I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 211 Intertwined Futures

The next few days.

Uchiha Hikaru stayed in the palace and consulted with Miroku about the cultivation of "natural energy".

It turned out that she really couldn't use the cultivation method used by Miroku. Because this secret technique is a bit like the blood limit, it needs to be used with a specific bloodline, so it has only been circulated in the lineage of the witch for thousands of years and cannot be passed on to others.


At this time, the role of learning "qi" in the Dragon Ball world began to manifest.

——As early as when Uchiha Hikaru began to learn "qi" from the cat fairy, Namikaze Minato made a guess that "qi" and natural energy have a certain connection, and it will be twice the result with half the effort when practicing fairy arts in the future. And now, the guess has been verified.

With the previous practice, Uchiha Hikaru almost didn't spend much effort to sense the natural energy around him, and could even clearly "see" the concentration differences of natural energy in different areas.

But in the process of absorbing them, Uchiha Hikaru was very careful.

The natural energy in the Naruto world is much more dangerous than "qi". If you are not careful during the absorption process, you will be turned into a stone statue. Even Naruto, the protagonist, almost turned into a frog during his first practice of Sage Mode.

Therefore, you must try carefully after confirming that there will be no mistakes.

By the way.

According to Miroku, the concentration of natural energy thousands of years ago was much higher than it is now.

——Therefore, the first generation of miko was eroded by natural energy and created monsters like Wuliang, which are as powerful as the tailed beasts.

The reason why natural energy has dropped sharply over the past thousand years...

It can be attributed to the Otsutsuki clan.

"...According to the ancient murals preserved in the Land of Ghosts, more than a thousand years ago, a strange seed appeared on this continent. No one knew when it first appeared, but it started from a tender bud and grew little by little into a big tree that penetrated the sky and earth. In the process, it constantly absorbed energy from nature, almost causing the land to dry up.

It was not until a person called the 'Goddess of the Rabbit' ate the fruit on the tree that this change ended."

"However, the 'Goddess of the Rabbit' seemed unable to withstand the powerful energy contained in the fruit, and therefore lost control, causing great damage to the world, and was finally killed by the six Daoxianren defeated and sealed him.

It is said that during that period, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and there were rain and fire everywhere. Countless mountains were razed to the ground, and countless valleys rose from the ground. Even the entire continent was torn into pieces and drifted to all directions of the world... So the continent we are in now is one of the larger ones. "

Miroku said, putting a stack of scrolls on the table: "This is the mural in the cellar of the Ghost Country that I copied. You can take a look first. If you want to see it with your own eyes, I can take you to the place where the murals are stored. "

"No need."

Uchiha Guang flipped through a few pages of the album, thinking.

Of course, she knew the story of the "Goddess of Mao".

But that was seen in the "Naruto" comics.

In the real ninja world, it was the first time she saw such an ancient record - although there was a lot of incomplete information, for example, they only knew the name "Goddess of the Rabbit", not the name of Kaguya Otsutsuki, and did not know her mother-son relationship with the Six Paths brothers... But such records are much older and more complete than those of Konoha and the Uchiha clan.

From this point of view, the Demon Country is indeed quite unique in terms of the long-standing inheritance, which is better than the five major countries.

And Miroku's narration also made Uchiha Guang's thoughts float -

"By the way, where did the seeds of the sacred tree come from? Is there a second one? If chakra originated from the sacred tree, and the sacred tree grew up by absorbing the natural energy of the planet... Doesn't that mean that chakra is a derivative of natural energy?"

Uchiha Guang stroked his chin and fell into deep thought.

After a thousand years, the sacred tree is gone, leaving only the outer path demon statue in Nagato's hand and the nine tailed beasts scattered in various countries on the continent. It is no longer realistic to want to observe the process of the development of the sacred tree.


There are still some things made from the sacred tree -

If I remember correctly, the "Uchiha fan" of the Uchiha clan was made from the branches of the sacred tree. The same seems to be true for the ninja tools in the hands of the Six Paths Sage, such as the banana fan and the towel rope...

If there is a chance in the future, maybe I can get them to study and see if I can find some secrets of the Otsutsuki...

While Uchiha Hikaru was concentrating on studying "immortal arts", Kikyo was discussing "sealing arts" with Namikaze Minato, Eri was playing with Shion, and Esdeath was growing flowers and plants out of boredom.

As for Tsunade...

According to the agreement, she was supposed to continue to treat Eri's illness and check her body.

But within two days, she secretly ran out and spent money at a casino outside the casino.

Well...because of the task of sealing the monsters, the Demon Country just gave her a generous reward, plus the deposit of several million given by Uchiha Hikaru, it is indeed a huge amount of money. It is impossible for an experienced gambler like Tsunade to treat patients honestly with such a large sum of money in front of him.

However, with amazing luck, it only took Tsunade two or three days to lose a huge sum of less than 10 million. In the end, she owed millions to the casino and could only live in despair. When I came back, I started drinking to drown my sorrows.

Uchiha Hikaru was a little amused by this.

She even began to consider whether to let Orochimaru set up a trap in the casino of Tianno Country, and then deceive Tsunade there, cheat her of hundreds of millions, and finally have to sign a deed of betrayal to pay off the debt...

In theory, this plan might actually work.

It's just a bit mean...

If she really did that, I'm afraid that the next time Brother Senju Hashirama is reincarnated by the dirty earth, he will point at her nose and scold her as a "born evil Uchiha brat"...

Hmm... that scene might be quite interesting?

Uchiha thought for a moment and couldn't help laughing.

That afternoon.

After asking for advice on "natural energy" for the last time, Uchiha Hikaru finally couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked Maitreya about the "prophecy"——

"I heard that all the witches in the Ghost Country have the ability to predict the future. Is this true?"

