I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 212 Bathing together in a hot spring hotel

This time, Uchiha Hikaru did not bring Esdeath and Kikyo back to Konoha.

After all, they had just made a fuss in the Land of Demons, and Konoha would definitely receive the news. If they went back at this time, they would definitely be subject to some attention and probing. Although with Uchiha Hikaru's identity, he didn't have to explain anything to them, but it would be annoying.


After some screening, Uchiha Hikaru decided to relax in the Land of Hot Springs on the east side of the continent.

"Although I haven't been there, I heard that the natural scenery there is pretty good, and the hot springs are also famous. I just finished fighting, so I'll go there and take a bath to relax my muscles."

For Uchiha Hikaru's proposal.

Eri naturally voted in favor unconditionally.

And Esdeath and Kikyo, because they were both in the Naruto world for the first time, and they were both easy-going, they didn't say anything at this time, and nodded in agreement.


Uchiha Hikaru checked the direction on the map, then activated "Shangri-La" and airdropped the four people from the Land of Demons to the Land of Hot Water, thousands of miles away.

"Although this is not the first time I have experienced this imperial tool, it is indeed quite convenient to use it for traveling."

Esdeath commented.

Eri nodded in agreement.

Uchiha Hikaru smiled and said casually: "Well, I will study with Bulma later to see if we can restore the production process of "Shangri-La". When the time comes, we will make a few more and give one to each of you, so that it will be very convenient no matter where you want to go."


Eri held up the small notebook with a pair of expectant light in her eyes.

"Of course."

- It's fake.

Not to mention that "Shangri-La" is one of the most technologically advanced imperial tools. Even if its production method can be restored, it is probably difficult to obtain the raw materials. It is not realistic to be able to reproduce a second one, let alone one for each person.

But since Eri took it seriously, it doesn't matter if I tell her a lie to make her happy.

"Guang, where is the hot spring you mentioned?"

Esdeath glanced around and asked.

"... Wait a minute, this is my first time here, let me look for it first."

As he said that, Uchiha Guang used the flying technique to soar into the sky, standing hundreds of meters high in the sky, with his hands on the awning, looking around.

Speaking of which...

The Land of Hot Springs is also a very magical country.

On the one hand, it is known as the "country that forgot about war". It is said that after the end of the First Ninja World War, it was tired of the war and gradually cut its funding for the ninja village. Instead, it focused most of its energy on developing the tourism industry and opened a large number of hot spring hotels.

On the other hand, it is a fertile ground for the secret development of the evil god cult, breeding a large number of cultists, especially the freak Feidan who has an immortal body.

It should be said that Uchiha Guang is quite curious about the "evil god".

After all, Hidan's immortality is genuine. The existence that can give him such power is probably at least at the same level as the immortals of the three holy places. It may even be similar to the "Death God" of Shiki Fuujin. Such an existence is very worth studying.

But curiosity is curiosity.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't plan to go looking for it on purpose.

After all, she came here to take a vacation for herself, so there was no need to cause trouble for herself. Unless she really met someone from the evil god cult, it would be another matter.

"... Let's go over there and take a look. There seems to be a town there."

Uchiha Hikaru used the flying technique to look around in the sky, then landed and brought Esdeath and his party to a nearby mountain town.

From the five or six hot spring hotels in the town, she found a slightly secluded one with beautiful scenery, and directly used money to open the way and booked the entire store.

Well... recalling that when she just woke up a year ago, she was still a "poor ghost" who was penniless and could only live under Naruto's roof.

Now, he is actually someone who can use "money power" like Bulma.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Guang couldn't help but laugh, feeling as if he was in another world.

On the other side.

The proprietress of the hot spring hotel was wearing a kimono, following Uchiha Guang step by step, and kept saying compliments:

"Miss Guang, please come this way."

"You are so discerning. The hot springs in our hotel are the best in this town. They can not only nourish the body, beautify the skin, but also exorcise evil spirits and cure diseases. They are most suitable for young and beautiful girls like you..."


