I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 218 Target Red Silk Army

Uchiha Hikari had only briefly thought about the idea of ​​signing up for a martial arts tournament before, and had not yet had time to discuss it with Esdeath.


When Esdeath learned about the existence of this event from the mouth of Turtle Immortal, Esdeath was immediately interested.

"I see, is there actually a competition like the Empire's 'Contest of Martial Arts' in this world?"

"Strong men from all over the world will come to participate...that means you may meet many people like you, old man?"

Although the fight just now was not completely finished, Esdeath still recognized Kame Sennin's strength.


It may not be realistic to meet an opponent of the same level as him in a martial arts conference.

Dragon Ball Earth in this period was not without its masters. Not to mention the Neko Senshi and the two in the temple, as well as the Great Demon King Piccolo, the Kakusen-ryu lineage, which is as famous as the Kamesen-ryu, had quite a few people whose combat prowess exceeded 100 fierce people, such as Tianjin Fan, Tao Baibai, and He Xianren himself.

——Although Hexianren basically never takes action in the original work, he actually has a combat power of 120 and is already considered the best among the people on earth.

Hmm... Arale from Penguin Village is also one, but that one is a funny character and cannot be guessed using common sense.


None of the above people will appear at the 21st Martial Arts Conference.

The champion of this competition is Kame Sennin, who competes under the pseudonym "Jackie Chan", and the runner-up is Little Goku. Further down, there is Klin and Namu - the one who uses the "Sky Cross Fist". Except for the first two who can compete with Esdeath, the rest probably have an average combat power of about 5 or 60. If they were to face Esdeath, they would be easily defeated without even finishing their warm-up.


In order to add a little more twists and turns to the conference, Uchiha Hikari had already made plans——

She herself, too...

"Hey, so there is such a competition?"

Suddenly, Yamato interjected, his tone sounded quite excited:

"Is the title of the champion the 'Number One Master in the World'? It sounds interesting... I want to participate too!"

"Well...although my strength is relatively weak, if possible, I would also like to see the grace of all seniors with my own eyes."

Tanjiro said cautiously.

Even Bulma showed an expression of eagerness to try: "Xiaoguang, let's join in the fun, I will cheer for you below the ring... By the way, there are also Miss Kikyo, Brand, Eri Yi, Shui... …They should also be very interested in this competition, I will ask in the group later!”

——It can be heard that Bulma originally wanted to bring "Minato" with him, but soon realized that the latter was still in a soul state and could not come over, so he had to skip it.

the other side.

Uchiha Hikari raised an eyebrow.


All she had thought about before was that she would compete with Esdeath, see the skills of those Earth martial artists, and see if there were any moves worth copying.


"It would be okay to let Brand and the others come together..."

Everyone has been in the group for so long, and there has never been an "official" offline gathering. It would be a pleasure to take advantage of the martial arts conference to meet up and have fun together.

But Eri Yi will definitely not be able to compete.

Her speech spirit and judgment are too overbearing. If you don't use them, you will die if you use them. If someone makes a bad decision and accidentally kills a few spectators, I'm afraid the trouble will be big.

As for Polygonum cuspidatum Hisuhito…

Su Nuo in his body is also a dangerous person. Not only is he violent in temperament, but his ability "Subjugate Demons and Royal Cooks" is no less than the large-scale group attack spell of Yan Ling·Judgment. Su Nuo is also capable of killing everyone in the martial arts conference. There is absolutely no psychological pressure on the audience. If Hirohito the Tiger Sticker was coming too, Uchiha Hikaru thought that he would have to talk to Su Nuo first.

It's best if we can negotiate.

Otherwise, we can only use some special means to try to "persuade" him.

[Brand: The best martial arts tournament in the world? It sounds interesting. 】

[Gui Ji: Yes, yes. 】

[Brand: I don’t have many tasks here recently. If I am free then, I will go over and join in the fun. 】

It has been some time since Uchiha Hikaru left Zhanchi World.

