Calculate the time.

Tanjiro has been in the Dragon Ball world for two months.

Compared with when he first came here, he seems to have grown a little taller, and his auburn hair has grown a lot longer. The more eye-catching change is that his whole aura has faintly changed, and he is a bit completely transformed. Feel.

When Uchiha Hikari came to Kalin Tower, he was meditating cross-legged at the top corner of the tower.

The Cat Immortal was eating small dried fish not far away.

"Hey, Miss Guang, are you here?"

"It's Xiaoguang."

"Master, Tanjiro."

Uchiha Hikaru greeted the two of them in turn, and after a few greetings, he looked at Tanjiro's forehead and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Have you really awakened the 'stripe' yet?"

That's right.

The dark red scar on the left side of Tanjiro's forehead has now turned into a pattern, clearly visible like a flame.


Tanjiro scratched his head and explained a few words: "Well, last time Miss Guang you asked me about the 'stripes', not long after that, I turned it on when I was snatching the 'Super Holy Water'... Master Cat Immortal has already checked it for me and confirmed that there is nothing wrong with it, so I didn’t tell you or Miss Bulma.”


Uchiha Hikari raised an eyebrow.

One of the basic conditions for turning on "stripes" is indeed that the body is in a state of overload after a fierce battle or training.

According to Kasumi Hashira Tokitoru Muichiro's summary in the original work, "the body temperature reached 39 degrees, and the heartbeat rate was more than 200 times." For Tanjiro, who already has this qualification, it is not strange to acquire this ability after intense training.


Are you sure this thing won't affect your lifespan?

You know, except for Jiguo Enichi, who was born with stripes, none of the others who turned on stripes could live beyond the age of 25 - Yanzhu Mingyu Xingming was an exception, he only turned on stripes when he was 27 years old when he participated in the decisive battle. But judging from what Wuxian said at that time, he might not be able to live for a few days.

If it weren't for this shortcoming, Jiguo Yan Sheng, Jiguo Yuan's brother, would not have taken refuge in Wuhan and become a "black death mou".

"Don't worry."

Follow Uchiha Hikari's gaze and look over.

The Neko Sennin put the last few pieces of dried fish into his mouth, swallowed it, and then licked his paws: "I have checked it carefully for Tanjiro. The reason why 'stripes' will shorten your lifespan is because this power itself exists. Defects, from the moment they are turned on, will continuously consume energy in the human body...

It's like piercing a small hole in a water container. Over time, the water inside will drain out.

The solution is to use 'qi' to plug this loophole to avoid that situation.

I have researched the specific application method and taught it to Tanjiro. Whether he can practice it or not is his own business. "

"I see."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded.

The training system of the Dragon Ball world itself is the superior of "breathing method", and "qi" is a very universal ability, so it is not surprising that it can be used to make up for the shortcomings of "spots".

the other side.

The Cat Sage glanced at Uchiha Hikaru again: "When you come here this time, do you have anything else to tell me?"

"Two things really."

Uchiha Hikaru coughed slightly and said with a smile: "The first thing is about the Red Silk Army..."

"Red Silk Army?"

The Cat Immortal just thought for a moment and understood: "I have indeed seen some scenes about them in the water tank. According to the people in the lower world, they are the most evil legion in the world and have done many evil things. Many People tremble just hearing their names...

If you want to eliminate them, it is also a good thing for ordinary humans. "

"Does Master think so too?"

In fact, the destruction of the Red Silk Army was done by Little Wukong in the original work, and it did not affect his evaluation in the eyes of the Cat Fairy.

But Uchiha Hikaru is a person from another world after all, and has never been suppressed by the Red Silk Army. Suddenly he wants to deal with them, which is somewhat suspected of overstepping his authority.

So mentioning it to the Cat Immortal in advance is also a precautionary measure.

Of course, if Uchiha Hikari hadn't been brushing up Neko Sento's favorability during this period, the latter might not be so easy to talk to.

As for the second thing she wanted to ask...

"It's about Dragon Balls."

Uchiha Hikaru considered his words and spoke slowly: "Master, do you know anything about the Dragon Balls? If... I mean if, we want to borrow the Dragon Balls to other worlds for use, is that okay?"


