The moment the shadow clone and Esdeath appeared together, the fate of the Wuliang was already a foregone conclusion.

Miroku and Kikyo both had the power to seal it, but they could not defeat it with their strength.

Esdeath was able to absolutely suppress it in terms of strength, but she lacked special means such as sealing techniques, so she could not seal or kill it.


The two sides joined forces to kill the Wuliang.

It took only a few minutes.

Uchiha Hikaru stayed aside and watched Esdeath and the two witches join forces to press the Wuliang to the ground and beat it, then use a temporary sealing technique to bind its body layer by layer, and finally use a huge amount of ice to freeze it into a giant ice sculpture tens of meters high, which ended the battle.

Until a few seconds before it was frozen.

Wuliang stared at Uchiha Guang and others with blood-red eyes, and said the last cruel words: "Humph, I miscalculated this time... I didn't expect that Maitreya would find you guys to help. But even so, you can't kill me, that's something that no previous miko has been able to do! When I come out next time, it will be the death of all of you!"

"Oh, oh, I see."

"You talk too much."

Uchiha Guang yawned and waved his hand.

Theoretically, Wuliang may break the seal again in a few years.

But by that time, she, Esdeath, Kikyo and others may no longer be in this world. There is no need to worry about the descendants who are separated by who knows how many generations.

Having said that...

"Miko, you really can't kill this thing?"


Faced with Uchiha Guang's question, Miroku was silent for a moment, and a bitter smile appeared on his face: "I'm sorry, this matter is indeed beyond my ability...Because the power of 'Wangliang' is the same as mine, and it is much stronger than me, so I have no other way except to seal it."

"The same origin?"

Uchiha Guang has heard this word once.

But this time, she frowned slightly, vaguely aware of something: "Can you tell me more?"

"That's it..."

Miroku sighed: "In fact, you can roughly regard it as the clone of the first generation of the witch of the Ghost Country."


"...This matter is the biggest secret of the Ghost Country, and only the witches of all generations are qualified to know. You and your companions assisted me in sealing the ghosts, and you are the benefactors of the Ghost Country. I dare not hide anything. But the reason is a long story. Please send the "ghost" to Fengmo Mountain to complete the final seal, and then I will tell you everything."

Miroku said.


Uchiha Guang nodded.

At the moment.

The group reorganized on the spot and set off again. It took half a day to send the ice sculpture that sealed the ghost to Fengmo Mountain, and then Maitreya activated the sealing formation in the mountain and sank the ice sculpture deep into the mountain.

During this process, Uchiha Hikaru and Kikyo followed Miroku into the mountain and observed the sealing technique of the miko lineage.

"Kikyo, what do you think?"

Uchiha Hikaru asked.

"...It's not quite the same as the sealing technique I learned, but I can roughly see some rules."

Kikyo pondered for a moment and said.

The sealing technique in the world of Naruto is naturally not the same as the sealing technique in the world of Inuyasha.

But the difference between the two is a bit like the difference between different languages. Although the characters, pronunciations, and grammar are different, a master who is truly proficient in linguistics can quickly understand and master it by observing its underlying logic.

Kikyo is one of these "masters".

Namikaze Minato is also one.

[Unknown: [Sealing Technique Picture.jpg]×20]

[Unknown @Yongdaimei: These are all the techniques that Miss Kikyo and I can see. What do you think, Mr. Minato? ]

[Eidaimei: ... I have heard for a long time that the sealing technique of the miko lineage is exquisite and unique. Today I saw it and it is indeed true. Although I have learned the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan from my wife, I cannot understand these techniques too well at the moment. It may take some time to study them slowly. ]

[Wumi: No problem, I think Miss Kikyo will also be happy to discuss with you. ]

Compared to Namikaze Minato who likes to study "techniques".

Bulma and others are more interested in the monster Wuliang.

[Bulma: Xiaoguang, what does the "Wangliang" you and Eri talk about look like? Is it powerful? Why don't you start a live broadcast for us to see it! ]

[Wumi: Uh... I forgot. ]

[Wumi: The appearance of that thing, how to say, a little ugly and handsome...]