Uchiha Guang did not comment.

It was indeed her first time to come to the Land of Hot Springs, and even the first time to stay in a hot spring hotel, but it can be seen that the scale of this store is only above average in the town, and it is obviously not "the best". But if it were not for this, she would not be able to book the store so smoothly, so there is no need to care about these details.

The lady boss paused after talking for a while and said, "By the way, do you have any requirements for the food these days?"

"No, just prepare it according to your highest standards, don't worry about the money."

"Okay, don't worry!"


Under the financial offensive, the dinner that day was quite sumptuous.

There were several plates of three-foot-long lobster sashimi alone, in addition to a lot of beef, mutton, fish, conveyor belt sushi, mushroom soup, and fresh fruits and vegetables, which filled a long table.

For four girls, this scene was a bit too much.

——Three to be precise, because Platycodon has a clay body and does not need to eat. At most, it can only drink some symbolic soup. For her, the only things that can be called "food" are the dead souls floating everywhere.


To Uchiha Hikaru's surprise, within a short time, the large table of food was almost eaten.


Uchiha Hikari sipped the fragrant tofu soup and looked at Eriyi next to him with suspicion, wanting to touch her belly: "Speaking of which, Eriyi, you really won't be able to hold on after eating so much. If Don’t force it if your stomach is full, okay?”

"It doesn't matter, because it's rare to taste such delicious food, so you can eat more."

Eriyi held up the small notebook.

Esdeath on the opposite side glanced up, then silently put a chopstick of beef into his mouth, and amid a mountain of bones and fish bones, he elegantly wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin: "I'm full. "


The two co-authors are also secretly big eaters.

Uchiha Hikari was thinking that if Ichiraku Ramen held some kind of noodle-eating competition next time, he might be able to bring Esdeath and Erika over to sign up. It would probably not be much worse than Hinata's future record.

After having enough wine and food.

The few of them strolled around the town, quenched their thirst, and then returned to their rooms to change into their yukata and prepare to take a bath in the hot spring in the backyard.

The previous introduction by the landlady may have been suspected of being self-proclaimed.

But the hot springs in this hotel are indeed carefully designed.

The pool of about two to three hundred square meters is divided into three or four pieces by an exquisite arch bridge and several rockeries. There are also several inconspicuous water pipes placed on the rockery. When the switch is turned on, the hot water will flow down from the "mountain" and smoke will rise, giving it an ancient atmosphere.

When seeing these arrangements, Eriki's eyes immediately lit up.

She took off her yukata without hesitation, then jumped into the hot spring naked, placed the little yellow duck she brought on the water, poked it lightly with her fingers a few times, and then turned to look behind The Uchiha Hikari waved.

"Light, won't you come?"

Because in the water, Eriyi didn't bring a notebook, so she could only communicate with people through her mouth.

"Come here."

Uchiha Hikaru coughed slightly, and withdrew his gaze from the bright, white, bumpy body. He took off his clothes with a slight blush, folded them on the stone, and then wrapped himself in a bath towel and sat down by the pool.

"Light, here you go."

Eriki pushed a little yellow duck over and motioned for Uchiha Hikaru to play with it.

Then he started swinging another gorgeous plastic submarine.

"...Sure enough, he still has the nature of a child."

Uchiha Hikaru watched Eri's movements from the side for a while, then pursed his lips and smiled.

According to the imaginary age calculation, Eri Yi is actually almost 18 years old. As a mafia princess who comes from a privileged background and has always been well-nourished, her body development is normal and can even be described as moving. But whenever you see her childish behavior, it's hard to see her as an adult woman.

——By the way, in 2019, where the Dragon World is, the age of adulthood in Japan is actually still 20 years old, so Eri is still legally a minor.

Of course, becoming an adult at the age of 20 does not affect the ability to get married at the age of 16...

