I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 216: Master Roshi and the automatic dodge technique

Dr. Brieff is, after all, a scientist, not a practitioner.

His explanation of "blood disease" is based on experimental data, but from the perspective of a practitioner, the essence of the problem is actually two words -


Whether it is the "qi" in the Dragon Ball world or the chakra system in the Naruto world, balance is very important, especially the balance of Yin and Yang Dun. When the Yin Escape, which symbolizes spiritual power, and the Yang Escape, which symbolizes physical strength, lose the balance, various unfavorable consequences will occur.

For example, Uchiha.

Before the Three Magatama, Yin Dun and Yang Dun were generally on the same level, so even if there were genetic defects, they would generally not be exposed prematurely, but would lie dormant in the body in the form of hidden diseases.

But once the kaleidoscope is turned on, the power of Yin Escape increases dozens of times in a short period of time. When the physical strength cannot keep up, various problems will appear. There are signs of physical collapse.

Even the Eternal Kaleidoscope can only ensure that the eyes will no longer go blind. The physical burden of using the Eye Technique will still exist, so it is essentially treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

If you want to cure the root cause, you have to start with Yang Dun.

——That is, the "fairy body" of Senju and Uzumaki.

In theory.

The "gene-targeting agent" produced by Dr. Briff should have similar effects to Hashirama and Shiro Zetsu cells.

However, the specific effect and whether further adjustments and improvements are needed still need to be determined based on clinical data.

Uchiha Hikaru planned to give these things to Orochimaru to study, make some localization modifications, and then let Fugaku select tribesmen to try them out.

The first batch of experimental products... well, it should be said that they are "clinical samples", and they must be considered a ferret.

After all, his blood disease is the most obvious in the entire Uchiha.

A copy of the experimental results was given to Orochimaru, which was regarded as an employee benefit given to him by his boss. Although Orochimaru no longer covets Itachi's body, he covets hers instead...

That night.

Uchiha Hikaru and his party stayed at Bulma's house.

At Bulma's insistent request, Uchiha Hikaru brought the quilt over and slept in the same room with her - a commemoration of the days when the two of them were searching for the Dragon Ball together and spent time together under the same roof last year. Esdeath and Tanjiro, on the other hand, share a room.

Yamato originally wanted to come over and sleep with Uchiha Hikaru.

But given her size, the bed she slept on was specially made for her by Bulma recently. It was four or five meters long. It was not easy to get into Bulma's bedroom door, so she could only give up the idea.

That night, Uchiha Hikaru was pulled by Bulma and listened to her chatter for a long time, sometimes about the experience of finding the Dragon Ball last year, sometimes about the situation with Goku and Kame Sennin, sometimes about the pirate group's plan, until The moon peaked at the top, then gradually stopped, and then he fell into a deep sleep wrapped in a thin quilt.

A night of silence.

The next day, the sky was clear and the air was clear.

After finishing breakfast and saying hello to the Brives, Bulma used a universal capsule to throw out an airship, and took Uchiha and others towards Kamesen Island.

Among the group of people, Uchiha Hikari and Tanjiro have seen the "world".

But Esdeath and Yamato are both riding in the Dragon Ball world's transportation for the first time - to be precise, Yamato has ridden in cars several times some time ago, but they were all on the road. Flying like this Compared with the "car", the feeling is worlds apart.

So along the way, Yamato kept lying in front of the window, overlooking the mountains and rivers outside, and making loud shouts from time to time.

Esdeath's reaction was not that exaggerated, but it could also be seen that she was trying to maintain her composure and maintain her character as a cold and proud military concubine.

"By the way, the pirate ship that Miss Bulma said she wanted to make before will also be able to fly, right?"


Hearing Yamato's words, Bulma smiled: "I do have this idea, but I'm still thinking about it... Even if this function is added, it will definitely be focused on sea navigation. After all, the 'Pirate' we want to build Well, if we fly in the air instead, wouldn’t it violate the most basic professional ethics of this profession?”


