Dragon Ball World, West City.

The headquarters of the Universal Capsule Company.

In a spacious laboratory.

Bulma, wearing a white coat, waved to Uchiha Hikaru, with a smile on her face: "Xiao Guang, you are here? Hey, didn't Miss Kikyo and the others come with you?"

"Well, they all went home to deal with things first, and will come back later."

Uchiha Hikaru responded.

Kikyo did go to deal with things.

On Penglai Island, there was a group of half-demons waiting for her. Although Shiori's mother was also on the island and could take care of the children, and Shiori and Xiaolan and other half-demons had good self-care abilities, Kikyo, as a hidden child slave, was still a little worried and planned to go back to take a look.

As for Eri...

The girl actually wanted to come directly with Uchiha Hikaru, but was stopped by her.

——She came here not only to visit Bulma, but also to attack the Red Silk Army. In the process, it is likely that some blood will be seen, and there will even be a lot of noise. There is no need to involve Eri and others who have nothing to do with this.

In fact...

Uchiha Hikaru is a little entangled at this moment, whether to discuss her plan with Bulma.

After all, this is also "Bulma's world". Although the two have a good relationship, it is still a bit inappropriate to make a lot of things without saying a word.

"...Is Yamato not here?"

Uchiha Hikaru thought while looking to both sides.

"Well, my mother took Yamato out shopping this morning. It seems that she wanted to buy clothes for her... My father and I have been busy with research during this period and have no time to accompany my mother, so Yamato can only do it for her."

"... Shopping?"

Uchiha Hikaru was stunned.

She is also a frequent visitor to Bulma's house. In the past, every time she came to the Dragon Ball world, she would almost visit the Brief couple first, and then do her own things. So she is not unfamiliar with Bulma's mother, Brigitte.

The latter is a full-time housewife. In addition to doing housework every day, she has many hobbies, such as beauty and makeup, raising flowers and small animals - there are many animals raised by the couple in the yard of Bulma's house, researching desserts... Shopping is of course one of them.


Uchiha Guang imagined the scene of Yamato, who is 2.6 meters tall and has a pair of magic horns on his head, walking on the streets of Xidu with Brigitte, with a strange expression.

Of course.

There are still many strange races in the world of Dragon Ball, such as three-eyed people, animal people, noseless aliens... Even the appearance of the King of Earth is a dog. Compared with them, although Yamato looks a little strange, it is not to the extent of causing riots. At most, it will make passers-by stop and take a few more glances.

Besides, Bulma's family are all celebrities in Xidu, and they make some big news from time to time. In the original work, hundreds of Namekians lived here for more than half a year, and the residents outside were not surprised, so it doesn't matter if it's Yamato.

At this moment.

Uchiha Hikaru turned his head and looked inside the factory.

There, a huge destroyer was placed.

"Is this the 'abandoned warship' you mentioned before, Bulma?"


Bulma nodded: "I went through a lot of trouble to ask my father to help me buy it from the army. Recently, I am studying how to process and transform it..."

As she spoke, the girl spread out a huge blueprint and pointed with her finger:

"Look, I have designed it. The length of this ship is 156 meters, the width is 21 meters, and there are 9 floors in total. I plan to open up this area and build a small garden to grow all kinds of vegetables and fruits. ; This area is built into a training room... Xiaoguang, the 'gravity training room' you mentioned last time, I have almost researched it, and it can be used here.

By the way, the 'enhanced mini bracelet' you mentioned is still under research, and the technical difficulty is a bit high, so it may take a little more time. "

After inserting this explanation in the middle, Bulma continued the previous topic:

"Then this area is the bathroom, this area is the cafeteria, and..."

"If there is a universal capsule, there is actually no need to grow vegetables on the ship, right?"

Uchiha Guang interrupted.

"Well...that's different."

Bulma thought for a while: "Although the universal capsule has a preservation effect, it is still a little worse than the fruits and vegetables picked directly from the ground...and there must be non-combat crew members on the ship, we have to find something for them to do, right?"