In order to satisfy Bulma's curiosity, Uchiha Guang verbally described the previous battle.

At the end, he also asked about the latter's situation.

[Bulma: I've already returned to the Dragon Ball world. Miss Najeshitan gave me a lot of Orichalcum, and I plan to study their composition with my father to see if they can be replicated and mass-produced using technology. Yamato is also here with me. ]

[Ghost Princess: Yeah, Uncle Brief and Aunt Brigitte are so nice, they don't care about my arrival at all! They also made a lot of food for me, much better than what I ate on Ghost Island! ]

[Wumi: ...]

It's normal for the Brives to accept Yamato. After all, these two are probably the most neurotic couple in the Dragon Ball world. Not to mention the 2.6-meter-tall Yamato, even if the 7.1-meter Kaido passes by, they will probably He is so accustomed to it that he even cares about whether Kaido, who is so big, can buy clothes easily.


Judging from Yamato's attitude, it seems that he plans to go back to Onigashima after having enough fun outside?

Hmm... This is a bit like a child running away from home. Anyway, he will be beaten by his parents when he comes back, so he might as well have fun.

At this moment.

The chat group was flooded with pictures again——

[Gui Ji: Hey, the button for sending photos is here. It’s so magical. 】

[Gui Ji: [Almond Pudding.jpg], [Black Forest Cake.jpg], [Fresh Fruit Ice Cream.jpg]... these are all I have eaten in the past few days! 】

[Yoko Miko: It looks delicious. 】

[Tiger of the West: Indeed, it would be nice if I could eat some. 】

[Gui Ji: This is simple. I will ask Aunt Bijini for you. If she is willing, I will put the prepared pastries in the group store and you can buy them back and eat them. 】

[Tiger of the West: OK, I want to try the black forest cake! 】

[Miko Yotsuya: Then I want almond pudding, thank you Yamato-san! 】


A series of pastry pictures flashed through his mind, making Uchiha Hikaru feel a little hungry.

She originally wanted to ask Kizuna Hisahito where the progress of the Spell Return to the World was, and whether she needed help dealing with the Spell Spirit. However, seeing that the latter was happily discussing food with Yamato and Miko, she guessed that he had recently I probably didn't encounter any major issues, so I stopped the topic temporarily and prepared to ask again next time.

——I said it was to help, but in fact, I mainly wanted to see those special-level spell spirits in the world of spells.

For example, Moxuluo.

And real people.

The abilities of these two curse spirits are very attractive to Uchiha Hikari. The former's super adaptability can theoretically overcome Esdeath's time-stop; and the latter's method of controlling souls might be able to repair Kikyo's incomplete soul. Even if not, it can at least help develop Yin-Yang Escape. Inspire.


Su Nuo is one of them.

However, this thing is not a separate individual, but a spirit body residing in the body of Japanese knotweed Hishito, which may be a little troublesome to solve. Especially if it doesn't hurt the "jinchuuriki" of Knotweed Hisahito.

In addition, we have to consider that Su Nuo is not a complete body now, but only has a few of the twenty fingers. Killing him so early is somewhat of a waste...

It takes a little more time and a long-term plan.

After completing the sealing ceremony of the demon.

Uchiha Hikaru and his party followed the miko Maitreya and returned to the capital of the Kingdom of Demons.

At this point, the crisis in the Kingdom of Ghosts has come to an end, but there are still some remaining mercenaries that need to be cleaned up.

Of course, the commission for this part is calculated separately, and basically only the finishing work is left. Without the blessing of monsters, the recovery ability of mercenaries is greatly reduced, and if it is broken a few times, it will become irrecoverable.

Team Kakashi from Konoha accepted the commission.

As for the two Yumu people, after receiving the reward for the task of "escorting the miko and sealing the monsters", they immediately said goodbye and left. They didn't know whether to go back to Yunyin Village or to track down Beilihu's whereabouts.

Esdeath felt a little sorry for this.