Uchiha Hikari thought to himself, what the hell is "professional ethics"? If that's the case, wouldn't they have to go out to rob a few times and get a few big ones to qualify as "pirates"?

But it doesn't matter.

The power system of the pirate world is not too low, but most of the ships used seem to be wooden ships, and generally pirates do not pay much attention to the weapons on the ship, but care more about their own strength and fruit abilities. Even if Bulma does not equip that destroyer with any weapons of mass destruction such as missiles or nuclear warheads, as long as the artillery system is fully assembled...

It is estimated that it will bring a little shock to the world of pirates with strong ships and powerful guns.

After several hours of flying.

The airship hovered over Guixian Island. After lingering for a while, it found an open space and landed slowly.

It was obviously not the first time that Bulma came here. After taking the airship back into the capsule, he walked directly to the cabin in the middle of the island, knocked on the unlocked door carelessly a few times, then pushed it open and started yelling. :

"Hey, perverted old man, you're hiding at home alone watching those bad shows again!"



Kame Sennin was holding his chin with one hand, lying half on the floor, happily watching the young lady on the TV doing soft gymnastics movements that showed off the flexibility of her waist.

When he heard Bulma's voice, the old man was startled, and then he showed a smiling expression: "It's Bulma, I haven't seen you come to visit me for a while, how can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air?" …”

"Stop being so sentimental. I'm here to see Wukong and Lan Qi. Who would want to see a perverted old man like you? How can you be so innocent?"

Bulma snorted coldly, took two steps into the house, and let the door open.

Uchiha Hikaru followed.

Then there are Esdeath and others.

After seeing them, Kame Sennin's eyes immediately lit up.

"Bulma, these lovely ladies are..."

"Tsk, did you forget it so quickly? You still saw her at this time last year...right Xiaoguang?"


Turtle Sennin was stunned for a moment, then tilted his head and thought for a while, then gradually recalled: "Hey, is it you, the girl who searched for the Dragon Balls with Wukong and the others? I remember your name seems to be..."

"Light, Uchiha light."

Uchiha Hikari announced his home.

Compared with Bulma, she was not really close to Kame Sento, they just knew each other. And the last time we met was a year ago, when we were collecting dragon balls. Although Turtle Immortal was interested in seeing her at that time and mentioned the idea of ​​accepting her as his disciple, he just said it casually, and a year later, he had almost forgotten about it.


Yubu Ma spoke up and introduced both parties in turn.

Facing the beautiful Esdeath, Kame Sento showed a lewd expression as expected. It wasn't until Esdeath looked back at him with murderous eyes that he twitched his eyebrows and smiled. A hint of solemnity.

"Is this lady also a friend of Bulma and Xiao Guangqian..."

Based on Kame Sennin's experience, he could naturally tell that Esdeath's body was stained with blood.


Still quite a lot of blood.

Esdeath was also looking at the old man with a scrutinizing gaze, seeming to be aware of the strong aura hidden in him.


Esdeath couldn't help but extend an invitation: "Old man, do you want to have a fight?"


Turtle Immortal was a little confused.

Uchiha Hikaru next to him coughed and explained: "That's it, Teacher Wutian. This Esdeath is a friend of Bulma and I, and he is also a martial artist who is keen on challenges. I heard that you are the "God of Martial Arts". "


After hearing the explanation from the "Martial Arts Master", the expression on Mr. Turtle's face became a little more serious: "'The God of Martial Arts' was a long time ago. Now I am just an old man who lives in idle clouds and wild cranes, but I don't deserve this title..." …I will only agree to it if you are willing to show me your underwear.”

"...Old man, are you tired of living?"

Esdeath's expression turned cold, and he released a substantial amount of murderous intent.

Watching the air in the room begin to become tense.

Uchiha Hikaru sighed, took out a comic book from his ninja bag, and handed it to the coffee table: "Teacher Wutian, I also know that asking you to give me some advice may be a bit abrupt, so why not take this as a reward? I still have a lot of comics like this, and I can give them to you if you are willing to take action.”