"...That makes sense."

If we talk about non-combat personnel in the chat group, the first one is undoubtedly Bulma herself.

Although she had learned some three-body technique and spiritual power from Uchiha Hikaru and Kikyo during this period, she only learned a little bit.

There was no way.

Bulma was not interested in cultivation. In the original plot, she saw several Super Saiyans around her, and she didn't get involved in cultivation. Now, she at least has the imperial weapon "Earthquake" given by Uchiha Hikaru. If she really encounters any danger, she still has some self-protection ability.

Another non-combatant is Yotsuya Miko.

But Miko is still a high school student. Unless it is winter or summer vacation, she has no time to be a crew member.

"Have you thought about who to invite on board?"

"Of course!"

Faced with Uchiha Hikaru's inquiry, Bulma continued with a smile: "When the 'Blue Planet' is built, I will be the captain of this ship, Xiaoguang will be the deputy captain, Yamato will be the boatswain, and Miss Kikyo will be the ship's doctor. …

For other positions, I will issue a recruitment order in the group at that time. If you want to come, you can come and play together at any time. "

At this point, Bulma paused: "But it seems that we still need a navigator and a chef... The man named Sanji seems to be quite good at cooking. Do you want to invite him on board?"


Uchiha Hikari was slightly startled.

Although she has not been to the pirate world yet, it is estimated that Luffy has not yet gone to sea at this time. Zoro, Sanji and others are most likely still working as pirate hunters and chefs. In theory, Bulma could indeed pull Sanji on board first.


"talk later."

Bulma scratched his head: "Anyway, it will take some time to build the ship. It won't be too late to find people after we go to the pirate world. Maybe there will be a few chefs in the group in a few days..."


Uchiha Hikaru nodded, then carefully considered his tone, and began to bring up the topic of the Red Silk Army.

"Red Silk Army?"

Bulma was stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded: "Xiaoguang, are you really planning to attack them?"

"I went to Turtle Immortal Island a few days ago and visited little Wukong and the others. I heard that perverted old man from Turtle Immortal said that in half a month the world's best martial arts tournament will be held. According to what you showed me last time, " "Dragon Ball" comic, after this martial arts tournament is over, the Red Silk Army will start looking for the Dragon Ball, and will have an intersection with Little Goku... So I guess, Xiaoguang, when you come here now, you should be planning to take action against them. "

"...I really can't hide it from you."

Uchiha Hikaru breathed out and laughed dumbly: "I do plan to take action against the Red Silk Army, and by the way, I will see if I can convince Dr. Gero to stop doing evil... If I can't succeed, I will take this opportunity to deal with him to avoid cause future disasters."

Speaking of which...

Even from the perspective of the Dragon Ball world, Dr. Gero is a very weird science geek.

His original intention in researching artificial humans was to deal with Wukong and avenge the latter for destroying the Red Silk Army in the early stages of the plot.

In order to do this, Dr. Gero spent more than ten years secretly observing every battle of little Goku, collecting his blood and cells, and carefully studying artificial humans. It wasn't until after Goku's decisive battle with Vegeta that he believed that his strength would not increase much due to his age, so he stopped his investigation activities.


In the case where Goku, who only had 9000 combat power during the decisive battle with Vegeta, was the imaginary enemy.

Dr. Gero actually created four artificial beings whose strength was comparable to that of a Super Saiyan——

No. 16, No. 17, No. 18, plus Shalu who can continue to evolve.

It's just... outrageous.

It can only be said that Dr. Gro is too cautious.

"...Indeed, although I haven't met the guy named Dr. Gro, I have to admit that his scientific research level is indeed amazing. He may be better than my father and I. If left unchecked, it will cause a lot of trouble. ”

Bulma seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly became a little angry: "Really, we all know that artificial humans will destroy the world in three years, but Goku and the others still don't care... The short winter melon named Vegeta even clamored to kill him. I am so hopelessly stupid!"


