I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 209: Ice and Snow Throne

At this moment.

Except for Eri and Kikyo who were behind Uchiha Hikaru, all the others felt a strong gravity falling on their shoulders, making them crawl down involuntarily, and their limbs began to tremble.


Gravity comes and goes quickly.

In just a few seconds, Uchiha Hikaru released the gravity field of the "Spear of Judgment" and then put the imperial weapon back.

Kakashi and others also felt a lightness on their bodies.

Only the Kumogakure ninja who was sneaking in the soil was directly trapped deep in the soil. He struggled a few times but couldn't get free, so he began to make a weak whine.

The two Yukito and others noticed this and cast indignant glances.

In this regard, Uchiha Guang did not intend to explain in detail: "You can do whatever you want outside my sight, but... don't be clever in front of me. If you don't want to die."


Several cloud ninjas clenched their fists, daring to be angry but not to speak,

"...By the way, Obito should not be planning to show up."

Uchiha Guang looked around and waited for a while, but did not see Obito. She guessed that this guy was either not here, or hiding somewhere and dared not show up. So she turned her eyes to a place not far away:

"...Is he not dead yet?"

The one lying there was none other than the leader of the Huangquan Sect, Mingtu.

This guy had been beaten half to death by Tsunade, but he recovered from the brink of death with the strong physical fitness given by the ghost. At this moment, he was staggering to get up from the ground, and the whole person seemed to be in a state of half asleep and half awake.


Mingtu suddenly clasped his hands into his chest, and his ten fingers wrapped in chakra pierced through the epidermis and dug into the flesh.


This scene startled Shiranui Genma, who was watching him next to him.

But the next moment.

Purple-black runes appeared on Mingtu's body, emitting an evil light, and then spread rapidly like a spider web. During this process, Mingtu's body gradually began to swell, and a faint mist overflowed from his body, wrapping him up.

"That is..."

Tsunade also noticed the changes in Mingtu at this time, and a look of doubt appeared on her face.

Even as knowledgeable as she was, she couldn't see what the changes in Mingtu meant at this moment, but she felt that the runes were a little familiar. It looked like... spiritualism?

"It's a ghost!!"

Miroku was the first to react: "This person has the power of a ghost, and it is trying to occupy this fresh body!"


Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows.

Depositing power, occupying the body...

Why do these methods sound a bit like Orochimaru's "Heaven's Curse Seal"?

It only took a few flashes of thought.

Mingtu suddenly exerted force and tore his chest open, revealing his internal organs and skeleton.

This action seemed to make him feel pain, and he let out a shrill wail, but soon, a large amount of purple-black matter stretched his body further, as if something was about to drill out from inside -

It took only a moment.

Mingtu had completely changed his appearance, and the whole person was swollen into a giant monster that was tens of meters tall and dark purple. The original limbs were replaced by thick tentacles, and the body also became similar to that of reptiles, with a head like an oriental dragon raised high and roaring.

How to say...

This appearance should have been very domineering. It felt ugly and handsome.


Unlike what was expected, the tentacle monster that broke out of the body was covered with a lot of white ice crystals, as if it had just crawled out of the cold sea of ​​ice. There were several tens of meters long sharp ice cones on its back, piercing its body, making it look quite embarrassed.

"...I see."

When Uchiha Hikaru saw the ice cone, he understood instantly.

This monster must have just escaped from Inashiki Castle.

——Because the shadow clone had not yet been released, Uchiha Hikaru did not see the scene of Inashiki Castle, but the person who could create those ice cones and beat "Wangliang" like this, except for Esdeath, there is no other person to think of.

So it seems...

Wangliang does have a method similar to "Heaven's Curse Seal", which can entrust its soul to the person who is given power by it, and then revive with the latter's body as a medium at a critical moment.

Well...to be precise, it is not "resurrection", but "spiritual communication".

The runes that just appeared on Mingtu clearly contained the principle of spiritualism, and Wuliang used this to spiritualize himself from Inashiki Castle and get rid of Esdeath who was fighting with it.

