I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 217 Are you interested in participating in the world's number one martial arts tourname

The so-called "automatic dodge technique" is not a trick in essence, but a martial arts realm.

That is, relying on years of martial arts experience, one can instinctively predict the opponent's tactics and attack patterns, so as to dodge in advance. In principle, it is somewhat similar to the "transparent world" in Demon Slayer.

In addition...

"Why does this old man with white beard look like he can use Observation Haki?"

Yamato looked at it for a while and suddenly spoke.

That's right.

It is said that the Observation Haki in the Pirate World can also foresee the opponent's attack when it is cultivated to a high level. It has a bit of the same taste as "Transparent World" and "Automatic Dodge Technique".

"Tanjiro, watch carefully, this is the live teaching of the 'God of Martial Arts'."

Uchiha Hikaru patted Tanjiro on the shoulder: "Recall your father's teachings when he was alive, and see if you can understand something."

In the original work, Tanjiro learned the "Transparent World" from his father Tanjuro when he was young, but he could not use it freely. He remembered it again when he was chasing Hantengu's real body. After that, it was not until the final battle against Akaza that he completely mastered its principles and killed Akaza.

Now, the appearance of Uchiha Hikaru and the chat group has changed Tanjiro's growth trajectory. He has not been able to fight against the upper-rank demons other than the Daki brothers and sisters, so he has not been able to fully understand the role of the "Transparent World".

This battle in front of him may be an opportunity for him.

"Well, I know."

Tanjiro opened his eyes wide and watched attentively.

On the other side

Facing the slippery turtle master, Esdeath gradually got angry: "Hmph, is this all you can do to dodge? Then try this trick... Demon God Appearance: Ice Purgatory!"

Accompanied by a sharp shout.

Boundless cold air burst out from Esdeath's body, and in an instant, it filled the sky and earth with a radius of hundreds of meters, and then turned into countless white ice spikes, all shot at the turtle master, as if to imprison him!


This time, the turtle master had no way to avoid it, and could only boost the "qi" in his body, and suddenly shouted:

"Ten Thousand Nations Shocking Palm!"

In an instant, tens of thousands of watts of bright golden high-voltage current burst out from the palm of the turtle master, and hit the white ice spikes head-on!

This move is one of the famous skills of the turtle master, which comes from his teacher Wu Taidou.

At this moment, where the current passes, even the ice layer several feet thick is quickly melted and disintegrated. Then, a large amount of light and heat began to burst out in all directions, turning into overwhelming hot steam, covering the sea!


Before the steam spread to the location of Uchiha Guang and others, the mist in the sky condensed again. Amidst the frost, a huge ice throne rose behind Esdeath, and she rushed towards the opposite Kame-sennin. And Kame-sennin finally exhaled and spoke, opening up a more powerful muscle state.

From the perspective of the bystander, you can clearly see that his shriveled and thin body quickly swelled up like a balloon, and his entire body expanded by nearly twice!

"So this is your true strength?"

Esdeath's loud laughter rang out on the battlefield: "With such strength, I recognize you! Among the opponents I have met so far, I would like to call you the second strongest!"

"... The second strongest?"

Then the first one, is it...

Bulma and Yamato noticed Esdeath's words, and turned their heads in unison to look at Uchiha Hikaru who was silent.

Under the gaze of several people, Uchiha Hikaru pursed his lips slightly, and a hint of embarrassment appeared on his fair face.

Esdeath's line was of course learned from her.

How to say...

When this line is said by oneself, it feels quite handsome.

But as a bystander, when hearing others say it in front of oneself, there is a sense of shame of being publicly punished for the second-year syndrome, and the embarrassment of dipping one's toes on the ground.

Fortunately, Bulma and the others didn't care.

After all, their average age is only in their teens, and they have not completely gotten rid of the second-year syndrome. Among them, Yamato even clenched his mace tightly, as if he also wanted to rush in to fight with Esdeath and compete with Master Kame for the title of "Second Strongest".