A question mark appeared on Uchiha Hikaru's face, and he immediately thought that she was talking about the plot of the original "Dragon Ball"——

In the Artificial Man chapter, when he learned from Future Trunks that artificial humans would destroy the world three years later, Bulma immediately proposed to kill Dr. Gero to prevent possible crises.

As a result, everyone except Kling was unanimously opposed.

Vegeta, who was not completely cleared at the time, even threatened to kill Bulma if she said one more word.


Judging from Bulma's current state, Trunks probably has no chance of showing up again. Even whether Vegeta can join the ranks of the Z Fighters may be unknown.

"Bulma, do you have any information about the Red Silk Army?"


Bulma shook his head simply: "Before I read the "Dragon Ball" comics, I had never heard of the name of this legion... The comics didn't seem to mention where its headquarters was, it just said that it was in The western part of the earth, but the locations of several branches seem to be clearly written out.”

"...Has the Dragon Ball Radar responded recently?"

Uchiha Hikaru thought for a while and asked.

In the original work, the Red Silk Army started looking for the Dragon Balls before Little Goku.

It stands to reason that even if they saw the scene where the dragon appeared when they made a wish in the first year and thus confirmed the existence of the dragon beads, they still need to wait for the one-year cooling time of the dragon beads to end before they can start looking for it, and through research on these beads, they can invent Develop a detector similar to the Dragon Ball radar principle to launch a worldwide search...

The time required for this process should not be too short, at least half a month to a month is normal.


As long as the Longzhu radar has not responded, it means that the activities of the Red Silk Army have not yet begun.


Bulma shook his head again, took down a brand new Dragon Ball Radar from another experimental table next to him, turned on the switch and handed it to Uchiha Hikaru.

"Here, this is the Dragon Ball Radar that I have recently improved. Take it. As long as the Dragon Ball's power is restored and energy fluctuations reappear, it can be detected by the radar."

After a pause, Bulma's expression became a little worried again: "Speaking of which, Xiaoguang, you don't have to wait first. Will you act with Wukong then? It should be safer if Wukong helps."

From Bulma's perspective, the Red Silk Army is still very dangerous.


To be precise, the Red Silk Army is very dangerous.

In their hands, they have many amazingly powerful military weapons, and even a few strange-looking mechas, which were once used by the black adjutant to deal with little Wukong.

Even more troublesome than these are the masters with special abilities——

For example, General Lan can use super powers to control ropes and restrain Kame Sennin and others. Being able to restrain Kame Senshi and Little Goku means that it is also possible to restrain Uchiha Hikari.

Also, Tao Baibai, who was hired by the Red Silk Army and once almost killed Little Wukong.

This person is said to be more powerful than Kame Sennin.

Although Uchiha Hikaru is very powerful, if he can face these vicious thugs on his own...

There is still a risk of overturning.

"Don't worry, I brought Esdeath with me this time, and she will work with me to deal with the Red Silk Army."

Uchiha Hikaru smiled: "And I'm not going there now, I have to collect their information first..."

Turtle Immortal must know the information about the Red Silk Army, but he may not have paid special attention to it, so he is not very detailed.

in addition……

The Cat Immortal may have also seen the actions of the Red Silk Army through the large tanks in the Kalin Tower.

Therefore, you need to visit these two places first.


Uchiha Hikaru lifted Esdeath's seal and handed her over to Bulma.

"Xiao Ai, I have to go out first and come back in a day or two at the latest. You stay here and don't move around. If you have anything, you can tell Bulma."

Esdeath and Bulma are also acquaintances. They met last time in Zhanchi World and had a few brief exchanges.

Even if she didn't have a relationship like Uchiha Hikari, given her temperament, she wouldn't take action against Bulma, who was an ordinary person.

And even if Uchiha Hikaru leaves, he can always know what's going on here through the chat group.

"Then, I'll go to Kalin Tower to see Tanjiro first, and then we'll go to Kamesen Island together later."

After a few words of advice to Bulma, Uchiha Hikaru activated "Shangri-La" and teleported himself to the Holy Land of Kalin.

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