Face her doubts.

Maitreya thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes. The 'prophetic ability' of the witch lineage is activated through vision. Generally, when you meet a person for the first time, you will see several pictures about her future. images, especially the scene at the end of the other person's life.

Depending on the distance in time, the accuracy of the 'prophecy' will vary. Generally, the time limit that can be predicted accurately is within about two years. If it is further away, it will gradually become blurred. "

"What about me, have you seen my 'future'?"

Uchiha Hikaru pointed at himself and asked.

"Sorry, I can't see it now."


Maitreya hesitated for a moment, then slowly spoke: "In fact, when I first met you and your companions, I 'saw' several pictures. One of them was you. Lying in a cold and dark valley, being drained of chakra and dying... But that scene disappeared almost instantly. After that, even if I actively tried to use my prophecy ability on you, I could only see a blank. ”


Uchiha Hikaru narrowed his eyes slightly.

Could it be...

What Miroku saw was the scene in which the Uchiha Hikari from the original timeline woke up during the Boruto period and was used and indirectly killed by Merutsu?

With doubts, Uchiha Hikaru asked a few more questions and confirmed that what Miroku saw was indeed that scene.

Moreover, this miko also "saw" Esdeath being killed by poison, Kikyo being killed by Naraku, Eri losing her life at the hands of the Holy Skeleton, and even Tsunade being chopped into two pieces by Susanoo. . These pictures, without exception, all flashed by, and without exception, they all became blank.

"...Although I'm not sure, I think this may mean that your future has been changed and you are no longer bound by the established destiny. Therefore, my 'prophecy' can no longer observe you."

Maitreya weighed his tone and gave an explanation.


Uchiha Hikari nodded thoughtfully.


Except for herself, Eri, Kikyo and others are all going to die according to the original plots of each world, and the time intervals are not far apart. Among them, Esdeath may only live a few months according to the original plot. …

However, as the chat group was opened, the moment she appeared in the world of Inuyasha, Dragon Clan, and Zanchi, the fate of Eriki and others had already changed, and they were intertwined with her fate. Under such circumstances, no one can predict what their future will be like.

(In this way, the "prophecy" of the witch is indeed very similar to that of the Great Toad Immortal. They are both observations of the so-called "destiny". I just don't know if there is a supreme being in this world who controls "destiny"?)

Uchiha Hikari thought for a moment and asked Maitreya again. After confirming that the "prophecy" ability was a gift and could not be taught or practiced, he gave up the plan of trying to learn.

After spending more than ten days in the Kingdom of Ghosts, I experienced the local customs and various specialties.

Uchiha Hikari took Esdeath and others and said goodbye.

Before leaving.

Maitreya solemnly gave her his bell.

"Lord Guang, this bell is a token passed down from generation to generation by the witches. It contains the spiritual power injected by the witches of all generations, including mine. You can take it with you and observe it occasionally. Maybe it will help you practice the magic. 'There's some inspiration."

"...Thank you very much."

Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows in surprise, then thanked him and took the bell with both hands.

Although she is still exploring ways to absorb natural energy, she can clearly feel that this bell contains a considerable amount of energy. If she can absorb all of it, her strength may be greatly improved based on the current level. cut.

Correspondingly, after losing this bell, Maitreya's strength will probably be greatly reduced. If the demon breaks out of the seal next time, even if she is willing to sacrifice her life, she may not be able to seal it.

This gift is extremely precious both to her and to the Kingdom of Ghosts.

So Uchiha Hikaru also took out a few fairy beans from his body, wrapped them in silk cloth, and handed them back.

"This kind of bean is called 'Fairy Bean'. It is a panacea that can heal all injuries and instantly restore physical strength. Consider it a return gift from me. In addition, if the monster appears again in the future, or if the Kingdom of Ghosts encounters any difficulty that is difficult to solve, Please, you can write to me and I will come and take a look if I have time.”


Maitreya opened his eyes slightly, declined a few words, and then accepted it with great gratitude.

the other side.

Tsunade looked over a little suspiciously: "That bean... is it really that magical? It can heal all injuries. Isn't that the same as my 'Hundred Heroes' Technique'?"

"Roughly the same."

In Uchiha Hikari's view, the "Hundred Heroes' Technique" can only be regarded as inferior to Sendou.

At least you have to use Senju Hashirama's passive, or Uzumaki Koso and his daughter's "Healing Holy Body" to compare them together.


Miroku stood there with Shion, Endo Sakumo and others, watching Uchiha Hikari walk away.

Until the figures of both parties have gradually become invisible.

Uchiha Hikari turned to look at Tsunade next to him: "By the way, has Ms. Tsunade decided where to go? Do you want to come to my research institute to have a look? The 30 million annual salary I promised before is still valid. If For outstanding performance, additional bonuses will be given.”


When she heard the word "bonus", Tsunade swallowed lightly, then coughed and said: "This matter is of great importance, I need to think about it carefully... But when it comes to treating Eri, I promise to do my best. If necessary, I can exchange letters with Orochimaru about the progress of our research."

For Tsunade, who is now millions in debt, 30 million a year is indeed very attractive.

However, she still had concerns about cooperating with Orochimaru, a rebellious ninja, so she chose to "cooperate only for Eri's condition." However, compared with the clear rejection in the past few days, this is already a relief, so it is only a matter of time before the bottom line is lowered further.

With the seal he had made earlier, Uchiha Hikaru was not afraid of not being able to find Tsunade if something happened.

At an intersection, Uchiha Hikaru stopped and waved goodbye to Tsunade.

Then, the latter took Shizune and walked to the side of the road.

Uchiha Hikari turned back again and looked at Kikyo: "Kikyou, what about you? What are your plans? Do you want to hang out with me, just to relax?"


Kikyo was silent for a moment and nodded.

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