blade lights formed in the night, like a blazing cross, sweeping across the sky with an indescribable momentum, leaving an extremely dazzling red line of fire along the way!

Even the moonlight in the sky was dimmed by the background of this sea of ​​fire.

The next second.

The blade light sank into the white bone forest of Beiliuhu!


The bone trees strengthened by Steel Release and Storm Release still looked very fragile under the blade light that could split mountains and valleys. Soon, there were pieces of bone trees broken, crushed into pieces in the vast fire, and then further turned into powder.

The "white bone forest" created by Zaoque Dance was hundreds of meters long, and there were no less than thousands of white bone trees.

For a while, only the sound of bone trees breaking could be heard.

In just a few seconds, Beiliuhu's figure and this white bone forest were swallowed up by the red blade light. Endless smoke and dust rose up with the flames, dyeing the whole space gray. A large amount of bone powder fluttered and danced in the air, as if it was a heavy snowfall.

"Did you block it?"

"Or... is he dead?"

At this time.

Whether it was Obito and Black Zetsu, or Tsunade and Kakashi, they all held their breath and stared at the center of the smoke, wanting to know the result of the confrontation as soon as possible.

And Uchiha Hikaru in the air narrowed his eyes slightly, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.


"Really blocked it?"

Although the knife just now was not full-strength - because he did not use the "Fire Thunder God", and at this moment Uchiha Hikaru only had half of the chakra, but he was able to take it, which was indeed a bit of a skill.

As the smoke dissipated, a bone shell more than ten meters thick was seen standing on a white ground. There were two narrow knife marks on the bone shell, one horizontal and one vertical, almost piercing the entire shield, but stopped at the last few dozen centimeters.


A gust of wind blew by.

The bone shell turned into a large amount of fragments, drifting around and blending with the white on the ground.

——These whites were all bone powder crushed by the knife light.

And the figure of Beiluhu also appeared at this time.

He seemed to have aged several years in an instant, and there was almost no blood on his face. His body was trembling and shaky, and it was clear that his chakra was overdrawn.


Beiluhu's mouth moved, but he couldn't make a sound. He just looked at Uchiha Hikaru in the sky.

This side.

Uchiha Hikaru released the complete form of Susanoo, and slowly fell from mid-air with Eri and others.

"Well done."

"Since you managed to take my blow and survive, I will keep my promise. Go away. I won't kill you today."


Kakashi was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked over: "Master Guang, we can't let him go! His ability is too dangerous for Konoha. If he leaves like this, I'm afraid..."

"Why, are you afraid?"

Uchiha Guang tilted his head: "Konoha, it shouldn't be afraid of a mere rebel ninja, I don't think Sarutobi brat should be that timid. Besides, I have made a promise, you don't want me to go back on my word, do you?"


Kakashi opened his mouth, hesitant to speak.


In the end, Hikari Uchiha was completely suppressed by Hikari Uchiha, and it was naturally up to Hikari Uchiha to decide whether to kill or cut him. Even Tsunade didn't object, and he, an ordinary Konoha Jonin, couldn't say much.

Anyway, it was just a rebel ninja...

There are so many traitorous ninjas in Konoha, one more or one less should not matter...right?

On the other side, the two Yukitos from the Hidden Cloud Village also narrowed their eyes slightly, watching the movement here with a subtle expression, and then looked at Hikari, whispering a few words, as if discussing whether to rob and kill him later.

Hikari panted for a long time, and finally recovered a little strength, looking at Uchiha Hikaru firmly: "Are you really going to let me go?"

"Of course."

"...You will regret it."

Hikari said in a positive tone.


Uchiha Hikaru smiled: "Then prove it to me, I am looking forward to that day."

Uchiha Hikaru chose to let Hikari go, of course not just because of the promise.

But because...

She also wanted to plant another hidden chess piece around the Akatsuki organization, especially Obito and Black Zetsu.

Danzo, who was previously "ordered" to infiltrate the Akatsuki organization undercover, was hated by Nagato and Konan because he participated in the operation to destroy the first generation of Akatsuki. He could only stay on the periphery of the Akatsuki organization and do some hard labor. At the same time, he was not very favored by Obito - after all, he was too old, and his character and reputation were there. Although Obito himself did a bad job, it did not prevent him from looking down on Danzo.

Therefore, the information Danzo could get was very limited.

But Hikari was different.

This guy was considered a technical talent. His "Ghost Bud Ra Technique" was almost comparable to Orochimaru. He defected from Konoha decades ago and concentrated on studying secret techniques. He had nothing to do with the Hidden Rain Village and the Akatsuki organization, so he was more likely to be accepted by Nagato and Obito.

By the way, Uchiha Hikari also wanted to verify whether Black Zetsu could see and remove her imprint. The moment their eyes met just now, she had already knocked it down.

At the moment, Uchiha Hikari watched Hikari turn around and stagger away.

Almost at the same time as Hikari left.

In the Hidden Cloud Village, a jonin quietly left the team, used the "Earth Submergence Technique" to bypass and chased in the direction of Hiruko.


This is an old tradition of the Hidden Cloud Village.

Even the bloodline clan members like Kushina and Hyuga Hinata who are in Konoha Village, they dared to rob directly. It would be abnormal if they were indifferent to Hiruko, a wild and low-health bloodline limit owner standing there.


After just seeing the complete form of Susanoo, he dared to do such a trick under her nose. It can only be said that he is courageous.

Uchiha Hikaru glanced coldly, then took out the "Judgment Spear" from the sealing scroll, held the handle of the gun with one hand, and gently pressed it to the ground.

In an instant.

Gravity of dozens of times fell from the sky with her as the center!

Emm, I found out that I missed the chapter title after posting it... I will ask the editor tomorrow if I can change it

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