As soon as he came here.

Wuliang sensed the breath of Maitreya, and looked over with a pair of ghost lantern-like eyes, and then spoke in a deep voice.

"... You are here, Maitreya."

"I have been looking for you for a long time."

"As long as your power and my power are combined, it will become an unimaginable powerful existence. At that time, no one in this world will be able to stop us... Come, come into my body, I will accept your power well."

Under the night, Wuliang's voice came faintly, as if carrying a kind of bewitching power.


It's not as if, it can really bewitch people's hearts!

All those who heard the voice of the ghost fell into a state of confusion in an instant.

Among them, Uchiha Guang relied on his strong mental resistance to break free almost as soon as he was bewitched, followed by Miroku and Kikyo, two shrine maidens from different worlds.

But others, including Tsunade and Eri, fell into a state of confusion, and began to raise their feet involuntarily and walked towards the direction of the ghost.

At this time, the ghost also stretched out its tentacles, extending like lightning, as if to roll them up and swallow them into its stomach.

"... Hum!!"

Uchiha Guang snorted coldly, and the skeleton Susanoo appeared behind him again, and then rushed out at a very fast speed, with his hand and knife falling, cutting off several tentacles of the ghost one by one, and then picking up Tsunade, Kakashi and others, and throwing them behind.

On the other side.

At this time, Miroku made seals with both hands and released a spell.

Her hand seals were somewhat similar to those of ninjas, as if they were from another system of techniques.

As the hand seals were formed, the white robe on Miroku's body fluttered, and his long, moon-white hair also fluttered without wind. Groups of firefly-like light spots spread out around, immersing into the bodies of Tsunade and others, awakening them.


Miroku exhaled lightly, with a hint of determination in his eyes: "Miss Guang, Lady Tsunade, please cover my actions... Although we haven't arrived at the Demon Sealing Mountain as planned, I'm afraid that the final means can only be used in the current situation. I will fall asleep with it at the cost of my life!"

As he spoke.

Miroku raised his hand and grasped the bell hanging around his neck.

This thing seemed to be a magic weapon, which contained a lot of spiritual power, and it was about to be activated.

But at this moment.

Kikyo suddenly took out the longbow from her back, bent the bow and put the arrow on it like a full moon: "It is true that it is the duty of a witch to exorcise demons, but don't take everything on yourself, and don't give up your life easily. Although it is only a small effort, I am willing to provide you with some help...'Demon-breaking Arrow'!"

The voice fell.

Kikyo loosened her slightly white fingertips.

The next second, accompanied by the sound of the bowstring trembling, the arrow surrounded by the majestic spiritual power broke through the air!


The sharp arrow tore through the air, making a sharp sound of breaking wind, and the arrowhead part was even more spiritual. It dispersed, forming a translucent light shield, whistling all the way to the ghost.

The latter intertwined a large number of tentacles to try to block the arrow, but the trajectory of the arrow seemed to be calculated by Kikyo in advance. Although it was rubbed by two tentacles and slightly consumed a little of the spiritual power attached to it, it still passed through the obstacles at lightning speed and hit the body of the ghost!

Bang! !

It was like a chorus of firecrackers!

From the eyes of others, only a silver-white arc of light flashed, and then a circular gap appeared on the huge purple-black body of the ghost. It was the piece of flesh and blood that was eliminated by this arrow!

Without any hesitation, Kikyo bent the bow and put the arrow again.

Swish, swish, swish——

This time, it was clearly a chain of arrows!

When coming from Penglai Island this time, Kikyo prepared four pots of arrows, which were now hung on her body. The actions of taking arrows, drawing the bow, and releasing arrows were done in one go. Dozens of arrows were shot in the blink of an eye.

For a moment, round hole-shaped wounds appeared one after another on the body of the monster, and the severe pain that followed made the monster fall into a state of near madness.