Turtle Sennin took the comic and flipped through two pages. His breathing became a little faster: "Okay, okay... I can't tell that this little girl like you is quite sensible. In that case, let me discuss it with this young lady. ”


The group of people got up from the living room and came outside the house.

The area of ​​Guixian Island is very small, only a few hundred square meters in total, so it is a bit cramped to use.

Just when Kamesenren threw out a small boat and planned to go to the shore to fight.

Esdeath walked to the edge of the island, squatted down gently, and pressed down with his hands: "Huh..."

The surge of power originating from the devil's essence.

in a blink.

The blue sea water was condensed into ice, and the ice and snow spread rapidly towards the distant sea. In just a moment, the sea area within ten kilometers was frozen into a solid and thick flat land, enough to run a train on it.


Turtle Immortal's eyelids twitched.

He didn't sense the existence of "qi" from Esdeath, so he could only think about it from another aspect.

There are many types of superpowers in the Dragon Ball world. General Lan's full-body restraint, Dumpling's ability to control others, and even Oolong and Poole's transformation magic can all be counted in this list. Kame Sennin has seen many of them, but they can change the terrain on such a large scale. Superpowers are relatively rare.

"You can understand that."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded.

the other side.

Esdeath walked a little further onto the ice, turned around and hooked her fingers: "Come on."

Wait for Kame Sennin to stand on the ice with his hands behind his back.

Esdeath took the lead, flying across the 100-meter distance between the two sides like lightning, and punched them head-on!

"……So fast!"

Kame Sennin looked surprised, but his body reacted immediately. He ducked the punch with a short body, and then dodged sideways to avoid Esdeath's sharp whip again.


After confirming that the old man in front of him was indeed very skilled, Esdeath raised the corners of his mouth and showed a cold smile: "It seems that I underestimated you, but looking at your old and frail appearance, it's best Don't hold on, otherwise I can't guarantee that you will escape unscathed."

"Hehe, Miss Esdeath, don't worry about this."

In just a few words.

Esdeath's fists and feet accelerated again and again, and attacked Master Kame like a storm. From the perspective of the spectator, it was as if she had three heads and six arms in an instant, because the movements of punching and kicking were too fast, and even several afterimages were left in the air in an instant.

Compared to Esdeath.

Master Kame's movements did not seem to be fast, and even a little slow, but he dodged most of Esdeath's moves one by one. This contrast between fast and slow looked a little weird, and Bulma and Tanjiro opened their eyes in surprise, as if they didn't understand what was going on.

Uchiha Hikaru had already opened his Sharingan and carefully observed every move of Master Kame.

"...Is this the simplified version of 'Ultra Instinct'?"

Speaking of which...

Master Kame's strength at this point in time was not weak, but it was actually not that strong.

The 139 combat power in the original work was detected by Bulma using Raditz's detector in the Saiyan chapter, and it belonged to Master Kame in normal state at that time. When Master Kame is in the state of Qi explosion and goes all out, it may be higher than this number, reaching a level of about 200.

——This is also a feature of the Dragon Ball world.

For those martial artists who have "Qi", the combat power value can only be used as a reference, because the strength they exert in different states may be several times different. A typical example is Goku, who can't even beat Yamcha when he is hungry, but can easily beat the opponent after eating and drinking.


Now Master Kame has been idle for decades.

According to the original plot, he defeated Goku at the 21st World No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament half a month later, and it took a lot of effort. After that, he secretly practiced hard for three years before barely recovering to a level similar to Tien Shinhan and Goku at that time, so now he is unlikely to reach 139 combat power.

As for Esdeath, it is difficult to measure accurately because of the different systems, but I think even if she is not as good as Piccolo, she is not much worse, that is, between 200 and 300.

Of course.

The premise is to take into account the "Essence of Demon".

If we simply compare physical skills, although Esdeath's strength and speed are much higher than Master Roshi, she is obviously inferior to Master Roshi in terms of skills.

Especially when Master Roshi uses the "Simplified Ultra Instinct", or "Automatic Dodge Technique".

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