The battle continued.

From the moment Master Kame activated his muscle state, the duel really entered the white-hot stage.

As the momentum of both sides increased again and again, the originally frozen ice surface began to crack, break, turn into surging waves and roll up high, and then be frozen and sealed again. The golden electric current was like a huge snake, wandering freely in the surrounding air, making a buzzing sound.

The evaporated seawater rose into the sky and gradually formed a dark cumulonimbus cloud.


The clouds collided, and the deep purple lightning disappeared in the sky, accompanied by rolling thunder.

The sea surface more than ten kilometers away began to churn and surge, forming huge waves more than ten meters high.

A storm is about to come.

In this situation, Esdeath stepped on the ice and rose to a height of 100 meters. With just a snap of her fingers, a huge ice meteorite emerged in the air. With a light push from the military girl's hand, it fell rapidly downwards.

Facing the huge shadow falling from the sky, Kame Sennin took a deep breath, formed his hands into the shape of a calyx, and then condensed the remaining "qi" in his body into his palms, turning them into increasingly brighter energy light balls.



"Turtle Style Qigong!"

The ice meteorite fell and the Qigong wave launched almost at the same moment.

The next second, the slender beam of light hit the huge meteorite and penetrated from the bottom of the ice layer. After a brief period of calm, a subtle light was seen shining through the outer surface of the meteorite, and then more and more... During this process, clusters of spider web-like cracks started from the initial point and spread to the entire ice surface!


In just a blink of an eye, the ice meteorite made of ice was penetrated and crushed, and the turtle qigong wave penetrated from the middle of the meteorite. Although the size seemed to have shrunk a bit, its power remained undiminished. It continued to fly high into the sky and penetrated the clouds in the sky in one breath before gradually spreading out.


Taking advantage of the temporary lull in the fighting, Kame Sennin turned around and quickly ran back to the island: "Let's stop here. If we continue to fight, I may not be able to save my island."

After a pause, Kame Sennin looked at Esdeath in the air and spoke again: "Your strength is very good. You have never systematically learned 'Qi', but you can force me to this point just by relying on your physical fitness and superpowers." If we continue to fight, I should be the loser."


Esdeath seemed a bit underwhelmed.

But Kame Sennin admitted defeat so straightforwardly, she couldn't force the opponent to continue fighting, so she could only sigh, snap her fingers with a little displeasure, and disperse the ice around her, while she calmed down her momentum slightly. , stepping on the ice and returning to Guixian Island.

Until then.

Tanjiro just broke away from watching the battle and praised loudly: "Miss Esdeath is so amazing! Mr. Kame Sennin is so amazing! I didn't expect that 'ki' can be used to such an extent. It's really eye-opening." …Thank you both very much for allowing me to watch your fight!”

"Haha...that little guy is too polite."

Kame Sennin responded with a smile, sounding a little out of breath.

no way.

Although the muscle state is stronger than normal, the "qi" will be consumed faster accordingly. If Kamesennin was still in middle age back then, he should have been able to hold on for a while longer, but now, even if he doesn't directly admit defeat to Esdeath, Kamesento will soon be forced to withdraw from the "muscle state".


Even if he really still had plenty of physical strength, Kame Sennin estimated that he would lose. With his eyesight, he could vaguely see that the blue-haired woman he was fighting was not using her full strength.

——This is indeed the case. If Esdeath activates "Mokobotemo" as soon as she comes up, Kame Sennin who has not yet entered a serious fighting state will probably be killed directly by her. Even Kame Sennin, who was exerting all his strength, could not resist the effect of space being frozen.

From this perspective, "Mokobotemo" is also an ability that can kill at first sight.

"...It's such a formidable life. I didn't expect that I just lived in seclusion on the island for decades, and a master like you would appear outside... Can I ask, who is your master?"

Turtle Immortal held it in a few times before he still asked out of curiosity.

About this question.

Esdeath's reaction was flat: "I don't have a master."