During this period of time, the situation in the empire has been gradually stabilized. Although some stubborn forces are still gathering for chaos, and the purges of old officials and old nobles are still in progress, they are all minor troubles. It is said that Glenn, the supreme leader of the Revolutionary Army, is preparing to ascend the throne, by which time the old empire will be completely history.

To this end, the revolutionary army has prepared to pardon a group of officials whose crimes were not too serious, as well as death row inmates in prisons, to appease people's hearts.

The assassination missions of "Night Raid" people are obviously much less than before.

That's why Brand, as the main player, can take time off to play.

By the way, Brand also asked Uchiha Hikaru if he could bring someone over.

[Unnamed: Leonai and Chitong? If they are interested and don't mind being sealed for a short period of time, that's fine with me, and Bulma should be very welcome. 】

[Yoko Miko: Well, can I go? 】

[Yoko Miko: I don’t mean to compete, I just want to watch from the audience... I have been in the group for so long, and I have never seen Tanjiro’s brother, Yamato’s sister, Mr. Brand, and Knotweed-san. Looks like. 】

[Bulma: Sure, my house is quite big, so it's no problem to entertain hundreds of people. We can have a party and have fun! ]

After a pause, Bulma tagged Kikyo again.

For Bulma, if the group members were ranked by closeness, the first one would undoubtedly be Uchiha Hikaru, and the second one would probably be Kikyo. Although the latter was the second batch to join the group, the two of them spent two months together in the Inuyasha world looking for the Four Souls Jewel, and they spent a lot of time together during that time, so their friendship is still quite solid.

However, Kikyo's interest in the martial arts tournament is obviously not as strong as Brand and Yamato's.

[Kikyo: I will go to watch the game, but forget about participating. After all, my abilities are all used to deal with monsters and sneaky, and are not suitable for fighting with others. Besides, I won't be a match for Miss Hikaru and Miss Esdeath, so I won't show off my skills in front of them. ]

[West Central Tiger: ... Sorry, I may not be able to go. Gojo Satoru recently arranged a special training for me, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki, so it's really hard to ask for leave. 】

[Unknown: Hmm...]

Having said that, Uchiha Hikaru estimated that the main reason why Yuji Itadori didn't come was Sukuna.

After all, he was a "prisoner on suspended death row", and it was only thanks to Gojo Satoru's guarantee that he was not directly executed by the high-level personnel of the Jujutsu World. If he ran to another world casually, not to mention whether it would have any impact on the Dragon Ball World, Gojo Satoru would be hard to explain.

With Yuji Itadori's personality, he would naturally not do such a reckless thing.

——In fact, when Yuji Itadori was chatting, he would occasionally lose the line because he was replaced by Sukuna. However, even if Sukuna occupied Yuji Itadori's body, he could not see the messages in the chat group, so Uchiha Hikaru didn't care much about these things.

[Wuming: OK, let's meet again next time... If you don't mind, we can choose your place for the next meeting. We can go to your place together. I really want to meet your teacher Gojo Satoru. ]

Although Gojo Satoru's strength is not as good as Sukuna, it is mainly because of the problem of "Space Slash". The difference on the panel is not too big. I guess... it should be enough to fight Esdeath, right?


In the Dragon Ball world.

Although it is a bit unclear about the origins of Uchiha Hikaru and others, Master Kame still helped them all sign up.

Then, Master Kame mentioned that Goku and Krillin would also participate in the competition.

The reason why he took the initiative to mention the martial arts tournament and invited Esdeath to participate was because of these two disciples.

According to the original plot line, Master Kame was going to go into battle himself and beat Goku down - after all, the latter was participating in the martial arts tournament for the first time. If he won the championship directly, it would be easy for him to become complacent because of losing his goal, which would be very detrimental to his future growth. But now, with Uchiha Hikaru and others intervening in the competition, it is basically a foregone conclusion that Goku will not win the championship. Kame-senior seems to be much more relaxed, and is a little worried about the safety of his disciples.

——Let’s not talk about other people for now. With the strength that Esdeath showed before, it is more than enough to kill Goku.

In this regard.