The sound of the door being pushed sounded.

Uchiha Hikari did not look back, but glanced sideways with his peripheral vision, and noticed a pair of slender legs coming to the edge of the pool. He first tested the water temperature with his feet, then untied his bath towel and stepped in.


A ripple is spreading.

Esdeath's body submerged into the water.

All in all, this was the first time Uchiha Hikaru had taken a bath with her.

As a woman in her twenties, this military queen's figure, like her personality, belongs to the "S" type.

He is just over 1.7 meters tall, big where he should be, and thin where he should be. The pair of instruments on his chest are estimated to be at least D to F level, and they are quite strong. It's usually hard to see when wearing clothes, but now when sitting in the hot spring, it is revealed without any concealment, causing Uchiha Hikari to take a few more glances.


Esdeath opened her eyes, turned her head from the state of resting with her eyes closed, and looked at Uchiha Hikari.

"What's wrong?"

"...Nothing, just a little curious."

Uchiha Hikaru quickly made an excuse for himself: "I heard from Najiesitan and the others that you have been in the imperial military for seven or eight years and have fought dozens of battles, large and small, but you still look quite clean. , basically no scars?”


Esdeath snorted coldly and said in a matter-of-fact tone: "How can those weaklings who are defeated in one blow have the right to leave scars on me? Those who can leave scars on my body are basically only a handful of people. Among the strong men, you are one of them.”

"Really, that's really an honor."

Uchiha Hikari smiled.

The battle between her and Esdeath was really fierce, and Esdeath even almost died under her "Fire Thunder God". However, due to taking the fairy beans, the wounds that were penetrated and burned were completely healed in a short time after the battle, so there are no traces of the previous time on Esdeath at this moment.

Instead, it was another scar located on the side of the ribs that attracted Uchiha Hikari's attention.

"this is……"

"Oh, that was left when I was fighting a group of alien troops when I was still living on the northern border. It was one of the few battles that almost killed me."

Esdeath made an understatement.

But Uchiha Hikaru asked, "Oh, can you tell me more about it, I'm curious?"

"In exchange, I can also tell you about my experiences when I was young."


Uchiha Hikari probably knows a little bit about Esdeath's past——

She was originally a tribesman in the northern territory of the empire. When she was very young, she showed great fighting talent and could hunt down dangerous species in the territory by herself. Later, with the invasion of foreign tribes from the north, Esdeath's tribe was slaughtered, leaving her alone. From then on, she firmly believed in the concept of "the weak and the strong" and moved forward with the goal of becoming the strongest.

When he was a teenager, Esdeath participated in a martial arts tournament in the imperial capital, thereby entering the military. He gradually rose to the top by accumulating military exploits, and finally became an imperial general second only to General Bude.

This information all comes from the animations that Uchiha Hikaru watched in his previous life, which is just a brief summary.

And at this moment.

Esdeath hesitated for a while, and finally responded to Uchiha Hikari's request and briefly told her childhood experience.

Eriki next to her also gradually stopped playing with toys, and listened to Esdeath's story next to Uchiha Hikaru, and then expressed her approval with gestures and mouth movements: "Sister Esdeath is so amazing."


Esdeath smiled a little self-deprecatingly: "I used to think that I was very powerful. No matter what kind of genius he was, he was no different from a mediocre person in front of me. He could be easily convinced without spending too much effort. Even in the north The same is true for Prince Numa Saka, who has an outstanding reputation among foreign nations and is said to have never been defeated...

But now it seems that the only person who can truly be called a genius is you, Hikari Uchiha. If you and I were the same age, I might not even be qualified to let you show your true strength in a battle. "

"...Don't say that."

Uchiha Hikari scratched his head: "As you can see, my strength is still among the best in this world. It would be unfair to use me to measure the geniuses in your world. And... with Xiao Ai, your battle Talent, if he had met me earlier, his current strength would probably be more than this."

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