The Cat Immortal licked his beard for a moment, as if he was surprised, and his eyes narrowed as if they were about to open: "Other worlds?"


Uchiha Hikaru nodded: "I wonder if Tanjiro has told you about the Demon Slayer Corps. Many people in the Demon Slayer Corps have had relatives and friends die at the hands of ghosts, even themselves. ...Tanjiro and I want to try to use the Dragon Balls to resurrect them, but we don’t know if it’s possible.”


The Cat Immortal was silent.

A long while.

Then it opened its mouth: "I can't give you an accurate answer to this question. You may have to ask the creator of the Dragon Balls."


"Well, it's the god."

The Cat Immortal thought for a moment before speaking again: "The gods live in the Celestial Temple far away from the mortal world and do not easily meet with humans. I can help you ask. If the gods are willing to meet you, I will let you know."

"Thank you so much, Master!"

Uchiha Hikaru pursed his lips and smiled.

As early as a few days ago, she had carefully considered these issues when she decided to go to the Dragon Ball world to collect Dragon Balls again.


Collecting Dragon Balls itself is not too difficult. The main competitor is a red silk army. As long as they are dealt with, there will basically be no problem.

——King Pilaf also participated in this search operation, but this guy is just a funny character, and he is also a very ordinary supporting role. At most, he will cause a little trouble for her, but it is nothing to worry about.


It is not difficult to bring Dragon Balls to other worlds, it is just a matter of "traveling".

But the problem is...

Dragon Balls brought directly to other worlds will most likely not be able to summon Shenlong.

After all, the power of the Dragon Balls comes from its creator. In the original timeline, once the god died, the Dragon Balls lost their function for a time, so the result of bringing these things to another world is likely to be the same as if the god died. Once the connection between the two parties is broken, they will not be able to make wishes normally.

To take a step back, even if everything goes well, there is still one problem——

After the dragon ball completes the wish, it will turn into a pile of stones and fly out. If the "borrowing" is over by then, she won't be able to bring the Dragon Balls back, and it won't be easy to explain to the Dragon Ball World...


You still have to find a way to meet with the gods and explain the matter clearly.

If the gods are unwilling to help, or if the Earth Dragon Balls are unable to do such a thing, then they can only find another way to try their luck on Planet Namek...

"If you want to see the Lord God, please leave it to Master."

Uchiha Hikaru said respectfully.

Since the Cat Immortal didn't say that the Heavenly Temple was above Kalin Tower, she pretended not to know this.

"Tanjiro's words..."

"This kid has good talent and perseverance. He is almost ready to grab the super holy water these days. If you have something to do, you can take him to do it first. After the thing is done, you can come back for the last stage of training. Late."

The Cat Immortal said while twirling his beard.


Uchiha Hikari gave the souvenir prepared in advance to Neko Sento, said goodbye to the latter, and then left Kalin Tower with Tanjiro.

Because the training time is still short, Tanjiro has not yet learned the dance technique.

But he has the golden somersault cloud given by Neko Sennin, so his speed is not much slower than Uchiha Hikari who uses the dancing sky technique.

Uchiha Hikaru was somewhat greedy for this "genuine" somersault cloud, but she couldn't sit on it, so she could only enjoy the pleasure.

"Speaking of which... I wonder if Kikyo and the others can ride on the Golden Somersault Cloud?"

Uchiha Hikaru thought for a moment.

It goes without saying that Kikyo's heart is pure enough to be able to use the "Light of Purification", so there is no reason why she can't ride somersault clouds.

In the words of others…

Eriki and Yotsuya Miko might also be good, followed by Yamato - although this Onihime's brain circuit is a bit strange, her mind can indeed be described as pure, and it is not surprising that she can ride on the golden somersault cloud.

On the contrary, Brand and Hiroyuki Kizane, although they are kind-hearted, but one has a lot of blood in his hands, and the other has a scorpion on his body, there is a high probability that they will not be able to do it.

After thinking wildly all the way, I chatted with Tanjiro about "angry" things for a while.

The two returned to the Universal Capsule Company in Xidu and met Bulma and others again.