Uchiha Hikaru promised in a low voice: "Don’t worry, Master Wu Tian. The competition in the ring is to stop at a certain point. We still understand these basic rules... On the contrary, can you allow us to ask a few questions now?"

"Is it about "qi"? "

Kame-senior waved his hand casually: "Ask, if I know the answer, I will try to tell you."

Putting aside the shortcomings of lust, Kame-senior is indeed a master in martial arts, and deserves the title of "God of Martial Arts". Even if it is not his disciple, as long as he is sure that it is a junior with good nature, he does not mind teaching his martial arts experience.

Well... it is indeed a "junior".

Kame-sennin is over 300 years old, and even if Uchiha Hikaru counts the time when he was sleeping, he is only over 100 years old, and is still just a child in front of him.


Uchiha Hikaru's tone is also very polite: "Of course there are problems with cultivation, but there are also some about the Red Silk Army..."


The second day after the "discussion" with Kame-sennin.

Uchiha Hikaru and his party stayed temporarily on Kame-sennin Island - the house they lived in was brought by Bulma, and was directly thrown on the side of the island with a universal capsule - and began to communicate and discuss with Kame-sennin about the cultivation of "qi".

Among the few people, Uchiha Hikaru and Tanjiro had studied with the Cat-sennin for a period of time. Although they did not learn much about moves - because the Cat-sennin himself did not pay much attention to the practice of moves, but the foundation was very solid. There was basically no obstacle when communicating with Kame-sennin.

As for Esdeath, she is still at the beginner stage and is working hard to refine her qi. If she wants to learn the use of "Dance in the Sky", it will probably take some time.

Then there is Yamato.

After watching Yamato perform Armament Haki and Observation Haki, Kame-sennin became interested in the "Haki" system and initially judged that this system was very close to "Qi" and could be integrated into one in theory.

However, it would take some time to explore and try it out.

Until eight or nine days before the martial arts tournament.

Uchiha Hikaru finally packed up and prepared to leave Kame-sennin Island temporarily to carry out the most important purpose of his trip -

the Red Silk Army.

Speaking of which...

Just two nights ago, the Dragon Ball Radar, which had been very calm and carried by Uchiha Hikaru, suddenly began to react-

The cooling time for making wishes with the Dragon Ball is one year.

But not a full year.

Because the so-called "cooling" is actually the process of the Dragon Ball's energy being exhausted and re-accumulating. This process is continuous, not suddenly full at a certain point in time. Therefore, in about eleven months, its energy can actually be detected by the Dragon Ball Radar.


Because the energy has not been fully restored, the Dragon Ball at this time cannot be used to make wishes.

Moreover, the light spots detected on the Dragon Ball Radar are relatively weak, and the frequency of flashing is relatively low. It can only indicate an approximate direction, with a certain error. Only when the person holding the radar is close enough to the Dragon Ball can he see the location of the light spot more clearly.

"Since our Dragon Ball Radar can already see the position of the Dragon Ball, the Red Silk Army should have already started to act."

"Nine days..."

If we can successfully find the Red Silk Army headquarters, it should be enough to wipe them out. It shouldn't be too late to come back to participate in the martial arts tournament after finishing all this.

Uchiha Hikaru planned this way.

"... Be careful on the road, Xiao Guang, remember to tell us in the group at any time if you have any questions, we can help you."

Before leaving, Bulma helped Uchiha Hikaru pack his luggage and gave him a few worried instructions.

"Well, I will. You should also be a little careful, don't let General Lan find you."

- General Lan had been to Kame Island in the original work. Although the plot has changed greatly now, it is not ruled out that there is a possibility of a little plot inertia, so we have to be on guard.

Uchiha Hikaru nodded and reminded Bulma to pay attention to safety. Then he summoned the Somersault Cloud and left the sea with Esdeath and flew towards the land.

They flew hundreds of miles all the way.

When passing a col, Uchiha Hikaru stopped for a while, took out the Dragon Ball radar in his arms, and identified it.

"Is there a Dragon Ball in this area...?"

"Let's go down and take a look together. Xiao Ai."

At the moment.

Uchiha Hikaru fell from the sky and began to search around with Esdeath.

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