As a blood descendant of a minority in the northern border of the empire, Esdeath's skills were all achieved with his own punches. If he had to say "master", he might only be his father when he was a child. Since then, he has been alone. People hunt dangerous species and northern aliens, participate in imperial capital martial arts competitions to win first place, and then join the military and climb up step by step...

Compared with sects such as Kamesen-ryu and Kakusen-ryu, which have clear inheritances, it can only be regarded as a wild path that I blindly figured out by myself.

"This... was actually cultivated by yourself?"

Turtle Immortal looked surprised.

Uchiha Hikaru nodded and responded helpfully: "That's true. As you can see, this friend of Bulma and I are good at using super powers. There is no teacher who can teach us in this area. We can only rely on our own exploration and understanding... But We would also like to ask for your advice on matters related to 'qi'."

"Can you give me some advice..."

Before Kame Sennin could continue to speak.

A sound of surging waves suddenly came from the sea not far away.

Uchiha Hikaru and Tanjiro were the first to notice the movement. They turned and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a motorboat cutting through the waves and speeding towards the island.

It only takes half a minute.

The motorboat arrived in front of Turtle Island and stopped. Little Wukong and Klin, wearing fighting suits with the word "turtle" written on them, both jumped out of the boat, followed by carrying large and small bags, as if they were going out to buy groceries. Lan Qi - the one with blue hair.

Speaking of which, this Miss Lanqi is quite interesting.

According to the setting of the original Dragon Ball, she is a rare patient with dual personality. As long as she sneezes, she will switch from a gentle and soft-spoken blue-haired form to a violent and cruel blonde form. From a certain perspective, it can be regarded as a gift. It's a pity that his combat power is a bit low and he has never learned "Qi", so he can only be a cook on Guixian Island.

"Hey, Bulma, are you here?"

Little Wukong noticed Bulma immediately, and then looked at several other people in turn.

When he saw Uchiha Hikari, little Goku was obviously stunned for a moment, tilted his head and thought for a while, then suddenly stretched out a finger:

"It's you! You're the sister who stuck me with the needle!"


Uchiha Hikari was slightly startled.

She...did prick little Goku with a needle.

When I was collecting Dragon Balls last year, I wanted to collect some Saiyan blood samples, so I tried to get some blood and skin samples from Goku. I didn’t expect that this little guy had such a good memory that he could still recognize her at a glance after such a long time...

But when he saw her, he thought of needles. Could it be that the blood collection last year hurt him?

Recalling the setting in the original work where little Goku was afraid of injections, Uchiha Hikari couldn't help but look weird.

You can't. This weakness is caused by her, right?

the other side.

After listening to Bulma's introduction to Uchiha Hikari and others, Klin nodded to them and said hello, then turned to look at the sea next to him - there were still many large and small ice cubes floating there that had not completely melted. The cumulonimbus clouds have not completely dispersed yet:

"Father Wu Tian, ​​what happened just now? When Wukong, Miss Lanqi, I, and I came from the town, we saw lightning and thunder here. Do you and these guests have any questions? Does it matter?"

"You saw the lightning and thunder all wrong."

Turtle Sennin explained casually: "It's a sunny day today, where's the lightning coming from? Have you and Wukong finished training? Don't hurry up, otherwise you won't be able to eat at lunch."


Klin scratched his bare head, his face full of doubt.

After some more greetings, the group followed Kame Immortal into the house.

Lan Qi brought the vegetables and meat she had just bought into the kitchen, put on her apron and started cooking.

Little Wukong and Krillin were sent out by Kame Sennin to do push-ups and sit-ups outside the house. It is said that this is what they must do before meals every day.


The Kame Immortal thought for a moment and began to respond to the topic of "guiding practice" mentioned by Uchiha Hikaru just now:

"Let's not talk about the 'guidance' thing for now. I have a small question that I want to ask you first."

Kame Sennin paused and looked up at Uchiha Hikaru and the others: "I don't know, are you interested in participating in the 'World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference' in half a month?"

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