Yamato had already returned from shopping with Brigitte. As soon as he saw Uchiha Hikaru, he rushed towards her with surprise and gave her a facial cleanser.'s literally "facial cleanser".

Seeing half of Uchiha Hikaru's body sinking into the ravine on Yamato's chest, the expressions of Esdeath and Tanjiro beside him became a little weird.

"...Okay Yamato, let me go, I'm going to be out of breath."

Uchiha Hikari felt the soft yet elastic touch on both sides of his cheeks, pulled it twice with his hands, and said dullly.

After Yamato stood up, she took a few breaths and introduced Tanjiro to her.

"Hey, are you the 'iron-headed boy' in the group?"

Yamato squatted in front of Tanjiro and touched his forehead with his fingers curiously: "Is your forehead really that hard? Can you bump it with me?"

"This is not good, Miss Yamato..."

Tanjiro hesitated.

"It doesn't matter. If you hit it, you won't lose a piece of meat. Come on, come on~"

At Yamato's insistence, Tanjiro finally nodded in agreement. Both parties took a deep breath, leaned back slightly, and then slammed their foreheads together.


With a crisp sound, a small cut opened on Yamato's forehead, and blood flowed out. Although Tanjiro also covered his forehead, he was obviously unscathed.

Uchiha Hikaru and Bulma looked at each other in confusion.


"Even Yamato..."

If Tanjiro and Yamato were to fight, there is no doubt that the odds of winning for both sides are 1 to 9. Even Tanjiro, who has learned "ki", will never be able to defeat Yamato because the gap between the two sides is too big.


In the competition of forehead hardness, even Yamato, who inherited Kaido's physique, couldn't beat Tanjiro. It seems that the latter's title of "Iron-Headed Boy" is really well deserved.

the other side.

Esdeath just glanced at Tanjiro a few times and stopped paying attention.

With Tanjiro's strength, it's hard for her to take him seriously.

That night.

A sumptuous banquet was held at Bulma's house to entertain Uchiha Hikari and others who came from afar.

After they had had enough wine and food, Brigitte began to arrange a place for several people to sleep at night.

Uchiha Hikaru found Dr. Breeve and handed him several letters about academic exchanges that Orochimaru had recently written. He also got the last reply from the latter, planning to wait until he returned this time. Then hand it over to Orochimaru.

During this process, Dr. Briff mentioned the progress of the "Uchiha Clan Bloodline Traceability Project."

"In this regard, I have made some progress recently."

"Judging from the results of a series of laboratory analyzes and comparative experiments, there is indeed a genetic defect in the bloodline of the Uchiha clan. It is this defect that causes the brain structure of the Uchiha clan to be more abnormal than that of ordinary people. , will accumulate the negative emotions that usually occur, causing the emotions to be unable to be vented for a long time, thus forming the so-called 'blood disease'.

As the process of 'opening eyes' deepens, this defect will not be compensated, but will become worse. Therefore, the more magatama there are, especially after the 'Kaleidoscope' is turned on, the more serious the blood disease will be. …”

After explaining the medical findings.

Dr. Briff came to the point: "Based on these experimental results, I developed a gene-targeting drug that can repair the genetic defects of the Uchiha people through intravenous injection... In addition, it can also be used without triggering the disease. Under certain circumstances, it stimulates the eye cells of the Uchiha people to make their pupils more stable."


Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows: "Could the raw material of that potion be..."

"Well, I took reference from the genetic samples of 'Naruto Uzumaki' and 'Uzumaki Uzumaki'. This genetic sample seems to be able to also affect the copy of 'Kimimaro' that you sent me last time, Miss Hikari." In the patient’s blood sample…”

After a pause, Dr. Breve continued: "However, these results have only been successful in the laboratory so far, and have not been subjected to clinical trials. It is not yet certain whether there will be any rejection reactions when used on living humans. "

This is normal.

People with Uchiha bloodline, except for Uchiha Hikaru, are all in the Naruto world. Naturally, there is no way to conduct clinical trials.

"Please also give me a few samples of this medicine. Next time I go home, I will recruit a few tribesmen to try it."

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