"The blond woman's strength seems pretty good. I originally wanted to invite her to a fight."

"Well, there will be a chance. Next time I have time, I will take you to her village. There are two very powerful guys there who should be able to catch your eye."

——Yes, I am talking about the two brothers, the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi.

These two are both strong in physical skills, and one of them is a perfect Jinchuuriki. Together, they can probably fight Esdeath for a long time.

But now...

Uchiha Hikari was busy listening to the miko Maitreya's explanation of the origin of the monsters.

As said before...

The demon is actually the "incarnation" derived from the body of the first-generation shrine maiden of the Kingdom of Ghosts. The reason why the former transformed into this clone is related to the erosion of natural energy.

"Natural energy erosion?"

"That's right."

Maitreya nodded: "The origins of the miko lineage can be traced back to thousands of years ago, when the Ninja sect had not yet appeared. At that time, there was no concept of chakra and ninjutsu in the world, only the ubiquitous energy in nature. Some talented humans discovered these energies and tried to absorb and utilize them, thus forming the profession of 'miko'.

A long time ago, there used to be more than one lineage of 'miko', but as the years have changed, most of them have fallen and been lost. Today, only the lineage of the Kingdom of Demons is still left. "

"I see."

Uchiha Hikaru rubbed his chin: "In other words, the 'magic' of the witch lineage and the 'magic' of the three holy places are essentially the same thing?"

"You can say that."

Maitreya nodded again: "The so-called 'spiritual power' of the witch lineage is essentially the magical chakra extracted from the body by absorbing and refining the energy contained in nature.

But this kind of refining is not possible for everyone. I can do it mainly because I have the blood of a miko in my body, so I am born with the potential to do this.

In addition, compared to humans, some birds and beasts have been developing and utilizing "natural energy" for a longer time and are more skilled. Among them, the best ones who have achieved success in cultivation have transformed into monsters and gathered together to form forces such as the Three Holy Lands.

On the contrary, due to physical problems, humans have a much lower upper limit for absorbing natural energy than those big monsters. Even those talented people may die at any time in the process of absorbing natural energy for cultivation, or be eroded by natural energy and become villains controlled by it. "

In fact...

Miroku's statement is still a bit conservative.

Because it's not just humans.

Even the magic of the three holy places has a high failure rate when learning.

-The pile of toad stone statues on Mount Myōboku are the byproducts left by the successive contractors when they failed to practice the "Sage Mode".

And the frog characteristics of Jiraiya when he used the Sage Mode, and the half-human and half-ghost appearance of Kabuto Yakushi in the later part of the plot, are also the side effects of the magic of Mount Myōboku and Ryuchi Cave.

As for the outside of the three holy places...

There is also a direct example-

Libra Jūgo.

Chongwu is a natural immortal body that can absorb the natural energy around him unconsciously.

Once these energies accumulate too much, they will erode Chongwu's will, causing him to change his temperament and make killing moves that he would never do in a peaceful state.

I'm afraid...

The first generation of the witch of the Land of Demons has a physique similar to Chongwu. After discovering that she had absorbed too much natural energy and could not control it at will, the first generation of the witch chose to separate these natural energies and seal them. Unexpectedly, a monster called "Wangliang" was born, which almost brought great disaster to the world.

"I understand."

Uchiha Guang now completely understood what Maitreya meant by "same root and same origin".

It turns out that the relationship between the witch and the Wuliang is equivalent to that between the gods and the Great Demon King Piccolo...

"Then, I have a new question..."

Uchiha Guang took a breath and looked up at the witch in front of him: "Can the method of refining natural energy in the witch lineage be taught to others? "


Milu was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I... am not sure."

"As I said just now, I am able to refine my spiritual power largely because my bloodline comes from the first generation of witches. You are not a descendant of the witches, so even if I teach you the method, you may not be able to use it normally.

Of course...

If you want to learn, I will do my best. If I can analyze the principle of this refining method and make some adjustments based on my personal constitution, I may be able to develop a personal "spiritual power" system. "

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