Uchiha Guang narrowed his eyes slightly.

She had seen Kikyo take action, and even joined forces with him several times, such as against Naraku and the dragon bone spirit.

Compared with that time, Kikyo's archery skills have obviously improved a bit, and her spiritual power has become more abundant.

—— In terms of spiritual power, we should mainly thank the former priestess of Penglai Island, Zouji. After rescuing Xiaolan and other half-demon children, Zouji gave all her remaining spiritual power to Kikyo. Because of this, Kikyo's strength, which had shrunk due to the incompleteness of her soul, has faintly returned to the level of her heyday before her death.

Arrows dragged silver-white arcs.

Like meteors all over the sky, they shot towards the monster.

A few of them were blocked by the tentacles of the monster.

The rest, without exception, hit its body, leaving large holes with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

In the case of continuous injuries, the ghost roared deafeningly, and its huge body stretched out wantonly. Dozens of tentacles stretched out at the same time, drilling out from the air, the ground, and even the soil under its feet, attacking Uchiha Guang and his party. And its dragon-shaped head also raised its head and opened its mouth, spitting out a purple-black light column with a diameter of several meters, sweeping over here!

Miko Miroku also took action.

After a slight hesitation, she still urged the spiritual power in the bell, raised the finger-sized bell in front of her, and quickly opened a silver-white barrier at a speed visible to the naked eye. Blocked the light column spit out by the ghost.

The moment the purple-black light column collided with the barrier in the air, there was a huge boom, and the shock wave spread out like running water!

Then, the "barrier" began to change shape, from a hard barrier to a soft net, in a huge hemispherical shape, wrapping around the body of the monster!

Kikyo also shot a few "sealing arrows" at the right time.

If a monster of this level were placed in Inuyasha's world, it would undoubtedly be classified as a great monster. And it may be similar to, or even better than, the strongest Inutaishou among the Daiyoukai.

Therefore, it is not realistic to achieve a one-shot effect like when Inuyasha was sealed.

Each "Sealed Arrow" can only temporarily incapacitate part of its body.

Like a few tentacles.

During this process, the monster was still resisting crazily, constantly making frightening roars, and its momentum increased at an alarming rate. Tentacles were swung out with thunderous force. Even if they only touched a little, they could Let a well-trained jounin die on the spot.

Just at this time.

A gust of cold wind suddenly blew from the distant horizon, causing the monster's movements to stop for a moment, as if it gave birth to an emotion called fear.

Then, I saw a purple-black cloud flying here from a very far away place, and started to slow down a few hundred meters away from the battlefield.

As everyone felt a darkness above their heads, an ice meteorite with a diameter of 100 meters suddenly appeared in the sky. It was held by a tiny figure in his hand, and then he exhaled loudly and threw it down with all his strength!

Bang——! ! !

The demon had the intention to dodge, but due to the restraints of Platycodon and Maitreya, it had no time to move to the side before it was hit hard on the head by the ice meteorite, and then fell heavily.

The moment the meteorite hit the ground, a violent hurricane rose from the ground. A huge crater appeared in just ten seconds, and countless cracks grew crazily around the crater. The demon that was so arrogant just now was actually smashed directly into the ground!

The sky is filled with smoke and dust.

Uchiha Hikaru looked up at the night sky and saw two figures standing side by side on a purple-black cloud, surrounded by dozens of ice cones as huge as hills, like a huge ice and snow throne, reflecting the two figures. The king of ice and snow.


Esdeath locked onto Hikaru Uchiha from the crowd at the first glance, and the corners of her lips twitched slightly: "I thought the battle was over when I chased him from there... It seems that he gave it to me on purpose. Do you want to keep it? In this case, I will reluctantly defeat it again!"

next moment.

As Esdeath reached out and waved.

Countless ice edges fell from the sky, directly piercing through the countless tentacles around the demon, like the "immortal magic: Mingshen Gate", nailing the demon to the ground while he was still struggling to get up!

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